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� <br /> --__.. � <br /> — . .. , • <br /> _— .�,,, ; . : : � -- - _ <br /> � � :f � <br /> -- - - -- � <br /> . , _. _�_ _ T _ ___ _ _- -- -- - - <br /> __.._____�_ _..�_ � � , - - , . . ",._� r�.�fi _. <br /> � r � <br /> � paiodr d�a l.rndw roquln�. 7be i�uaaoe ca�Pra�'i�d�e 6tiuraaoe dali be cho�s by 6om�wer�u a �ndarti --_ <br /> �ppoval wbicb�hall noR 6e wNwonably w�thheW. lf Bamower fd4 to m�inWn cove�e�e dMertbed�beve.l.ander m�y.�t <br /> � t.a�decy optio�l,obaie�cavaa�e to pta�e�K L.ende�'L rishq in d�e�ty in�caordo�wlth p�apsph 7. <br /> � Ml iawranoe poiida�nd�+mew�ls dnll be�ooeptabb w �nd dull include i�t�nd�M moet�a�e cl�u�ei� <br /> ad�ll bsva ilie d�lu a botd tha policiea and n�new�le. U l.ender requiRS.Bon+ower,haU promPUY�ivo a t.cndcr <br /> aP pdd pRmiumr uid�a�wal noNoes. In tho ovcnt of loes.Ba�now�er stiall�ive ppmpt aaloe to We inwru�oe c�ier and <br /> L�eoAe�. l.a�dc.K may m�ke prouf of laas iP aot m�de prompily by Borrower. <br /> °'-���_"�-`"' Unle�l.endar�nd Ba�nowar aherwisa�g�oe in wriUng,inwrm�oeproceed��hwli be applied w rostantion or of <br /> n��Pro�y d�mt�ed� if tbe Kswratbn ar rop�ia economlcally feaulbk �nd Lenderts �ecurlty u not leatenod,It Ihe <br /> on or �epair ie nat wanomicAlly fearible ar Lender'a security would be laccnod. the iruur�ncx prooeed�sh�11 be <br /> _ yipUal to Ure wnw securod by tMis Security Inwuaiaw,vrUetha or not thea duc,witb any e�uxas paid to Bolrowcr. U <br /> -� Bonowar abandon�the Propaty.or does not�uuwor wahin 30 days a adice fiam l.eader thu the in�uranco carrler ha <br /> oflerod to�ule a cl�im.then Lctdcr m�y colbct tUc instv�ooc poce�. Leoder atwy ace tbe qoceeds to nepdr or recto�e <br /> the Property or w pa�y�ans�acw�od bY tl�Sec�p�i�Y G�m�t.whel�er or oot lhai duo.Th 30�d�y perlod vv�U be�a wheo <br />--9� d�e aotice b given. <br /> Unle�s LeMler�nd 8armxer othcrwisc�gnoe In writu'�,ainY ePPlie�ition of proceads to ptincipal sbAU not extad ar <br /> poatpoae the due d�te at the mo�thly W3'meMs rckmed w Tn:pwppgraphs 1 and 2 or ch�nge the amo�uu of Ihe p� U <br /> utder psr+�raph 21 the PtiopeAy is acquired by I.ender.Borrpwtr�dglu ta any inaurance policlec and p� s�iGSUIt� <br /> --- tmm darrwgo w the P�operty p�or b the acquiniNa�siwll p�cs,to Len�to tha extent of the sums secured by thic Socurity <br /> Inchuma�t immodlaoel to the�oquisition. <br /> i. Oxap�nc�y�iaa. MNntea�uta �ad ProtecUon of the Propert�i Borrower�i l.a�a ApPlkatiooi <br />- - — i.e�lwWa Bortower shail occu�►h.�wlubiieh�ilI{d UtiQ(fIC PfO�Y 71Y BU171)LYCt�t�7Tjtit:l�rrt �rsiikmco within sixly�iays ati�i - <br /> t6c eaecution of Ihis Security Inst�uaa+eqt and slwll rnntlnue to aocupy thc ProPerq'as Bormwer's principal rwidence for at ' <br />-. _ least onc year efter the date af.occupat�¢.jr, unless L.endcr otherwisc ag�ees in wridng, which consent shall nd be � <br /> �-�, urmeasonably withheld.or unless extenuuai�ng ciscumatances exist which are beyond Bortowal�aontml. Borrower shAll oot ' <br /> destroy.damnge or impnir the P�q�,uDa�ow�,e Properry co de[edore�e.or commlt waUe on the PropeRy. Borrower shall <br /> ': S` be In defauk lf Any fafeitu�e actic+n 4r�xxoeeeding,whether civil or criminal,ia begun that m l.ender�s g�od failh judgment ' <br /> �� � '�^ could result� forfeiture of the Rce�erty or at'herwise materlally impair tbe Ilen crea�ecJ fiy this Securfty Instrument or . <br />:_;.� l.enderh sxurity intercst. Bormwer may cure qwc�a defa�lt and reinstate,us,psavided in p�ragraph 18,by causin�the acdon � ' <br />_ ot praceeding w be dismissed with a mling thut,in Lender�s good faith deterrninntion,prcclu�es forfeiture of the Bomower�s • <br /> = interest in�he Prope�ty or other matedel impairment of the lien creuted�+y ihis Securily Inspument or Lenderk secwity ' <br />°�,.� ' ,J interest. Borrower shaU also be io default if Bomower, during the loan upplicABon process, gavc materially false ar <br /> �,' lif ;;; inaccurate infom�anon or statements to Lender(or foiled to pmvide Lender w11h any m�►terial information)ln connecdon a�th <br /> ; - � tbe loan evidenced by 1he Note� including. but not limlled to. representAticros cpn¢erni�g Bomower!� occuppncy of'the � � "" <br /> __ �'.. _ _ <br /> - _��- Property as a pr+�i�at zasi.icnce. li ibis Security 1�ti�t�u���cnt is un a Iwschoi�i.Borrower ahAll comply with all the provlsions • <br /> z of Ihe leasc. If Borrow�r ucquires fee dUe to We Propeny,lhe kasehold vnd.the fee title slwll not merga un7ess l.ender agroes <br /> �-��� , to ihe merger in writing. <br /> 7. ProtecHon u�I.ea��er's Rights in Ihe Properly. If Bortower fails ta perfomrn the covenarus and agrcemeats ' <br /> u <br /> , `� '"�' cantained in this Securiry I�wwment, or there is a legal praceeding that may signlfkantly affect Lender's rlgh4c in the <br /> =' Pl+nperty(such es u praceeding in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnation or farteituro or ro enforce laws or regulations),then _ <br />_4. �:•• Lender may do and pay for whutever is necessury to protect the value of the Property aad Lender's righu in t6c Property. - <br /> , �, . l.ender's actions may include p�ying any sums secured by u lien which tias priority over this Securfty Insuwnent,appearing <br /> in couK,payfng rensanable uttomeys'fee.and entering on ttie F'roperty to make repairs.Although Lende�may wke actbn <br /> ' • °j � unJer this p�uagn�ph 7.I.ender does not hove to do w. -- <br /> ,�::� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this pnrograph 7 shall become uddi�ionol debl of Borrower secured by this -_- <br />��:� Security Instniment. Unless Borrower wid Lender ogree to ot6er tertns of payment,these amounts shall beur intercst from�he �' <br /> -,� dsue of disbursemeM ut ttie Note rate aul shall be payable, with interest,upcm nalce fran Lender to Borrower roqueuing ' !1►'r°-- <br />�S'�,�•, � n� • :�--- <br />_ ���' = "� • � r �8. Mortgage lnsurAace. If Lender reyuired mongu�e inxurunce ac a condilion of rnaking the loun secu�ed by this <br /> `�. 'S' ,,'�,�,itf� Securiry Instrument, Borrower shull pay �he premiums reyuired to mnintain the mart gu ge insurance in effect. If,for a n y �� <br />��1,. r ^� �'";��f.,;' �etson, the mortgage insuronce coverage reyuired by Lender lapses or ceaties t6 be in effect, Bomower shall pay �he -- <br /> �y premiums roquired to obwin coverage substuntially eyuivolent to the mortg;�ge inxurunce previously in effect, at a cost = - <br /> � ` =.:��"M��:.- substantis�lly eyufvalent to the cost lo Bornnwer of the mort�uge insurance previously in eftect, from an altemate mortgage _ . <br /> '`='-4 � �� '�°��• � � insurc�t►pproved by Lemier. If subs�antially equivnlem mortgage insurancr coverape iti nnt available,8arrower shall pay to � <br /> � ��������•�� �`";� Lender euch month a 4um uul to one-twelfth�if the eurl mort a e inxurance temium bein � <br /> � ��'�' '" " ' �1 Y Y B F p g paid by Borrower when the �-,, <br /> � '6 "�� insu�ae�ce coverage lopsed or ceused ro be in effect. l.ender will uccept,ur,e and retain the�e papments us a loss reserve in lieu :�=_> <br />,�'e .. . • -- <br /> -� `i ";1t,_�",�'.',�•.>;: of mortguge insurnnce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,ut ihe aption af Lender, if mortgpge insurance �'- <br /> '��°��'�°.� . coverugtl(in�he wnount and for the period thAt Lcnder►ryuirexl pruvided h�.nn insurer u roved b Lender n a�n hecomes <br /> �. ;�,... ..,. . PP Y 8 � �_�: <br /> ; � ..�,�: avoilable and is obtained.Borrower shull pay the p►rmiumx reyuired�o muiniain mongu�e insumnce in etfec�,or lo provide a <br />°� i�•��: loss reserve,unNl�7�c rcquirement for mongage inwrunrr cnd�in ucwrdancr wi�t�any wrnten agreement be�wecn Borrower <br /> ''"�' w.;,�:s��:�;� �M and Lender or upplicable luw. ��- <br />�' . .3�'�''�'' �;�. <br /> j�;�J;s.•; ��� 9. Inspectbn. Lender or i7s agent muy muke reuxonahlr emrie,upnn s►nd inr p ecii.m�ol the P r o p e r t y, Lender shall -- <br />- • ,.� • .�_,.�xr,�i�.,„,-.._ �ivc 8urruwer nwice ut�h e time o i o�prior�o an inaper�ion.peritying reusonabia cawe for ti�e inxpect�on. , i�:r- <br /> •��. ,. l0. Coodemqqtbp. The procecdx nf uny uward or claim f'or damages,direct or ronkyueMiul,in conncr�ion with any <br /> ,�,; ;, ,is� •:;7' ��..,_,: 5i�gle Family-•Fhwde�lae/tl'eddk�1ae C\IFY)R�11YS7'iia'ME\T--U�wNinnCavenamv 9�!HI �Ih+��?n�'•, K�sl �=•-:: <br /> : . ' . JH+ <br />. ,••�•••i(�tx t,' . e,.j';�•' I:ftM I�Ln AMOEM FGIM(�C.■ �'!: <br /> .��,�". , .,�,{;'.{ r.a�rs cw:��oueaovaa o v+u��i�►ava� <br /> � '";.�"'1't :��f��ti�'`r �i�. <br /> ,. � .}��:����:f; ��.t_i 1:',=�. <br />- ��,y `S:'j`.,+j,`-:"tl�Yy',�y�',•: <br /> ,� ��'.a�'` ' � ^�'e>ir. �- • 1 � � . • _ rM��.,1 � . <br />. , y l . � `',' � ' "' L.S���' T�4 r''..':.� _- :- �. . ...�. <br /> � . . . . ',� `�,�' ... .?.�«f: 1� t <br /> '� ;ii'k� �uRu�xA�"Vt.��.;r�r�+,_ `�� �..:.�t� t'� .,_dt_? .t�•:�1�`��.1 ,.' 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