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!.�'° - l:.� '' �/ • , V . .- =—.:s. .-- <br /> �4•.:•""' rPr..,� ,� r_.L..._�..�.�,e.�.�y��_:�_-�-�-- <br /> - ---- -- --- <br /> ' ' � --- � - --- — - , ;__ <br /> _ -_+._, , ,�,..,. i . ' - <br /> .._.,._ _,_ �{6se7� . . , _.:� �. :_ ; . 93+ �'. FN�AR-9118-1._. <br /> ----- � f ' � - <br /> � � . ,, �ADI,�U�'Ir81��RAT�Ritf$!t -� <br /> , • . (111�r7�wr�IN�s.-wlt C�sr-I+Ix�d vtr Cosw�la�Opfloa) `. ��`� <br /> ' THI3 ADIUSTABLB kATR R1DBR lt tn�de tbb 9� dsyof APRI6 .19 93 .and i� '' <br /> ' incorpornted lato u�d�uil be deeroed u►aiaeod�ad supplement Ihe Mort�e.Dead af 7lruat or Soaurlty Dead <br /> ____^ _T . (the "Securlty lnttrument��) ottt�e s�►an�l0�i�lE�� AO���A��;�NC. .�A����1����uro Bnrrower9 <br /> ��--A----� �WR��ORATIO��tba Note )to <br /> (t6e"Loader")of tha s�mo date and cavarla�tho property deccribed�la <br /> tbe Security Inurument�uad Ioated u: . <br /> � � � 4344 HEAVENLY DRIYE GRAND ISLAND, NE 69803 ' <br />_ _ ----- [r��nY�ar�+•l <br /> THE NORE CON'�ANB PRDAlIS10NS A�I.L!O�IMM�Ki FOR CHANQES IN THE INTEREBT RA'T8 <br /> �AND tNH MONTHLY P/1YIilE1!IT.TNE NOTE UMI�'6 THE AIAOUNT THE 80R�i0WEfl'8 <br /> AQJUSTABLE MITEliE�T�A'Q'E CAN CHANOE AT ANY ONB TIYE AMD THE YAXMIUY <br /> -- RATE THE BORR�W�W. aAU9T PAY. TNE NOTE ALSO CONTAINB TH� <br /> -- --— �PTlON 1D CQ�1l�EiT 1��+9�lSTA�R��11RTE'�0 A FqCED AATE. . <br /> - _ _� - - ADDIT�ON�.COr'ENANT3.'Yn�►dditionto't4e:coven�ntsapda�reament�ntadeio�heSecurityl a�qeat. ..,,, , � <br />- __ °,�:,.. , . . <br /> - Borrower�Le�tkr furtirc�covenaot and��ree aa followc: � ., : � � . . <br /> ��, .,, . <br />, �:�'•' ,A.ADJU�"t'ABLE RATE AND MONTflLY PAl/l�I �T ANGES ,t � <br /> yt ` ' The Notc provides for en iaitial intecest rate o6 �•5��.Tbe Note Pqa►aades Ibe ehwi�es io We x�.`lj�sabk <br />�—_ - - •,�, �.;,' � unTFrest rata And the monthlY follows: �, � <br /> :, ,;; <br />-`!_'-'--- I _ _. �' ',:;:; �1.ADJl1STABLE INTERESTRATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES ' <br /> --- ---- ;� ,. , . <br /> ��' A C e . . <br /> ( ) bna D�tes <br /> �.�,,,. <br /> Q <br /> �s '�_•; The adjustabk interest rate 1 wlll pay may change on the first day af M�Y .19 9y <br /> ��;;. . .:, . <br /> -=_ ��------ <br /> �� .. and on that day every 12ab moath theroafter. Each dete on whied my adjust�ble i�tere���r�te could cbanQe ic <br /> :�;�� ' ' . calkd a"Change Date." , , . , � <br />'�:�k � (B)T6e ladea � ,. <br /> ;,;z,•— � �� � • � �:�•' Beginning with the�rstCh�nga QDA�e,my adjustable interest rate will be based on an Index.The"Index"is <br />+!!�t : ;�,.�'.�' t�hre wakly everage yi�ld oa United Stntes 7YeQSUry,ecurities adjusted ta a cvnstunt ma�urity of 1 year,as made <br /> ` ' 's {`�1 F'� � � ' ucai{able by the Federal Reserve Board.rhe most necent Index figure eveilable a�of the date 45 days betorc each <br />:;�jf, I��''T , '���;�.,•Ciwag'ep�teiscalledthe "Current(nciex." <br />°'"-� �, '�+i,, � � ' 'I'�•� lithe no longer avoilable, the Note Holder will choose a new iadex that is based uponcomparable <br />- � �' .�� �, ;��infarmaaion.�'he Note Holder wil 1 give me notice of this choice. <br /> r.�,,,y � '; '(C1 CAleulAtbn otChwages 2.7g� <br /> , Befote each Ch�nft�yP�e.�he Note Holder will calculate my newinteres�rate by adding <br /> ��' '� '' ' rcenta e ints( �� �r Ito the Current Index. The Note Halder will then round the result of this addition <br /> � P� 8 P� <br /> = . :,,,�,,.:c.,, • to the nearest one•eighth of ane percent�ge point(0.125�).Subject ta the limits stated in Section 4(DI bebw.this <br /> �:,,� ,,,rounded emount wil I be my new interest rate until the next Change Date. <br />- _:� . ' The Note Holder will then determine the amaunt of the monthly puyment thnt would be sufficient to repay <br />= ` "'�'��r,;'��:�,;�' , �he unpaid principAl that 1 nm expected to owe at the Ch�nge Dute in full on�fie Maturiry Date at my new interest <br /> •��'����'"� � •rate in substantiall e unl a ments. The result of this calaulation will be the new amount of m momhl <br /> -': x� rl' ' .�, -:�..,' Y 9 P y Y �,P�Y' <br /> '��i� ,: �.�-5;b;�;,l,��..t��(..' ment. <br /> ';. •�::"�,Iv�;.,�.,,��;{:�,ir � <br /> .��: � , ,,, (D)LImB¢s on Interest Rate Chs�ages <br /> �: � �.���.;;,�: :.��: 3 ��� ?.50Q, <br />�+ t�'},�.�•.. T e est rate 1�m required to pay At the fir�t Chnnge Dute will not be greater than � <br /> `" �'�'"��;�;�"��'•��;{ , i thun • Thereafter,rny adjust e interest rute wil l neve�be incrraseJ or decreused on any single Ch .+. <br /> �3 s,.,�i�, , ,,.�� T�b � <br /> �4;'��'�f.�� 1'T �, a`';. by more than percentuge poinqsll ''k ro rute of i�terc.t I ha�e been paying fbr tM precediag r. .o.,ths. <br /> ., � �'�.�o''�� <br /> �� ,+,�;'���t,�: My interest mte will never be greuter than k,which is culled the"Muximum Rate." <br /> �, �:��.;a,►'r' (EI ERective Date of Cban�es <br />-''• ����� �` �� M new interect rate will bernme effecti��e on each Chan e Dale. 1 will a the amount of m new monthl <br />- _ •�,�;,+ui�:;�s.���;.iL • Y F p Y Y Y <br /> ,�"""�°'" v a ment be innin on the firs�monthl a mem da�e ufter the Chao e Ds►ce uatil th�umount of m monthl <br /> . �.�xy{kS;�--'�'�''s,.,i � � Y �� B Y P Y 8 Y Y <br /> '.�� � ;.`d. ;:r.Xt�' �•:F, • �yment changes Aguin. <br /> -.,�:;':., ..��- ':�, � IFINWIceofC6�wges <br /> � � ,• �?_,''i,.: � <br /> �s:�� �f� , �::v. .. �, 1 <br /> '•ti}: t�{��� ��=:,_z��;;�� , . Tht.i�Pot�Nalder will deliver or mail to me u notice of aoy rhange�in my udju+tublc intere�t rate and the _ <br /> ' r . p•,.: . �' <br /> •,; �,{lti .. ��r amount of my monthly payment before the effective Jute of any change. The n���ice will include informn�ion - <br /> " a �i'i`�'{",�,�h'`� '�' f��'� � required by law to be given me and alsu the�itle and telephone numbc:r of a person who will answer uny question <br />.'�,;� �:;}it�fs�„�. i�,�,t - <br /> �� f:F''�:i�;E�.` �f�t� � 1 mey have r+egarding the noti�. - <br /> � <br /> ,���� �`�j�°+'�'`'' F ,t f�" <br /> _:tl�� � . ��, �,;�.n�:�ti _ <br />,,�,�:��,l;�!',���,.it:�;�;�;,. B.�IXF.D INT�RES7'RATE(IPTI(�ri , <br /> =�°°"""'°°'—�'"-�:�` . The Note provides forthe Borrnwer's option w convert from an adju�tubl�interest rute with interest rute : <br /> =��',=.r,1.�1v?`'-� n��;y,f,' , aimits to u fixed interest f�lkiws: ' <br /> �� <br />._�i . �'f-•`� ��� � � B.FIXED INTEItFST RA'fE C01�i�'F.IRSlON OP7'YUN <br />_ �. <br />:� �,��� -`h���' .� (A)Qption to Cmven a Fi�ed Rsc6e <br /> ;� ' <br /> °=� • ' �`� �'; I h�ve a Conversion Opeiwn chat I can exercise unless 1 am cn Q�fault or this Section S�A�w•ill not permit <br /> �� '`� ��� �;��;• :me to do so. The"Conversiore Option" is my option to rnn��en ttrre interes�rate I am reyuired to p:ry by thi�fYote <br /> _1\fi . • . � <br /> �. . f• }.t, `�, <br /> -'— ''" d;'�:�`Ci' . from an adjustnble rate witri i�rest rote limits to the fixed r.ue c;z{cvtaced under Section SIBI belou: <br /> ,.;,:. �i�"1,:,';f7•�•�;;ti'•. . . <br /> � �•-'r';,�`�.�.�� ;:,Z: ,' The conversion can only t�l�e place on n date(s1 specitied 6y the Note Holder during the perinci beginning on <br />� �;�,;�?.' ::':� ��'•i the first Change Dnte and ending on the�f�h Ch�nge Date. Each dute on which my ndjustuble interest ratr cAn <br /> , cnaven co the new fizeG rlte a calkd the••Can��ioa Date... <br />- :a:. - _ <br /> ;���?"1 MIIITKTAT�CONYiNtDIHAOJtlC7ARENRa��3't—ARM PLAN67—S+pM FaeW t f Mw�IMwyMM■d��nMIW tleM�r�Iwv�wM fawitNtA1 <br /> ��`,��.��`''�� •t,.; NAIFL�AOQiCliWO �r�r.��+:nr.•, <br /> t�7r�_4��_.�:�:;;��:�r.', <br />