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� '��` -1 �� '� �'• —:.- �_ .-�"_" "_" . _._"_�___ _ . .i _ <br /> - ��` .. � 1. - ._., .. .. __-_ . <br /> •�� ..�-0 � •. —,� ' 1 <br /> �aaraw�wo�T o� o�oR�usT 9�" i��95 <br /> - --- _ _ . _ <br /> ������ <br /> � ��.�a«a•�n.aocu���naT�ao�a �� • i . aT�.nd���a�.� <br /> aw.�w� .a�i��.a.aam���..�+a�lwy�u bTastorqwn�mon�.�a�..w�e <br /> a. a aaa�,aoaw.u«+w�a.ra�.arda ,�,i�oi�ai , n �o,a�.i.«�a.r.�qn�bn.� P►o�r,ow <br /> ,.' �TbM�a� ��i M�a i o�a� �► �t aWs.oa�owl�epwn�n w�..�oubd by <br /> -:� <br /> -__�--,�-2--.------:-�.-� <br /> � i � , Tn� Hu�Wod <br /> �: <br /> -0! <br />_]x.... <br /> __ - Gri ag , YiPa <br /> _;'.�.�,� <br /> .::=���rz�,� <br /> --°=�f�°=r.',�;�,�� DEED OF TRUST WITI� F TUR ADVAN ES - <br />— ��� THIB OBEta OF TRUBT,b made u of the 7th �y o� A ril 0 93 ,b1►Iind+Mri0q�1 <br /> "� ��r� qa Y��� 3u Ge �ninQ�r and Kag,Iir ger. gueband and Yifa � ' - <br /> - -��. -• <br /> -� �=�� � w1w�mallinp a�dr�Is.. 518 South Glay, Grand Ialand. NE 68809 ��n'•T�a:'wh�r on�a mo��, � <br /> - �- --_ T�...:;�`�"�.-_. Five Pointcs Baalrc A I�1Drwska Corooration = <br /> �,,,� •. . . tIN TnntM. . <br /> : ��. ���� ' wlwM ma11Up addrpt Is P O Bnz 1 S�7_��l�d� Nehr�ka 68802 (���T�qpo�p� <br /> :, • <br /> ��� ��'' �'`� Five Poiate Bauk, A ke p ' <br /> '��t•;;;,��^.:a�' Ih�BM�Nici�ry. Ne���a Cor oration , _ <br /> ::� .i�j�r�Kz�;�� . . <br /> !r� ,rb� ' ''�,�• ������q��u P 0 Box 1507,�Grand Ieland� NE 68802 (hereln"t.end�"p, _ <br /> ;k�'��''��'i:.:,,r��'',��:.� <br /> .� ' k, .• ,�,cc.,,;;,,,, ' FOR VALUABLE CONSIOEMYION.Includin�Lender's extenWon oi credit IdenGlled fNrein to.s�Si�im,.�¢!3i_� _ <br /> � .��'�.•w;..��.: - <br /> ,i,��=•�,�.���,; .,"� �q Griopinaer. Huaba�d aad Wife (herein"Borrower",whether one or mare)and the tnat harein creaqd, _• <br /> �•„'- ;�_�� ��^'•�� ths�ecNpt af wl�ich i�he�eby acknowladped,Truetar hereby U�evocebly�rants,benafers,conveys and aaslyns to Trustea,IN _ <br /> TRUST.WITH POWEl9 OF SALE,tor the boneTitand wcu►flyr of Landor,undor And oubJeot to the twms and condidons IwnlnUt�rtst - <br /> _:�` -, taRh,tha:ea1�roper�ty.deresit�as totlowx <br /> .• :-- <br /> ,;'� �;�'„�-� <br /> ��t;t•-'�j�`��4;� w�`•W Eset Half of the West Half of the South Half or ahat would ba Lot Six of ��ocic = <br /> - .'�;;,�;�t;�! '�! . <br /> �Y � {�;r1��.�'{��:}:�'�� :;•: . Ten if Lote Were laid out ae other Lots in eaid Addition in Windolph'o Addit�ioa . <br /> � �•�� �'•.�:����'-�'�����;�°�•�x��, to tbe City of Grand Island, H811 COUA�j�� Nebraska <br />,,::;�:-.� • ;�..,:..� , <br /> 15�;�;r� ,.:�+a�.��lli?��;a.:.,;;��'. <br /> �:'►�' �c. f� • � : Topether w31h a11 bulldinQa,improveme�ts,tixtures, sireals,alleys,ppssapeweye,easements, rl�hts,privilepes and appuAe- _ <br /> ' .'�'r 4•'��!�., _;�sa;>... <br />_ , ,�:.:,, . : �.,,.,. nances Ixa�d thereon or In anywlae pertaining thereto,and lhe rents,iasues and prollts,reverelons and remainders thereot,and <br /> _ �b�;�. ;r•�}J,�, a�;; ',�, �i personel prop0rly the119 atiached to the Improvements&o as to conatitute a fixture,lncludinp,but not Ilmlted to,heatln�and _ <br /> •• i .: k:;° .•.,�:,:�;, np equlpmenk and toyether with the homeetead or marital intereata,lf any,which Uteresta are hereby releaeed and waived;YO - <br />-- ; _ ,y,� ,;.�;«;:; �a ol whbh,inoludlnp replaaeme�ts and addltlo•ns thereto,is hereby declared to be e pert of the real ostate secured by th�lien of Nls - <br /> - , �.' ; " • ���• Owd of Truef and aU o11ho fo�egolny being ratarred to herain as the"Properry". , _ <br /> - � :..; �.:� <br />;.�1;N � t t�•;r;��;i Thi�Deed of Trusl ahall secure(a)the payment of the.princlpel sum and Mter�t ovldonced by a promiasory noto a cr�dit <br /> `��^ "' a reament doted April 7, 1993 ,havinfl e maturiry dote ot April 7. 2003 <br /> , . •;;:.. o � <br />:�±i;'� ., ,,j: ..� <br />� ,is�.';:� . ' • �:..,r(, In!he o�ipinel principal amount of S 28 5?!0 QO ,and any and all modllicatlons,extension�end renewats <br /> Y�•��:., ' • ' :�; ,.'� theroof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower(or eny of them if more then one)hereunde� � <br /> ';'•�i!::.t , y��, ,�.,L_.,•.:;,' : purewnt to one or more promissory notes or tredit epreemente(herein called"Note");(b)ihe payment ol other eums advanced by <br /> , ; s�-}�9�,:t�j,�;��:.� ���'`� Lender to protect the securly of the Note;(c)the performance of all covenants and apreements of Truator set forth he�eln;and(d►all = <br /> - ,. ' s}i f 4j��,. ° •, present and luture indebtedness end obllyetions ol Borrower(or eny of them II more ihan one)to Lender whether direct,Indi�ect, - <br /> _ ';.t„�`� , '•..,. abaolute or co�tlnpeM and whether arlsing by nota,pueranty,overdrak or otherwfse.The Note,this Deed of Trual and any and all _ <br /> '�� �., > :•;,'. ;�, ofherdocuenls that secure the Note or otharwlse execuled In connection therewlth,Includinp wnhout Ilmltation yuara�t��,wcurlty <br /> � : �' , Ypreements and aesl�nmenfs of leasea and r2nis,ahall be reterred to herein as the"Loen I�atrumanW". _ <br /> �;���. '' S`"• Trueto�cov6nents end agrees wilh Lender as tolbws: - <br /> � . � ��:..: ' ,..��f _. <br /> � �;i:.:,;r���; ,.� � 1. PaymMt al lnd�bt�u.All indebtedness secured hereby ahell be pald when due. <br /> �, •,/,`�:�'•�,. �i' 2.TMI�.Trualor is the owner ot ihe Property,has the n�M end authorlty to convey the Properhr,and warrants Ihat the Ilen <br />�Z �:�. � ;�.•� =•�� " <br /> � �` +,V�1.;:.' . ,5� croated hereby le a firat and prior Ilen on the Properry, except for Ilens and encumbrances set (orth by Truetor in w�fUnp and _ <br />�����'� dehvered to Lender L+e1o►e execu�ion e�thla nc�f�I Trust,end the executlon and dellvary ol th�a Daed ol Truet dooa aot vlolete any - <br />...1.:�;,;�; '� �-_ ��, � <br />:� r;;• �, � ;A Cont►aCt or other obli9etlon to whlch Trustor Is aub�ect. <br />,�{,;;,,;' �,,�� ,y,�,_�_, . , ., 3.Tax�1,AansmNfh.To pay before delinquency all taxea,apeciai assessments and all other chargee eyain9t the Property _ <br /> f,; �,�.., ; ,. _:,�,: <br /> �'� r •� ' �ow a hereefler levied, <br /> � �'�{<i� �t �f`� ' . . A. Intuane�.To keep the Property Inaured egelnat damage by fire,hezards fncluded wilfiln the term"extentletl coverage",and <br /> , � "' �'t ' auCh other hazarda aa Lender ma re uire,fn amounta and with com anies acce table to Lender,nam�n Lender as an addltional =- <br />.; {J; , . . Y Q P P 9 <br /> a',"1`, „ named Ineured,with toas payable to the Lender.ln case o1 loas under such polfc�es,the Lentler is aulhor�xed to adJust,colleCt and - <br /> •�f�•;, ' , � com rOmise,all claima lhereunder and ahall heve the optlon of epplying all or part of the insurance proceeds(1)to any Indebledneas ' <br /> �` .: . ,;r,. P <br />;`%;����•t� �� securetl hereby and in auch order as Lender rnay determine,Q1)to the Trustor to be used for lhe repa�r or resloratlon of the Property � <br /> �� '�� '�';��'° or(Hi)for any other purpose or obJect eatiafactory to Lender wlthout atfectlnp the Ilen of thig peed ol Ttust for ihe tull amaunt tecured ;� <br /> ".i�' _ ;T,.:., <br /> _: •' � � hereby 08fore such payment ever took placa.Any application ol proceeds to fndebtedness ahell not extend or postpone the due „ <br /> �,.•"-+i�� date of 8ny p8yments under ihe Nole,or cure eny defeult thttreuntler or hereunder. - <br /> s:'•.'�`. ,`;'.,�,'.. <br /> I."�'�? �'�di�_ ` b. E�row.Upon wrilten demend by Lender,Trustor ehall pay to Lender,in auch manner as Lender may deeignate,auN�clent - <br /> -� � � �� ' iums to enahle�ender to pay as they become due one or more of the lallowinp:(p all texes,aeseaunents and other charges eqalnst s <br /> '•1 i ,, i��,_ tho Property,(lf)1he pramiums on the property Insurance requfred hereunder,and(ifl)the p�emiuma on any mortgaae lneuranCe <br />_ ,•.,�;.:�s�'e,�a,�y,�+ roqufnd by Lender. <br /> - '-�"'-'%i"`' 8. MalnfMano�. RWaln and Compllanc�with Law�.Trustor ahall keep the Propery In yood contlitlnn antl repelr;shell _ <br /> '�"`��i � , � � prompUy �epafr,ar replece any improvement whlch may be demaged or deatroyed;ahall not commit or permit any waite or <br /> ° r'���;�:a deteriorotlon of the Prope►ty;shell not remove,demodah or aubetentlally alter any ol the improvementa on the Property: shell not <br /> � � � " commlt�uHer or permlt any ect to be done�n or upon the Property In vfolatlon of any lew,ordinance.or reyulatlon;end shall pay and <br /> � : � prompdy di�charpe at Truator's cost and oxpense ell Uent,encumbrancee ond charpes levied,imposed or osaossed e�alnat the <br /> ,. , : `. � �� Property a any pert thereol. <br /> �. �• �� ; ;.�:• �.;� 7. Emimnt Domaln.Lender la hereby asalpned all cvmpenaetlon,awards,damapes and other payments or relfel(herelnatler <br /> � `- ��o�;•� ,.o+ "Proceeds'71n connectlon with condemnatlon or other t�kin9 of the Property or part thereof,or for conveyence fn Neu ol condemne- <br /> �� . � , . ` tlon.lender�hall be endtled et Ite optlon fo commence,a00ear In and prosecute in fts own neme any actfon or proceedinpa.and <br /> I• �• • ,�';:�'� � �hall alto be entitlod to maka any compromlae or aettlom�nt in cortnecho�wllh wch Wkin�or flw evYnt any pptfon of <br /> .. I'11� .I�L.,�� . <br /> , 4 --�'.� iMCaur�Naw�nc�nwro�.aie�r�o�M '� Q• <br /> •. . OI/MNMwy1MKMCMnnwaTrw�ryf�w/q��w�erlionL�roWiNWwU �y�>> } ' <br /> �ti ti <br /> � <br />