' APR=20-99 09:07 FROM=FIRST UNION ID= PAGE 10/11
<br /> . 99_ 1(�455'7
<br /> �olds, Condo�nin�iwoas; Pi,an.ned 'U�it Deve�opmeuts.
<br /> g, preservation a�d Maintemance of Yropet'ty; �t �t or deterioration of
<br /> Borrower shall keep the Pro�erty in good repaiz and sha11 not comanit waste or p �P
<br /> the property and shall comply'With rhe provisions of auy lease if tl�is�of Trust is oz�a leasehold_ If this Deed of
<br /> Trust is on a unit ia a co�adomin;ium or a p1aRn.ed unit developmeat,Bozrower shall perform all oP Borrower's obligations
<br /> under the declarazion or co'veaaz�ts creating or governing the comdomuzium or plan,med vnit developmeat, the by-laws
<br /> and regulations of the condominium or�lanned unit development, and constituent documents- .
<br /> 6. Protection of Le9ader's Securit�•
<br /> If Borrower fails to perfoxm the covenancs aad agretmen�s�n�����
<br /> of Tzust, or if anY actiom or proceeding is comm�eneed which mat�zially a£�ects Lender'S inE�rest m the Pr�1�rtY�then
<br /> mma
<br /> T..ender, az Leader's option, uPon notice to Bonrower, maY make such appearances, disburse such sums> 'voclu utg
<br /> reasonable attorneys' fees, and take such actions as is necessar5' io Protect Lender's interest.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed.by I.ender pursuaat to tlais paragraph 6> witZz interest thereon, at the Note rate, shall become
<br /> additioael indebtadness of Borrower sectued by this Beed of Trust. Unless Borro�'ver auad Lender�;.r��to��o�Nothin$
<br /> of pay�oaeat,such amou�ts shall be Payable upon notice from Lender W Borrower requestin,,AaYmen
<br /> containad in this paragrapb 6 shall.requue Lender to 'vaeur any expense or take any action hereundex.
<br /> 7. bnspediom. Lender may make or cause to be z�ade reasonable en�mes ipon and����use thexefor r�eiated
<br /> provided that Lemder shall,�ive Bozrower not�ce prior to az�y such inspecti sPec fy�g
<br /> to L,euder's iuterest in the Property.
<br /> 8. Condemnation. The proceeds of auy award or claizzz far dam,ages,dxrect or cansequential,in connection with aay
<br /> condemuation or other taldng of the Propert�'. or Pa�t there°�• or for eanveyaz1ee in lieu of condemnation, aze herebY
<br /> assinued and sl;zall be paid to Le�zder subject to the terms of any m�ortgage>deed of tzust or other securitY agx�ment�'"xth
<br /> a lie�wlaich has prioriry over this Deed of'Y'rust.
<br /> 9. Borrower Not Released; Forbeatance B� Lender Not a 'Waiver. The Borrower shall remainotwitJ�stand I
<br /> 8
<br /> payment of the principa� aad intezest on tb�e Note(or any advancez�ent or oblig on b an�other���yof the'Borrovu'er's
<br /> auy of the followi�: (a)The sale of aIl or a part of the premises, (b)the assu�F Y P�R3'
<br /> obligarions hereunder, (C)the forbearsuce or exte�asion of time for�ayment or perfornaance o�any ob�iaation hereunder,
<br /> whether granted to�orrower or a subsequent owner o�the properry,and(d)the release of aI1 or a�ay part of the pz�nises
<br /> securing said obligations or the release o£aay part�' who assumes paymez�t of the same. I�Ione of the foreaoing s1n�a1.1
<br /> affect the full force and effect of the lien af this Aeed of Trust or impai�c �..�nder's right to a deficiency
<br /> in any way ��g�,e obli atians hereunder.
<br /> jud�ent(zn the eveaat of foreclosure) against Borrower or any parry S
<br /> Any forbearance by Y.ender in exercising any right or remedy hereumder, or othzrvvise afforded by appliCable law, shall
<br /> not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any stFCh right or remed�'.
<br /> ],0. Suceessors a�ad Assi�as Botmd;Joint a�ad Sevel�aY Liability;Co-signers. 'Ihe covenznts and agreements herein
<br /> cont,auaed shaIl bind, aud the riaiits he�ceunder s�ali inure to, the tespecsive suocess°rs au'd assi�n,s of Lemder a�d
<br /> Borrower, subject to the provxsions of paragraph 15 he�reof. A,il covenaats and agreements of Borrower shatl be joint
<br /> and several. An�Borrower who Co-signs this Deed of Trust,but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-si�gning tb�is Deed
<br /> of Trust only to grant and convey tt�at Bonrower's i�oiterest in the Property to Len.der under the tera�s of this Dced of
<br /> Tkust, (b) is not personally iia�►le on the Note or unde�this Deed of Trust, and (c) agrees that Lendex and uty ottier
<br /> Borrower hez�under m,ay agree to extend>inodifY,forbear,or make any other accommodations�wit2t regard to t�e terms
<br /> of this Deed of Txust or the Note without that Borrow'er's consent and without releasi�g tb.ai Bor�o'Wer or uaodifyima this
<br /> Dcx�d of Tzust as to thst Borrower's interest i�a the Property.
<br /> 1�. i�Tatice. Except for amy aotice required under applicable law to be given i�n another mauner, (a) a�'Y nouce to
<br /> Borrovver provided for ia this Deed of Trust shall be giveu by delivering it or by mazling such�aodce by first a� ma�
<br /> addressed to Borrower or the curr�nt o'cvner at the Property Adda�ess or at such other address as Bozxower ma� g�
<br /> by nodce to�der as provided�erem, aad any other pezson pexsonally liable on shis Note as these person's ma�s�andt
<br /> addre�appear in the Lender's records at the time of giviz�.g notice and(b)any notice to Lendex shall be gi
<br /> class ma�l to Lender's add�ss stated herena or to such othez address as Lender may designate by notice to gornower
<br /> as pmvided herein. Any notic�provzded foz in this Dc�d of Tzust shall be deemed to have been gi�ven to Borrower or
<br /> Y..ender wheti given in the manner design,ated herein.
<br /> 12, Go�vernimg Y,aw; Severability- '�'he state and loc�i laws applicabie to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws of the
<br /> jurisdicuon in whicii the Yroperty is Iocated_ 7he£oregoing seatence shall not limit the applicability of��e�licable
<br /> this Deed of Trust. In the evea�t that any provisioa or cIause of t1�is Deed of Trust or the Note conflxcts with aPP
<br /> Iaw,sueh confliets shall not affect other pro�isions of this Deed of T�nlst or the Note which caia be given effect vvithout
<br /> the conf�ic�ng grovision,and to this ead the�rovisious of this Deed of Tzust and the Note are declared i°be��blealaw
<br /> As used her�in"costs", "expenses" and "attorne�s' fees° inciude aIl sums to the exteia[not pxohibited by app'
<br /> or limited herein.
<br /> 13. Borrower's Copy- Borrower sb.all be furnished a�°nf°r� COPy of the Note, thu Deed.of Trust a�ad Ridez(s)
<br /> at the cime of executio�a or after recordation hereof.
<br /> _ n r�ge 3 0�s (� � , 1 ��ao����ntlea
<br />