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--- ; .;� . . . -- —=- <br /> .{� � . .� - - , <br /> .,.�- . - _'. -.-T—_—__ _-- '.j . -_-- <br /> — ` .. it. l�� � .� .. .V �. . .. , ' . ' ..!I-1 _.Tw <br /> -� 1 •..1� ,� , . . <br /> r�r:_ <br /> - �� ,�� � <br /> ._�__� .. _. . . roQel�csR wrrH pf�a�e+r�v�ss��aw a etpe�R�r�m t�C{n'apa�►.ea�a w�.s�tne�,+s. +I�vurus►aaoe.. ' <br /> and flxa�na aow or he�rattar a p�t ot Ihe prope�ty. Alt ropl�oanaus and addidan�ab�U ala be coverod by�bi�8ecwity , <br /> Impummit. All of die faro�oi�i�rofened ro in this 9acudty In�trun�t iu the"Propmty." � <br /> BORROWPR G�OV6NANT8�hst Nonower is I�wlblly sai�ed of 1he eawa tiereby aonveyed and h�the d�ht w y�u�t <br /> and canvey tUa�and tlw the Nropaty i4 w�encumbarod exapt far w�cumbnnces of�ecad Barower waeaata and <br /> wlll defend�eneral y the Utb w tbe Propmty a�aiiut dl cWmt�ad�.wbjacl a�ny encumbranoea of rocad. <br /> _,_ � <br /> THIS SECURITY 1NS7RUMHIVT combinaa unifarm covenwats for n�tional uso �nd non-unifoam coveaants wltb <br /> - -^'� limited vui�tionr by juri�dicNao to caaqitute A unifoim�ecurity insuwnent covering property. <br /> - UNRaORM COVFNAIVTS. Bonower�nd Lenda coveoant and�groe as folbws: <br />„�;� l. Payment ot P�lactprl�utd Iaternti�Wl�N aM Lak Clw�e� 4iarowa sd�P�Y PRY whm�o the <br /> - °-,-- �o�utd iateoes�on the debt evidrnced by►1�Not+o ac�aq� p�epa�yme�at a�od tx+e cDarges due uodec d�Nae. <br /> Flr�it fir 7lupea a�d I�re�ca Subjoct w�QU�'�bla Law oc to a wntt�eo wauver by Lender.Barowa s1�1i�r o0 <br /> B.eader pu 16�da maa�,�c pr+„�mer�r�re dwe umder tM Nooe.undl�he Note�is paid in iull.a sum("Ponds") for:'(a)yaady <br /> � tw�es and wssess�nents wtdch may attain pr[aiq over this SecurNy lnetrument as a lien on the Property;(b)Yearly leasehold �' <br /> --� r�°° � ,. paymente a gmuad tents an tha Pro�eirty, if anY: (c) Yee'rly haxeid or property ir�ewrance.prcmiums; (d)yeady flaad . ,. <br /> — ,�, -�=n'��K, � i�su��ue premiums,if any:(e)Y��Y�+8a8e insurance prthniums. Ii ony: and(fl any sums payable by Borrower ta <br /> t��`� • i �Lcr�r,in accarda�ce wl�h the provisions of parngraph 8,in.liea of th�p�yment of mortgage inau�ance premiums. 'il�ese <br />_.:�;, . ` '"� I ' ' itema u�e called''�scro�Itsma.,' L,ender any dme,coUect and hold Funds in en amount not ta eacad tde maximum <br />-'�" � amount a lendcr for a federally rel�ted aw�tgagc loan may require for Borrower�s cscrow account w�der the federal Real <br />"°`=T? Fslate Senlement Procedw�es Act of 1974 as amende4 from time to dme. 12 U.S.C.;?.601 et seq.("RFSPA").unless another <br />°e�i�, law�hat applies 10 the 1'Imdo sets a ksser amount If so, i.ender mey,at any time.callxt and hoW F�nda in en amaum nat ta <br /> =- u � axceul the Icsscr wnount. I.cnder me�y estimate the amount oi �nds due on the haRiF af currcm da►� w�J nwconebl� <br /> ;e �, .�«, i �qmates af expendilures of tl�wro E.scrow Item�ar otherwiRe in accardanee wi�h Applicuble I�w. <br /> �. � , Tho Plmdn ehall bo held in an in�iwdon whose dopaa+itR ar+e Insurcd by a federol o�oncy,In� emi�y <br /> • ; ,:;��•,�_�: . (lneludMQ L�tder.if l.ender ia such an inK�iwlianl cx in uny Federnl H�.me l.�wn Hwdc. l.endrr Rtwll apply Iha Fw�Ja ta prY <br /> • .ri the Escrow Item�. l.e�xle�mny iun clw�{�Bam►wer fix h��ldlnK unda�lyin��he f•undK.annually unAlyxin�Ihe e�row <br />=�.11'� . - , . , � 1 Yccaunt,or ve�ifyio� Ihe Er�n�w hem�, unle�K l.enJe� puy� &►rmwe� inl�me�� �►n Itw.� Fi�ndx wWf applicoble Ipw penniu <br /> •14 �►.:.. <br /> ,, � Lende��a nwlca ruch a churRe. Hawever.l.endc�muy ►cyui�+e Bum�wer�o�x►y p une•lime ch�u�o fix an Indepw�dent rcnl <br /> .� . '� c►u�e lu reponinQ�crvicr used by 4,ende�in rc�nnec�iun with Ihih I��an.unlexx uppIicuMo Iww provitleR alurwi�o. Uelesr an <br />- ,; �;�,,�1;�i � a�rcemeM ir madc nr applic�l+lc Iww nyuircs intere���o!�c paid,Lundcr�holl nat hc m,Wufrc�l to pay 8ormwcr uny Interect ur <br /> � .�,. ' ' . ., , , eamin�i on Ihe li�nd�. Bnm►wcr und l.emier may ugrce in w�iling.M�wov�r.thul fotcrc�t�hall he paid on �he Ftindx. Lender <br /> ° 7'�' k;��i shdl gf�e to Bortawcr,withaut cha� annuul accounUng of Ihe Fundx,xhawing cr�cdi�K and debi�s lo thc Funds and the <br /> '}• •••��.������ �'��•_` �` pwpuso far which caoh debi�to�he FLndu war maJe. 71w�undn aro pled�ed us addi�ionul�xu�ity fur all Rums secured by <br />..�t.. ;�:,r,:;��z;;;: � ' thi�Secud�y In�trumqnt. <br /> .�-.�--:�r. : -�- - Ii ihc Fundc iieid by i.enda�earer�i�ha wnuuute. ���iiHkai to be heid by applkablc law. L.cnder shafl account to <br /> ' • � ��'• Bamow¢r for the excess F1mds in pccnrdunce with the requiremente of npplicable luw. If Ihe amount of the Funds held by <br /> ��`�'4��.`�' ';;, ,., '� Lenderat any tfine i�s nat sufficlent to pay�he Eccrow Items when due,l.ender may so notify Bora�wer in writing,and,in <br /> �,. , . '.;�����rj��i,T;`�r,.7�n' ; such case Borrower shull pay to Lender ihe amount necessary to mnke up ihe deFiciency. Borrower shall moke up the <br /> �;:. � � � �'K�'.F•^ deticiency in no mor�than twelve monthly payments,ut Lender�sok discretion. <br /> ; '�;'',.�:`� ,• I <br />_ .::�.. ��.••' . ' I Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by Ihis Security Instrumem,Lender sh�ll promptly refund 10 Borrower eny <br /> � Funds held by l.ender. If,under paragmph 21,Lender shull urquire or sell lhe Property.Lender,prior to the ecquisition or <br /> _ ,, �{ .. ; .. •��. :, i sele of the Property,shall apply Any Funds held by Lender a��he tiwe of xquisitia�or sole as a credii ageinst the sums <br />_;��j,,;.• 1�.�a. �. ,,,�,,.: ? secunedby this Secu�ity Inxuument. <br /> -���1•1• �: • � • �� � 3. A IIcAtlon ot Pti ments. Unless n licubl� luw vidrs cxhen�ise,all ts received b Le�cfer under <br /> , �• .,��:.��y <br /> -�v:�;5� �i �.+��"�f��3 j paragraphs P and 2 shall bc npplicd;firsb to any prepuyrnent ch�ea due ua�r thr tio����cond,to�umounts pa�•a'h1e uttder <br />— .�,,�.. y,� �t•%'�.•t; <br /> -` . ro+,{��� .� �{,,� puragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,ta principAl due;nnd u�y lat�r charges due under Ihe Nate. <br />.�°'`�,�� �''"• �' '���tf`�•''�� �� 4. Char es Liens. Borrower shull a ull taxcs, uxsescments,char es, tines and im dtions attributable to the <br /> �� R i p Y � P°• <br /> _;-��ti�'':y �'' `�� � �'tl�i��.�t '�' ���� <br /> �, ��,' +�,�r�.• • •� Aroperty which may attain prioriry over this Secu�lty InstrumeM,and Ieasehold paymems or gmund reMs,if any. Borrower <br />-"G�,���''�� �.'-,��,�;;,,��i-,,' ,9, shall a tt�ese obli ations in themonner rovided in arn ra h2, orif not aid in thut manner,Bonowershall a them on _ <br /> j, .��.( , P Y B P P S 'P P' P Y <br /> ;�� +' .�r�,�;;;;J;;;r:�����;:��;`�� time ditecdy to the person owed pAymem. Boaower shull prompll y fumish to l.rnder all notices of umounts to be paid under <br /> ;� � ? �.;';�,.,r::�:��.; ,.;�f:';:, I this p'aragraph. If Borrower makes� paymentx di�ectly,Barower shull promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> ;; �.„� •�..�� -. 1 thepayments. <br /> '";":+'' . � � '``" ''` ? Borrower shall prompUy dischurge uny lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)ngrees <br /> _ �^j' :". ``: in writing to the payment of the obllgutian scrured by Ihe lien in a rnnnner ucceptable to Lender;(b►contests in goad faith the <br /> �.;:. , ;:�-r�;t!�;,t'"•.. • •' '�'}, ; lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement ot'Ihc lien in,Icgal proceedings which in the Lender:s opinion operate to prevent the <br /> �� �' '�' 3 '�u'" "• � ��'' enfor�cement of the Ilen;or(c)securcs fram the holder of Ihe lien �n agreement sutisfactory to Lender subordinnting Ihe Ifen <br /> .:..1, i :, :w`h��'i��x:, � _. <br /> � •� ° t�r. �� .,'I to Ihis Secudty Instrumenl. If Lender determines thot uny pan of tl�c Property is subJect to u lien which mny attAin priority <br /> � '%o-.�jlt• �;,��:, ":- . <br /> t� s ,. J � y1.�.,,,, � ,.. over this Security Instrumem.Lender may give Borrower u notke identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or takc <br /> ��;,� ��,�-�� �. �� : � ,Y�� one ar mare of the actions set fanh abave witbin 10 duy.uf the giv ing cif notice. <br />= )t�:�;. rr� ,,.. .,. ,,+ <br />. '�;t;':;' � `:.;1 S. Hazard or Pro p ert y Insurance. Bormwer tihall kce p che im provements now exisling or hereafter erected on the <br /> c 3: �•-;:• f n_:.. _ �• J2f , ••,i . <br /> , Propeny insured against losx by fire,hazards inclucled wilhin Ihe term"extended covernge"und any olher hu�ards,including <br /> .�: °' lloods or flooding, for which Lender reyuires insuruncc. 'Thia inaurance shull bc maintuined in the urnounls und for the <br /> , • �� '. � I <br /> ' -- : - � : <br /> �'. � . <br />-- ,.�,` +. Fofm J02Y 9l9D //wRe 2 nJ6 pagta► <br />�;� •. 1� „ `,,•2r?w <br /> _. . . :;�._ . ' ,: <br /> i��� '�` � � c '�wr._" .�:.>::��.r.a1�.•.i- .. �..-. ' .. .. . �. . ,. �p -..�1 . +�v-°. <br /> �� �, • ''- . .�-�ww- +..x�� � ��h•::.., •'�� . <br /> '1 :`Jti 1:' <br /> �}��'._. '.� . • ' '!' �.Ifi� ' � r. • �. . <br /> y• ,. � , <br /> _ . .. � t <br /> ' �M•i�.^_f:• . _ <br /> _ -__ __—__ _—_.�".'._ ' ' . . . . .. " ' ' ' . _ '. ._.... .._. .i. ��._ - <br /> �_—.__ ,_ -.____ __ '_ _' — _ , . _—_ -___ __ <br /> :._-_-.. ., � _-._—_— __ __ ...---_ �.—•'_ '. . . .. . . . . . . _.. . .. . ."" _.. ."" '—_" _. .."" ' _'_' _'." __ <br /> 't4 �� - ,��' " . . , .. . , . . . '.. _ . ' _. .. .. <br /> .�„�. <br />� -- f-� � :it�_.�'- ...!6'i1.��•:t Y.I�+/�S;�ii1:C�'1,, 1 , � . . . . . <br /> �-h,;-�.1 'yf ����: �������(�rhi+�F��?`t`{'`:•;���� ` +� '.\ . 'i_ ��i- • �i. , ' <br /> ,� .� ,�;(��±r .��py S- _�i � n �^� . . ��Y� , .,i . . 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