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<br /> �^'- .. �f r.{•� . '��'� . . � . ;r`.-.,l,i•� •�:.%u��f-� r'i_' }i��..e y��'t`'��•�-
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<br /> -'r'� O, Cqnd�nmafbn,1'hs prxe�d�of�ny aw�rd or clalm la domop�s,duect o�consequenUal.in connecUon w�lh any �
<br /> � � W,. _ .
<br /> fi� � • condemn�donorath�rUkfnyofth�Prop�rfy.apaMlMreot.or1orconv�y��c��nu�uolconMmnatlon.arshereby�if�fyrwd '
<br /> � and afuiu b�pald to Lend�r. .� �7�=.
<br /> , �i..,.�_..�
<br /> u, ---
<br /> � � I In the event ot a tot�l fakinp ol th�Property,lhs proceedt shall be applMd to the suma secuied by tMS Deed ol Trust,wHh ���._,,_:1,�.-_:_
<br /> excess it an , Id to 8orrower.In thN evenl 01 e partfel takinp of the Property,unlea�Boirower and l.ender othe p''p �.,,. � �:.1,� '
<br /> the Y Pa : ' : .'�'
<br /> l ap�seinwrlpnp,thars�luillb��DP��adtothesum�secu�sdbythisDeadofTrua1�uchpropoA+onottheproceedsas aeq s_`r:_,__�
<br /> th�tproportlonwhiehthsamounlotlhstumst�curedbythisDaedofTruatlmmedisteiypnortolhedateolteklnpbearstoths _r,;�,�;
<br /> f�ir nwiket vatus ot lTtie proparty immedietely orlo�to the dete ot teking,wdh Ihs balance of the proceeda pald to 8o�rower. �
<br /> II the PropeAy Is�Wndansd by Qorrower.ar il.alts��otice by Lender to BorrowAr that the condemnor oHers to meke an �
<br /> aw��d o�seltls s cl�im fo�damliqes.Borrower I�I1s to reapand to 6ender wlthin 30 days aRer Ihs data such notice is malled.
<br /> lender�s suthorized to collect and apply th�praceods.at LenMr's eptlon,either to restorelion or repa�r ol the Property or lo i . .,. ..,:..�
<br /> th�sums eecured by thiw Oeed ot Tnis4 -
<br />� Unless lender end Bo�rower other.vlaea�ree i n writl�g,eny auch applicallon ol proceeds to pnnc�pal shell not extend or ,
<br /> poltpone ths dw d�te o1 the monthly in�Ullmmts refe��ed to In perayraphs t and 2 hareof or chenge 1ha amount ol auch �
<br /> In�tallmenb. �
<br /> 10. BarowallotRN�sad.Extensionolthetimeforpaymentormodlllcallonofamohlzationolthesumssecuredbyth�s
<br /> Oeed ol Trust�re�ted by l.ender to aoy succeuor In interest of Borrower ahall not operate to relaase,�n any menner,Ihe 1
<br /> Iiability ot the oripinel Borrower end Borrower'eeuccesaora interest.Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings
<br /> � epainst such successor or refuse to ext�nd dme for payment or otherwiae modity amoAlzat�an of Ihe sums secured by Ih�s
<br /> peed of Tru�t by re�son ol any demand msQe by the o�igfnal Borrower and 8orrower's successora�n interest.
<br /> 11. Fo�O�x���ble�nw. h�al� ewt b�ye a we er ot ory rec ude tl�e exercRS�e ofya y�aucrh ngeht�o heemedyeThe
<br /> otherw�se attorded bx aD0
<br /> � prpaurenwntolln�uranceotthepay�entof�eso�otherllenaorc a�pesbylertderstwu�otbeawewerotLender'�nqhtto
<br /> acceter�fe the maturrty of the indebtedness a�cured by thia Deed of Trus�
<br /> � 7�, R�dt�s Cumulaltw AII remedies prnrtcio0 in thia Deed ot Trusl are dislinct and cumulative to any other nght or
<br /> reme�lY under this Daed of Trust or aftorded by law or equity. and may be exerc�sed concurrently, independently or
<br /> °��ive1y' The covenants and agreementa herein
<br /> /S. Suee�aors�ndA�1p m Bound: JoiM a�nd Ssv�ral LIablNt�r; CaPllo��•
<br /> ' � containedshellbind,andtherTghtahereunderahallmureto,thereapectivesuccessorsendeseignsotlenderandBorrower,
<br /> subject to the previsions ol paragraph 17 hereot./11i covenanta end agreements of Qorrower ehall be�oint and several.The ,;�,.
<br /> �.i Ceplrons and headlnps of the parayrephs of thl40eed of Truat are for conveo�snce only and are�ol to be used to iMerpret or
<br /> defi�e the provlsfons hereol. � ��
<br /> 14. Noflc�.Exceptforanynoticerequiredunderapplfcablelawtobeg�venmanolhe�manner,�e anynot�cetoEb�rower
<br /> ,i, �� � ��'!i�' provfded for in this Deed of Trust ahall be�Ivenby melling such notice by ceruf�ed mad addresaed to�rrower at the Property
<br /> '�' ���' Addreas or at such other address as Borrower may desfgnate by notice to Lender as provided herein,and(b)any notfce ta
<br /> , ;''.:;, ':i�. • , ,•;.','.� lender shall be qiven by ceNlHed mefl,return�eceiptrequested,to Lender's address stated herein or to such other add►ess as
<br /> � ;•r " Lender may designete by nolice ro Hor►ower aaprovlded hereM.Any notice provided for in this0eed o1 Trust ahell be deemed =
<br /> � �'� • to have t�een ylven to Borrower or Lender wMn yiven fn the menner dealgneted herein. • �
<br /> ;�� ';,", ' ' �S y��p��}TNU;(iorKning uw; g�v�nblpt�t.The form of deed of trust combi�es unitorm covenants to�
<br /> ,`i�. �;� '',�"`''� netional use end non-untform covenants wlth Ilmlted verietiona by�unsdicaon to consiiiuir a un{torm sacurity fnslru.^•�' . ,
<br /> s located.ln
<br /> , covering real property.This Deed ot Trust ahall b•e governed by the lew o11he Junsdictfon in whfch the Properly i �
<br /> ' � '�f�' 1 the event that eny proviaion or clause of this Deed of Trust or Ine Note contlicts wilh applfceble lew,such confl�ct shall not .
<br /> � aHect other provlefons ot thls Deed ol Truslo�the Note whlch cen be given eNect without the confl iclfng provisions,and to th�s :
<br /> � end 1he provislans of the Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be aeverable. ,
<br /> 16. BoROw�r's Copr.Borrower shall be lurn ished a Contormed copy o1 the Note and o1 th�s Qeed ot Trust at the t�me ol �
<br /> � execulion or atter recordatfon hereof.
<br /> 17. Tansl�r of tb�Prop�rf�►;AtwmpUon.It All a any pert of the properry or an�nteres7 tharein is sold or trnnsferred by
<br /> � Borrower withoul Lender'a prlor wrltten con98n1,excludlnp(e)the creatlon of a I�en or encumbrance subordinate to Ihis Deed
<br /> '�����•� ot Trust,(b)the creatfon ot a purchese moneyeecurlry interest lor household appliances,(c)a transler by devise descentor by
<br /> �';�� operatfonoflawuponthedeathofe�ointtenentor(d�theg�antolanyleaseholdinlarestofthreeyearsorleasnotcontainmgAn
<br /> opt�on to pu�chase,Lender may,at lender's optlon,declare aI1 fhe sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immed�ately due
<br /> , ,".,�. and payable.lender ahell have walved such aption to accelerate if,prior to the sale ar lranster,Lender and the person to
<br /> • � whom the Property is to be sold or translerred reach ngreement fn wnting thBt the credit ot such person�s sat�sfactory to
<br /> Lender and that the interest payable on the sums secured by thla Dsed of Trusl ahall be at au ch rate as Lender shall iequest.I�
<br /> � Lender hes walved the optfon to accelerate prowded m thfs paragraph 17, and II 8orrower's successor m iMerest has
<br /> ' executed a wriften assumptlon agreement accep�ed in wntmg by Lender,Lender shall release Borrower from all obligelions
<br /> a ' under this Deed of Truat end the Note.
<br /> It Lender exercisea such option to accelera�ta,Lender sha11 mail Borrower notice ot accelerat�on�n accordance with ,•��
<br /> poragraph 14 hereof.Such notice shall providea period oi not less then 30 days from the date the nolice ia ma�led within wh�ch
<br /> Borrower may pay the sums declered due.It Bor►ower falls to pay such sums pnor to the expiretlon of such penod.Le�der �;I:,; '
<br /> mey,without further notiCe or demend on Borrower,invoke any remedies permRted by paragraph 19 hereof. ,
<br /> NON•UNIFOAM COVENANTS.Bortow�r md L�nd�r furlh�r cov�nant And s�rN as follows: •
<br /> 16. Acc�l��alion;RNn�dl„.Except as provfded in peragraph 17 hereof,upon Burrower's breach ot any covenant or
<br /> agreement ol Borrower in this Deed of Truat,Includfng the covenants to pay when due any sums secured by thfs Oeed ol Trus1.
<br /> • LenderpriortoacceleretfonahallmeilnoticetoBorrowerasprovided�nperagraphl4hereotspeciIy�ng:�t►thebreach;l2)the
<br /> ' action required to cure such breach;(3)e date,not less than 30 days lrom the date ihe notice fs rne�ied to Borrower.by which
<br /> ,; such breach muat be cured:and(4)thet faf I ureto cure such breach on or belore the date specit�e0 in the notice may result in
<br /> ' acCeleretio�of the suma secured by thla Deedof Trust and�le o1 the Praperry.The�otice shall f urther�ntorm 8orrower ot tfie
<br /> • rlghf to reinBtete eRet acceleretlon end the right to bnng a court aCtion to a9serl the non-existence of a detaull or eny other
<br /> defenaeof Borrowertoacceleretlon and salo.H the breach Is not cured on orbeforethe date specd�ed�n the notice.Lender al
<br /> Lender's optlon mey declere all of the sums aecured by tfi�a Deed oi Tnist to be immediately due and pAyoble without lurther
<br /> demand and may invoke the power of sale and any otner remedies permftted by app�icable law Lender shaU be eM�tled Io
<br /> ? , Collectall�eesonablecostsandexpenses�ncurredinpursu�ngthe�emed�esprov�dedintheparagraphtB.inCludiny,butnot
<br /> limited to,reasonable attorney's fees.
<br /> N the power 018818 is fnvoked.Trustee sha�l record e notite of delau�t In eaCh county in wlnch the Property or gome parf
<br /> 4; �; thereollslocatedantlshallmailcop�esofSUChnoticeinlhemennerprescribedbyappl�cablelawlOBorrowerandtotheother
<br /> � , persons Dre9cribed by appl�cable law.After the lapse of such tlme as may be requ�red by appl�cable law.Trustee shall grve -
<br /> public not�Ce o1 sale 10 the per8ons and in themanner prescnoecl by appl�cable law.Trustee,wdhout demend on Borrower.
<br /> � shall sei�the�'roperly at pub�Ic puct+on to the higt�est b�dder.a1 tt�e t�me a�d Wace and under the terma des�gnated m the not�ce
<br /> � � � of sele in one or more perCels antl m such order as Trustee m�fy determine.T�ustee may poslpone sele ol all or any parcei ol
<br /> � I the Property by�eubl�c announcement at the lirr+�and piace o�ary prgv�ou�ly scheduled snle.Lender or le�der's APs�gnee
<br /> may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> �1; ; Upon reCeipt otpaymentof the pnce b�d.iruslee shali tlel�ver to tne pw�cnaser Trustee's deed conveymg the Property sotd
<br /> �_.._���_.. ..�� N n 6.,++n..�r�_��nntfhpstatementsmadethere�n trusteeshaUappiy
<br /> { Irlerecnaismiiin7rueiii�'n'Sdoo..o��a��..ar.:�.�..«�:°°::_° "--- -
<br /> ;� the(NOCe�3dsoithe sele in the followmg order:la)tc ail reas�r.aDietestsandexpenses of lhesale,�ncludmg.but n�t nmrted�o.
<br /> Trustee's fees o1 not more ihan _ .%ot the gross sale pnce,rea sonable atlorney's lees and costs o�t�tle ev�dertce.
<br /> � (b)to all sums secured by thfs Deed ol TrusC and(c)the excess.�f any,to the person or pe�sons legnlly rnt�tled tnereta
<br /> ' 19. Bortow�r's Rlpht lo RNMIat�. Notwdhstand�ng Lender's acce�eration ol the surns secured by�h�s Deetl of Trus�.
<br /> � Borrower shell have Ihe rfght to heve any proceedmgs begun by Lender to enlorce Ine Deed ol Trust d��c��r•nued at any t�me
<br /> prior to the earller to uCCUr ol(f)the litth day belo+�e the sale ot the Propercy�ursuant to the power ot saie consa�n ed�n tne deed
<br /> •� ol Trust(�4 entry of a judflment enlorcfng th�s Oeed o}Trusr�t �a�Borrower pays Lender all sums whicn wauid be tnen a,e
<br /> 1 under this Deed of Trust,ihe Note and notea secun�g Furure Adva�c:es.d any,had no acceleraUon occured ebi�orrower
<br /> �� cures all breachea of any other covenants Or agreements ot Borruwer contamed�n Ihis Deed ol Trust i�1 E3orrow�r p�yg�U
<br /> t; reasonable expenses incurred by Lender and Trustee entorc�ng me covenants and agreements ol8orrower cnnta�n.?.�,n tn�s
<br /> 9 DeedolTrustand�nenlorcingLender'e►andTruatee'aremed�eaasprov�ded�nparagraph 18hereol.�n,:iu���g.outnot��m�ted
<br /> r to,reasonable attorney's fe�es:and(d)Borrower takes auch action as Lender may reasonably raqu�re to as�►ure thal the i�en of
<br /> this Deed of Trusl,lender's mterest m the Property and Horrower's obligat�on to pay the sums secured by tn�s Deed o�T�ust
<br /> �� shallcont�nueunimpe�red UponsuchpaymentandcurebyBo►rower,th�sOrednitr��st.indtheobliyat�o��sse�curedhereby
<br /> ., I shell remain m lull force and eNect a9 if no acCe�erat�on nad occurred
<br /> . � ' - - - _
<br />