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..:: . _ _ <br /> /% l ,:pb. .,xj3 .t . l{ . �},.., ..;.•:.,•s.:,�: - - ,.....- <br /> '`,` l.• y. � �i ,I� �l-�J:�� '...�:�•�.f,ti,�,�t.�..�. - �"""��.�_�__ � .�_ <br /> �.l}f��1' ��_ •�:.}.f -- _.. .'"-' - - <br />�y��, �A1'�1�,'... ..'—" <br /> . . . , ... ,a...+1_t4�}' ,. . �_. .. �� . ---- <br /> ' . .., i " ��.� • . _... .. <br /> • ��: . ._ . --. -. "_....... .._. <br /> . ��, � � <br /> • <br /> , � . . _ • _ glr 102�99 <br /> ��� �� <br /> " pe�ads thot L.endcr rcyuirc�. 'll�c imumncu cwTicr�mvlJin�{�Ix i��yw+•ncc Khull Ik rh��+cn hy Nurruwcr tiubkct to 1••ndcr� <br /> .. , npprovaJ which rhull nol l+c unrcuM+nably wi�hheld. If N�xn►wrr luil+�•�nwinlah�covcrupc dcKritxJ uMrvc.Lci�Jcr uwy,ut <br /> 1,ender's aption,aMuin coveragc u►pn��ec�L.rn�k r;rf�eh��in ihe Pr�+�eny in urc�Ntluncc w�ih�vuugrupli 7. <br /> All in�urw�ce policiex wul renewulr vfwll ix uccc�lahk in�kr a�xl�hall in�lu�k u,�unJnrd mongn��rluu+c. Lruikr � <br /> � �� ,hall huvc ihe right�o huld Ux;�+licicx+ux�R��wal�. ii Lcn�kr requln s,q��rn�wc��hull pn►m�tly�tivc�u I.endcr,ill nrciptti <br /> of pafd pRmiums and rcnewul iwUcrr. In thc rven���t�In..,H��m�Wer �hull uivo pn�mpt nuticr�u ihe intiuruncc cumcr un�l —'_Y' <br /> Lender. Lemie�moy mukc pnx►f ui hn�if n�w madc pn�nptly hy Bum�wcr. <br /> ,�,.. Unless Lender und Bomuwer��Ihorwi*e ugr�ee in w�iliag, in*uronrc pnxcrd�.hull ix�upplled tu m,toru�ion or rcpuir of <br /> -_ ' ��.�; Ihe Propeny dumugcd, if the rc�lomtion��� �e{►ni�i�: ec�mumirully 1'cu+.iblr und l.endcr� �+ecuriry i� nu� Ic.�ened. If thc �_ <br /> the M�ur�nce pnxeeJs *hull he <br /> •.--,-.�;_� --� ' restamtion or�epnir ix nut economicully feAxible or Lenderk ,ei:urNy would hr Ir.+encd. --- <br /> -- _�y�;:,:� --- <br /> —:�.;m;��,��,�,�.•• upplied ta the sumN secured by Ihir Seeurfly In�Irumenl, wh�the�ar mH then Juc,with uny exce�� puid �u Hom�wrr. If - <br /> ,s,�.�"~ Bortnwer abundons the PropeAy.��d��r+o1 unxwer wilhia ��►daya u nrnice t'n�m Ixnder�hut thr inxu�unre curtier ha. � <br /> - • ��' `�•�'.;f•�' offered ta xeule u claim.�hen Lender m�y caU�rt the insurnnce pr�xeed,. Lender muy u�e �he pr�xeedh to repair ur re,loR ��;} <br /> �. ,�.,,;;;�, ., y <br /> ��.:;r,�!,a;� �'� �: Ihe PropeAy ar ta puy sums r�ecured by�hic Securil In��rumen�.whelhc:�or not then due. The 30-duy��iud will begin when �_ , <br /> —="�•`''��� �he notice is given. <br /> _ _;,;,�;,�,,�:,,;:�. kation ot' nx��eds w rinci �1.twll nut entend ur _..__ <br /> -- Unlesc I.ender a�d Borrower��Ihenvi+e ugree in wrilinR.+u�Y' s 1 :u�d�nr cbun c �hN:uM n��'Ihe 1►�ymem�. If <br /> ,�,;,,_�.`��'� pos�pone�he due dute of Ihe monthly puymentx referred�o in pw-.��r�i 8' -_' <br /> --��Gt� under pumgtaph 21 Ihe Propert}'ia ucquired by Lender. &xn�wer±ri�ht lo uny insurunce pulicie.;u�d prorecd+ re�uUing <br /> �x ,,tv�, fmm damage to Ihe Pmperly pnor to Ihe ucyuisilion cFwll pa.y to 4eirirr�01he extent�if the+um..ecured by Ihi.S�tiurity ��., <br /> —°�"��-'-'�°- InF�rument immediately prior ta the ucquisition. - <br /> ^ .. .' d. (�yp�rey. Preservation. Muinteoa�ce �ud Pratectka o� the Propertys Borrawerc l.oan Appticalioo: _ <br /> _�_�_. .. <br /> -----�.-��1i',+.~<f•:'.•` Le�ceholds. F3arower shall occupy.e,taMi�h.und u+e tt�e 1lroperty ati Sumnwer±panciµd rexidence wi�hin tiixty duys oite� �c w <br /> j'.v�'�"�.;'��:�' :� � the executian of thi�Security Instrument+u�J shAll comiwue to occup�r�he Propeny u�Borrower±p�incip:►I residence for ut �;;_=: <br />'.:�t'' <br /> ..:�- � � leas� aoe year ufter the d�te uf a:cupuncy. unles+ Lender whenvi�e u�ree+ in writing. which cament �hall not be <br /> -�'""!''°.' � •..�. una�u�ably withheld,ar unla�:extenuatin�circumstunces exi.t which ar�e bry�►nd B�urower;control. Barcawer.hall not �_ <br />-:f�.�: ;`' , �`.�'��"` . ' destroy.damage or impair�he Property,allow the Property to detrnorate,cir commit wa�te on thc F'roperty. BorruWer�hull �•� <br /> c>i�;� r�t.° • • _'�: <br /> '• �`�°��. be in defauU if au�x 1'orfeilure uction or proceeding,whethercivil urcriminul, is lxgun thut in Lender.good taith judgment <br />_::.��:.;;<l ,,�,�R:.a��. o Y P <br /> • �•.. cuuld resul� in q'ixCeiwre of the Propeny r o�henvise materiall im uir �he lien creuled by �hix Securiry In.trumem ur __ <br /> ��� ,• "'.l,�,Cs�-�`L. Lender's xecuri�v interest. Borrower muy cure ruch u defuult und rein�tute,a.provided in purugraph I R,by the action �,,:. <br />.:_F��°1�� �luckx tarfeiture of the Borrawe�'s �'r <br /> °;'rr�° � or proceeding to he dismis�ed with a niling Lender:goai failh detem�inution,pre' _ <br /> �°`^' "� �x`�^����.• inicrest in the PropenY or o�her muteriul impuinnent oi the lien cmu�ed hy �his Sccunty In�irum�n�or Lcndcr c.ecuri�y �` <br /> :;::.,?.� .s�.,- .: ., g PP P b'. -- <br /> interest. BoROWer shull uh�� be in defuul� if Borrower, durin �he lu:+n u lication races,, �ave muteriully falsc ur — <br /> _—: ��°'-'�`:`L"��"' inaccurase iali��,�,��;����.�uuements to Lemier(ur fuiled to prcrvide Lender��i�h uny ma�eriul informue�on)in connec�ion wi�h _,_- <br /> i <br /> �� ° = 1he loun evid�aceci by Ihe Note, includin�. but not limited to, repn'+entution+ cuu�enting fia�:.,w'�s� oc�=�P�n�Y nf thr <br /> -•�"w'� �,;:.., . . . property ns a prdncl,�ul�e.ridrn�e. If thi�ti�rurily Instrument is on u lensehold.BnRa�ver xhull cumply wnh all Ihe provisions �` <br />_ � ;���.�•:i•�'.;..;•� `' of'Ihe leuse. If Borrowe�ucquirrs Fee tiUe�a the PropertY•�h�kuscholJ nnd the lee tin��sfiall nut mergc unles�Lender ugrcez - <br />. �{�� ,' • .� to the merger in w�iting. <br /> '.;. • � 7, protectlon of l.radPr's Rights in the Property. If &�awer faik to perfurm thc covenuna and ugreementti �:_ <br /> � • • ° cantuined in �his Security Instrument, �ir there is a Icgal pnxreJing th�i� muy xiEnifirautly affect Lender� ri�shls in the M <br />� :�t,,' ��-• '. <br /> Property I+uch u+u proceeding in�r condemnalian or f��Hcitum ur io enforce lu�v,�x regulution�l.�hen <br /> ��il,�:'��;. • ' Lendcr may do und puy for whutrvcr i.ncce,.ary a�prot�tit�hc �••rlur oi ih�I'rupeny unJ LrnJcr;rig.htx in Ihr Prupeny. <br />,,'�,�,. ;� :.• .,''.. ,. <br /> ,,,�;:y"� ;:.. ' Lcndr�±�c�ions may inrlude puyin�uny,um,+ecunJ hy:� licn whirh ha±rriarity uvcr thi•Srcuriry In.tniment.ap�uring � <br /> t•• "'"'i'��'�` �'''"'t io coun,payin reasonublr anomcy.'fees und entering un the Property w rnuke rcpain. Although Lendcr muy take :x:tiim <br /> r� � <br /> R <br />:.;:�';,�. ' :,t�l���� ; <br />.�-.'�!•�•�k'+ ��F��'��/•„�rl 4��±s, . <br />,,,.,,;.�.'. •H,•.tt j�i f�t�)'i•�Y. � under thi.par.��rapt�7.l.ender dce+not ha�e t�►do�o. _�. <br />_:*�,:,�;," ';���p�;i�f«�i��f:r�, ,.,. Any umnuntti disbursed hy LcnJcr unde�thix purogruph 7 �ha1C hecome uJditiunul Jeht of Bormwer,eci�red hy �his <br /> , ,{:�� ���,is � ��� - Securit In��niment. l�nles�Bort�►wcr and LenJcr a�rce to uthcr t�rm�u1 pavmcnt,ilx:se►�mount�;hall t+ear intcre��from thc �;;' <br /> �����1,,....�;„#.�r:4 ;., y _. <br /> ' .�,�:; :��.��•" �'i�"�ti date of diybursement u�the Note ratr unJ +hull he pay�able, wi�h int�rcYi, u�m nuiire from Lrndcr in�orrower requcsting �� <br /> ti��:�:..�t�'� a meot. �::: <br /> ��t•.�,.;��. .....- P Y <br />`�1 ' �{ 8. Mortgu�r Insurance. If Lrndcr rcquired m��nFa�c in,uruncc u� u ronditiun ul'muking Ih� loan �ccureil h�• �hi� �}hf_ <br /> -�.,•''�' .. , '' Security Inslrument. Born�wrr,hall puy tlx prcmiums reyuired �o muintain thc nu�ngugr in,uruncc in rff�rt. If. !or an�• -.. <br /> ., '���� .r , • .�t.�.,. reu�an. Ihe m��ngage imurancr cuvrr•rgr rcywmd hy Lendrr lup,eti ar cru�c, �u hr in el'I'crt. Borrxiwer shull pay Ih�r —_ <br /> �' �.�^ ''�'' premiums requimd to�ihtuin roverugc ,ub,tunliully �quivulcnt �o thc mongagr intiuranrc prrviuu�ly in �t'fect. at a ra,i _ <br />''���?'��•.. ~ Y '9 — <br /> �...�..,- :" subatuntiuU � uivulcn�w�hc co.t tu Horrowcr ui the nlort�upr imuranre prcviuu,ly in �Ifcrt, from un altcrnate mung•rFc —_ <br /> - insurer upprovcJ ny Lcndc�. If+uh,tantially ryui�•ulent munEu�r in.ur:mcc ruvrragr i,n��l a�•ail�Mc.Borru��er.hul)pay lo �f- <br /> ~yw�'� ti " Lendcr each monlh a tium cquul a►unr-��vcllih ul thc�•�urly mi�nEa��in�uruncc prcmium Ixin�paiJ Ny Borro��•er when ihc � <br /> -�i:}t�:';�•t i, <br />..-r.�T��:: insurvn�e coverage lup+xd or r�a.cJ w he in cll'crl. Lendrr�vill acccpt.u,e anJ rrt:un 1he,c paymcnt�a+u lo,ti rc.en•c in lieu <br />�f''�' ..: , ,� uf mon�s� e insurancc, Lo.�rc.crve puymcnt.muy nu I�mger Ix r�quircd.��I �hr i.ptiun uf l.�nder,if morlga�c in.urancr <br />-�,'�:',�:, • • b g �'�. <br /> :tir�r.S�i; , covcruge lin Ihc arnount imd ti►r dir�xriod thin Lcndcr rtyuirc.►pmridrd by an in,urer appru�rd hy Lcndcr:�Euin Ixcomr> - <br /> '��•.�,, _ �. _- <br /> . i�vuiluhle imd i.ahtuineJ.Burn���•cr,hull pn>•ih�prcmium.rryoinJ iu mainUiin nwn�uEe in.urunre in rftcc�.ur tu pro�•ide a - <br /> ... . . lo.�rescrve.uMil the rcquiremenl tix murtg+�pr m.uruncc end,in iKC�►rdunr.��ilh any w•i•iucn ugirement t►etwccn kiurro��rr ` <br /> I� .. <br />,,.,•;:,;.' � �ind Lrnder or applicubl�I:i�v. � y, ' <br /> 9. Inspecliun. Lend�r ur it�agcnt mii)•uiaF.r rca.��nablr anric.u�x�n and in.�xr�iun,uC Ihc I'ru rt Leniicr.hall ; .. <br /> . . Fivo Born�u•cr nntirc at thr limr i�f ur priur lu:m im(kction��x�il�in�rru,unaMc r:w.r I'�a•Ihc in+�xctian. �, <br /> ' 10. Condemnatiun. The nrarcrd.��f+mY n��'+ird ur�lann ti�r�lumagc..direri��c connrcliun�vilh am <br /> �� s�ogk Frnnh-•h'unnN�fuaM'rcddtc�luc t\IFIIR�f I�SIRI�tEXI' t munm t'o�ruaw. 9/911 i�a�c�•t�,�n p,��r.� �'-� <br /> . . �irat lute�Huunrtis Fm�.la� � <br /> •. In IhFY�'.111 I���l�i N1�17'1'1''1\�I�II���11�11'11 <br /> , . �. <br /> � <br /> ' � I <br /> .. � �,: <br /> � i. <br /> . �11'; <br /> > . � <br /> • ' . . `.� <br /> '� ,� . .. . <br /> ` . - � .. ' 1}� , ' , ' ' , 1� ''i._ � '��i..: <br /> _;.. '� ... , . . '. . . <br /> 1 <br /> r . ` � , i <br /> � . , <br />