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<br /> . :. , .�, . . . . .. , .
<br /> ,; •U;� •. �pw�yr„� :a�� r r; Jc;=r wwrc • . , 1 - ._
<br /> ��c;`�; A►,.��'� 7 t ':'�'`''�'rwxM:�J:�u''� —` - -• ..,- �r
<br /> .. g �,...:. y.►Te • � ."'� .-. - _
<br /> rr�e���
<br /> .,i.' �.. .
<br /> .1 .. .. Nk !`1M .2`,.
<br /> ' -
<br /> �
<br /> , ---
<br /> �
<br /> 91— �.o2s�s
<br /> � � 7'OOEfHSR WITH all the impmvemems naw or hereufter erecied on�he pnqwny,und ull ca�cemrmh,uppunenunce�,
<br /> ' and Rzturcs naw ar hereAfte�u purt of the property. All roplucememr+und udditi�mx�hall ul►n i�covered by�hia Scrurity
<br /> � . .. „�s.• , � Inc��urnent. All oi�hc ii�regoing is rcfemeJ�o in�hi�:Secu�lly Inwln�ment ax thc"Pn��ny." --�----
<br /> �• °-.; BQRRUWER COVENANTS tha�B��rruwcr ix lawfully +ci�rd uf�hc c�ta�c hrn:by cunvcycd uixl hu�,�br dyth����µrum �"""�
<br /> ' av.u':='___
<br /> : ". .i►•��, ond convey�he Proi�erty and IFuu the Properly ir unencumberrd,escrp� f�K enrumbranrea of rerurd. [iiKmwrr wunanu+uul
<br /> . ��=a:�..•�'•• .:. will defend Reneraliy�hc tillc t�Ihc F'�operty pgofnst all claim�und JemunJ.r,*ui►jcY��u uny cncumhrWn�e�uf r�xurd, _
<br /> ._.. : . �y..__ C"-
<br /> ` :�j,�i�i��� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambine� unifom� a�venunl� fiK natiunai uK utkl non•unitorn►cuvenamx wilh
<br /> � ,��� ' limiled vuriation�by ju�ivdic�ion to ronxtitu�c�unif'urm hccurily inauumcnl cuvering reul pn►perly.
<br /> ` "��� ' � �� UNIFURM CAVENANTS. 8arrower un4 Lender covcnum and ugmc u.r foltuws:
<br /> _'�,�`•��;' �'�`°��'° l. Payment of P�Incip�l and Interesti Prcp�yment nnd I.pte ChwrRe�. Hnrmwor xhull prom�xly puy whcn duc�ha —�
<br /> '-{''''`�� `"` . prfncipal of und interc+t an�he debt evfdenccd My tho Nrne und uny p�epuyment und lulc churgc�due undcr thc Notc, �::>;���--��
<br /> . 2. �unds�or'Ihx�s and In�u�ance. Subject to upplkublc low ar to u wrilten wuiver Ny l,ender. Sotmwer shall puy tc► ���=�=°�--
<br /> �^.yl�wei,...: .- . .�-w._.._�.,_._.
<br /> � Lcnder on the day monthly puymentR n�duc under�ha Nate,until the Nui�s ih puid in I'ull,u,um i"Fundn"1 fi�r:tu1 ycurly
<br />�-�� taxes nrid asressments which mu atluin �iarll over this Secudt Instrument us a lien on Ihe Pro ny;(bl yeurl Ieuxehald
<br /> � ' -
<br />�,_;�; Y P Y Y PQ Y
<br />�„y�,���:?, "�S� �� � payments or gmund rents on the Propeny, if uny; lc► yeu�ly haznrd or propeny insura�x;c prcmiums; ld) yearly Qood
<br /> w;_kH� �•• • � �� � - insumnce premiums, if any; (el yearly mongage inaurance premium�, if uny; und ifl any sums puyable by Borrower to r,��,:--
<br />`;4";p�:. ¢ � Lender,in uccordunce with tFrc ptovisions of puragrnph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insumnce premiums. These –�°
<br />� s�:�,�• `�' .� items are called"Escrow Items." Lender may.at uny time,cnllect und hold Funds in an s�rnount nw ta exceed the muaimum =_- ___
<br /> �'�a • amount a lender for u federully rels�ted mongage loun may rcyuirc fu�BoRawerl escmw xcount under Ihe federul Real �"'"'--`
<br /> �.. ��" I ''` " Es�ate Settlement Ptocedures Act oF 1974 as amended from time lo lime.12 U.S.C.�26[11 r�sey.l"ItESPA"1.unlcwx unothe� �,.�:__
<br /> •����•1-�� law thut applies to 1he Funds sets a lesser amount. If u�.Lender may,at:u�y 1ime,rollect und hdJ Funds in un umount na 4u ��
<br /> .J� ,. . y��J4��`
<br /> :•�-r�:., •r�• � exceed the lesser umounG Lender may estimate Ihe umount of Funds due an the basis of currenl dulo and reuwnable sn;-,•,1{�^�
<br /> '��.� �:;: . estimutes oi eapenditures of futune Escrow Items or aherwise in uccordance wiih applicuble law. � . t'ri�,_
<br /> ,., v'��+,• ° ^� - The Funds shall be held in un instilutian whose deposils are insured by a iedeml agency, insuumentnlity,or entiry _
<br /> � -�' ��-:
<br /> . 'iY�t�'§X��;rw� •�:-� • (including Lender,if Lcnder is such an ins�iwtionl�x in uny Federnl Home Loan Bank. Lender shall Apply the Funds to pny .`.�.,,r.
<br /> '�� "� � • the F.�crow Items. Lender may �at charge Bara«�er for holding nnd npplying Ihe Funds,aanually anul}•aing the eurow •
<br /> . ,,,•.:;� � .
<br /> ;"''' ;• uccour�t,or verif m Ihe Eccrow Itrms, unless Lender a ti Borrower intercst on the Flinds uod A licnble luw rmiss ' " ��;;
<br /> ,. gz�tt�f• �:• .a;�t. , r' s P Y= PP Pe `�,,�,,,;�,;..::..:.
<br /> �'�;;'y��� ,;� °o�%�^r>. Lender to muke such a cha�e. H�����•er,Lender muy requir�Borrower to pay u one-�ime charge Por An independem re�l -�,.,,. . , •
<br /> ' �r�` '���' '�i" estnte tax re rtin tiervice used b l,cnder ln connection with�his lonn,unless u NcAble It►a ruvides othenvise. Unless un �.�„�;f���,?��,_•`�:�'=
<br /> f;,;;]..- , r... . Po �� Y PP P
<br /> `:;1i;1� agreement is made or ap�+licable law rrquires interest to be puid,Lender si�wll aot be mquin.d�o pay Bortower uny interest or �..._�
<br /> • �..� ��'�� �.
<br /> <t'�;;.;� .��.;�=. eamings on the Flincls. Ro�rrower and Lender mny ngree in writing,haweve�,�hnt interc<t�hAll be pnid on the Funds. Lender � f;`--_
<br /> • t���:;t�„. ' . SIIAI)BIVP lQ BOifpWCi, u�ithout charge,an unnuul accounting oi the Funds.shmvinp cmdits nnd debits to�he Funds nnd the ��� + �'%t�-
<br /> =-- � 1'� �• purpo�e f��?which eneh tkbit t�!he F��tH!�Wn�mn�. The Fmxl.are�ledged a�additinna!.ecurity for nll sums secured by 1'-�9�;=-
<br /> ^__�� , " thisSecur�ty lnstrument. � '�:i;:;-
<br /> ,, �`� ' (f Ihe Fundv held by Lender exceed the um��unts permiued to be held h�• applicuble luw. Lender shall uccount to ���}
<br /> r';: ,. _L"�:'.:-'':.
<br /> � � � � Borrower for the excess Funds in accordnnce wit'h the requirements of upplicable Ipw. 1P the umaunt of the Funds held by -- ,�_
<br /> c ':!i'•; } • -1?S�,?-_.
<br /> • . : ; �r.�.. L.ender ut uny time is not sufficient to pay�he E,�rnw Items when due,Lender m���so nolify Borrower m writing,nnd.in ( �
<br /> � , i..:.;•.,� 'F'I��fw�::
<br /> '; ,.>t�',:•.� such cnse Borrower r;haU puy to Lcnder the umount necessury to make up Ihe dei'irienc�. Barrowe� sfiall muke up the t•.;�?.�::--�-=:e—;-,
<br /> de�ciency in no more than twelve iroonthly pnymc:nts,ut Lender's xole discretion. �, _, fri�;�:.`
<br /> y;`..'L .,',:�::•{��: r,�;
<br /> , F;�.,.,• � ��� Upon payment in full of all sums secured hy Ihis Securiry Instnement. Leadcr shull piompUy refunJ to Borrawer uny . i.vi a.�•-�,_
<br /> . `��j,�' �• Funds held by Lender. If,under puragraph 21,Lender shall :icyuire or sell �he'Pro�ny.Lender.prior to Ihe ucyuisition or .t..�; �i�,��:;,
<br /> ''�°`l��o""@"'j'"'`o. sole of the Pro ,hall u 1 an • FLndx held h Lendcr at Ihc time of uc uisition or sale as a credit u ninsl the sums '
<br /> ` f•>; P�nY• � Pp Y > Y �l � ��,�,�
<br /> •�.��. . . secured by this Security Instrument. � ,• . :
<br /> ��'�,:'r.�,.
<br /> " ''i� �•'"'""��"'• 3. A IlcaUo� ot PA menta. Unless a licable law rovides othenvise, all a ments received b I.ender under '•;�1.;1''" °°?-`'� �
<br />.,;,, � AP J' PP P P Y Y �,ti:;::•
<br />' t�.��;-� � � , ,�.� parrgraphs 1 and?shal0 be upplied: tirsl,lo uny prepuyment churges duc under the Note;second,to nmounts pnyable under k��.�'++5;�
<br /> .,,..,.,,�;� • �N�, . • ,�,d�;:�.;�<•
<br />�.,,;,`;,•,.•t :, �f H ., puragrnph 2;ihird,la interc.rt dut;fourth,to principal due;and lavt,to any late chnrges due undcr�he Note. �:7.• ;:.v�,�.,.,,•;�.
<br /> � '••� �"�• 4. CAarge�; Y.�ens. Botrower shall pay aN IAxcs,usse.xmcnts,churges, fines and impo+iti�nc utrcibutable �n the � . � � •''�'
<br />. .rJ 'ti.; , . . � .
<br /> ';�3;;, ' ,rvmcntx ur �round r�nh,if an•. Bormwrr �;'•' ' ��
<br /> Aroperty which muy anain priority�ver this Security In+trumeni,anJ IrvsrholJ�•. �. 7 _ _
<br /> '`';�" � shull pay these obligations in the manner pmvided in parngruph 2,or if not paid in thut manner,BortoNCr sh�ll pny them on �X; '" :� _-
<br />•� • � time dircctl lo the non owed ayment. Bnrtower shall rom tl furnish tu Lend�r all notices of amounts to Ix rid unJer �•����
<br /> .. Y P�� P P P Y P' ti:' �
<br /> " +� this parngraph. If Borcower makes these puyments directly. Borrower tihull pn�mpt�y iumish�o Lender receipts evidencinR .._•,�.,.,.,
<br /> � . the payments. '^�'•.� `..�:� -
<br /> r ' - Burrower shull promptly dischurge uny lien whKh ha�priority�wer thix Serurit}�Inslrument unless Borrower.(a)agrecti , . •
<br />',� ' � in writing to the payment of tne�bliga�ion secured by thc lien in u m:mner acceptable ta Lender,lb)contests in good fuilh the �`l�
<br />� ,,r��r,� �... �j�.: • , • _
<br /> sp�.• . . . lien by,or defends ugainst enfarcement of�he li�n in,legul pnxecdings which in the Lender's opinion opera�e to prevent the .. • . _
<br /> �� n enforcement uf the lien:or Ir)secures from thc holder of Ihe lien un agreement su�isfnctory Io Lender sub�tdinuting thc lien `'
<br /> , ,.:.:�;.., .�
<br /> `�:.,,�,,,'�,,' ° . , to this Security instrument. If Lendcr determines that uny purt of�he Pn�ny i.subje�:�to a lien which muy uttnin priority : .'•�;�"':"'�:
<br /> •,i��,���;:�, • over ihis Securi[y Inxtrumem.Lender mny give Borrowcr u n�ticc identifying thc lien. Bamwer shull satis�fy the lien or t+�kc ~tir�: .�;'.;
<br /> '` ��'�' ''`'•+ one or more of the urtinns set forth c�bove within 10 drys of�he giving of nntice. •
<br />. ...`i ti,�7.iFL`.'`•s.�
<br /> i„..;�•,,`:,�.t" •;k f�, ;i. _ ..5: S. Hu�rd er Wroperty lnsurAnce. B�ower shull kcep the impmvrmenlx now exis�ing or hercuf�cr crected on the '
<br />' , ,�• ,` ,�.,;,,r , Property insured ag�inst lasc by fire,luzardr inrludeJ within tlx t�rni"cxtendcd covctigc"and any otl�er hnzanls,including ,
<br /> •� �+�!� ��"�Y�' • i.;��'f, �., flooda or flooJing, f�x which Lender reyuire.insur;uur. Thi. in.rurunce shull he main�ained in the umoums nnd fa the '. �
<br /> •>r; �;i,,'' ;�p,.;•, , ' , .
<br />,. . ' :;, �`�;� 4,; . rbrm�ets q�w �rw�e�z���e�r.x�a► I� .
<br /> . �, .
<br /> i
<br /> � '
<br /> I
<br /> . �.1_ _ — _
<br />