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..c�"; � :� . . . : '_ _-- <br /> r��.t. .. ��� . , _._ . .__ -._. .. ._. _ _. -- <br /> :' � <br /> i — <br /> .— � . '_ ._._.__ _ _ . <br /> . f "'.__ _.'___-_`_-•�°-_._. _. <br /> .i.�= . <br /> ,�.. _._�._��i_l..a.1.� ` _ _•'"_^ . <br /> ' _ _ <br /> . -- - -- TooEi�iFR wrrH dl ff�in►pR,ver�ts naw ar be�tter.�xtCC1 un Ihn,xup�:«�,al���r,r hen�nca, <br /> •nd flaw�a now ot I�fler�pul of the pnopaty. All repl�cat�ent�aM�ddlUon��i�ll alw be covend by thi�Seapriry <br /> ------ In�awnau. /111 ot the fae�oiq�is Rferrad w in�his Socutity Inunuircet+4�he"PropertY•" <br /> _ BORROWER COVBNANT3 Uw Borruwer i�IawPolly�elsad of�1�e atste hercby conveycd u�d h�r tha��ht to�nru <br /> and oanvey tt�eprop�ty�nd th�t the Propaty ia unencumberod.except tor encumbrances of rocard. Barower wam�nts�nd <br /> will defawl�ener�liy tlie dtk to the Propwly�insQ�II cl�irru�nd dem��ls�wbject to any encumbr�nces of rocad. <br /> -�°---- 7'HIS SECURITY INSTItUM6(VT combiner unifortn coven�nlr far natfan�l use and nan•uniiarm coven�nts wit6 <br /> �-----------. <br /> 1Leited v�riWons by ju�i�diclian to co�Wltute a uNfonn secudty inutument covain��eal ptope�ty. . <br /> ' � UNIPDRM C�('iV6NAM'S. Aomower and I.cnder cove�nt and agne w follawe: <br /> ,,�:'����+ 1. P�ymait of Prlacipwl�ad Interntt Prep�ymenf�d l.�te Cluu�e�. Somnwer clwll P�p�Y WY when duc�he <br />-°�!+�= princi oi and intues�on the debt evicknced by the Note and any prep�yment and lato chuges due under the Nde. <br /> `L-- � FhadA tor'1��aad laarance. Subjxt ta applicable I�w or to a written wAiver by Lendcr.Bormwer�hdl pay to <br /> �� I.cnder on the dAy mon�hly prymente aro due under�ho Notc,until�he Notc is paid in f1dl.a aum("FLnds"1 for.(a)yeuly <br /> __ — tcucea and�sse;ssmenb which rtu�y altaio priority aver thle Securiry Instn�meat nR a lien on the Property:(b)Yearly leacehold � <br /> - - - pa�yiaenta or ground n�t� an lhe Propeny. if iny: lc)Yeady hazard or property insumnce premiums: (d) yeady flood ___ <br /> _ iasw�nce p�miuma, if any; (e) yesvlp mott�sig�e insw�nae prcmiums. if anY: And (� any sums payeble by Borrower to <br />°°/.,�. l.e�der.!n sccondence wilh the provlsians of pa�gr�ph 8,in 4ieu of thepaymem of mortgage insurance prcmiums. 7Uese <br /> �ir' �- itrnu sim called"Escrow Item4." t.ender may.x any time.colkct and hold fi�nda in an amount nat to exceed the rtwximurn r <br /> __ i1 � -� amoant a lender for a federallY oeWded matg�ge loan may�oquire i'or Bartowerl�escrow account under the federnl Real �"`.` <br /> - y��� Fst�te 3ettlement Procedwes Act of 1974 as amended fran timo to pme. 12 U.S.C.$2601 et srq.("RESPA").unless another _ <br /> s.j�� � law Uwt applia w the F�uids sets A lesser aaiaunl. If so.l.e�der�wwy pme.cdloct and hold P�nds in an art�ount not to -_ <br /> . . ,: �.�,;.,'�;y �t; � exceed the Irsser amaunt. L.rnder m�y esumue the amount of Fvrds due on the basis of cument data and ocasonabk _ <br /> •,-:,, estimatas of expenditwies oi future Escmw Items or othenvise in xcadu��e witti npplicable law. _— <br />"����. Ttie Rinds shall be held in an institution wiase deposics arc imsrued by a federal agency, entity <br /> . ��:::: . '�' lincluding Lender.if Lender is such an institutionl or in any Federal f�var��l.oun Banlc. L.ender siwll apply the Funds to pay - _ <br /> �:• ��'. <br />- . the Escrnw Iams. Lende�may rat charge Bomower far holding und applying the Funds.anoually analyzing tAe escrow �_• <br /> .;>w accoun� a verifying the Escrow Items, unless l.ender pays Borrower interest on �he Funds and applicable law penriits <br /> .. . �-' l x n d e r t o m a�e s u c h a c h a r g e. H o w e v e r. L e n d e r m a y�e q u i�e B o r rowe r to p n y a one-time c h u ge for an inde p endent mal �1•_ <br /> •�;�. eslate tax rcporting service used by Lender in connecdon with this laan,unless applicable law pravides otherwise. Uoless an �;�;: <br /> _+'� ���;r�y,.�y�,::�,+ agroement is nwde or applicable law requires interest to be paid Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any intcr�est or -� <br /> n r n`,"'�'b.�' � �:�'�)y eamings an the Funds. Barrower and L.ender may agrce in wriling.hnwever,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender �� <br /> �� <br /> �,�+�'`" ' � ;.;ri.� shall give to Borrower.withaut charge,an annual AccoutNing of the FLnds,showing c�dits end debfts to the Funds and the �•; <br /> "; purpose for which each debit w ttie f�nds w�s made. The Funds are pledged as addltional security for all sums secured by a ;� <br />'�y . .. this Securlty Insaument. . �'''- <br /> •'- - '��` �+'��'' If the F�nds heid by Lender exceed the amounts permitted ta be held by applicable law,l.ender shall accoum ta . _ <br /> ••�.r. . _ <br /> ` .` � Botmwer for the excess Funds in accordance wlth ti�e requiremerns�f Applicabk luw. If the a�a+�wnt of the FLnds held by ` <br />- � .��t•� ,Lcader ut any time is not suff'�cient to pa3�the Escrow 1te�s when du�:. Lende�mav so notify�o�rower in wriling,und,in °_ <br /> " _ •_ ,-.. ,'�°~.." � . suc�ti case Borrower shall p:+�:to i.enc�er t�he amaunt ewvcssary to make up the dees�ienry. Borrower shall make up Uu �. <br /> .. . '1� "'..:.�1o:t1�_ �l <br /> '.,.�,;.,{,,�y,.��5���,;•,'�,� ck�F7ciency in no mare than twet�-e etan17i1y puymrnis,ua ILender'a sole discreqon. �:_- <br /> � ' ;•, a r i;:s� � �.�;t Upon payment in full ot.�lG sums secured by�his Security Inswment,Lender shAll promptly refund to Borrower eny <br />-_ �'�•",i1����?�'�`�.�Yt Funds heW b Lender. If,under ra QA �h 21.Lender shall ac uire or sell the Lender, or to the ac uisition or �:�" <br /> , .. � ,: ..:. ,.?. ,•y�r . Y pa i� F 9 P�°PenY• P� q �_ <br />__ '�;?,�r.�i:��.:;f� ` ':: sale of the Property,shall apply any FLnds held by Lerder st the lime of xquisition or sale ns a credit ag�nst the sums <br />-'° r ';°,�;;;,��kt„;�.;' ���}�+ secwedbythisSecuritylnstrument. ! �: <br /> � f� ;���tii��'��s ". 3. Applkation of Paymenfa Unless applicable law provides othervvise, all payments received by I..ender under �` <br /> -- ; �; ��:..�,�,r: .:�:r <br /> �:: . . �o ��r;,�y, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be s►pplied:firs�,to uny p�epayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable und�r <br /> - . ��t•r.�`"�°�'�'��"'�. 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to nnci al due;and last,to nn late char es due under the Note. �'•��- <br /> , . .. ,..,•. . .� P�B�Ph P� P Y 8 �. <br /> �'3i3' Liens. Borrower shall a all taxes, assessments ch es, fines and im sitions attribuwble to 1he �.=� <br />��••.;r� � ''., t;.�':.��, .�:, 4. Cha��C P Y • � Po _- <br /> __;.. S �`�YY',4;��,-r,,.:•�•�: prop�ny w�h;ch map attpie priority over this Security Ir.s�ument,�:d lc�schold paymc�ct�.,� g�owni rents,�t any. Borrower ��• <br /> '�tti;:�� ' �'����'�"y `°" shall pay these obligations in the monncr provided in paragraph 2,or if nm paid in that manner,aorrower shall pay them on � ' <br /> ,� ` �`;t ,��`�t,'��►- ; time direcUy to the person owed payment. Borrower shail promptly fumish io Lender A�I notices of amounts ta t�e paid under ,. <br /> � ?:1�(r4 s��;��;��;�3}�1�n�F t his parugra p h. I f Bomn wer ma k es t h ese pa y me n t s d)r ec d y,B o r m w e r.r h a f l p ro m p t l y f u m i y h t o L e n d e r r e c e i p t s e v i d e n c i n g �r��: <br /> ;;;: . . ...�t�r.1ir '.,:�, � t�he payments. �,�� <br /> � ' ?i� ' " � Borrower yhall rom tl dischar e we Ilen which has riorit over this 5ecurit lnstrumedt unless Borrower:(a)o rees � <br /> : ::r; ,�; P P Y 8 Y P Y Y B �_..,, <br />- � 4° •��''''•"• in writin to tE�e ment of the obli ation s�cured b the lien in a mxnner acce table to�ender,(b)contests in ood Paith 1he �'��' <br />— • '�• ��,.r. � :.,;:,, 8 PaY 8 Y P � _z s. <br /> � .;��,M;+f�i� ��' :•; lien by.ordefends against enforcement of the lien in,legul praceedings which in�he Lender:�opinian operate to prevent ihe .�!.;� <br />'��� `��'.}-�;���� :a enforcement of the lien;ar(cl secures from the holder of�he lien an agreemrnt wtisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien �61;,� <br /> ' � � -�l•f '�l.' ��.�� ' , �iri <br />, � , ��. ;�f� . to this Security Insbvmem. If Lender determines thut any part of the Property is xubject tn u lien which may attain priority ,�� <br />' � � �• •� ,;�, overthis Security Ins�rument,Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall salisfy lhe lien or take <br /> '``� '?'+�"� � � - one or rnore�oi the actians set fonh above wi�hin 10 duys of the giving af notke. <br />`���-�• �"1�_.;r. �.;�•• .� S. Ha:�ur�d or P�opeHy Insurance. Bortower shell keep the improvements now exis�ing or hereaiter erected on the �;,',! <br /> - r Pr�perty lnsumd against loss by firc,hazards incluJed within Ihe term"extended coverage"and any other hazurds,including >•' <br /> �' ' ?:=; <br />, _ � .:,�,{�:�;a�•;;:�ep�.'s:�; iloodt or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in 1he amoums and for the � +;,;�•. <br /> ��'.,,� ;tl7�r�,:1�. ,.:..t'T'z� �j':�,,i; <br /> �; � �'k,�, S <br />;:�, •., �,������1};�f�f`' � " .P Fana 3Y2Y 9/90 I�Re 1 nj6 pa�eal <br /> -�� •j' '•':�jt�F��c�?. .t,�t,:�;i� •�•- <br /> :�, +���'I,`'���J)t ,�`St��i .��• <br /> -� .L ��`..4��,.A'�'+'+�� . <br /> 1�M[ <br /> j '*Y}.' t',', _ •.A, . <br /> - .S�Yp�.• �} , :7: • <br /> � ` {q"��ii�Y)y�'���'�.S T ; ��r� <br /> �t. �1� 1�� '/6:r';�f�.1.� �TI'��llr���1�W+i.anFY1��1►�'y'�i++�rJi�'1��1'•".l:S.^';i��E.CF/�����WM�:iM1'w.M![ ..'-�.cl�.a�..� ..�...lay�l;..: - . <br /> ':b G ,�,+'���� �.�`���t�t t�� (,E,�,�ci:" .J,rF,.:��.� . • ,` ir.�l.p;.rp�.rt S..-".i�,ti.r �l�� . , , j •i' . <br /> �e;,_a �l:�,_ t. .Y' �4ry.�i.ri.� -� .� ..LL�._L1`t� ',��'�iL,� � x_ .:�..._..,.. :1 <br /> � y._ ,` -- - -. -°• - -=--- ---=-=-------... __. �- --=-.._ �r — ... T----�---- _ . ___ ,_ _---• -----„ - <br /> --�:. �.+ i_ _ - ' -- <br /> �. � : . , . . , � . <br /> �.4� '_`::.Ci�a' .J _--y��.�.G'�L�i�r1�1�Iw` ' . • . , . ' ' . . . . .. _, . ,` �. . <br />�-��- .• �.�VK'4—�'4�.A�� �- ._� , . . 1' ' .. . , .. � . <br /> L� . �J�.'f 11••'�1 . � �� � .. - - ' - .. � " ' <br />_ . . .� . . � � . � , . . <br />. �..��. � .`;� . I , . .. ��_�� . <br /> �� '.;. •.�r. , „ . . . <br /> �`,: a ,r..�:-;�± ���', ' , V . .. � �. . . _ ' - ' 1° . ,.. . ' � . : . ._ � � <br /> f4 1 - ���� . • . � �• . � . . <br /> . . . `�•� ,, � `�' .� . . . y�'AIr'_" �blti... . <br /> ti 4 , i i°' . ._... „ „ � , j <br /> " ' 1 <br /> • . � <br /> ,'., � , r , <br /> G°. _ _ _ <br /> ; <br />