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<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTB.Borrower end Lender covenant and eyree as lollows: � ': •`. "'�•'��•'�.,�::.
<br /> • �, p�y��d p����p���nd�e1�1. Borrower ahall promptly pay when�lue the pnnclpal ol and interest on the " �
<br /> IndeDtldMSS evfd�nced by the Note,prepa ment and tate cheryeaps prov�ded in Ihe Note,and Ihe pnnc�pal ot and interest on � ,,�i
<br /> any Futws/►dvAnces sscurod by the�ot Truat. �. .. ,,,
<br /> �. Fundshx T�x��nd Inwninc�•8ubiect to appNcable law or to a wrltlen walve�by Lender,Borrower shall pay ta Lender
<br /> on ths dsy monthly installments ofprinclpel end intereatare payeble undor Ihe Note,untll the Note is pa�d in lull,a aum Ihere�n
<br /> . "Funds"�equaltoone•twellt„��the1utone�twelithofyaear premiuminetalmenta�to�rheiaia�sueaneepluea neTiwelfthof , �•
<br /> ground rents on the P�opehyr. y.P
<br /> yearly premium in�tellmente for mort�age insurance,Ii any.all as reesonably estimated inillollY and from t�me to time b�
<br />_ • lender on the bs�if of aeseaements and bflle and reaeoneble eadmetes Ihereot•
<br /> The Fundo ahsll be held in an institudon the depoaib or accounta of whlch are Inaured or guaranteed,by a Fede►al or state
<br /> agency(Including 6ende�il Lender is�uch an Inadtutlon�.Lender shell apply Ihe funda to pay sald taxes,asaesements,
<br /> Insuranca premlums and�round rants.lencler mey notcherge for so holding end applyfng the fu�ds,analyzmg aa�d account
<br /> or verifylnp and compflin�saW assessments end bllls,unlesa l.ender paya Bo�rower Intereat onthe Funds end appllcable law
<br /> tl�at�lnterest onihe F nds aheafi De va�d to 8nrrower�and unl�ss sueh agWf�teen►e t s mede or ap plicalbe law�s�uirea such
<br /> intereat to bepaid,Lender sha�!not be required to pay 8orrower any interest or earrnngs on the Funds.Lende�s a�V g�ve to
<br /> � Borrowet,wllhout charge,an annuAl accounting of the Funds show�ng credds artd debits to the Funds and the pu�IROSe to�
<br /> whiCh each debit to the Funds was mads.The Funds are pledped as adddiona��c urity for ihe au ms sec ured by M�s Deed ot
<br /> � Trusl
<br /> U the amount ol the tunds neld by len Jer.lagether w�tl►1he tutu�e monthly installmonts of Funds payable pnor to the due
<br /> dates ot texee,assesemenb.insuranca premiums amd grpund rents.shall exceed Ihe amount required to pay said tc�xas.
<br /> assessments.Inau►anCe premiums and�lround rents as they fall due.wch excess shall be,at 8orrower's oDt�on,either
<br /> � promptly repafd to 8onower or Credited to 8o►rower on monthly instatiments o!Fu '1s 'the am �inl ol ih •F,n(+lfi hPl�b�l , ,
<br /> . .r1�.,
<br /> ' I l.endershallnotbesuificienttopayteMes.essessmenis.insuranceprem�umsardgroundrentsesihnyfallduc i�o nwe�a ��r . . r,
<br /> � pa y to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deliciency w�th�n 30 days qram the date notite is ma�led by l.endor t�•
<br /> eorrower requestiny payment theieQt. , . '1;'%,•
<br /> ' Upon payment in full of all sums aecur�ed by 1Fils Qeed ol Trust,Le�cfa�g otherw ae acqu red byBLendere.Lender shall epply.
<br /> '.� Lende►.If under peragraph 18 Aereof t�e Propertv Is sold or the Properiy • ' .
<br /> no leter Ihan Immedietely prior to ihe 981e of fhe Property ar Its acqu,ufgt'on hy Lender,and Funds held by Lender at ihe time of � ��
<br /> �' . application as e credit against the sums secured by Ih�s Deed oi T
<br /> ' 3. Appllcadon ot P�rm�nis.Unleas pppliceble law provides otherwise,all paymenis recerved by Lender under the Note
<br /> i and peregrepha 1 and 2 hereof shell be aAA��by Lender flrst fn payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower unde� 1 ''`f
<br /> � paragrapli 2 hereof,then to Into�eat payable on the Note,then to the princ�pal of the Note,and Ihan to iMerest and princfpal on ;_
<br /> � eny Future Advances. .-
<br /> I �. Ch�ryM;LNn�.Borrowersshallpay alltaxes.assessmentsandothercharges.tinesandlmposiboneattrlbutablotothe -i
<br /> i PropeAy which may ariein a priority over thls Deed of Truat,and leasehold paymenis ar ground�ents,if eny.in the menner
<br /> � provfded under peraqreph 2 hereol or,If n�t paid in such manner,by 8orrower making paymenl,when due,direclly to the �
<br /> payea thereof.Borrower aheii promp�ly iurnlsh to LandCr sf!noticas�f amounta due under this paragraph,and in the event j
<br /> Borrower ahall meke peyment directly. 8orrower shall promptly furnish to 4ender receipta evidenc�ng sucn payments.
<br /> not b�
<br /> Borrower shall prompQy dfschar�e any lien whfch has pnorlty over tfils Deed ot Trust;pravided,that Borrower shall .
<br /> raquiredtod�schargeany suchliensobngas8orrowerahallagreeinwntingtothepaymentoltheabligat�onsecuredbyauch �.
<br /> '+�' lien In a manner ecceptable to Lender,or shall In good laith Contest auch lien by,or defend enlo►cement of such lien in,legal , '�,� :
<br /> � proceedings whfch opert►te to prevent the enlorcement uf the lien or 1oAeilure of t��e Property or any part thereol. .
<br /> b. H�:ard In�ur�nc�.Borrower shell keep the Improvementa now exislmg or hereaNer erected on the Property msured
<br /> � ageinst losa by Ilre,hezards Included withln the term'extended cove�rV ded,hat Lender shall notr equ rothat the amouM�o1 ' �
<br /> � i. and in auch amounta end for such perloda es Lende�may require;p •
<br /> � such coverage excesd thet amount of coverage reqwred to pay the sums secured by this Deed ol Trust.
<br /> This fnsurence carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower sub�ect to approval by Lender;prowded,that
<br /> such approval shall not be unre6sonably withheld.All premiums on msurance policfes shall be peid m the menner provided
<br /> � ,r,� under parayraph 2 hereot or,rt not paid m such manner,by Borrower mekmg poyment,when due.duectly t0 the�nauranCR
<br /> �. i carAl insurance polfcies and renewals thereof ahall be in form acceptable to Lender and shell include a slandard mortgage
<br /> clause fn favw ot and in form acceptable to Lender.Lender shall havo tha nght to hold the pohc�es and ronewals thereof,and
<br /> Borrower shall promptly lurnish to Lender ell�enewal notices and al I recelpts ol paid premwms.In the event of Ioss.Borrower .
<br /> shell gfve prompt notice to the insurancd carrier and Lender.Lender mey make proof ot losa if not made promptty by Borrower.
<br /> � Unless Lander and Borrower othenvlse agree In wrlting,fnsurance proceedsshell be applied to restoratio��or repe�r of the
<br /> • ' Property damaged,provlded auch reataration or repeir is economlcally leasible and the secunty ot this Deed ot Trust is no�
<br /> I thereby impalred.lf such restoratio�or repalr Is not economfcally leas�ble or II the securiy ot this Deed of Trust would be
<br /> impafred.the Ineurenco proceeds shell be applied to the sums secured by Ih�s Deed ol Trust,w�th the excess,d any,paid to
<br /> Borrower.111he Property is abandoned by Borrower,or il9orrower falle to respand to Ler.der within 30 days from the dete
<br /> notice Is malled by Lender to Borrower that the Insurance carner otters to settle a ciaim for i�eurence benehts,Lender �s
<br /> authorized to collect and apply the�nsurance proceeds et Lender's aption e�ther to restoration nr repair of the Property or to ,
<br /> the sums secured by thfs Dled ot Trust. �
<br /> . ., Unlesa lender and Borrower otherwiseagree m writmg,any such app��cation ot proceeds to pnncipAl shnll not extend oi
<br /> postpone the due dete of the monthly mstallments reterred to in paragraphs t and 217ereot or change tfie amount ot such
<br /> ' installments.lf under peragraph 18 hereof the Properry is acqu�red by lender,nu ngh�,tftle and�nlerest of porrower in and to
<br /> ' any insurance pollciesand In and to the proCeedathereot resultmg trom dama8elo the Propeny pnor tothe sale or acquis�llon
<br /> ehall pass lo Lender to the extent of Ihe sums secured by th�s Deed o1 Trust immed�alely pnor to such sale or acqu�sition.
<br /> 6. Pre�enaponandMalnt�nane�ofProperqr:l.ea��hald�;Gondominlumt;PlannedUnllDevelo�m�nls.8orrowershau
<br /> keep the Property in good repalr and shall not commd waste or perm�t�mpairment ol detenoral�on o the Property and shH�l
<br /> t comply with the provlafona ol any leaee if this Deed of Trust is on a ieasehold if th�s Oeed of Trust is on a unit in a condomm�u m
<br /> or a D'anned unit devaiopment, Borrower shall pe�form all ol8orrower's obliget�ons under the declarat�on or covenents
<br /> creating ar governing tne Condomirnum or plenned unrt development,the by-laws and regulations of the Condomlmum or
<br /> plannetl unii developmant and conslituent documents.II a condomin�um or ptanned unit development nder is excuted by
<br /> Borrowep nnd�ecorded together w�ih this Deed of Trusl,the covenants and egreements O�SuCh nder shAl:be Incorporated
<br /> I inlo and shall amend and supplemertthe covenants and agreemc rts ol th�s peed ul Trust as�f 1he r�qe�w��e a part herpc�f
<br /> � 7. ProteeNon ot LMd�►'s S�curity.1K Borrower lads to peHorm t.�e covenants and agreemen Is contAmed�n ihis Deed cf
<br /> Trust,or�t any aCtion or proceedmg is commenced w�th matenally aHecls Lender s�nterest m the��opertV �ncludmg but no�
<br /> lim�tedlo.em�nenl doma�n,inso�vency.code enforce�^ent,or arranqements or pr�ceed�ngs�r•ro�vmg a bankrupt or tlecedern.
<br /> th@n Lend9r et Lendei S Option,upon notic@ t0 Borrower,may make such:�ppen�ances,disbu rSe SuCh surna a�d take sucn
<br /> acl�on a9 is necessary 10 ProtoCt lender's interest.�nclud�ng,but not��m�ted to,disbursement o�reasonable attorney's lees and
<br /> � ` entry upon the Property to make repa�rs If Lender requ�redmortgaqe�nsurance as a condrt�on o1 mak�ng the loan secured br
<br /> � , the DeeO ol Trusf,Borrower sha�� pay tho prem�ums reau�red t�mn�nta�n sucri m:,urenC���• eNect untd such time as 1!ie
<br /> ^equuemeMtors�u�ch�o�m��ninta maAOaae nsurancepehm.lMSWethentlnnBr�P►ovd d�n�ee0a ag aPh2lher ol�i�
<br /> y ; W..va... ..�`......��� ...__ _ '_' �..�n �°��"'L• .:�el.�.n..a .
<br /> � An amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant lo tn�s Caray►apn �. w��i� ��4C�7Ji :,<�-. . .
<br /> � Y
<br /> + �rtdebtednessolBorrowersecured byth�s Deedo�Trus! U�'ess BorrowPra pay ender egreel�otnPrta�m•."}cayme�t.sucn
<br /> 1 amounts sha�l be payab�e upor�ot�ce trom lende►to Bqrrowe��equeshn ment hereo�ar n;r a��CYar�nterest 1�om the
<br /> i dateo�d�sbursementattherateoaY�1e1romt�metonmean ou��tand���gpnnc�palunderlret4.'�E fPrPS�o�i Pet�gne t rate
<br /> ! a t s u c n r a t e w a u l d b e c o n t r a ry t a a a p��cabte►aw.m wr�rh e�ent such amounts sna rea
<br /> � perrt�ss�breunder app►�cable�aw IVolti mq ConfameQ��tn�s pa��gr,iph/sh:�l l reqwre l�!n�Y��t e m cu r a n y e x p E n g p,o r t a k e a�^y
<br /> aChon nCreunder
<br /> e. Ip���pn•�entler may makear tause ro be roade rP;�so����h�N��'�r��5��P��'�nd�nspectwns ul the Prupr�ty.prowded
<br /> � that lendershell grve 8orrower nnhce pnor to any 5ur.h�ntipt+i.t��•n�.p���d��ni�ra.+tii���.ihlt�� au�:��IhrrNl�ttr r��.Nr�d to Lendr•r a
<br /> mtereat�n fhe Property.
<br /> �� ,
<br /> ' �
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