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._� � . ... <br /> �i��.-.;:_.T - - -�------ -� ""' -- <br /> ;i:�'=��„�ax�+tl�G� . • �,..� , »-�ac.��.. . . •u:,;:::�_:._-=— <br /> a - -- ' ':'rt:�, -�17 -. . . , .. �� .t,,nt�; �� _ , ,.��.� �� 1 r <br /> �� • . . ' .�7., ' <br /> r� <br />— — . .��vds iTw�t I+I�Ildli'i�''�'i� '�1�WtYi�10D QYl10t�1lOM���IR��11111�M.A1M�bY���OIIAOt� . - <br /> : ,�.: .. �OYQ wlliob t1Mq�I II�YM1w1011�111y wlillllllldr 11 Ya1R1'M��It b lp11�A111��ve��f��. ���'� . • <br /> • „'`; Irwdrl�op�oq,o6hin ppateot[raiderlr�rYn bl r000�d�w Id�p�rMRnpb� <br /> AlrirWrNnoe Pot{ola�eeaaw�l��11 bs ' �o�iind�1MU iaeLid�a pp cLrw.�t�r�r <br /> .tin M�are a�fit to uda 1��neanu�.'°°�'bi.���earo�w.�ru�r ave�w l,ea�r�!� .. <br /> d p�itl pn�iam��nd roneanil notka, In ttN evau al bp.�Marowar�h�ll�iv�pio�t�pe ootioe•Mt the�ain�ir rd <br /> .��� l�ider aay m�e podd loq itnat m�de p�my�d9 h►8un+nwar <br /> U�s Laidir�nd 8onowar athe�wi�e�la wr1Wy.i�wurtoe siwU be�pp�died to testantioa ar Rpir d <br />_ .�.� t�e if d�e�to�da�n or'�apair b eooaom{poly f bb ad L�eMerb�earity it rwt lena�ed. iP d�+ <br /> - a�lk�ar�aot aoiwiakdly iba�ibb or I.aidtrl��eauity wouW be k�ned.die��'��Bomow�ar. U <br /> applied to the wnu�eaued by thi�Secwity inpnnaent,w6e11�or not tibn dae, �d4b any e�dt P�id <br /> Banower�bmdo�a tla P�operty,or doa�wit�ntwar wlthia 30 d�ya�notice tNnm LAnder dW tho in�noa aarbr b�u <br /> ofl'ered to�enle a cl��L�atidetauy colloct tbe auur�ya P�ooeoAa. L.wKler m�y uao the pooeed�tot�!��or ieuae <br /> t6e�npr ar oo p�y a�au�ea�ued by thb Saauiry imwo�ea�.whether or not thea due. 'f ba 30�d�y perlad wU1 ba�in when <br /> die is�ive�. <br /> • Udas Lcadet and Bano�er Wbetwiee+�roe in w�i�n��nY fauion of pmoeed�w piincipwl�II not extend ar <br /> postpooe doo dua d�1e d t6e maalhly psy�aneiM�nfemod to in 1 and 2 or ch�n�e tba�mount of 1he p�yma�t�..lf <br /> wider pr�gr�p6 21 the Proper�y k�oquired by Lender. 8onaworti rf�gAt to�ny lncunnoe policka�ad p�ooeed�� <br /> from donye w tbe Pmope�ty prlor W the�oqu�kition�!1 p�a to I.ender to�bo oxlent of the wms�eawod by tbis Secarity <br /> Ww�umeot immedi�tely prior w tbe t�on. <br /> �,. Ocp�acR p�vatlow, B�te��ee a�d Prat�tlMo ot tre Propertyi Bo�raw'�+'"s l.aM A�ppliatlo�i <br /> _ Le�eW�Y. Bonower:ball oocuPY,au6lidi.aad ua the Flopetty as Barowcrti principal taidenca withiin dtys dier <br /> -- - <br /> �_.- ----.-.__�_-__-.� dio eaecution of tAis Securiry G�unimeru�nd�hap ca�nue to oavpy tbe 1'ropert�r as Bomawer's princi�i " iar.� _ <br />- kast oaa yar .flu the a.te of occup.ncy. wless t�ender ane�wtse ag�ea � wrtdug. whicn oon�ent �au na be <br /> mreacanably withheld.or unk�ss extau�ia�circumsw�oa e�is�which�re beyond Banowult candol. Bamwer�II not <br /> destmY.clanuBe or impair Ihe Propeny.allow tha Pmpe�ty w detetionte.or canmit waue m the P�optny. 8arrower ch�U <br /> be in defwdt if any forfeiwre actfon ar pioceeding,wLedrcr civil ar criminal,is begun diat ia l.a�derti good fiith judBma� <br /> - couW �sult in fafeique of tbe P��operty ar otherwise nwterially impair the lien coealed by�hiu.Security In�nnait a <br /> =;� l.emler4 security inteRSt. Borrowu may cw�e such a defAUit and provtded ia par�rapB� causing the actlan <br /> - _� or pmcaoding to 6e dlwnissed wW�a niflag I.eadexl�good fdtb dererniin�on,pecludes farFeiwre of the Harnwerl� -- <br />- intercst in�he Property or wber materlal impairnrcnt of rhe Ikn craued by this Socudty lnsmutant ar L.enderl�secudty , <br /> — -- ineeres� Borrower shWl alw be in default if Baaower. dudng tt�e loan opplica�ian proceas. gAVe nuteri�lly fal�e or '��-• <br /> inaccurate infomwtion ar statements w I.rnder(or fatled w prnvide I.ender wl�h any matuial iafamuion)in cauiecdon with ,- <br />-_� - - the loan evidenoed by �he Note. includi��.but not limited w, reProsentadoru�concemjng Bamowerh occupaney of U� <br />' �P�nY�A P�ipal residence. If this Socwity Instrument is on a IeasehoW.Barmwer choll comply wlth all the pmvioiaas <br /> : ___ _ _ _ . <br /> of Ilic lease. If BoROwer Acquinx tee aUe to�e P�openy.�he ieasdaiat�wiP iik fee ii�i�iwtl+ioi merge�u�iess 1.o�sda'a�r�s <br /> .,:�"w? ia tlx mc zr in writln � <br /> ;r,:Y ti � 8' - <br />" ;��f�{� 7. P�otectbn at•I.e�der's Rigbb ta the Property. If Bormwe� fai9s �.perfo�m the cavenants end agroements <br />_ -.. •.. cot�mined in this 3ecuvi¢� (nspumetu, ar dure is a legal procading IQ�aa may s9gniticantly at�'act Lendet�rigAts in the <br />-:;��l�-,�f; P�operty(suctc as A proceeding in bankeupv:y.probatc.for conderta�vtian or 9arfeiture or w enforoe laws or rcgulationa).then - <br /> .:a,��� gj `�;:� Lender may drn and pay for whetaver is�eces.sary to pmtxt the vt�Yue of thc Property and Lender+a tights 1n the P�ope�. <br /> eces <br />�s�•�f� L.ender's actions may inciude paying any sums socured by a lien whieh has prio�ity over this Secmv+ay Insaumem.appea� 8 - <br /> •,"" in caun,paying rcusonable attomeys'fees and entering on the I'rnperty to malcc rcpairx.Although l.ender,rnay Qake as�ion•:• . <br />:_� � under this puagruph 7.I.ender does not have w do so. ', <br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionel debt of Rorrower secared by this ,:'. <br />:�;,i�..�•, ' � Security Insuument. Unless Bo�rower sind l.ender agree to other temts of payment.�hese amounGc s9�ll bear intereet from the <br />,y��' date of disbursement at the Notc rate and shall be pnyablc, with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting, _ <br />_ s�.,"�a'al+��" �y S��M o r t g a ge Insurance. If Lender required matgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secur�ed by this <br /> sy,1k r�•� , <br /> ,�+;��'�,�" Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mainwin the mortgage insurance in e f fect. I f,for any - <br /> �''1�.'�'�':�7;"r�1: reuson, tite matgnge insurance coverage required by Lender lopscs or ceases ta be in e6�t�ec�t, Borrower shull pay Ihe �- <br /> r • �;:t1�•�;��. ;r;.�;?�, premiums required to obwin coverage substen�ially equivalcnt to vhe mongage insurnnce prev,�ously in effxt. at a cost <br /> � _":';F,��•� `�� � � aubstnntiully equivalent�o�he cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effecl,ffr�+m tm altemate mortgage - <br /> .;,�,�,�;-+y'� ,�n�'�' :.L in�urer approved by Lender. If subswntially equivulent mortguge insutunce covemge is not available,Bamower shall pay to _ <br /> Lender each mon�h a sum equal lo one-twel8h of the yearly morigage insurance premium being paid by Borrower whcn the <br /> ' �'.. •,,;.. :�:,�, insurunce coveroge lap�ed or ceased�o be in effect. L.ender will accept,use nnd retuin these payments as a loss reserve in lieu _ <br /> �'�'�'�i'�:::°, 4��� �1', of mongage insuronce. Loss reserve payments muy no bnger be required,nt the option of Ixnder,if moRgage insurance � <br /> ���-�.{ fi���� covernge(in the amount und for the pedod thut Lender requires)provided by un insurer upproved by Lender agein becomes <br /> ��'-�=a, "'�: . -! ovniluble ond is obU+ined.Borrower shatl,nay Ihe premiumti required to mnintain mortgage insurance in efkct,or to pmvide a - <br />- ��' � t bss rcscrve,until the requiroment fmr icwngage insurance ends in accordance wi�h a�y written agreement betwcen Borrower _ <br /> —�R",•.., :'*'.�`' � -.. <br /> '^'` �� , - ° and Lender or applicable In��•. ., <br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or iss ag��nt muy muke rea.tionable entries upon and ins�ections of the Propeny. i.ender sh�ll <br /> �,,. �..`�.'�. .' . ., � _ <br />:>, �„�,:�;,�;,►;�'�_::,:, give Borrower naice at the time ot or preo�to un inspcction specifying reasonable rau�for the inapection. <br /> }r,��+ �� �+t` lY. Conde�anatlon. The proceeai>of uny awArd or cl�im f'or damage�,dirert or consequenaaal,in connection with any <br /> ., � tt' ttz Pa I p+ - <br /> '.�,;i;�..�.., ��� .,� Sln�k Fmnily--Fmok MadFYeddle M�c UNIFOR�f INSTBUME:wi'•-Unffam Coverunu 9199 I er 3 0 6 gtsl _ <br />_.;��.,;C i ���'�:. <br /> �,r�.r)15�`�1l 1('� 6r�1 IIYls Er1�C1�FN�C�,iK.� <br /> 1 . (���,ti��'�� ;;`��e,:•z Tr O�drGO�1�006JGiC/!0 G BM 9167Y1•1131 <br /> ',, 1 }���,``7jit�� �a' :',',,� <br />,;;� r:�1;��. ��;':• .��J . <br /> � ,r!' ."r•<1l1�,1 <br />�;i �tM�,��•�?��i� _ - — _ .. �. <br /> �, t�P �,� •• � _ etir ... iSil�lr�i• <br /> -�a�� � �j�s�; �~• r.. . 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