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Il�saedou�MMwiM�.Tnwfo�shW kMp th�P�opwtfr in canPtl�ne�wMh�11�ppNw�bM I�wr.otdln�no�s and�apul�ttons <br /> -- --='=��—���� rsl�tln0 ta Indu�triu hypl�ne a�wkoamMM�t DroMawan(��Y r�iK��d lo ImNn u"Envkonm�nW Law�y.T�wta ah�ll _ <br /> kMp fM P�op�Ay hM han�II wb�WsnNd b b�MizWdoul o r toxla unda�ny EnvlromnAnal Lawa(eAN�atlwA►��d b <br />° Mnin��"H�ra�dous M�a�h"►-Trustor MnDy wurana and np�la b L�ndsr thN thero a��eo Hwndous MaN�s on a <br /> ur�tl�Properry.Tru�tor hK�b�r�pnws b ind�mnty and R�old A�rn�f�s LM�da,iq dlrwclon,oitloaa.employMa+u�d apMib.and <br />-'��� .ny wcc.swn w�d.r�s ImK.sL from�na.p.i�st•rry ar�d an c4�m�.dama��,loan u�d NsbNides ulWnp In conrwicf�oe wMh <br /> :: . ,,,X.: qN pr�t�nce,uee,dispoa�l a t�nspoR of�mr Hwrdous Mehrhls on.un�Mr,/ran a�bout ths P►op�rly.TH�FOREfiOM10 _. <br /> -a:�ir WARRANTIESAND REPRESENTATIONB.AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIOATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FORE�init�t0 INDEMM11f,BFUILL <br /> B!,lti1AYE REQQMfE�MNf%F AF TH13 OEED f3F TRUST. _ <br /> l - �:-��:�T`�."�;"r"' 10.Asdp�Ml d Rw�4.Tru�for M�eby Asti�na to Lander the ranta.Eauaa and prorits ol Ihs P�op�riy;pro+rided ttut Tnutor — <br /> " .' `f t�.�."Yai'L�t:R s{ <br /> ,;�' `' 'y�:�w:.:;.�=v� �� �hall,unW tlw occunsncs of an Ewnt ot Osbult heraund�r,Fuve the ripht ta collect and rehin wch anb,IWUa�nd proNb as lhay <br /> ,��i��:'. .����rf x t:'^ bscom�dw�nd p�yable.Upon tlw occuR�nce of�n EvaM oi DMault,Lend�r m�y,efiher in p�nwn a by ap�nt,wNA or without <br /> .��%�p' ��:•,'�";'-. b►Inpinp any action o�proaeediog,a by�racaiver appok�ted by�couR and without repard W the�dpwc�r of tb s�curiry,�nMr <br /> �; �.,�+�,i:��::,�� ' upon and take poswsalon ot the PropeAy,or any peA thereof,In ib own name or in the name of the Trustas.�nd do any actri whkh k <br /> ;�,,��?�`����,•f� daeme neceaa�ry or desirabte to prassns the vatua,merketsbllity a►enfabfluy ot th�P►op�Ay.a any part thereof a int�nst fhsrNn. <br /> .�'�'�;=r �:"�'`.�� � ' increeae the Income thareirom or proteat the security hareof and,wilh or without takinp poaes�lon ol tho P�opsAy.�u�for or <br /> "- +�'`'� otha►wlae colleot the rente,iasuea end prolits tnereol,includln�Mase paet due end unpafd,md�pply ths tam�,Iq�cos4 and <br /> ' j�•�,;-r + '�,6x�ensea of opaatlon and collectlon includinp eltorneye'feee,upon eny indebtedness secured hareby,all in wch order�s Lends� <br /> : 1" r : may determl�e.The enterinp upon end tekinQ poaseesion ot the Property,the collectlon of auch ranb,lesues and prelits and ths <br /> ��,.�'�,Y `• <br />::;',�'.�., .:,t.�,'• •'1;`.:Y;.�i <br /> ,' � :,,,:^�'t'�� •';:�r �ppiicaiion thereof es�foretaid,ehall not cu:e or waive any d�etauit ar�oQc!01 de(ault hareundar or Invalidate eny act don�1� <br />_"�'`�i�' �, 'r s ,.� � , �esponse to auch delault or purouant to auch notiCe ol dafault a��f,notwithsWndtnp the condnuance M poaseafbn o11hs P�opertya _ <br />`'°"r,rr <br />�._�_f�4�,����''°�s's the oollectlon,receipt and eppllcadon ot renta,leeuae or proAts,_and 7ruatee and Lender eh�ll be endtled W exerclae every�qht <br /> }�+:,�� ; T_ y� p�Q���pr}p s�q��t anQ�,o�n Instrurtwnts or by law upon oacu�rence of any Event of Oelault,Includlnp witho:�t IfmltsUon ths►lpht <br /> „�.'�'+� �,�'���'���:. to exerclse the power o}aale.Further,l.ender's rlphts end romed�eb under thla para�raph ahall be cumulative wlth,end in no way a <br /> '�y?�'j�����'.�}. IIm1�►tion on,LendePs rtphts and Pemedles under any assipnment olleaees and renta recaded painst the P�opeAy.Lende�.T�usIN <br /> �''. „�•;;... <br /> and the receiver sholl be Ileble Io account only lor thoae rents actualy rec�Ived. <br /> .. " ,'j,,� �'��=�'`�r'.��r'"�' ' 11. Bwnb of ONaufl.The lollowlnp shall consdtute an Evenl af 0efeult under thls Deed of Trust <br /> �J.,ry�+ '� K,{.t�y�� (e) Falure to pay any installment of princt�al or Intereat of any other sum aecwed hereby whea due; <br />;� . *;�� �`�r°'t (b) A breach of or default under any p►ovislon contelned In tha Note,M+is d�d of TruW,any of the Loen Inshurtwnri,or a�y _ <br /> � w . . othar Ilan or encumbrance upon the Properry; <br />_ ' , r+��'�'�, 't+ ��1�,,• <br /> , L:;,r:.�• :>,�. (c) A writ of executlon oT Allachment or any almller procees s h a t 1 b e en ter e d a�a lna t Trus t or w h lc h a h a l l b a c o m e a I l o n o n <br />- , • ;,,, y�,.,,•� �s the Propedy or any porllon thereof or intereat thereln; • <br />--_ � ` ,�„�., .� (d) There ehall be tlled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrowar an actlon under any preaent ar future fecferal,slate or other __ <br />_�;, ,�� ,.,; „ etetute,lew or regulaQon relatlnp to bankruptcy,insolvency or other rellaf tor debto�e;or there ehell be appolnted any trustee, <br />_- ' ' � �-� recelver or liquldator oi Trustor or Borrower or ol ell or any parl of the Properly,or the rent�,issuea or protlq theraof,or Tru�tor <br /> ,f� .. �.. . ;�.w y — <br /> .l ••• �, �-:^�� .'�..:,�� or Bor�Ower ehall make eny yeneral esslgnment lor the benelit ol credltors; _ <br /> �: °�����.►�,:•:� (o) The sele,transfer,lease.8�3tgnmeM,conveya nce or further encumbrance of all o►any part o!or any intero�t In Iho - <br />- r�.�.-. <br /> �. Property,elther voluntarlly or Involunferlly,wNhout the expresa wrilten conaent ot Lender;providetl that Trustor ehall bs <br /> •�' ' + permltted lo execute a leaee ot Ihe Prope►ty that doet not conteln an optbn to pu►chase and the tenn of wMch doea not exaNd _ <br /> � ona year, — <br />'";� �"` :. (Q Abendonment of the Property:or - <br /> . �::.` : ., (�) If Truator la not en Indivldual,the issuance,sele,trensler,aaslpnment,conveyance or encumb�a�ca of more than a tot�l <br />,- {'•,;�� ,� " � d.;•:4~ of percent ot(II a corporetfon)its issued and outalendlny stock or pf a partnerahip)a total of percent of = <br />� •�y�j' � • parinerehlp intereafa during the perlod Ihia Deed ol Trust remefr�a e Ifen on the Property. _ <br /> - • ''.���,-, 1 P. R�m�dIN;AccrNratbn Upon DNwlf.In the event ol any Event of Detault Lender may,without notice except As requlred by <br /> V�'"' , :;f�;" ,. ` law,deolare all Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payeble and the samo shell thereupon become due end pey8ble <br /> � " � • wfthout any presentmenf,demand,proteat or notice o1 any klnd.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> � �-r (a) Demand thet 7ruetee exerclae the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,end Trustee ahall therentter ceuse Truator'a <br /> � � ° �-�y '��' interest in the Property to Ce sold and the proceeds to be diablbuted,ell In the mAnner rovided in the Nebraska Trust Qeod� <br /> I'� ' ,. .��};f�����;. '. •„ p <br /> � - ACt <br /> � .: ;v�ii•:.i;•',; ,�.,tt <br />- `�;�L�:,..,:•..ft�i�, (b) Exerclae any and a11 rlphta provided for In any of tlw Loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrenoe o}any Event of <br />� �.��'.•�}.�r��+k` Defeul�and - <br /> � :• f• r��'�`�t'`�'l�� (c) Commenca an actlon to foreclose 1hls Deed o1 Trust et a mort�ape,appolnt a recelver,or�pecificelly enforce ony o1 tho <br />•�;� . ; �:,:��� ��{Tc�t,k';;�_�t{ <br /> �; , ,,�, covenanls hereof. <br /> # '� ' ' ''���{A�.. No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Truatee o�Lender ia lntended to be excluslve of eny other remedy herain,In the <br /> r;.,�.�.;J� <br /> • , ��; �. .. ,i;,: '�'• . <br /> '� � ��d� .:�,.�sY��S��t;;r?•�, �,,,: Loan Inatruments a by law provided or permftled,but each snail be cumuletive,shaH be In additfon to every other remedy gfven _ <br /> r- hereunder,In the Loan Inatrumenta or now or hereafter exlstiny at law or In equlty or by stetute,and may be exercfied concurrently, <br /> L� Independently or auceesalvely. <br /> �;."� ��, � � ,.�,' , . 13. Truttw. The Truatee may reslpn at any Ume wlthout ceuse,end lender may at any time and without ceuse appoint a _ <br /> r ��' ;",,•:�,•.:: ;�1 euccesaor or aubstilute Trustee.Truatee ohall not tra Ueble to eny perty,Including wlthout IfmlteHon Lender,Borrower,Trusfor or any - <br /> ,'�;,Y-1�'� �; �,, :: . �.< . �K -- <br /> �,` �� �... �. ;1�1��T,f �'^�:� purchafer of the Propeny.for any loes or damage unless due to recklesa or wlllful mlaconduct,end shalt not be requlred to take any - <br />`�! �'� ' �, ��� �t(:;:;f'��"a�'�i?'� ectlon In Co�OCtlon wlth tha enforcement of thfs Deed of T�uet unleas Indemnffled, m wrl0ny,lor ell costa,compensatlon or a <br /> �"� ��SJ�{'•f�' "�� expense8 whlah m6y be assoclatad therewlth.In addltlon,Trustee ma become e urchaser at an sale o1 the Pro � <br /> Y P Y perty(judicfal or <br /> f1_����.. IJwA ti..I�.u.w���11�Aa <br /> �v=-�=-:---�i unoer tna power oi saie granieri nereinj:p6irip6nu inv euid�i 6ii vi Biry yv�:ivi�vi�i�v�rvyn..�,::N�v1ww..i......�. ........ — <br /> �� �� � _. "� �. , .=�t�'r�� Properhr aa a whole, or In separate pa►cels or Ims at Trustee's dlecreNon. V <br /> '�� ' ' G � 1A. FN��nd Frt�nws.In the event Trustee sells the Properry by exerclse o(power ol8ele,Trustee shall be entHled to apply f <br /> -- ;j�-„-:�r� any:at�precteda Ilr±t to peym.,+►++nt wp��sts en�expenees ot exer�!slr.�po�rer ot eal�.Ineludin�J 911 T►usten's tee�,en.!lwnHxr'a ` <br /> -` _� •• ., ,�.�y��;._;` end Truetee'e ettorney'e feea,aclually Incurred to extent per mllted by eppllcable lew.In the event 8orrower or Truator exerclaea eny � <br />, , ripht prOVided Dy law to cure en EveM ol 0efeult,Lernier shall be entltled to recover Irom'fruatvr ali coste end expenaea actually F` <br /> ' , Incu►red ae a reaull of Tru�tor's delault I�cludlnp wlthout Ilmitellon oll Trustee's and atlorney's 1�s,to the extent permltted by � <br /> at � ��;'•, . .. . �• appllcable law. � <br /> ' '%•` -���' 18. Ruturt Advaeea. Upon request ot Borrower, le�der may, at ita optlon,meke eddltlonal and luture advances and re- <br /> �. ,� to poa�ower.8uch advanaes and reativancea,wlth Intereet thereon,8hall be eecured by thla Oeed of Truat At no tlme shell <br /> � � ��'����� " the principel am�unt ol tffe Indebtedneas secured by thfe Deed olTrueL not Includln aums�►dvanced to protect the sacurlry of thls <br />-�. �` .��,` `��;,, ,.���.x p�id ot TrusL�xoeed the otlpinal prtmc+R►al amount steted hereln,or 5��--.whichever la prealer. <br /> � � ,�r'� <br /> . . 1' '�''. `�y �t�w 1. �f,� jty•� I <br /> ;�p•y t .-i.- � .�� Ir� <br />- �' - . , . o! . <br /> ' , �;,::+ . •V:�► .. . ..; <br />