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� APR�20-99 09:06 FROM=FIRST UNION ID= PAGE 9/11 <br /> � � ��' 1�455'� <br /> Any rider (°Rider`7 attached hereto and exectxted of even date is incorpo�rated herein and the Covenant aud <br /> agireements of tbe Ridex shalY amend and suppTement the cove.�ants and agreem�ts of t}ais Deed of TYust, as if <br /> the Rider were a part hefreof. <br /> goFrower cove�ants that Borrower is Iawfuliy of the estata herebY conveyed and has the r��t to grant and conveq <br /> the Propesty, atad that the Propeny is u����b��, except for encumbrances of reCOrd. fionrower eovenan�[t <br /> P � aainsc all claa�ns vad denoands, J <br /> �orrower w a r r a m t s a n d w i ll d e f e�n d g e n e z�a l l y the title to the Property aa <br /> �acumbrances of record. <br /> UNYFORM CO'VENAN'TS. Borrower and Lender covenant aad a�ee as follows= <br /> 1. Paynaent of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptl�pay when due the p�cincipal and interest indebtsdness <br /> evideaced by the Note and late charges as provided zz� the Note. This Deed oP Trus� Secures �aY�t of said Note <br /> aceordi�to its ternos, which are ineoz'porated hereia by rzference_ <br /> hcation of Payments. Unless aPplicable law provides otherwise, all paymeuts received by Lender under the <br /> 2. App� <br /> Note az�d paraa aph 1 hareaf sball be applied bY I�der fizst to inte�est due on the Note, second to the principal ue <br /> on tiie Note, aud then to late cb,arges du�on the Note_ <br /> 3. prior Niortgages and Deeds of'YYust; Chaz�ges; Lie�os. Bozrower shall perform aZl of Borrower's obligations, <br /> �mder aay m�ortgage, d�ed of tzust or other security a.�•reemeut with a Iie�n wb�ich has priority o'ver this Desd of Trust, <br /> m � P Y aid all taxes, <br /> i�cludina Borrower's covenants t� make payments when due_ Borrower shall a or cause to be p <br /> assessments and other cha�r;es, fimes and iznposicio�os attributable co the Properry wIucii may attain a prioziry over this <br /> Deed of 1�ust, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any- <br /> 4. �rd Iiosurauce. a) Borrawer shall keep the improvements now eacxsting or I�ereafCe�r ere.�tefl on the Propeity <br /> insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the Lerm "extended coverage", and any ot�er ha2axds, includi� <br /> iloods or flood, for wbxch i,ender requixes insurance� This iusurance st�.alI be maintained 'zn the �ower�subject to <br /> periods that T.e�ader requims. Ttx� insura�ce carrier groviding the ins�uance shaiI be chosen by <br /> I.e�der's appmval vcrhich sk�all not be unreasonably withhe�d. If Borroweir fails to main.taiu cover2ge desc�dbed abo've, <br /> Le�ader may,at Le�de�'s option,obtain covera�e to pzotect Lender's rights in the Property in accordan�e w�th p��aPh <br /> 6. <br /> b) All insurance policies and renevu'a1s s�all be acxeptable ta Le�ader and shall iu�clnde a standard mortgage clause. <br /> Lender shall have the zight to hold the policies and reaewals_ If Lemder requires, BorroWer shali promPtlY' give to <br /> Leader ali receipts of paid premivxr�s and renewal notices- In the eveat of loss, gorrower shali give pmmpt to the <br /> insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proo�of Ioss if not made proaipdy to Bflrrower. <br /> c) Unless L.ender an,d Borrower oshetwise a�'ee in wriring,znsurance proceeds shaIl be applied to restoration or repair <br /> of the PzopertY dama8ed• if the restoratioa or repair is econonaically fe2s�le and r.endex's security is�.ot lessened• If <br /> the restorati.on or repair is not economically feasible or Lendex's seCUrity would be lessened>the insuz�ce Px��� <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Securiry Insuvment>whether or not thea due,with a�y�xcess paid to Borrower. <br /> Yf Borcower abandons the Property or does not answer withixx 30 days a uotice from Lznder�t�e e�S���� <br /> has offered to settte a claim, then X_ender�ay collect the ins�rance proceeds- I,ender tna�' P <br /> or restore the PropertY ox to pa�'sums secured b�this Security Instrument,wherher or not then due. T1xe 30-day Peziod <br /> will begin when the notice is given. <br /> d) Exeept as provided in subparagraph 4(e) below, should partial ox complete destrueiion or damaae occur to the <br /> propeity,B�oxrow�r hereby agrees that amy and a�I instruzneats evidenciR;iasurance proceeds recei'ved by I..ender as a <br /> result of said damaa�or destniction,shatl be Placed in a uoz�-iaterest bearing eseror�'aee°unt with I.ender. At Y.ender's <br /> discreEion, Lender may reIease some or all of the proceeds from� ��scxow after Sozrower presecz�.0 Leuder with a <br /> rc�cceipt(s}, invoice(s),written estzzna=es(s)or other document(s) acceptable to I.ender Wh�,ch relates to the repair and/ox <br /> e <br /> unprpvements of the �roperty necessary as a resuJ,t of said damage and/or destruccion. Absent azz agreenaent to e <br /> eontrary, L.euder shall not be required to pay Bonower any intc-rest on the proeeeds held in the escrow accowat_ Any <br /> auxounts reznainin$ in the aecount after all xepairs and/or i�prov�¢ents have be�n made to the Lender's satisfactzon, <br /> sh.all be applied ta the sums secured by this De�d of Trust,Dced to Secure Debt,or Mortgage. Borrowex�� <br /> co coopecate witb,�nder by endorsing ail, ehecks. clrafts a�d/or other insfxumems eviden,cing insurance P <br /> any mecessary docu�menu. Should Borrower fail to pzovide am�requiz�d endorsem�nt 2uo�d/or exeeution W'ithin thirty(30) <br /> days afrer I.ez�der sends borzower uotiee that Lender has raeeived an� instruna�t evidezicing insuranee Aroceeds, or <br /> d.ocvmeAt(s) reqviring Boxxower's signa�ure, Bozrower hereby authorizes �.ender co endorse said insu�woa�nt and/or <br /> document(s)on Borrowers behalf, and collect and ap'Ply said proceeds at I.endex's option,either i It l�not��e inte�,t�'on <br /> of the Property or to suu�s Secured bY this Deed of'I�ust, Deed to Secure Debt,�ox Mortgag . <br /> of either party that this esc�'°�' Pi°�'i�on, ��o� �der's endorsement or execution of an insuument(s) and/or <br /> do�ument(s)on 6ehal.f of Bonrower create a fiduciary or ageinc� relationship between Lender and Borro�uver. <br /> e) Unless L.e�ader and Borrower othervvise agze� in writing, anY aPPIication of proceetls to principal sha11 not extend <br /> a ts referred to in paragraPhs I and 2 or change the a�mount of the <br /> or postpone tb,e due date of the momthI� p yxn� � y licies and <br /> paymemrs- If umder paragtaph 16 the Property i�s acc�uired by Lender, Bo�trower's ri t to an insurance Po <br /> praceeds resulting from dazz�age to the property prior to t�.ie acquisit�an shall pass to Lender to the exteat of the sums <br /> secured by ihis Security In�zua�L• <br /> --�� _ ._ „+---��z ec s f� � � ro�nm rr��tv�►rc.�.ceea <br /> 000ss,s� Ror+� <br />