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,��.-� <br /> -a,. '.�.�w����;� ..-.. <br /> -.:?�.' � .�.e,v;.� <br /> Y� k. .�� •f. �.� _'- <br /> � ;f � - _._...._. .-_----- . ...---`-` <br /> -�-�;,.'7. . ' � � � . � �� �. - <br /> �.::�,%��.�.�+a.,.,} • , . : �� <br /> ---------- - ---- � . �" �Q�� p�x-a��e-2 - <br /> • Itl�vantwezerci�etl�eCon�rsiooOptbo.Imuutintmectaertaincoodldon�.TFw�e000dit�oasu�etiu�l:(i1lmuRt <br /> give tbe Note Holdernolloe�t i w�nc wdo�o;(li)�n the Ccavee:ioa t�e�1 muiK not be�ia default under tho Note artho <br /> Sa;urby In�trumeMi(iiif bY�date�pecitkd by the Note Hokk�.l must p�y the Note Ho{der a aon�en�ia�teo of U.9. <br /> s .00 :aod(!v)I awft�n�ad�Ive tba Note Hokfer aqy docuarcaw the Na�c Ilolder <br /> ;,�. _.�-_------� �u[ne+weffect the oa��wsion. <br /> - • tB)C�io�af F'ited R�te <br /> -- My naw. fixed interest ate wfli be egual ta the Federnl N�tbnpl Martgage Association's nquircd net ykld <br /> - as of a d�te and dmo of dq► specitied by the 1Vote Holder for(i)if the ariglad tenn oi thic Nate la�rcater tlun IS <br /> _--- _ __ ye�rs.30-year fixed r�te marlguges covered by applicabic 6(1•day mandwtory delivery commitrrKnts,plus five- <br /> ei�hths of ane penxntage poiac(0.62556),rouaded to the aearcst one-eighth of one paroen�age poiat(0.125%�ar <br /> � (ii)if the orlgiaRl term of tlsis Noee is 1S ywrs or less, t3��esU tiacd nte mongagcs covcrrd by a�piia�blo 60d�y <br /> mu�atory delivery comm�tments.ptas£'ivrc-eighRbs of'one porcentage paint(Q.62396). raypded ta�Ae aearcst <br /> _� onaeiQhth af ane peneqtqge paint(0.1235b).If thes rcqyired oe�yield cannot be determio�d because�Ae�ppli- <br /> cable commitmcnts are aat av�ilable.the Note Nolde�vir�ll determioe my lotcres�ra�e bar using comQ�r�wble <br /> ---- - infomution.M�ynawratec�kaaate�iwndertbisSection3tB)wiilnotbe�e ater�hant�eMaxinwmRatostatedlaSoc�ioo <br /> -= 4(D)abowe. !!Y INTEREST �tATE WILL HEVER Cs�. GREATBR ?NAN 11 ,500 PfiBCE11T. <br />`;t:~�- _ - -_ _-_- (q:l Nk�r 1P��at AmouNt�ad ERectlir��te . <br />'''�� � ' 1�'1 chane to o�cercise ttie Conversio�Q3�r�r:ion. tbe Note Holder wilt determine thc amount of the monthly - <br />_?';i � "'�,"'�;:;;, , ' paymen�t1�t would be sufficknt to repay tlir unpaid principal I am eapected to owe on the Conversion Date in <br /> _ _ " fu11 cMO t�e maturlty date�e my new Bxed intercst n►te in substant�ally equal payments.The rcsult of this caku- <br /> ���- , latlon'wlll be the aew amount�►f my monthly payment. BeginninR with my�rst monthly payment after tda <br />`�:'�';: . , `,' '��i i � Converabn Date.1 w�{I Qay the neN�amount as my monthlY payment uotil the Mawrity date. - <br /> �:.:,..� �-.. .:.r <br /> C.TRAN3FEtt OF'�'HE PROPERTY OR A BENEFIClAL INTEREST IN 80RRiUWER <br />�,�° I. Until Borrawer exencises the Conversion Option under the condit�ans stated in Sectioo B af this Adjust- <br /> �'� � � �w� able Rate Rider,Unlform Co��enant 17 of the Security Ins�t�w�unt is amended to r�ead sis folbws: <br /> .- 7�rrnA�er ot the Pe�ty or a Be�fficid l�teeesl lr Borrower.If all or any parc of the Pmpe.cty or any interert .- <br /> � ��'�'��''a�' � in it is sold or traas�'erred (or.lf a beneficAa�iacerest i�Norrower js sold or traiasferred the Btc�r�rower is not a ' *�_ <br /> __ _ ...- s�.w m�,�l.r�,:,.+�� �A ���_ <br /> ,..., .�`s•., ,�,,��t?.:';:;J � natural personl w�tbaut L.ender's priar written cansent. I.ender its option, �eqaire ifimed'aate payment in �; <br /> �•.,; .rt:, ..�:. '�_- <br /> ;F' ��,��.f�,;.,�. '� full of all cums s��nvod by�his Security Instrument. However.this option shull ncie be ezercised by Lender if _ <br /> • �•�'� � ,�>t: ` exercisc is prohibited�by fede�al law as of the dute of this Security Instrumcnt. Lcr�dcr also shall not exercisc this -- <br /> �� �� -• • option ii: (a)Borrower c:+usec to be submitted to Lender info�mation rcqul�ed by Lender to evaluate the intended __ <br /> `='` �•'•:� ' • trancferce us if a aew ban were being made to the transferee:und Ib1 Lender rcasanubly determines that Lend- "`_ <br /> T; '••� �� er's security wltl nvt be impuired by the loan pssumption nnd that the risk of a breach of any covenant or - <br /> _ �.:�".,."^F� ``,"": �rcentent in this Security Instrument is acceptnble to Lender. - <br /> ��..,,�,.•?:,�;.�';;,.,. -� <br /> ,,;�• _�,r* To the extend permitted by applicable luw, Lender muy churge st reusonable fee ns a condition to Lender's �. <br /> ��v`��� consent to the IoAn Assurnption. Lender�Ico muy require the transferee to sign nn assump�inn agreement that is �� <br /> , .�, , . .L.,._.W=•. <br /> � t f :����'��ti?j��� acceptable to Leoder�nd�hnt obligutes the trAnsferee to keep all�he promises and agreemen�s made in the Note <br /> .�_ <br /> t�';., - � ._,.��;�i'yc`rY. , _ <br /> � :f_ • ;,,„f.�y.,;A fi�,,��, . , and in this Secu�ity Instrument. Borrower wlll continue�o be obliguted under the Nota and this Security Instru- F. <br />_.' �� �,�F����'�" ment unless lender releases Borrnwer in writing. �-_:' <br /> ti. ,... . e <<y• , <br /> ?� ` �f,t�'��q/)���7�,�� ' . Hie� <br />� • � r q;{,�,�,� If Lenda�exerci�es the option to require immediace payment in full.Lender shall give Borrower notice of __. <br /> � �x, . ��.� <br /> 1, .. � � � � acceleration. The natice shall provide u period of not le�s thun 30 duys f'rom the date the notice is delivered or <br /> 5;3�','•zy. ,�.R..g; _ <br /> .. ,:•=�,:�:c,`::'.'t. �• mailed within which Borrower must pay ull sums secured by this Securin�Instrument. If Borrower fuils to pay __ <br /> �;�'''�' ;�.o •��r.: �";c ' these sums prior to d�e eapiration of this period. Lender may invoke any remedie�permitted by this Security _` <br />"" '�_= � <'':'• ,,ijI�=''' ' inatrument withaut further notice or demund on Bormwee =_ <br />._�'�. 1f !F 1� ��7�Jy,� — <br />- n�'� ���'� � 2. If Borrower exercises the Conversinn Option under the c�nJitions ,�ated in Section B of this Adju�table <br /> "'?�,-,.•.�::r. <br /> • Rute Rider,the s�mendment of Uniform Covenant 17 of the Security� In�trument contained in Section C I above � <br /> "�' . �, �;,• .��.'`� shall ehen cease to be in effect. and the pravisians of Uniform Cov�naot 17 nf che Security Imtrument shall L <br /> i u��':'' �''•`4��•{�;�'' inatead be in fol laws: "` <br />�� .,•k�• i S'.,.:�ra�...L';w�1t (�'_. <br /> ==� .•�`"�:':��,��•'rr+,�.,�.•,•'�� 1Yans[er of the 1'roperty or a Itenet�cipl Interest In Borrower.lf all nr an� parc of�hC Property or uny interest �� <br /> z" ' ���''•;''��'��'�����i�''�`�,� in it is sold or transferred�or if A beneficial intere��in Borrowcr i;Ktie�1 ar crwcu�irrr.d and Borrower is not n [ <br /> � , �. .t�.n.,��fAtY�:�:e;.h (��; <br /> �- 'r. �•�'"�"��•;,-�:, nutural persnnl with�ut Lender's prior wriuen contient, Lender ma?:a�ac�nF►a►oro, rrquire imme�liate puyment in ,•° <br /> a f�t+;��_,,'•• <br /> = ' �s ��� �;�.; ��,• .� full of ull sums s�rcured by this Security In.r.rument. Howe�er,thi.��prb�m,hall nen be exrrciaed by Lender if �'� <br /> ° ' � r �"+`'' ',•,�, '�" _�_ <br /> .�»• ,.,��r��,:,�, � . exereise is prohibited by federnl law aa of the d:�re uf thi+Security In.trumem. <br /> ;�'„� � �; <br /> .t�� <br /> . _ <br /> ., ,. ,r r�.�<< .,..:,:t:;•. �. F_� <br />,;� •s� �If�f`j•��r��;l���:r��;,`.•S if Lender exercisec this option. Lender shall gi��B.�rrnuer notice of acrelerati��n.The notiee shull provide <br /> ` c <�. :('�t51i7•�':'•'a.s i` �,, . �_`-.. <br />:�; �_..�. •i 1;,,,,,��y;.� ��;� • _ n period of rtot less tban �n days from the data che no�ice i.drlivered ar mailed a�i�hert which Bc�rrower mu,t pay _ <br />"�}'ti�- � ���� '�•'• � ' �'� '`�''+ all surns secured by this Security In�trumrne. It liorrower tail. ta puy the>e sum.priar to ihr�ex��:ra�ian nf thi� - <br />-�`';S;�.. ,t��., •. <br />_.,._.� - ,;;;. , period,Lender may iavake any remedia prrmitced by thia Security Instrumem a�ittw�ut further rtatice or demand �'` <br /> ou Borrowec � <br /> °:��-: - :.:--. - . . <br /> ''�--•� " �• ,' BY SIONIIYG B�1AW, Borrower uccepts and ogreew to the terms and co�enants contuined in this Adjuatablr E - <br /> ��1� ��,�.�:.,.'..- -- - Rate Ride�. s,- <br /> •�� F `'. �i. : ��,�„ .... ... ...... .... ........... . 1$C�II /�f �.. �y�/J'1�(J�/.... �ticaU f.. <br /> , .......... <br /> -� - �r, •�NfOKf ... ..�/IfPNlt � <br /> . �' .'� ° ,�� JADi M CUMM N� �,, <br /> ;," ��: " ,,..' • `. <br /> ,.,, ,��,. - ..... .......... .......... ................ �Sral� . . ..f.. ..... . ... ....... �Seui� '. <br /> -�� • ��rrm�rr Fk�rnwcr �.. <br /> � 6ETTY CUMMINS - <br /> n=- - yf', � Fons711iL�lY�I�rR.�M:�..t.., �• <br /> . ,� . . r <br /> � , i . <br /> .�.! <br /> ti: <br />