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i'��J� ... �t .4. . .• ' 'L`.1 h�W!rM! 'll., , •`, W�7"..-_..� 1�• � tii i � <br /> '�, ��.!(L+=�''' , . . ' .. -, ..�k'i'�' �, � �,'� ��Mv.G � � , • �,� - . ' ul ��`5 �- <br /> , , _ , . . °s . .,�� •• "1""��-� ���- <br /> .. _. a' ' ' , . � • �' � � . —•— .L'_ <br /> _... --...-. !-..L� ��!Is���I !Y(��.G�W���. �iV'r!� �Yl��M� .. <br /> .. r ., ���1�{1%Y14�#a(�)!�•t���811�SOqllitr TIIIM1f I�lIII. ��1OM C0��1i!61�t (�) � , - <br /> �f1�►U��IIIdif�1111w1�Y�C11�OA� �IMN 1�11�1� 3�pri�r �11��f1M�NOr M�w0�1C0��� . <br /> ooc� ara,wy.dd4a�lt d�qr atlMr aa��o�u«�two�M`�ea ,(a) dl eupaaa�`b�u�ed in md'a��hi�Secu�ky � ,, ��° <br /> � , i�e� bW nat I�niled w,�+e*on�hle�no�ney�'te�:�d�d)Wca wcA rc8a�a a Les�d�►n�y�eaawWY <br /> raMlre a ypue 1!w�be Ika d thU&ecuriry lu�nvmeat+L�a�derl�dp,ht�In Ua Property md�aeowmi��li�+lian ro p�y tUe <br /> � snaa� Ncuiedb� tld� Sec�q Iia�puenent �!1 oani�we , Upo� � bY ��. ���Y . <br /> � �1a�nuaseat.�nid I�e o61is�Noq��ecwod 1w�eby�h�ll ranxin y e(teaive a it ao oonl�n�tion b�d oocumd. lbvrev�.tW� . <br /> _ -- - ti�i b�ia�t�la�II not tp�iy in the c+ne cf�oodarula�n�uder p�r�ph 17. <br /> . ]!►.S�N of N�Mi L'VrM M Lor 8�n1oK. Tha Nole ar� inie�at ia the IVote(t�witb tbl�Security � <br /> lmtru�nait)m�Y be�old aas a mae dmes withaut pior natioe�o a��wa. A ale msy re�ult�n�cha�e in Ibe aitiry <br /> (bawn�s!he" Savioet'71hat coilecla moa�hlY P+�Y�a due w�der the Nde ad thii Securily Imaronmw. 7bae alw <br /> • mwy 6e ma ar mae cha�e�ot 1he t.o�n Serv{oer unroWed to�ale of the Nota it Ihe�s i��ah�n�e ot the ta�n Sarvloer. , <br /> Bomuwer wUl bo glven wtitten notioe of the cfiaaQe!n�oco�d�nce with p�ry�aph 14 abnve�nd�pplicabk law. 71�a not�oe I <br /> will sqoe tbe nwme and�ddrea�of tla nnw L.aa�Se�vlcat�nd Ihe addre�to which pwymenu�houW be m�de. The notloe wiU <br /> a�o 000niQ w�y ott�a infonn�tlon ra�uited by�ppHcable I�w. ° <br /> .� B�a�do�u Snbt�aas. Bo�rnw�er�11 not cau�o�pennit the presence.uco.di�posal.:ta� rotea�e of any i <br /> Haz�ioua�S►�tanoa oa or in the Ptoperty Bon+ower tluill not do. aa�dlow�nyone cice w do►��� { <br /> Prope�yr liat d in viduion ot�►y Bavua�una�W Law. 71w paoedin�two xnt�aicea�11 nolt+�ppi�c q� piseoce� . <br /> �on�H+cpaty of�ot tho �propettyN�ra�dow Subwnoes diat a�e Qatenqy reeo�oixod to be�propri�oe 10►mo�a�l .. <br /> � Bomnwer�11 poapWr�ive Le�lder wdtten natioo of�ny investi��suit or aha�ctim by any , <br /> ._. govemmenal ar regut�tory��cy a pivAte pnty involviog d�a Pmper�ab�oqr Ha�ndors Subswxe or Bnvimruna�uf <br /> Lw of which 8arower h�s�ctwl luio�rlodge. If Ha�nower�s noaRed by �n►y gara�unenW a ngWuaY <br /> authairy.t6�t�oy�emoval or alher�rn�tion of�ay Hazadous Substa�nce a�#'ectiog tho Pbo�nty is noc�e�ry.Baeowa <br /> �hall Pmn►Pqy qdae dl oioassa�r nemedi�l actions in iiccordanoe with Fi�vi�oaiaeWal L.�w. <br />� As uced in this pwra,graph 20."Hpzudous SubsUu�es"ue ihose substa�oes deMed as toxic o�hazallou�subshnoes by <br /> F.nviraamenW l.�w�nd�he fdlowing aubsuurces:,�o6ene.otha flanunable or wxic peaoleum products.coxic <br /> pesticidcs sud herbicides,voladle solventa. materials containing assbe�tos or fortnddehyde.�nd radloactive materials. As <br /> used in this pangraph 20,"Envirorunental"means faderal Ipv►��nd Wws of the jurl�dicNon whene the Ptopaty b loc�ted <br /> W�t�elue ta heaith.sofety or envir+onmental protect�on. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANfS. Bomower and Lender fiuther rnvenant and egroa as foliowe: <br /> � 21. Accekratla; RenKdfes. l.eader�bnll Qive nadce to Barrower prior to�c�eleratton�ollovvioe Baro�ver'� <br /> 6reacM d Aay rnvaun�or a�reement in tbia Secu�ity Iasuumeat(6ut aot p�lor to AccekrsiNoa unde�p�ra�rsph 17 <br /> ,�� ,. uoless�pplk�iWe 1��provida otl�wlse). The aotice s6W1 specU�: (Al tUe default:lb)Ihe sMetfon requlred to cure t6e <br /> -' ' detavli;��:a slat�.aot lcss lbu� 39�a;s S:rota!�e d�te!he�S ts�isYa!o A�rre�vver,by w�h�th tl�e ck��•11 auwt be ' <br /> --__---"-ry=`;� '' �ured;and C�D!���t�ailure tocure the detault on or beiore the date specilkd io tqe no8ce msry result in sceeleradon d . . . <br /> -- �yAe sums,aera�red by t�eis Sa�crrity lnstrument and sak of t6c Property. The aotice qkaU farther tatorm Borrower of ' <br />- � 4�Acr��t�o�eipstah aUier�t�leration nnd the rlght tao briqQ a court acUoa to A�.serd t1+c non�ealstenoe of a detanit or ' � <br /> __� , ; . � Any M�er defeASe W Borrower to accekratbn and sule. II�the detault Is not carPd on or�etore!he dpte s;pPCifkd io <br /> ��--=N== , the nMke,L.e�der at its optka mwy require immediate payment la*ull d Wl sums secured by tl�ie Securlty it�strumenl <br /> wifbout t�rther demand and ma�invoke the power of�le and any other remedies pertnitted by applicable law <br /> ' Leader shAll be enUtled to collect all expenses incurred in purauing tde remedies prov(ded in tbic paraQraph 21, , <br /> -.----- .. iocludtng.but aot Iimited W,teasonabk Attorneys•tees And costs�f title evidence. <br /> ::�;�,e. lf the power otss�le is ioroked. 7Fustee ahall record s�notice of de/auit in each county in whkA any p�vt of the <br />_��� �'�;�� Prnpeny Is located�nd siwll maU rnpies of such notice in Ihe manner prescribed by appNcabk low to Borrower aal to <br /> ���;`"' !6e ot6er persons prescribed by applicable luw ARer the time re•quired by applkabk law.7Yustee ahaU�ive pubUc��� � <br />���-•�� nolioe oP gtille!o lhe persnns wd ip the man�er prescribed by appl3rable low 'I�ustee.withaut demand aa Borrower, <br /> --=---= ', ehall sell lhe�roperty at pubUc pnction to ihe hl�hest bidde�at the Nme And plACe And under the terms designated ta •• <br /> v--=��� . � the notke o!sale in ane or more parcels and In uny o�der'I�ustee determi�e�. 'i�ustee may postpune sak ot all or�ny , <br /> ---� {�r�l oi'ihe Properly by public announcemeat aR the time and plxce o!�ny prevfously scheduled sAle. I.e�der or Ib •= <br /> --_�� desigaee may purchase!he Properly at ony sale. <br />'-,.;� � ' Upoa r�eceipt d paymeat of Ihe price bid,7Yustee shall deliver to Ihe purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying the <br />_:��.±a��ai� �Property. '1'9�e recitals in the 1lrustee's detd shAll be prime fACie evl�ler+ce of the truth of the statemeat4 made therein. <br />;��=�:�',�,,� 'I�ustee s1�70 ppply Ibe procecds of lhe sale in the fdbwin�arder: (al to�II coats and expensses of ezercisin�t6e power <br /> `�_'xil4.ia"� <br /> ��:iLg^����� <br />�:y�y�s <br /> 'ry� <br /> ::.a�y,�� . <br /> - -,?'i,�, <br /> _°_ 'Y _ <br /> -k�' <br />.:.�S�Cr, � � . . - . <br />_ �.`ti.'�� .. <br /> ;'� _ <br /> :'-���..a,' . ' Forw J0]Y 9190 ryr+�e t ujb prxeal <br /> ''ti j��' ' ' w :: <br /> _ : � � <br />; 5._.:..... <br /> _ S• ,I� . <br /> �'�' +�a . .� , �,Arr�;� ,�,,,,� <br /> ..,\�L�':L.�i� -1 - :_ •;•. .�� - � ; '��1�' • ra ,� ., y�N��'}p��1a. <br /> 9.,f.��t'�'aG.i.rL�'jc'� .. . S .� L r��.r�+ ii� i . S - ��'c.t• :-. C ��'- ..'t�`'�:•.L'�, .J.l�yc:s. �'.w�! . <br /> _— � 'u . . - �� - . ..� � 4 . 1..� . . ..::.�'":.�,`�`� Y �Y....S.`� <br /> .— _'x"-..'4T�9�k..�ti;. _ ' ' . ' - ' ' -- ,.1ar.iiiyi �_t.a�ia��:oi, _ '_-:�.Iw�i� � �_.�.��,a" <br /> �'Ll•�,1�`Mi.51Lidf�wn.e���:�. •.b!i�e,,.�St'%�lae��:�i�.kt.?��.. -- <br /> ���.nirir�, � _ ' .. 'i�+�_ '. , .r T.�::�'T' - .-- . . - . •-r�l`;'�`f;ct ��r- . ��;J'� ��1��� .y,i - <br /> ci�u.�jS'.*�"�.� �,i� 1��i 1 t'. �l�i . • . ,. `�'�� i��'�,' ,r �•, _ ,5„J <br /> .��_ .-i! '�'f ` . .. : td . ,�.. y�,, -� `, _ � , . <br /> l ��_ jS�:y'',�4 .3- � --^-----�.� . ..'" ' ' ' , " }l ..t. t .\• . 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