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. 't.... .����,� � - . . "--'.._ ..�� "� ., _ .. <br /> .�L:i.1F.._.. ,' <br /> ,— <br /> ' �A .tn '.�oi �♦ . . .. _ .. .'Y.YM1�! . ... - niw+rr.+-^ � <br /> ;. :.,.i, �. , _ . . . �ri �,c,��`__ <br /> _��i„_.....�.....�...:N ' ' _ , . n�� � . . ' . , .. ... , .^ _ <br /> ..S���I. <br /> 1 <br /> cmUs�tb�ar aMr nWq�af�qy prt a/IM Ra@�tW.oe tar aanw,��ao�io IMu doo�dNUnrtloa��n tw�Y wipw�d�1 ' <br /> �4aU bm p�W to l.e�der. , <br /> 1� dM w�n,t af�taud IAkia� o�tIM NropKty�t!N �b�ll b�pplMd w IN wm� wcuied by d�h aeourity <br /> IaqnMp�p�.wlMther pr nat tla�due�wfth any excaw lo Baruwu. la IIM bvem ot�p�utlu I�kin�of 1haP�opt�ty In � <br /> ' whkb tM trr qt��ke1 v�lue af Iha Plop�ny immedl�toly bofotv tho I�lcina i�oqu�l to ar�tor tlum�Ne�mouM oi 1he wnu <br /> � Mcwrd by dil�Saaudty lo�p�ane�t immedl�uoly bofaro Iho udcin�,uok�r Boimwer u�d Lender a�herwi�a�oe in wrltin�. <br /> tNe wRU securod by 1hi�Socwity Ia�w�nent�ull be roduoad by the�maunt of the p�oceod�mupiplled bv dia fdlowin� <br /> (fr�clion: (�)Ihe toul amoum of the wtm Recurcd lmmedi�talq bataro Ihe t�ing,divl�ied by(b)Ihe fiir muicet value of the <br /> �-`��°'- Property bnmedl�tely befao tho uikin�. My h�l�we�hwll be pwid w B�owor. In �bo evetu of A pwiiwl twkln of Iho <br /> P�oparty in which tke fdr nwrlca v�lue of Ihe Proporly inm�edi�toly before the t�lrin� M lec�th�the�mount of� wm� <br /> - , �ecurod imnbdlately befae�ho Wcing. unleu� Borrower md Lender alhcrwi�a a�reo in wrlttng or uole�a �pplic�Me uw <br /> - - _' adKrwiso provldw,the proceedt�11 bo yrplkd to the aum�secwed by thic Secudty Inomwnant whether or not the aam aa <br /> thon duo. <br /> . iP the PropeAy ir abendoned by Bomnwcr.or if.pRer naice by Lendcr to Bomower Ihat the candamnor affers to nuke <br /> —_ an rward or cettlo a claim far dun��er,Bonawe�fafls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dato tha notice Is glvan. <br /> -� ' L�ender IR aulhoriud to collect and apply�ho pracoeds,At its opcioa.eithar to re�oruion or repsir ot tho PtopcRy or eo Ihe <br /> � amu secwed by t6is 3ecurity Insuumen�wtktlrcr or nd tM�duc. <br /> I Uniess Lender�nd Bmmwer oU�etvrise ag�ee in writing.any application of praceedc to pnincip�l shall not eatend or <br /> _- postpono the due dwte of tho ma�dd�r Qaymeata refen�od w in�raphs 1 and 2 or change dw miwunt of such paymuus. <br /> - 11. Baro�wer Nal R�leased: Fbrbau�are By l.teder Not a Wafvec Fattereian of tho �jme fa payment or <br /> =- � modificatian of�tization of the swns secw�ed by this Secucity Instrument granted by Le�der to nny successor in interest <br /> of 8aaawer slu�ll not operate to�lease the liability af the arigintdl Bomuwer or Barower�successors in intenes�l.ender <br /> -- � shall riot b:,rcyuircd ta cw�m�crsca pra�ecdings aga�nst nrt1• succeseor in inte�eat vr refase to exse�tlnte for paymes�or <br /> _ _ _ _- <br /> �,; otFarwlse modify nnwrtlzation of the sums secwet!by lhix Se¢u�ity Ipstrument by reoson of any demand made by thc original <br /> �,�;� , � Bonawa or BorKawer�s successors in intenest. Any farbearanre by Lende�in exercising any right'ur�eii�edy shall a . � <br /> ,,,.4�., ' d' s. wai��er af or preclude the exercise of any righl ar remedY• <br />;�7��'.'�x:t F;; � 3�. Saccessors aad Ass�as Baund;Jniaet�nd Sever�0�.9abllUy;Co-signers. 117�e covenants and agrcamc�s af�his <br />.:;.::. � �,.,.�,,..� , <br /> ��.w i Securi ry fnsuument shall bind cu�d beneflt�he successors�an�assigna of d.ender and BQ�nowet.sw6ject ta�he provlsions of ; <br /> '.:.,� ��_;! pera grA�t� I2. Bormaer�covenants and u�reements shall be joint and sevtral.My Bortowcr who ca-signs this Secu�ity <br /> . �'� : Instruot�etlt bu/d�:cs noc execute the Note: (aD is co-signing thls Secud�y lr�szrument only to mrniga�e.grunt and convey that <br />`;��}., Y �; . � Bortawer's intemst ln the Property under the terms of this Securfty Instnimcnu (b)is nnt per�onally obli�;uted to pay the sums , <br /> -;�:s_ ,�; i' �� ; secured by this Secudty Insuumenr,end(c)agrees that Le�der and any ather Borrower may agree to extend,madify,forbear <br />�'��; jn'�'�� � ar make any accommodAtionc with regard to thc terms of chis Securfty Inswmeat o�tfia No1e withoy�t dwt Bomower's <br />;<.';y, : conscn� <br />_���:;>��, 13. I.oan Chsu�ea If 1he loan secured by Ihis Security� lnstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loen •� <br /> °:.•"- cl�argts.a�d tt�a;lau 1s finafly inirprtsc��at ttt=iaser:s!u:�'.:er}oan cha��ges za!lettes!us!o�c:n!!ecl�si In cenr.e��n� <br /> --.,--� ,.��... e t <br />�'��`�'': F '"���� ' w•i�t7i t0ae loan exceed the rmitted limlts,lfien: (Al tu� quch loun char e shall be reduced b thc amouni r�eces to reduce ' <br /> ,;.;,, �:1��•,,:�.�:. , Pg , Y• g Y �7+ <br /> � �"r����;�'�•' the eharqe to the permiued limit:nnd(b)uny sums�lreead!+callected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limitr will be <br /> .'��v,�r��.S.�l�. <br /> •.��;; �' .• a � �y refund e d to Borrower. Lender muy choose to make tP�is refun�by reducing the principnl owed under the Note or by mulcing a <br /> :• '. :;' • .�; diroct payment ta Borrower. If a refund reduces principnl.the reduction will be lreuted us u pcutlul prepayment without eny <br /> . ',�q',.,,, ;;�`;; p�payment charge under the Note. <br />, ;��� ��;N;: , �. 14. Notices. My notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall bc given by dclivering it or by <br /> mailing it by tirct class mnil unless applicnble Inw requires uhe of anothcr method.The notice shall be directed to the PropeRy <br />.� � Addoess or any other nddress Bortower designates by notice to Lender. Any naice to Lender shull be given by first class <br />• __ ,.. I ma?I to Lender�s address stated herein or any other uddress Lender designutes by nntice to Borrower. Any notice pr+ovided for <br /> � ; . ,,�.� ,yK � in �hfa Security In��rument xhull be deemed to hnve been given to Bormwer or Lender when given as provlded in this <br /> "1 Y • ..� � :,.e"�'.y, ����• <br /> :� ` ,�. 1S. Governing Law; Seve�blllty. 'Tl�i+ Security Ins�niment shall be govcrned by federul luw und the Inw of�he <br /> '��' '�• "`�' urisdiction in which�he Propeny i�Icented. In the event tha�uny provision or clau�e of this Securiry Instrumem or the Nae <br /> . '�,�,t�f,.3t�y�,,,�,, � J <br /> �;�i,j,,ti,;,�� � conflicts with npplicable law,such conflict shall not uffect aher provislons of this Security Instn�ment or the Note which cun <br /> �.��,, y�,.,��.;• �'. i be given efixt witlaut the conflicting provision. 7b this end the provisionti of this Security Instrument und�he Note are <br /> declared to be severable. <br />, '-.;��+�'1� � • � � j 1+6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull fx:given onr conformed copy of the Notr and af this Securiry Instrument. <br /> ' �. °`•�i�;,,,;.. _ � 17. '1lranster of t6e Property or a Beneflcipl Inlerest in Borrower. If all or uny part af�he Property or any inrerest in <br /> ���:� � y;�,�,;;:,,.:. I it is sold ar transferrcd (or if a beneticiul interest in Bomnwcr i.,old ur trrnsfcrtrd und Borrower i�not a natu�al person) - <br /> without I.ender's prior written consenl,l.ender may,ul itz option,r�yuire immedia�e p�ymem in ful)of ull sums secured by <br /> ��`* ��, , , ���`''1 ( this Security Instrument. Howaver.�his option�hull not be exerciseJ by Len�ler if exercisc is prohibitcd by fedeml law ac of <br /> - „F-+l" +.�� •,' ''�.'�`-5��'' � the date of thfs Security Instniment. _ <br /> ' If Lender exe�cises this option,Le�xle�shull give Bomuwer notice of ucccicruticm. The aotice sha09 provide a periad of - <br /> ----�� � '�`� ^' ��� oot less than 30 days irom the date thc noticr i5 delivered or mniled within which Borm�ver must pa}�a1�sums secured by this <br /> --_- ...,.:�; , <br /> '�� ,' �';M:�_"`="''`•,� �� ' Secarity [nstrument. If Borrower fnils ta pay ahesr sums prior ro the expiration of this period, Leniler may invoke any <br /> � " ' �• remedies pemiilted by this 5ecuritv lnstrument withou�funher nntirc or dcmund on Borro��cr. <br /> � � ti':; . � l& Borrower's Iiight to 1Qelnstate. li Borrowcr meets cenain condition.. Borr��wcr tihull have the right to have <br /> � �.:ayGt.+if�1H�r�.�t.;� <br />- -=o -�.,•.�:.. � enforcementof tt�i�Security Instrument diicona+nucd at an}•timr prior ta thc rarlier of: (a)S d�ys(or such ather{xriod as - <br /> �,:i.: _ <br /> �"� 'y:;�`(•.: Sinpk Family..Fbpnie�1adFYeddk 11ne UNIFUR1t ItiSTNUNIilVT••l'mfmm Cmenana 9/9Y /puge 4��Je pogrsl " <br /> �,'t. �;y� . . <br /> ���,�.t: , <br /> �..�:�.; ., - <br /> �y�� . �� - . �. . <br />_ : �;;.�;�. . � _ <br /> .y� 4 ._;1� . <br /> •� '� h��y�. .! <br /> - .. l.�1� � f,��, . . . . � 1. :V " ��. �.}. ..._1„e�".,�.'��. . <br />-�F -s7 S�Yr.J�tv� . . ",. . .. ' - _. ..;. �4t ' ��.y le;.��.•.,., '� ...t,,i .,�ti'.r:�.i��`►�+'.��,�:ax N3. <br /> __ ti - ' s�, ..�.,�+�„�,: rR„rt , p�, ,y�i�,. <br /> �.::. <br /> — _'�Sk.�4`�i..�_�. - �= - '-°�_-�'�'•:�sts_i:�•.L'+t:;11�r2�A1��':d._C;�ilfe�,IRH3�l�,ow,��t'�'�i�yii�1.4�. `_ <br /> ��--� i - _.. _. _ -- . .. -- --- - - --�74 - .. ,.- -+rc� .���:�� t *P"��r7 -�r��-l:'1-�'T=� . --f" _ <br /> ` �t��t � � � __�. .,r` . <br /> � - .�. 1�� '::�'1i}ei':'- � S� - /V�^.�MW.:titir�. �t �+ -7�� ' �tle.� � !� .`�' �. �,s �� �� /l'�� � <br /> �� , ,_. i: h f �� l}� ��.:\ a .-r. ..t;',h .tf. <br /> �' - -.eki,� ��t. ::r... .�w�� �\. ..���� � .kb��� .�.�1t�T +:�✓�i�1��4 '•5 J.���r.�it F��, ����a� 1. <br /> �,- .;4,�i�-�.--,_�' �{•�Fm��r.-=-: — ...�:t�.}�C'-�'� : --�-- '1.°r��d: �'i�t.i�:. ':�yv1 �tr �\E,(.��q��7' �.,7, - <br /> � -��' ' . � - `�l"y;l,�l;� i.,�..: � it�1>'�• ... . �' .}- �� ,f pI+i'j`1`j t. �Al`1 '�,, . 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'•�\'. .. ` �i�_ :�'��.•1'-'1 i ',.�`�i� �. ����.:j�t , l. <br />� -u '� y~�',_ � -� • . ,/.,, , 1 5� ' '�` . L-� • • • 1 � - -+ r-��i i t�)1- -i'- . <br /> „ .1� ;,1��� .a , - . `'�'�. J �.f, . - s .i,� � . . � _ ' ., •. ,r � �tbj';My,+,7.., �`� P75`. •':� t'•�f � .. .� � - <br /> ' '�,• e L � .!' �,�s,t �� � 'L� . �- . - . -•i�: . , -� v�S�. i��,�y*, ryti,a;w _�.J�l�f' <br /> - ..,�� r- _ _ �91�_a�. . . —_ . _. .. <br /> � �" : .�•s. . , ' ' � .' ' °�, � _ <br /> . . ,. <br /> , <br /> .. . <br /> r , „ , , . <br /> � . „ <br /> . . , , , <br /> . ,.. . :. . . <br /> , . <br />