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� l ;, .i : ..�_ "" - ��'°�. <br /> � - <br /> � y-- -- - -` < � , -- - .- , - <br /> - -_- - �-� • _ :�t. , �. � . , . ' , - ..�.._.��, ;, <br /> .� �� <br /> �g3_ ��3 <br /> . <br /> �orto�,��r�e�a. ,�o,n�a�oe c�rr�r��h.�n�oe�,be�,by�o�ov��w�...a�r <br /> _ �ppR►vil whlch�l1.not bo ameaiar�bly aftl�deW. It Hoaowa hilt to m�inuGi oover�o descdbed abava.f�ender m�y.�t <br /> • Landerti optlon.abtain rnveraQe to p��ect l.ender�tl�Uq ln tha�y in acaard�cvilh p�t�Laph 7. <br /> All inturwioe policid and mAewa��116e�ooept�ble w �tlWl tuclud�e�sqndud mat�e claute. i.enda <br /> �H iuvo the d�ht w hoW tbe poltcies atd renawalo. l.ender�oqui�+es.Barower�all PromPUY�tve w La�der aU roeeipu <br /> of pdd premiums�nd�enewal�wNoes. In the evau of Ioa:,aatrower�hall�ivo prompt aoUoe ta the iaaumce c�rrier�ad <br /> Leode� Lendo�m�y mRlce p�ioof of low if aot mde prumptiy by Bwmwer. <br /> Unkss Lender and Bomowcr ott�vrw�se�groe in writin�.insurance�+oceeds shall ba appikd w rcatontion at rap�ir of <br /> --"- � d�e��1�Ay d�ed, if tha resmratian�n�pair ir 000nornicaiUy feawblo And Le�ulor5�secwity!a iwt lessened. lf 1he �� �' ---- <br /> - � a i�rwt econoailcalty fessibb a l.ender�secu�lty wauld bo leice+w�d,tla insunu�ce pmc�eede altatl ba'�•...,.,,�:'�� ��:_-_- <br /> . .�oQ�fia suaass�q�ed by tAis Sccurity Insaumenb wf�ett�u or not then due.with any excess paid to Bonower; If .,• ==- <br /> "�c.,:,. __= <br /> ,,,.� -,�,.-.�—� �kxrowa�t�wadops the Praperty,ar daea nat�nswer wit�in 30 days a rwtice from 1.�ndar that the ihsurance carrier hea����.. . �� .,, <br /> - .. �. . •.,; aE��a adt��ctaim.then Wndor may collect the inaurm►ce p�nooed�. Lender may usc ti�c proceeds to repair or ttsWte <br /> - --.;;A�;�,„:; . Ihe Plroperty or w pay suma secuneU by�hic SeC�ity In�trwnent:whether or not tl�n due:•'Ihe�O�day.period will be�in wlKn <br /> :Au`� the notica ie given. <br /> °-_--- _ _���� • Unkss l.ender and Bomuwer otherwiso ag►oe in wridng�apy a licAticM of proceeda ta ptincipal shwll not oxtend or <br /> postpora the due date of ihe monthly pwymenta rofemed�o in pamgr�is 1 ana 2 or chu�go the Amount of the paymo�IS. If . <br /> under pamgmph 21 the Property ir acqui�ed by Lantfer,Bomnwcr�dght to�ny insuranoe policies ond procada nesultin� <br /> -�;s ftom demago ta tho Propetty prlor lo the�cqui:ition�lwli pus to L.endu to Ihe eatent of ihe:uma Kcunad by this Security <br /> -u� lnswment immodlatoly or to tho acqui:ition. <br /> -'; 6. Oocupaae�y rw�tion, M�latewnce �ad Proteelion ot tbe Proparlyi Borrower'� APP�i <br /> °.•��ebold�. Hormwer ehdl accupy.aubli�h.Aud wie tha Property�Borrower�principrl�sidence wi�hin sixty d�y��fle� - <br /> - --� th�ezecution of dsis Sueuity Instsucnent mu! sha!!canthteee to occtspy thc �aa Berrower�prfncipsl ta�Weticc fos�t <br /> ,- .�� _ ..' leat ano ear afkr �he date of accu <br /> ; y pancy. unlexs 4ender alherwi�e aQrcea wt�tinQ, which cansent slwll not tie <br />_ unrcAxanably wi�hheW,or unless extrnw�inQ eircuau+tancai exi��whfch�re boycmd Baroweri�cantrol. Borrower ehdl not <br /> ; dc�uroy,dam�go or impAir Ihe Prnperty.allaw�he Property io dotcNor�lc,ar commft w�ste on the PropoAy. E3amwer�hall <br /> 6c in defwull iP nny fafciturc action or proceedln�.whe�hc�civil or c�iminwl,i�begun thwt in L.enderk goad faith Jud�meM <br /> �, cwuld n�ult in forfeitw�r of �he Prope�ty or �thenvica mate�ially imp�fr tho lien created by thi�Secu�iry Itut�ument a <br /> Leaderk Rccu�ity intcrost. Borrower mpy curo xuch a dofwull wnd minctAte,s�s provided in pAragnph causing�he iction <br /> ,: n �, kT.., or p�cading to be dismissed with r ruling�hnt,in Lenderb good feith detem�ination,p�cludes forfeiture af the Bo�ruwer� <br /> 'a,�?:r.�:;j' inteiest In the Property or o�er mAte�ial impairtnent of the Ikn crcuted by�his Security Inswment or Lcnderl�securiry <br /> ' °'>.r+ interest. Borrower shall aiso be fn dofault if Bornowcr. du�ng tho ban application process, gave matodelly falce or <br /> �° � °`"i' ��� MaccurnK inforn�ation or s�atemen�s to i.ender lor failed to provida Lender wfU�eny materlal Infortnatian)in connatiion wi�h <br /> • ��,. :'���.� <br /> �� � =r•.-��-� �:•., �he laan evldenced b the Note. includins, but not limited to,nePresentatlons conceming Barrower� occupancy of the <br /> '�``�• t;""��4 Property as A principa�residence. IP this Secu�iry[nsdumem is on a IeusehoW.Bo+rower shall comply wfih all the proviafons — <br /> -_ _ :�t+.-;u�,•.;�,;�,y�� of the leasc. !f Sasrs��r�r,cis:::.'...tide to the Property,t!��' �!ttse fee Cstle sl�a!!no!merge ualess Lender agctee <br /> to the merger in writing. _ <br /> •.:�•� �•�.��. 7. Pf'O�tCIIWI Of LCAdtP'S��SjI11S � l�! PrOplrR� If Borrower fails to perfotm the covenants and agneements - - <br /> ° r.�.T_F:,; .:,,-:..�,�;�,-4 contained in this Security Instruaner�i.or lhere is a legal p�oceeding thut may significantly affect Lender+s rights in the ___ <br /> ' ,�;��..,•• v,E�' '1•` Propeny(such as a praceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for cademnauao or forfeitu�e or to enforce laws or regulations),then -- <br /> !�'S� Lender ma pay for whaQever ls necessary to protect tl�e value of the Propeny and LenderS�rights fn the Propeny. <br /> � . '••.�•.,,.. y do and <br /> �,.+,Ii�V.�'.�f"y„'.::� ' �,-. <br /> � � �,s;.;r Lende�'s actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority aue�this Securiry Instrument,appesrfng <br /> " ,t:,�'.�r:��t in coun,paying reasonable attorneys'fecs and entedng on the Property w make �epai�s.Although Lender may take action ,�,,�.�;: <br /> ?'��'•v � ' q` <br /> M,�.�•��•<`•r', �, under this paragraph 7,Leader dces not have to do so. ��;`. <br /> `'�"' {�' �� •� An amounu disbuned b Lender under this ara ra h 7 shall become auditoonu� debt of Borrower securcd b this s <br /> �_ :�ti t`};�i! Y Y P � P Y �; <br /> �Gr•t,.. . Security Instrument. Unless Borrower ond L.ender agree to a�her terms of ps�yment,these amaunts shall bear interest from the <br />�r�: %� �iY,�,t�ai I'.,.: <br /> r�i+� ��a,�,•.�:�:. date c�f di�bursement nt the Nate rate and shall be a s►ble,with interest,u n notice fram Lender to Borrower uestin Y�:.. <br /> ±u ; ; 'i•}>v,t}�;:t . p Y P� �1 8 s�,,,, <br /> 1�. %.,,;�,T,;i: puymunt. _: <br /> '`•�t � � ��r," 1 S. Mortgage Insurnnce. If Lender required mortgage insurance ns u condition of mnlcing�he loan isecured hy this , ,, <br /> ��:; f`':����' � ``�� '� Security Instrument, Bonower shall pay thr prerniums reyw�+ed�o malmain the mongage insuian� in efi'ect. If, for any � ti' <br /> 4� <br /> '� � ��``'�'"'�.�+..�q:`�� reacon.the mortguge insur;►nce coverage required by Lender lepses ar ceases to be in effect, Hortower sh�ll pay the '��-��! <br />- ��'• ' +'��`'s'�R��'`'.�� premiums required to obtain coverage substantially cquivalent ro the monguge insu�ance previously in effect,at a cast ;-•rr <br /> �'� r� ���:;t <br /> ' '�'�•���(��>r�� • substantfall e urvulent to ihe cost to Borrower of�he man a e insurnnce reviousl m effect,from sm altemAte mart a e <br /> , �. Y 9 � FR P Y � € R <br /> it� ' '��Tjf` t�'�� .'��,�� <br /> a.��;�;i• z%�'i . insurer approved by Lendtr. If substantiAlly equivalent moAga�e inaurance coverage ia not available,Bomower shaU pay to ,�, <br /> , '�ti "��'����'�;:::M' '' Lender euch month o sum e ual to one-twelfth of the earl mon a e insurance remium bein a�d b Burrower when the - <br /> 3,So.1'ti.,� ., . 9 Y Y 8 8 P B p'� Y �,::��- <br /> _-��' � y�:;;���,. �•:^� insurance coverage lapsed or ceused to be in effect. Lender will accept,use:md retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu -�,�;. <br /> � '.,, •.�r,•" •+'� �.� of morlgage insurAnce. Laes rescrvc puyments may no longer be required,ut the optaon of Lender,if mortgage insurance ;� <br /> ��'�. �r a� coverage(in the umount and for the period that Lender reyuires)prowded by nn insurex upproved by Lender ugain becames �•^� <br /> �;5. 1� '';��;;r,::, .�:' <br /> - _ .� , , avallable und is obtuined. Bormwer shnll ppy the premiums reyuired to maintain mortgu�e in.urance in effect,or to provide a <br /> ,.,, '�''��.°` " lo�s reeerve,until the requirernent for mortgage fnsurance endx in nccordancc with any wriucn ugreement between Borrower �;�, <br />- �%;:.. ,}; :1�•:�;�, � , ond Lender or applicable luw. _;,:� <br /> -�'� ;.;r°��;� ,. 9. Inspection. Lcnder or ith agent may�make re+isonoblc cntries upon und inspectionx of the Property. Lender shall �:.' <br />- 'i;�r'-�>'ti'�'�i«� �ve Borrowcr noticc a�the timc of or rior to un ins uion s c�f in reasonuble r•ru.c tor the ins ctiun. � <br /> ;.�.• �i"�" `.� B P Pe' P� � Y B Pt <br /> �`�� ' ';,�4;f;Y��':tn..��,�_; LQ. Condemnatioie. The prncerds of any.►�varc!or claim for d•rm�gcs,dircct nr consequential,in ronnection a•ith:u�y 'r"�;° <br /> :' ,j,� �� <br />,i-,.. f , �.�•.v.- .��� <br />-= Sln�k FamUy••Fbnnk Ma/Fteddk Mac U�IOFi/RN IVSTIlUN�NT••UniYorm Cuvenams 9190 �pu�te 9 nje poRe�l ' <br /> _ i� , fircat Ideu�6ueM�er Yam�.he.■ .�!: <br /> lbpderfiltr Ii0061GYLiW O PA1ttlb711•1171 <br /> - ��ti' ' ;:. <br />.° ��'J�, .� '.._. . .– � - a . ., ` r .,,. <br /> . y �• w;, <br /> A- h��� � ' .. .. � � -' , ,,�'�.IkA+�M•�� �'�y�•N.. • ' F�: e�w�. . . . . , <br /> .0 �j- • • . ,. - ,. ' • . . •.o`,M � :' ,-s2� e v ;'.r��.'��+�7k�rA•� �_' �,, <br /> � . . <br /> . , - <br /> . . ... . <br /> . 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