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. I ';Y i_ ,� . �,.�� �� �.,�.,_., ..._ � <br /> i . <r . �. j ,. _ . . - - � -- <br /> p � . �Y�Hlb �'d4`hk� r..y. �-.. . ' __' <br /> . .... . .. <br /> , ,. <br /> , » , � <br /> �h , ' , Y' _ 9•t y � ^ .'. ----_.. - - �-�. <br /> . k•' • <br /> ��' �,r �:7: '-�s � �N - ^ic <br /> _� . <br /> � �• ,� ....� . . '�"'.. .. : . .', `. : ., ,� • . .. _� _...__ <br /> ' <br /> � . I <br /> .y.r.�...�^ � �..'.... . <br /> . ..�-.,..mi __`�a�'ws-,C� - . . , _ _ ___ _ _-.--__ <br /> �.'Tl___._—_.- <br /> ���y� �_'ff.�:.L S..-._�,. <br /> Yhf[f/17f1:n•niI--=_-.. <br /> 91- 1026�6 ��`::�� <br /> i 1.hl�l of M�d�l.l�l�n�l�1 L.�u CMup�Norrow�r�hdl pay whon 4uo the principd af,Aod Immo�t on,the dobl ` LL� � <br /> �...�.�`:�----�--- <br /> wid�nced by the Note�nd I�te char�a duo under the Naa. �_- <br /> 1 . ., ' - <br /> ' ` 2.Mo��Mly lh��na of Tiva,lucunan�ad OtM�r Cl�rya.Borrowu�h�ll Includa io e�ch mon�hly p�yment,to4ether wUh �rF <br /> -�-^:,: <br /> „ ;;� ' : tha prindpd�nd Intera��+�ha Ph in the ble�hold'p�yments or��ound�renu�on the Pro�perty�and l►iprem umscfor �` `• .�-�t...._,�°'--` <br /> ��� • levkd or to be levlc��{aintt op�Y�( _ <br /> ":,, � insunace required by P�ra�aph 4. �=_,:--- <br /> �i� � � Etch monthly In�tallment for iiem:(�).(b)and(c)�hall equal one-twelfth of the�nnud amaun�a,aa reaconobly eztimatcd bY __=___—_ - �""--"-"� <br /> ��` Lender.plu�Rn amount�ufifcient to m�inuln nn wdditiontl bal�nce of not mora thRn one-iixth of the atimated amounu.77rc __ <br /> full wnual unount for each itan sMU be ucwnul�ted by 4ender within a period ending one month beforc aa item would "'- <br /> ' . � beeome delinqueat.Lender sh�U hold the amouau collected ia tnut to p�Y items(al,(b)and(N beforc theq become deli�quem. �W`_=.�`s <br />�" ' � � !f u�ay Ume the toul of the p�ymeau held by 4ender for Nems(al.(b),�nd(c),toQether wlth the futurc monthiy paymems �— <br /> ��u�;'=-�=�— <br /> for sucd items psyabk w Leader prlor ta the due dates ot such items,exceeds by more than onasiath th�estim�ted+unoum oi ---- . . �,,,,� <br /> pay�prnts roquircd to pay such items when due,and if p�yments on the Note are curnnt.then Lende�sh�ll either reiund t6e 'r�'Y-�.�-',--:;�;��. <br /> ''� • ' axcas over one-aiutb of the esdmated payments or credit the excas over ooe-siuth of the estimated paymeats to subsequent ; ••�- <br /> � �'� ��� s • paymenu by the option of Borrower.If the total of the paymenta mAde by Borrower fo�item(+�1,(b). or(c)la � .,: <br /> �``��� ;� ' � • in:ufflcient to pay lhe ltem when due,the�8onower shall pny to l.eade�any amount necessary to mai�e up Ihe defickncy an or �"•�:;., <br /> li�,� <br /> `, • � � . beforc the date the item becoma due. ;�,���_ �;��;Y;;; <br /> �-.rr;;t,r,'.%f.: . � .. n <br /> � '� �t:�•�� • As wed la tWs Secudty lnstrument, Secretary meu,s the Secretary of Housin�and Urbnn Development or hts or her +�;� ,.;:-_ v,„• <br /> ..�,;: ..; <br /> � dai4nea.Moat Security instrummta insured by the Secreury are insured under pro4rams which requlre advance payment of the �, . `.•�u��y� <br /> ' entlrc mortgage imuru�ce premlum•1t this Secudty Instrument(s or waa insured under a pro�am which did not require advance ,�+�������A <br /> ,:; _. payment of ihe tnUre mort�e iiuuraace prrmium.then eacb mopthly ps�yment�haU also include either;(i)An installment of Ihe ti,�.,.� <br /> � . aanuaf mort ege inturance premium to be paid by Lender ta the Secretary,or(U)a manthfy charge imte�d of a mort8age �� �, ,'��:::-�n•_• <br /> •� '' •� insurance premium ii this Secudty Instrument Is hdd by the Secrctiuy. Each mont'hly in�a!lment uf the mortgage in�uranee � • "�y� <br /> ' � � premium shall be in an amount eufficient to accumula te�he full annual monpage lnsurance premium with Lende��ne moMh , - <br /> �• �•��.• � prior to the date the tuU annual mortgage insurance prtmium is due ta the Secretary.or if this Security Instrument 9s held by tqe , .; � <br /> � •�i'� ��.,��. Secretary,each moathly charge�hall bo in an rmoura equal to one•twelfth of one-half ptrcen�t oi the outew�ding prinef�wl ,�,:. ,;� <br /> ,,::•,�'•�. ••''' . balaace due on the Note. I •'�•.,� . .:�. ,. ---• <br /> � I ,y,�,.. .,a���.,:.�L <br /> ;,+ . '':�,;,, , � � '� I(Borroaer tenden to Lrnder the fuP payment ot all sums secured by fhis Socurity lnstrument,Bonower's account shall be � ,�� �' <br /> . �;•.�,,, : •°':j%;�' credited with the balance tem�ining far all instalhnents ior ieems(a), (b) and(c) end any marigage insurance premium � 1_:fl; <br /> •� ,:��'•�:�•'.���f•'� inatallmant that Lender has not becoroe abligattd tn pay�o the Secretary.and Lender shaU prompUy�efund any excaa funds�o � � �"•-..�..;,,; <br /> ' • �'''�i:, �9r . ,.,S•r�; Barrower. Immedlatdy pilo� to u Poreclosur¢aafe of the Propeny or ita ocquisidon by I.ender, Bonower'a account�hall be h , - - . <br /> � ' �. � �. ' '�, credited with any balAnce remaininQ tor aU insta0ments for items(a1,(b)and(c1• � '•+ � - <br /> :- :ti ��•t`rd` ,t �. ti Il,' �.�,� <br /> � , I '� ' t;• . <br /> • ��� ,`.�;�;r. . :;,,i�� � • � 3.ApplluiUas ot Pqneus.AQ pAyments undcr pataBrapha 1 and 2 shall be appfled by Lender as follows: ��•�; , �"!���'.."�� <br /> . �......... . .. . ° <br /> � _ ,� � �.c� a�he mor[g�te insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by the Saretary � •:� �,-.: <br /> , .---�„f;.;....,,.�--,- , .,.,..��_, -___ <br /> .. � instad of the monthly mortgege imurance premium. ualess Borrower peid the entire monQage insurance prem{uN when this � �-.,;,;;,�_ <br /> Security Instrument wes signed; ,�_ `= <br /> �ECOND,to any taxes.speclal awa:mrnts,kasehold payments or Qround rcnls,and firo,tlood and other hezard imura�ce ` ,.A,_.— <br /> . prcmiums�w required; I , �y�:. <br /> r , ' , �jgQ,to interat due unda the Note; j �� <br /> �� ` • FOURTH,to atnoniratbn of the principal oi the Nate: i �±� <br /> .. �,to late cha4a due under thc Note. <br /> , �. <br /> . 1,Fln�F'lood ud OIYer N�M luun�ce•Borrower�hall insure all{mprovements on the Propeny,whether now in e�istence , �• f. <br /> or subsequently erceted,a�inst any bazardi,casuahfes,�nd contfnQencia,includin�fire.for which I.ender requires in�urance. ;. <br /> ' * This insunncx:hall be mdntained in the omounu and(or the pe�iods that Lender requira. Borrower shdl also imure all • <br /> improvemrnts on the Propeny,whether�ow in existenceo��ubsequently erected,a8alnst lou by flooda to the extent required by ^} <br /> the SecrctuY•AU insurance ahml be carried wflh companks ppproved by Lender.The insurance policies and�ny renew�ls shdl ; � �•,tl <br /> ba held by Lender and:hall include loss payable cuusa in favor of,pnd fn a fomn acceptable to,I.ender. ;- <br /> In the event oi lou,Bortower shRll give 4ender immodlate notice by mail.Lender may m�ke proof of lass ii not m�de prompt• . <br /> ly by Borrower.Each inaurana comp�ny concemed is hereby authoriud and directed to rnake payment tor:uch loss directly to <br /> ' L.ender,instead of to Bonower and to Lender jointly.AU or+iny pan of the insurance procads may be AppUed by Lender.a1 its <br /> ' optlon,either(o)to the redua{on of the indebtedness under the Note and this Secudty Insuument, first to any delinqurnt � <br /> amountt applied in the order in Parwg�aph 3,and then to prepayment ot p�incipAl,or(b)to the restoration or repsdr of Ihe ' <br /> damaBed property.Any applia�ion of the praceed�[o�he principal�hell not extend or postpone the due dote of the monthiy <br /> ' payments which ue referred to in Paregraph 2,or change the amount of such paymenta.Any eacess insurance proceeds over on <br /> � amount rtqufred to pay all out�landinQ indebtedneu under Ihe Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to the entity le�l- . � <br /> , ly entiUed thereto. � <br /> • In the event of forcelosure of this Security Ins�rument or other transfer of titte to[he Propeny tha� extinguisha the In• � _ <br /> � ' ' debtedness,all right,title and interest of Bortower in ond ta insurance policia in fora ahall paas ta the purchaur. � • <br /> • 1 5, prnen�tion wd Mdntenaoce of 16e Propnty� Laaeholds. Borrower ahali not commil wnste or datroy,demage or , � <br /> � � aubstantially chenge the Propeny or allow�he Property to deleriorate,reasonable wear and tear ezcepted. Lender may inspect , <br /> � the property if the propeny is vacant or abandoned or the loan fs in defsult.Lender may take reasonable action to protect and <br /> praerve auch vACant or abendaned property.If lhis Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shoil camply with the provi- ' <br /> � . sions of the lease. If eorrower acqulres fee titk to the Propercy,thc leauhold and fee title shall not be merged unless Len�ler � <br /> j �rees ta Ihe merger in w�itfn4. ' <br /> 6.Cb�a lo Bomowerpnd Proteclloo ot Lender's IUghU In Ibe Property.Borrower shall pay all governmental or municipal <br /> chuges,Ona ond impositions that are not included in Paragraph 2.Borrower shall pay[hese obllgatlona on time direclly to�he <br /> • entity which is owed the payment. It fuilure to pay would advetsely nffect I.ender's interat in the Property,upon Lender's re- <br /> � quest Borrower shall promptly furnfsh to Lender receipts evidencing these payments. <br /> r If Bonower fefls to make theu payments or the payments reyuired by Paragraph 2,or fafls to perform any other covenants ond <br /> + agreementa contalned in this Security Instrument,or there is a legel proceeding that may significantly afkct Lender's rights in <br /> � the Property(such u a proceeding in bankruptcy.for candemnation or to enforce laws or regulatinns►,then Lender may do and <br /> � poy whatever fs necessary ro protect the value of Ihe Property and Lender's rfghts fn the Property.includinY payment of taxes, <br /> I h■�,�d ineorance and other items mentioned in Puagroph 2. <br /> � � Any amounts disbursed by lender under this Peragrnph shall become an additfonal debt oi Borrower and be secured by this <br /> Security Instrument.Theu amounts shail bear interes�from the date ot disbursement. at�he Noce rate,and at the option of <br /> Lender,shall be immediately due and payable. <br /> 7,Co�deoiallo�.'�'t;t p:,aceeds of any award or eYaur Eor dam�ges,doreca ar:rr.saqu:ntiao,ir.conner.zon w:�ar.y condem- <br /> : na6on or ot7�er taking o f any put o(the Property,ur far conveyarta in p�a.e of mr.�emnation,are htreby assigne�i a�d sh�ll be <br /> paid to Lensler�r the ca¢rnt of the tuo➢amount of the indebtednas that rem�ins unpaid under the tia�:e and this Securiiy In�ru- <br /> � � ment.Ler.da:�ha01 a�fv eucM pracads to ahe reductionoi the indebtednns under the Note and this Security Instrument, firs+tu <br /> any delinquent Amounts app0icd!n the ard�r provfded in Paragraph 3,and then to prepayment o(principal.Any appluat�on of <br /> the proceeds to tlie princip�l sh7ll not eatend or pustpone the due date ot the monthly payments, which are reEerred to in <br /> Puagraph 2,ar change the amount of such payments.Any ezcas ptoceeds over an atnoum required to pay all uut�tanding in- <br /> debtednas under �he Note aad this 5ecurity Instrument shall be paid to the enuty kgallY enutled �hereto. <br /> �. t.�as.Lender may collect iees and chuges authariud by tAe Secretary. <br /> Pate?01 I <br />