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_ , ..� � <br />- �..�.� _ , _ <br /> =r.J3e ; ���m�-- �-.� ;, <br /> µ _� �� r`" �� -�._. <br /> - � • '�-�� ���� if� '�1�1.4(��r�'�':1r"�1�:'�"..-'�i.At`��",,, (. , . ;•s.. . ._ � , �� .i'.�,' <br /> , '�,.:•� ;� 'A.. , P.. �t';� ' - • <br /> �- --� � ' .,��. . , ; ,�. . 9�„ .1o�e ' � ;. . „ . . <br /> . - . . ..: <br /> -- � <br /> � ..oo�d�e�doe ar qtir�at�►Y P�rt d!r frop�e�r�ar�t�Y iiw d co�ee�tioM.lw i�r�'�� �' - <br /> .. , �WI b�p�a 1+iaMr• . � ,� . .. , . ., . , :... <br /> �i 1�»ewa�d■�iow t�at a�e Prop�t�r�d�ep�o�s�i�.0!ie�p�1,�a me�.eapea uy u�i.soai�a� ., <br /> � .. �t�atnw,�nt���or tiot tl�en dne+wllh�ay exaa�p�id ob 9aiower Ia1•thd�uvaaR of a.PwW�akMy ot die�op�pty(M <br /> w�iCb tbe puatc�vdun a�'I�e�topaty ia�meaiNe�y beton u�a akin�i�equd to«p�e�aw4 tbe amouat a�t6e -�r .:,: :. <br /> � reclqMd 6y tl�Seearlta►inatnaneat hano�ed�Mely b�e�fora dre q��unM�s Aa��awor�nd Lratda athetwl�e�ae io��� '. <br /> �6e pms�ecurod by d�Socurky Imuunoene�11 be �ed�oed by d�e�iot d�d pnooeed�a�ultiplie�by d�e - . <br /> ---•---- � tr�tiotl: (R)lNa ent�l anount af the�ia,�wed immediMe1y befaro tbe t�iag.divlded by(b)tb�a tdr awri�t v�lua uf�t� <br /> Pra�paty ia,mea�Noly botae a�e aJ�ia�. Any b�aoe ai.0 be pw a eat�wer. In tho evem d.ppd�l u�or �e _ <br /> Amp r in wbicb tla fdr nWUka vaW�d the Pmpc�ty i��diatelY Ed'aie th�o�kin�i�las dun tho�nno�mt of wea� <br /> La�ediuely betoro the �. unle:s Harnwar�d t.aider ahavvi�e apee in writln�a unle�s �pplk�We law <br /> �rLe pravldea.tbe pioaeed��lal!be apptbd ta the wma�xurod by�hi�Secu�ity Ia�punaan wt�ther ur nal�he wm�ae <br /> dim due. <br /> If tbe Propaty u ab�ndonad by Bonowu�or if.�fter ratioe by Lender to Batrower tlw tho condamrwr ot�en to malce <br /> w awud a adtle s claba for d�nu�es.Bomower f+�ile to rospa►d w Lender witbin 30 d�ya�iter the d�te tho notioo is�Ivea. <br /> Lm►dar is wdwrl►rod to wQect and apply dic pr000ada.u Iq option.aitber ta r�to�tion ar mair of�bo Pnopaty or to the <br /> aim��ocurod by d�i�Security t�.whetMer or not thea dre. <br /> Unk�s I.eidar a�d Banower otheivvi:a+�groe in wi�i�ag,au�y ic�tion of prooeeda w�pcinrcip�!tbwlt not astad ar <br /> po�tpooe ihe due date of tha manthlY WY�rcfe�rad to in�s 1 aad 2 or ch�n�e the adiarnt of su�d�p�ymenn, <br /> Il, ratrowe� Not Rda�edi Fbrb�ra�ae ��r A.ender Nat � VYaiver. Eu�eaaiaa of tBe wam for pa�w�e ar <br /> -- mo�ificatioo ot a�p�atiz�tfat of the wMns soc�d by this S�ocuritar lnstrumait Bt�nted bY i.euder oo aa�r cuoceacoir io ne�cs+at <br /> � 04'Bo�r�rer a��il rrd operain tu rcta�d�z tiabit[ty oi t!�otigiaa!Basrnvrer or Ho�rowerk ewvc�e�o�a in i�tene�. IradR • <br /> -, �. . .. �all nut bo�o�d w conunenx pnx,bedbiga sSgsrasl rny cu��cessar ir+ irwe�st ar rcfuse W attcM t�far popnie�ea!a <br /> adrerwisc modiiy�int�on of the wims saurod by�his Security Insuwaa�t by isa�soo of 4ny demand mAde by the ai�in�l <br /> Borrowar ar Barowerk�e:soe�in intnest. My fo�bearaac@ by l.+eeder un eaereisin��ny rl�ht a temedy�11 tstl be• <br /> wa[ver af a�p�e¢lude the exe�Ise of any rigtit or amedy. <br /> 1L S�oes�on sad Adpa Boundi Joiat apd Seve�l I.�bNitY:Gqr�. The covennnts ond�groanars of this <br /> ' Security Ins�nane�et shall bind and benefit the sucoe.sco�s and assigas of�Q.�nder wid Bamwer.subject to the provisiaos of <br /> p l7.Bormwerh rovenpnta uid ag�ements elwll be joint and�sev�r�0. My Borrower who co-signs this Socuriry <br /> 6�sp�b�u doe��c execuee U�e Nae: (a)is co-sigafng this Secudry Insavment only to mortgage,g�ant and canvey tlut <br /> Borrower�i inteRat�n the Pmperty under the terms of this Security lnstrumenr lb)is not pr�rson�lly obligat�d to pay the aum� <br /> _- aecu�d by this Secwity Insuumeat;and(c)agroes that Lender and eny aher Bomowe�mA1 t�nee to extend.modify,fabeu <br />`_— or mdce�ny aaomtwdatlon� wkh regard to the tertne of thf� Security Insdument or tiie Nae wlUaut thw Bonowah <br /> can�e�n. . <br /> 13. Ch�es. If_the loan secured 6y this Secu�iry lnswment is subject ta a law wi�ich sets m�cimum loan <br /> _ chargex,and that law is finally inter�reted so thai li�e inte�st or other loan chargess rniiected or to ix cailocted'm cannection = <br /> wltM the loan�xceed�Qie pemiice�d bmits,then: la)�ny sual�'loux+charge shall be reduce�by t'he amount rKCessary w ieduce ' <br /> _ the:et�a�rge w the pet+n3ucd(imit;and(b)any sums al�eady�nllesud from Bormwer which e;cceeded permitted limita will be <br /> � , ,roflmded lo Bort+i�ver. l.ender may choose to make this rcfun�i by rcducing the principril ow•er!under the Nae or by malting p ; ;� <br /> � dlnect payment to Bc��ower. If a refund reduces principal.�the r�duetion wiQ 6e trrated as•A penlol p�P�Ymen�whhaut a�Y � - <br />,=v� , ptepayma�t charge underthe Note. <br />_-=— 14. NMkes. Any notice to Bomnwer provided for ia�this Security Insuument sha01�be given by delivering it or by � <br />'�"� mailing it by tir:t closs mail unless applicable IAw requires use oF another method.The notiee stiall be directed to the Pmperty <br />�° Addiess or any other eddr�ess Borrower desigaates by notice to l.ender. Any notice to I..ender shsill be given by first class <br /> :.� mail to Lender's Address swted herein or any wher uddmss Lender designates by notice to Burrower. My notice provided for <br />_- in this Securlty Insnumrnt xhall be deemed �o have bc�en given to Bomower ur Lender wtien given as provided in thla . <br />-^�� �IS�Governing Law; SeverabUtty. Thix Securi�y Inswment shall be govemed by fedeml law ami the law of ihe <br /> jw'isdicdon in which the Property is located. In�he event thut uny provision or cluuse of this Security Instrument or tho Note <br />�'� conflicts with appticable luw,such conflict�shall not offect other provisions af this Security Inxttument or the Note which can - <br /> be given effect without the conflicting prnvixion. 7b �his end the pmvisions of this Security Instrument and the IVae ae <br />=�=i�-'�: dSClared to be severable. <br />°__=-_-- 16. Borrower'.�Copy. Boirower shall be given one conformrd co�y af the Note and of this Securauc Instrument_ <br />':�;NK�;�yy' 17. 7F�nsFer of the Properly or s�BeneBcial Intere�l io Barrower. It'ull or uny paa of�he Propern,or any interest in <br /> ,.ia is sold or trensfemed lor if a beneficiul interc�t in BaRC�a�er is�Id or trunxterrcd and BnROwcr is not a natural person) <br />_ , wiliwut Lender's prior written consPm,Lender muy,at i�h option,rcyuire immediate puyment in full of All sums securcd by - <br /> ,'""� this 5ecurity Instrument. Howeve�.lhis optian shull na be exercised by Lender if exereise is prohibited by federal luw u.4 of - <br /> ° the date of this Securiry Instrumenl. <br /> ��•:'°�:�' ' !f l.ender eaereises this option.Lender,ha9�give Borrower notice of acceleru�ion. 71�e notice shnll provide u period of <br /> 'not less Uwn 30 days from the date the no�ice is delivercd or mailed within which Borrower mu+t pay ull sums s�cured by �his <br />��`.` ',�� 5ecurity Instrument. If Borcowc� fnils to puy there �u�roK prior to the expiration ot'ihis�►eriod. Lender may invoke any _ <br /> : remedies permitted by this Securitv lnstnmient without fufl?►er nc�ice or demand on BoRO���er. <br />�_�-� !8. BerrotYer's Right to ltelnstate. If 8ormw•cr rnect� certain condition�, Barraa�er sh�l! huve the riFht �o hnve. <br /> _` `'' enforcement of this Security Inswment dixc��ntinued ut any timc prior ai the carlier of: (al S duys lor such other period�s <br /> � � - <br /> �;?�=;' SInYk Famity..�wmk MaelE?�ddk Mac UNI�(IRM INSTRU;►1BYT-•Unitorm Covenaau 9150 fpoR¢1 njApo�erl __. <br />.'�';�', _ <br />'��;i`r , , <br />_w r;:�S`I,% ' <br /> I- <br />�_',•Y�t`' S � , : <br /> .f��5�� �F /1..,f . i!1'1'�5't�i '- i <br /> h{SI ���{` }1+_ . .. .. f'fi'i ' :f y ! 'A:l'� �.0 ' �t� .� .�� - - i �' � �' }r: � f�� ?f�' <br /> :�i\.ir� E �1t7' � �. :._ `. ' . �/'i'"�'� `7�k�_'Gti.,�":��f,I��f.r _ - <br /> , , , '� , ,_� .�`�',k.�. r����:'�'Y.i �f 1 il.f, tY''1�{w`or� 1��r 'l�,.��'�,yr�`rG�rc,��,.._- <br /> � ��� � <br /> �,� • ��,. � � �;�� . . 1. .( , . ( . � <br /> � � i�leAI�L13:_Ss�i.4L.-_n_l.-��11sYG.i U..'•;_ .+Rl''�. <br />-- _t n;Lt1x.•1�toL�fu•: Y • ��l' - •� i� � '�" l�K.n <br /> 1'�}.5�1 11x• <br /> -�� ��•0�'1�F'�d� -' - - _- - -- - - -- �. _ � ,-���r,rj�i�/lf?;�'��i;t �t• , •�a^Y i� -r.r.-.,�, j<-+(�, J,,f��S 1 p i�- � <br /> i t. � � � �`t` l i r Y �y, � <br /> �,� ` ~.:...e.L�y � '����t t�i�,����'��;'�i���.�1�t��i,�'�J� 7, "''�' a ' ';��x`��{�,1;"�����"L�_ �C . <br /> � .t' - YI�'1 > .I .:�'L � l � " ; �iA�r1 rJ�� �tt'1 ::l�l. � \if�- .,. <br />.. :i!';Y , • e,.•,�1� --"_1.��.Z.' _ '-. — :•v�Z: :�` • �1 ""�lw .7t i � �� �� -- <br /> �;y,, �.. �i+�.��i���� n: „ � ' . ��;"{;., .:.-. •. •_}. . . (., �� /`�t��n,.' � <br /> .1' �i�df� Y.- �c• 'ty. . 'Si � .�' . •?. . . -�. �s:•i .�:�•.�:.. 1 !i� srlc- <br /> - 1 .�S ',1,q - .. ti �t��, , ' • ' • c� ....�,.'!�� _., .;yd���� ' <br /> .. ,�_i�Z4Y��`� �4�qi�K},t +tr}�b,:..�G� 'a�" ��; <br /> ' I ' ' „ .c�x�wH�M�r�'..+ i(, � •;�'" <br /> � V , " . + . ,. '. - , .. . .. '� .. Srr, r •� . �..-•�..i.�S4-'��4►4�:t-� �.• "�'t . ` ' <br />.1�...�'S' ' ' u• .. . .�' .. .. . . ,. ' y;KjywA�l n1.a•..�.:. .•..�,,. ;i,�' t:... ' <br /> .��a,e�".•� 'i, � ' , �. - . � ' ;'�t ti�,ts.� ff �ti'�'./n.� •� +.'�� - . . <br /> T�7J.! � ��. ' . .- . . �� ;� .. ' •v..^ \Y, �< L}:• �' '1 ��, , ' <br /> ;.,;,,,t ; , „ �� , . . . ,. . , . :� ,� J�� � , t <br /> ��..�.�r y,.`� .I °`if�•' . :i�7..�t%l.Yt�'e.o- `.. � . . � , ,f� ���t�.' '�� y. tS�li����. . <br /> :i'\'�.' . '7.�'�r '.l1�:E4}e r e.y�,�� <br /> ed►t " �� n.v � ..),•,'�'"';•.• . . � . . � - .1�:.:SW�'�.._P.f.}.:� ( �`�'7�"r �S�l,:, - <br />.. ' ��5'� ' . � . - -• - _ . . - . .• • ' }^4� ' . � ' ' ' <br /> � .. . `l: .. . �'l.� . �. . , � . . i1 ' . . ' , .. ��- <br /> 1.\ . ' .. 4 . .� _ .. .. ' � ' . ..l .� . <br /> ;. : �;.� . . '- . . , , . _. . _. . ... <br /> .. . ....�.-��ua.____..'_ ' . "._'_'_.'_'_-`_—"'--'-_-.____ ._.. . "_.._._'__ _ �.. "__._'__.'__ _ <br /> �_ <br />