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-. �'�fF: � . . , , .�:.� , i:.�, • ., .. . , �. �.�'. ,�.rw ., o--L y t -: - <br /> � -:�,_ . _ . �, „ . � � � � � - 9�3 ' � � �- <br /> __ '�aw�;�. .�:;� <br /> , 'rof��rl�C�i i�ii.n v�e i��i�oro�r or heratler aract�Q aa 1La�.►--t�►�aaa aN e4c�a�ae.-w.a��.ad <br /> „ 1{xtura now c+r M�rwft� • pMt.ot tha prop�ly. IUI �E �ad dditlo� �!1 dw be aurwd by IWr M�a�rity ::_; <br /> ta�a�uae�t.AIi a�tMt iore�oit�4 rdare�d a in el�i.sea�ity T�eweqeat ai die"Piropeiny.' . <br /> : AOlt�iW�t ODV�NAN'!'�dat llatvN►w�b.inu(Wly�eiieQ o�1M wt�a f��hy ooav�yed�ad br IM�d ie p�t wl .�- <br /> � � �wi'��Y tNd thi�Ihe P+u'�ertY b u�anoYi�b�ed�a�c�pl !�1 a�cwnbn�e�ot teoeMd, �amywer w�r�M��Ad.wiN' � <br /> . '. delad�oner�ly tbe dtk oat`ae Property a�in�t rU.dainr aad dem�nd�.subject ta wy aacwab�oei a[noad.. � � :: <br /> 11�tIS SECllitll'!l iNSl'RIJM�1'1'oao�bina unit'arm aov�ao�utr'foc.a�doawJ ufe�ad aoa-uuUiomr opv�u�vMb lipdq�d�� . . <br /> wrl�tiorr by Jur�dicHon eo owl�titnte a wdRam�ecurky inqnumeot oove*io�md p�e�q►. � � � • �;av,'" <br /> -�.-�---�=--n--� UMPORM C�ON�NAIV7'S.Bon�nwer iod Lendor anven�unt and�groe y fo�fo�vs: � ' <br /> 1. hy,�ale �f rMuapd.aa 6N.+era P�rop�y�t..a I..�a c6nfe.. 8on�aw�er sh.0 proa�ptlr,p�y waea due eh. � . '. <br /> Prladpd of�nd intenea an�he debt evWenoed by tbe Note and�nY P�Y�and I�te chae�es due uadar tlie Note. <br /> Z. Fa�toir 7'aw�ud Imnrnaoo.Subjxt ta appiic+�ble!�w or w�wriuen wdver by I.a�der.Bun+ow��h�ll p,y to ;. <br /> L�dor on the d�Y�h�Y WY�;�u�e duo under tbe Nota�untll the Note ie paid!n iWl.a wm('�rad+`)tar:t�1 Y�Y� ' � <br /> aad ar��ents which mRy�in priorlty over thl�Soauity Inatruaamu�a liaia on me Pnopetty:(b)Yariy le�welwid P�Y� <br /> _.. _ or�aund�ntrt an Ihe PropalX.if u►y;(c}Y�Y�a�F�A��(d)�Y���P�a�� <br /> if at►y:(e19��Y�o iaiu�a000 p�amiams,if�aq:�ad t�aaY�P�Y�bY'Bonower�a i.a�der.ia a000�noe a1N1 <br /> the provisio�l�of p1�r�pb lia�of�he pqroaedt of ato�tpge iou1�YD00 poemiYp�s.T6�GSC ife111Y a10 Gdled'BiC(OW IfemF." <br /> —� La�der m� anyr tjtne. cdlxt �wd hold Funds in�n aaiount not w eaaoed 1he rauimwm�upouryt a le�nder for a Sedaal�y <br /> rrJAtad mprtg�ge lain may�equi�e for BoTMOa�er's eacra�w acoount under the feder�l Rwl�we Settkmeat Pnooedwes Act of' <br /> "�-=- � 1974 os amendod frn�n time m timc. 12 t1.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("R63PA").unkss anoli�r law that apptks to d�e Faado <br /> ""�__ <br /> -.'� ids a les�er amouat. If w. Lendet m�►��1t�uU�da�o. ooiloct and hold Fundc ia w�noud aot to ezoeed t6a Iw�r atio�mt. - <br /> -,_,s�`°! =--=��,�r�;�� ; I.ender mwy estlmitte the amount of Fq�iz dne on the basis of cta�rent data and nacau�ble epRdaa�e�of e�pondipaes of�mut�q <br />-��.^;.r:� �(��"�y�, ;:•,�� Bqcrow Itpbs or othcrvvice in�rdanoa�with epplicable lew. � � �. ;. . <br />-,���:� _,��,�d.� , The Funds ehell be held in An insNtution whw�e deposits am insurcd by A federal agency. In�tadty. or e�,jx�,;;•.'� <br />'=�,.�_�F���'r. �.including I.ender.iF Lender ia such an institution)at in�ny Fedenl Home Loan 8a�k.i.ender shall apply YLe F�IM�w p�y the , ;},.: <br /> ' "°�"�'' • . •Fscruw Items.Lender may�at charge Borrower far holding and applying tho F1nds.�nnually+imlyzing the;ca�tbw sccouet.or <br />'_=�� �r� : ' ver�fying the Fscrow itema,unless Lender paya Boi7ower interest on the Funds�rid applicable luw ptrrNts Ledder W raake w�h <br /> - " �wY'• a charge.However.Lendtr may roquire Bamower to pny a one-time charge for nn independet�4 re�l estate taa r+epottin�setvGoe <br /> ;:-,°�: used by I.ender in oonnecdoa with'thi� Inan. unleas applicabie law providea.uthe;wise. tlnless an agtoement ir maib or <br /> ---'! " '' ;applicable law roqqires inierest tn be peid.Lender shall not be rrquircd to pay Borrower'any interest or aunid�s on tbo FurdR. <br /> -^sY. ;i,.#'I� I �: ' Aornnwer and Leuder.:nu agrec in wridn , however. that interest slwll Ix d an the�unit�a� Lender ahAlt;givC to Bormwu. . <br />__,��,ri Y 8 P� <br />;��h�_ �� '.. without charge,un annual a�caunting af Ihe Funds, showing credits and debhs to the Fuads and the pu�wse far whieb�ea�h <br /> — � ' ;deb'st ta ihe f'�nds uas r�ade.The Punds ane pledged�sadidona!secssslt�,�for a!!sums secured by ihl�Ssss��ily It�;., - <br /> , �- .� If the Funds held by I.ender exoeed the amounts permitted to be held by wpplicablo Iaw,l:eMer shall a�coubt to Honnwer <br /> �� ' A• �, I `�'�- for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds heW by �nder ai�ry <br /> � � <br /> .;'" '� ` .�,`�" time is nat sufficient to pay the F,scrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bonower in writing.end.ln•such c�sa 8orrower <br /> ahall pay to Lender�he amaunt necessary ta make up the deficie�y. Borrower�ahall m�lce up thc deticfency in ro taore tb�n <br />`-_� � ,,�`��4�� ',t a�"` twelve monthly payments,at L.ender's sole discrction. <br />_ ,;�t� � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrurnent, Lender shall prompdy r�iund to Borrower any <br /> Y�'`" _: :.: Funds heW by l.ender. If, under paragreph 21,Lender shull acquire or sell thc Pmperty,�or to the�cquisition or aAla <br /> Yfi'��"'�� �, ' of the Propeny,shall s�pply uny Funds held by L.cnder at the time af acquisil���or sale as a credit against the sumc sxured•by <br /> �, =i �:� �•--��'.��-�t,�„ this Security Instrument. <br />.;�;����'- � .•�•:�fit�'°�:°�- �•.'d� 3.Applicadon of Payments.Unless applicable luw provides otherwise,ull payments received by L,ender under puagraphs <br /> `'„��s:,� �;, .�r,.`'.3I..�.-"�4 I ond 2 shall be applied: fits(,to any prepayment charges duc under the Note; rtecond,to amouMa payable underpata�raph 2; <br /> :"1jj�`�" ;,����t�°w:�` � thit+d,to interest due;fourti�,to principnl due:und last,to s�ny late charges due under the Note. <br />:1¢ �� � ..,,r tfi�ro•;�� 4. Clw es; , <br /> ����'�• �'� rg Liens. FRurrower shall pay all tuxes, assessments,churges,fines c:nd impasitions atldbutabie �o the Property , <br />�'�`•r � ���''y�+ �����'r°��i�°��� which mu auain riorit aver ihis Securit Instrumen�, rnd leasehold a ments or round rerns, if un Burrower shall <br />'.�" �di��}��a!�`.. �:�"':�;;, Y p Y Y P Y R Y• PeY <br /> ��� k „•-� ,:4,. these obli utiam in the manner rovided in aro�ra h 2,or if not uid in that mamner,Borraµ•er sha11 a them on time dircctl <br />�.-.�1 �.:�;•�:%S,i � p P b P P � P Y Y <br />-�:�" •�' ••: • �•.����.,Y+ to the per+on owul payment. Bc�rrowcr shall pmmptly furnish to Lender ull no�ices of umounts to be paid under tnis paragraph. <br />�� �,'�,;,;,:,•��••- If Born�wer muke�these pnymems direcUy,&ircowrr shull promp�ly furnirh to Lender reccipts evidencing Ihe payments. <br /> .��,. . � . • &�rmwer shall prc�a�plly discharge any lien which ha�priari�y over this Scruriq lnctrument unless 8arrawer:(a)agrees i� <br /> , writing tu the payment nf thc ohligA�i�in kcun�l by thr lien in u munner urceptuhlc to l.ender;(b)con�exts ia good fui�h the lien , <br /> �' y x < '.. . by, ur dcfc�ds againxt cnforcemem i�f the licn in, Icgal pr�ke�Kling� whirh in thr I.ender'r opinion ope►ate to prevent the <br />,�1� '�,' ��, • ' enforcemenq of Ihe lien:or(r)�ecums frum the holdcr af the licn un agreement :wtixf'ucton tn Lendcr subordinating the lien to <br />; •f .;. . :��;��`•.. '. this Scrurlty lnxtrunknt. 14 l.enJer Jc�enninc+�hu�uny pan�►f tlu Prnpeny i. tiuhjert lu u lien whirh may uttuin priority over <br /> r..•. . <br /> •��;`.•y"•,'���'3 � •�" .•�� thi+S��curity In�trunxnt, Lender may gi�•e Borrowcr u nuticr iJenlifying the licn. Bnrmµ•er+hull.ali.fy the lien or take one or - <br />� '� �" • � <br /> �`� ,°`:%i��'�`�� more�f the nrrinne cet forth aiwrve within 10 Juy���I'�h�•��ivinp��f iH,lire. <br /> } ,.. <br /> -�'';` '� ir.;�,�,.;..---,��,,r. _ <br /> , S <br />`„?�_,;� ��.,l�'` •iJ:j�' 7R�'{ FO�m 30Z6 �1Y0 - <br /> ��i ��Ji�S.��.}i... — <br />-��_,1.�,: f}��..i , . �,r��S�t'� . � 0 8 -. <br />��'�1�R.�•�� ��.�It��tr:�.. .)ti}'l`kjt,'i"� P 2 1 =. <br /> �'-� + � '}'�J <br /> ,�, �` r p` <br />�- "� (r�ir-..•�i 4.i• �,. r �F = <br /> ';,�.���` "`is��'i.. ;.'�:5,�, , _ _ <br /> 1SC5(,�C��� ,��Y i ±.5, �Yu+�'���A . � • _ <br /> �. <br /> � �>kl� ..5�'rlitc <br /> ,r�� � 1:�•:���,(�#� y� �F� —____`-- ,.-_ — -_ — ° <br /> '�`Yi�C'.� 'u;'+{)+.)!,�,.i ' ' y3}t'�„ � ' " 1 ,?� ;;�:Y,x ;a'1' y�.,.,CKr+T:b�e"9'n:'i.��!£P`?�a�'r'r— <br /> ' '{, ��r,. ,.�t 1 �•;.�.. ,+ `,ci , , ;F,� � -, "�?�Fr��'°�"�"'—�a"'-- <br /> °. `-. < <�,��• - r 1 .�'����-'nC�'1f���.L�Y�en. __ <br /> •"a�1 l 7 ,.4r ' k 1 �L�-S+ _� �- _ - - <br /> . -. i�� � <br /> .. : • '•. . <br /> ��S � '.. �. . ,• '�• ' • 1 _ <br /> �.,-�.._ W_. <br /> � .. •I_i'. , ^".L^1'E.1�17�aa....���� <br /> - { �_�—_' _._, .:. 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