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<br /> .� � :f�'.: ;{�� _._.
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<br /> . „ ... . � -— __ —
<br /> ` ..(i�w�ta AoodMStlo�u�D��. 91- 10 2 6 5 8
<br /> `# uttons issuod by the Soc�e��ry in�he cas�of p�ymen�d�hulu�rooulro ��—�.�::�_--
<br /> ,� (�l D�t�oh.l.endu aw .exoept a Ilmitcd bY nN � an�r_.—.�__---
<br /> 0
<br /> ` tma�edlue p�yment ia ot�Il:una:ecured by this Secudty Initrun�t It:
<br /> . f � (�Borrower det�ulq by fdlin4 to p�y in(Ull�nY�uonthlY p�ymeAt rcquired by tbb Se¢udty Inarument prlm to a on —
<br /> .• �� •� � the due dste ot the next monthly p�fnnent,or _
<br /> ' (ii)8�co�rer det�ulb by fWin4.for�perlad of thlrty dRy�,�o perfarm my other obliptbns conuined in Ihu Secudty
<br /> � le�ttumaeut. ----
<br /> (D)S�WfR�AC�Apprunil.I.ender ahall,if by�pplicable�w aM withh da prior apprwd otlde Seetdlty.tequiro �',;'���:'"°.°.:--
<br /> ' -„- ----- ' �`
<br /> :;'.;� • i�ediMe pqmdl ie i�U of�11 the wms iecurod Ihi�SeaukY I�t U: ___-.
<br /> �'` l�/111 ar pat oi die Yrope�tY i�over.ri�e tt+�femod(aN�er th�o 6r deviu or d�t)b�r Ih�e Bonowet.ud ,;---�"��
<br /> :'�'` �. 1 u Thc is aot aavpied EY�Ae Pu�r a�ee u hL or ha primuy�raidenoe.or 1hepu or �•.'?t�_��.::-
<br />�" , �„ : ' �padeo doe.�apy d�e rropaq�eut aMis ut her ae�t e�s.a eea�.ppovc+a in.aana.roe wNh tbo�oquMncnls of die Sa��,at.ry. __--=
<br /> . ,i:i. . �,•--
<br />�• �'': ' (e)!Vo W�.If circumsw►ca accur that would pmnit Leader to reauke immodi�te payment in tull,but Lendn doa not =--
<br /> �, ' ` • require auch p�ymenu,Lender doa not w�ive its daha with mpect to subsequent event�. r?w?����"" " :
<br /> ' p. :,,,� ti , ,.:•.x'.1.:�i.-
<br /> ' . ,'�'1� ���.� „ ' �d�RKY�tNws o(pUp geeret�ey.In maay ci�cunutaaces rcQulatiom issued by the Secrenuy will Nmit Lender s d�hts,in .`._ �,;�;� it �„Q=;,;
<br /> � the case of payment de[aults,to requtrc immedivte payment ia iull and toreclose if nat paid.This SecuNty In�[rummt doa �+•,��--
<br /> " ���'. ; not�uthori:e aoceleradon or foroclowrc if not permitted by re�ulubns oP the Secretuy. `�'�'�r .
<br /> �:r �, ,• ����a�:
<br /> • , �':: ���' ` i�. Rel�ea/.8ortower hu a d4ht to be re[attated if Lender ha� reQuired immediate payment in Pull bec�use of -- --
<br /> . ° �'�. ''•'F;:.-;,'� Borrower'a failure to pay�n amouat due u�der the Note or this Secudty Instrumeat.TUis�ht�ppUa even after forecloaure �_-=�
<br /> n
<br /> '-'-•�''�'•3 •-' proccedin�s ue instituted.To reiastate the Sceurity lostrummt,Bonower ahall tender in�lump sum aU amounts aquired to ;�...�_
<br /> 6
<br /> � ''� •,'i� ', � bria�BorroMer's a�count current including.�m ahe extent they are obU�adons of Borrower uader�his Securi�y las��umr.�4 •;;--_�'
<br /> ' .. �' '1%!,����..� toreclwure co�ts and reasonAble and cwtom�y ottorney's fea and ea�penses properly �ssociated with the foreclosure � �
<br /> . ' ` ,:•�':•�•;;'.�,.t procesdinp.Upod reinsU�tanent by Sorrawer,thi�Sautlty Ins�rumeat nnd tbe obUPations that it secura shall remai�ia eifect as , ��� �-,
<br /> ' � � :� �" if�ender hpd nat required immtdiate payment in ful1.However,Lender is not required to F+rnui'i�dnstatement if:(i)Lmder has � �,c 1�r , i-;`.{�._
<br /> � '� 1�'%"' �;�;i t��+, . ' , �cczpted reGutatement after the commencement oP foreclosure procxedinBs wlthin two yPats immediately preadi�g c�e r 4 •ti ti{ , ;�,
<br /> `�� �'�`�•�;��'� �a• cotnmoacame�Y of n current fareclwure proceeding, (i� rdnstatement will preclade foreclo�ure on difterent grauads in the � �'���f r;°�-
<br />'��...,.:.•.r�',• +.� ' . � ,. ' S:�' • �.:"n�-.=�
<br /> .,. << � futwe.or(ii��einstatemmt wUl�dversely afPect the prlority ot the lien created by thls Secu�i�y Instru��n�. ,,;..�,..• �+°�Y
<br /> :.yti��;.". :�• .� - .� .__
<br /> ':•:•'��'��'� il.YoROwer N�al Rekaud:Fotbe�aoee 8q Le�der Na a Waiver. Facteasion oi the time ot payment or modificatlon o! �r«; �. �°--
<br /> ;"'.;•�,�.`' � amorti�don of the aums aecured by this 3ccurity Instrumem gsanced by Lrnder toanyauccessor io ioterest af 8orrower sha11 nat �fiy�;��yA:•`�~�_
<br /> :�;��,•;,�:: � .:.•. . ���r � _
<br /> � . ; . •.,,, operau to rslesue the liabillly of the oriyinal Honower or Barrower's auccessor in interest. Lender shall not be requ3red tu „;.�,t:.'��;:--
<br /> � � �.::;t ,r�',,�',,,�� ' •.,;,. , commma procceclinss aga�nst anY successor i�a intarost or refuse to extend dme for payment or otherwise modify amonizadan .,��.�1r�`1�;;,:;<:"•
<br /> , ,}.� , , ,,, tf of tho sum�secured by this Security Inatruarecnt by reason of AnY demand made by the odginal Bonower or Borrowcr'a � ; �'
<br /> �+ ' ' ....j:i �' ;" successon in interest.Any forbearance bY Lender In exercldnQ any ripht or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or preclude the r j�fr;,_L.,�=-
<br /> .. --°•..-,c-^-- e�tercia oi any dQht or remedy. - .
<br /> �h�. ;{
<br /> , t .. .: . i; �.'_ :.�_—
<br /> � 12.9occepots�ad Anlaw Booadi 7olu�ad S�nnl LI�blUtyi Co-SI�aen.The covenanta and sgraments oi this Security • ,
<br /> Instrumeat sh�ll bind and beneiit the successon and assians of Lender andBorrower,subjxt to the provisions oP paraQraph 9.6. +x�"���
<br /> �,�.. ',-
<br /> ' Borrower'a covenanu and�ramenu shall be joint and several.Any BoROwer who co-�ian�thia Security Inatrument but does , ,.��.:'(1:��:; _
<br /> • . ,...>y;•.�, �_._
<br /> � not execute the Note:(a)is co-ai4ning thi�Security Instrument only to monQage,arant And convey that Borrower e Interat in . •, � ;-�--z,:>-
<br /> � } ; the Property under the terma oi thia Security Instrumen�;(b)ia not penondly obliQated to p�y the sums secured by this Sccuri�y •�`' '`
<br /> Instrument; and (c) a�rees thpt Lender and any uther Borrower may a�ra to eztend, modify, forbear or make any . �r,;�� „��°-'��
<br /> . � �F�_•�Gfl_.�.a
<br /> �ecoromodatiotu with re�ard ro�he term of this Secudty In�trument or the Note wfthout that Borrower i consent. �,�;:;.,�;',�. .-„�,,,,—
<br /> ; 13.Notlar.Any notice to Borrower provided for in�his Secari�y Instrummt shall be aven by deliverin�it or by m�ilina it by
<br /> . . flnt ciass mdl unleas applicable law requires use oi nnaher method.The noUce shall be directed to[he Propeny Address or any " , �
<br /> other tddras Bonower dcsfgnntes by notke to Lender.Any notice to Lender shaU be�iven by firat class mail to Lender s addras ;
<br /> ' ° :tated hercfn or any odd�as Lender designeta by notice to Borrower.Any nottce provided tor in this Secu�ity Instrument�h�ll ,�_-- �
<br /> ' }, be damed ta have ban�Iven to Bor�ower or Lender whcn givcn es providod in thl�paragraph. � �,;�A:y=
<br /> �� n N.Go�emloQ Lnwi Sevenbillly.Thia Security Instrument shell be governed by Federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in � -
<br /> which the Property I�located.In the event that any provision or clsuse of this Security Inctrument o�the Note conflias wlth ap� �
<br /> ' plicable law,auch canflict ahall not affect other provialons of this Security Instrument or�he Note which can be given effect ,;� _.
<br /> �� } without the conllicting provision. To this cnd the provisbns of this Security Instrument end the Note arc declued to be �r�,�=;�
<br /> ;�. severable. ��.''"0°!'�`�'
<br /> '• ,:.� . . `�?;r
<br /> `°�? r' . . 1S.Borrower't Copy. Bonower sholl be given one conformed copy of this Security Inatrumen�. . "'F
<br /> • : •i s . . ..�'',�., . k.,
<br /> , , • 16.Aadpmeel ot Reau.Borrower uncondltlonaUy assigns und transfers�o Lender all the rents end revenues of the Property. •���• ,
<br /> Bottower authodza Lender or Lender's agents to collxt the rents und revenuea ond hereby dlrects each tenant of the Propeny .,i,�t,,; „ ,. .'.
<br /> ' ' � •"�".'.� to pey the renta to Lender or Lender's agents.However,p�lor to Lender's notice lo Borrower of Borrower's breach of any cove• . .
<br /> ! '"`<t' � � nant or agrament in the Security Insuument,Bonower shall collcct and receive all rrnta and revenua of the Propeny as trustee , �� ,
<br /> � ���'"`• �- for the benefit of Lender and Bnrcowcr.Thia qssiQnment of renta constituta an absolute assignment and not an assf�nment for ; ,; � ' '
<br /> ..� ! � additionel secudty only. 1
<br /> If Lmder gives notice ot breach lo Borrower:(a)all rents received by Borrower shull be held by Borrower as trustee for beoeflt i
<br /> � of Lendet only,to be appBed to lhe sums secured by Ihe Securily Instrument;(b)l.ende�shaU be entitled to collect and receive all
<br /> of the rcnts of the Property;and(c)cach tenont of the Propcny shall pay all rents due and unpald ta Lender or Lcnder's agent
<br /> on Lender's written demand to the tenent. I
<br /> Bortower has not ezeculed any prior easignment of the ren�s and has not and wfll not �xrfortn any act that would prevent �
<br /> Lcnder from cxercising i�e rights undcr this paragraph 16. •
<br /> � . Lender sl�all noi be requlred to cntcr upon,take control of'or maintafn the 1'roperty befare ur nfter giving nolfce of brea�h to
<br /> � , Bortower.Nowever,Lender or a judiriaily appointed re�eiver may do so at any time there is a breach.Any epplira�ion of rcros
<br /> shall not cure or wulve nny defc�ult or invelidnte any other right or remedy of Lender.This nscignment of rents of�he Property
<br /> ' shall terminate when the debt secured by the Security Instrument i.pnid in full.
<br /> s
<br /> , .
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<br /> . -:'�,iii��;:,�r .
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