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'_ii '-- -"�. • lt. 1�^:�� _ ' --a..dF � _ <br /> . . <br /> . , . <br /> � .. I �' i� :��• • , . a,. �"�, . 1° '� — - �. r__ _ —_---. <br /> _-� _•....�.i�:.a... 1. ' . . �� � ' <br /> \/ <br /> _—� ' � ' p�plicablo I�w msy specify iar rein�temnnt)befae s�b of dsa P�oP�Y P�'��mY P���sdo cotUdned in tM� <br /> sea�t�y imaun�or c��au�r�jua�nau a�r�a��so��y L,ar�n,au. sho�e c�o�aaau�re u�ae eon�we�; p� <br /> , paY� l,endar dl �ura� wl�d� would be dua under thl�Sacurity Insdua»nt wd tbo Nate u if no aooetaidan hiW <br /> ' oocmrod:(b)oura�ny default of�ny ather oove�na ar��+eanenta:(c)WY+all expenrei incuned ln enfoncb�thi�Secudty <br /> Inslnuna�t.•inclndla�.but aat limited w� r�co�bla attanwya'fas: uid(d) takea auch allon as Lender mry�eacon�bly <br /> roquire m�ure th�t Ihe lieq of thi�8ocu�ity Inarument.l�e+tidrxL rlghtr ia tde Propa�ty�nd Bmmwcrl�oWi�liaa topay the <br /> ' wms :ecured by thia 5ecurity imtrumcat ehWl continue unclun�ed Upon ainsutoment by Hanow�r. U�ia 5xutity <br /> _� --�-- .a�' Insman�t�nd the obli�tiona socured horeby�hwll remwin fully effecifve na if no ncoeleratian bAd oocwredi. Howerer.tti� _.___ <br /> dQlu w�+elnWate�hall nat epply in Ihe cue of aoceler�tion uoder puag�ph 17. <br /> � 19. Sate of Note;Ch�Ra of Lo�p Serviar. The Nae or ap�i�1 inter�st ir�tho Note(to,BW�er with this Security . <br /> � — - - Insinun�nt)may be sold one or more dmet�will�wt prior�atice ta$ortower. A sala mwy nesult in st chao�ge ir►Eiio entity <br />__A. I �aiown as the"L.o�n Servlcrr")th�t collecta monthly paymenta due under the No1e aN!this Socwlty Instnomont. Tlre�dso . <br />_- � may be one or mone changes of the Lopn Servlcer unrelated W a swle of the N�. lt Uure is a ciwtge oi Wac Lwm Savtoer, '��, <br /> � Barowa wili 6e given written notice of the change in accordsu�ce.wiih parag�raph 14 above su�sipplicable IAw. �natice <br />-` ` will s�ate the name and address of the new Laan Servicer and the�aldc�ess to which paymeats�hoaid be mwle. 71�e natke w�i( <br /> -- dso contain any other infamadon roquired by applicable law. .. , <br /> � ZO. Ha�ardoue 3ubrtaeces. Borrower shall not cause or permi[the presence.use.disposal,starage,or rrleASe of any �`' <br /> Ha��udous Subttances on or in tlto F'mperty. Borrower shall nW do.nor allow anyone else tp do.�nything affecHng the _ <br />`_�' I Property that is in vfolation of any Envirommental Law. 71�e pre�eding two se�tences shall not apply to the presence,use,or <br />°_=�� - i stotege on�Aroperty of emall quant�ties of Hazardous Sub�nees that ane generally recognized to be appropdate to twrmal <br /> - ! re.�idenaal uses and to maintenence of tha Property. — <br /> .•- �. Burruwer shatl prompily givc Lcndcr wrfttrn noticx of any imestigstion,cinim,demand,lawsuit or Mher action by any �r�:.._ <br /> � '; .gdvemment�l or rcgulptary agency ar private pa►ty involvi�g ihe Property and any Haaardous Substance or Envlronmental <br /> L���. '�j��, �i,aw of'which Borrawer has uetuaE {�nowledge. TP �omower.lesarns, or is naitied by any govemmental or regulatory <br /> iir��.; � ' aulhorit�r,tliat any remova!ar athe�remediaUon of any Haraudous Substance affecting the Ptc�erty is neces�uy.Botrow�e� <br />=.:.�$}� ,,.,.,t, � _ <br /> 1�. ,. •� �•�hall prmmpt4y t�e u18 necessary remedial aclions in�crardance�w7il��nvironmental Law. <br /> � ;� �•� As used ln this pars�g►aph 20."Hauudous Substaaces" are those subslances de8ned as tox6c or hazardous eubstances by _ <br /> '�-- �'�}"F • Environmental Law an41 chz following substances: gasaline,kerosene,other fla�mmable or toxlc p��a�leum �raduct.g,toxic <br /> ra�.���.� � � -_ <br />=-:::�::;ir�"; ; pesticides and herbicidex.voladle solvents.materiafs cantainjng asbeuos or formaldehyde,and radioactdve mnterials. As _ - <br />"_`'•=���;�� ��. used in this paragreph 20,„Environmen�l Law"me�w tederal laws and lawc of tUe jurisdictian where Ihe Prqperry�is lacnted - <br /> '` that relate to health,safety or envl�anmental protection. -- <br />��.i . 1i'; _ ��, ' __ <br /> -�. '��• � �NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Sortower and L.ender f�oriher covenant and ag�+ee as i���l�owy: � • � - <br /> tti tr; �, .. � <br /> ";. �� • 4;,';k fi'' � • ' 21. Aceeleratioa; ARemedies. I.ender�Iwll give aoike to�Iorrower pr�ta Acceleraiion fallowiug Borrower's : <br /> ;4�t;,� 6resech of�o�,covesaM or agreert+ent in this Security Instrbaienf(but nat prior to acceleratba uader paragraph 17 p�, �- <br /> """i. � � ;_-� , ualr�appl3rablr�FroYi�§olAer�vl�). T!K�a!!re sl�sN s�sec�l�: ta1!he de!'aa!!;{b1!hs aM3un reqairiK!!o cure!!se � <br /> ,��`} � �:'c <br /> �.��t', ,,����� default;(c)a d�te,not less than 30 dAys from the ds�te the nMice is given to whicb Ide defaulf must be -• <br /> � '�.''•i:�';'�:�� .�SzSr� cured;nnd(d)that failure to cu�e the detault on or before the date specified in Ihe notice may result ln accekrallon oi' <br />