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.'� J� <br /> .(1'� ��. '.��IJ�: • • �•�R— <br /> .____—� ._._.�. 3. ... ___ � . . .--' � <br /> �� �'� w� �_.�. ._._.... .. . _.._ . " .. .. <br /> y • - '\,'S.'y�Jl� . .. '. ". _.'__'__"_ .______. _ '_—�, . <br /> 7 �'_��lltir.--� <br /> ..... _ - . ` � . . . .. . ._. � . . .' � _. _ ��� • •_'-t�'-i��,��4�' <br /> 93 . <br /> __ canda�vu�tian or other t�kin�of n►Y P����Y�or far conrryance in tkru d cand�nado�.or�he�eby�aiptod�nd . -- <br /> �u he p+�W a I.ender. . . <br /> ln �he event ut a�oW tvcin� ot the Prnpe�ty. �he pnaoeed� �lalt be �pplbd ta the wms�ecueed by thb Soc+rlty � <br /> Ins�tumeet.whd6a ur not tlieo due.wl�b�ny exoesa p�itf w Bonowor. In�Ip evatt of�prtltl Wciry{of�he Pnnpetty in <br /> whlch the tair tq�rfcel v�tue of 1be Property imn�edi�tely 6efa�e Ihe Wcln�b eqwd lo ar�tor tlw�the�moyM oi Ihe wmi <br /> �ecurod by�his Secudty Insawnent imrnediatety befae tt�e Wcin�.unlex�Bcxrower w�d l.ender aherwiye�ee in writin�. <br /> t�e wm�rep�ral tiy�hW Security I�q�una�t rha11 bo neduced by the amounf ot the pcM.�eads muidplied by�he followin� <br /> fr�ctkn; (a)the wt�l�tnowu of the wms�ocural immediatcly bcfa�c tho uiking.Aivided by(b)!ho fiir m�uica value at tha <br /> "`�'_"°�"' .�" P�openy laut�odirtely beWie Ilw tAking. Any b�l�nce chall be paid to Barrawer. ln the evrnt of a p3rtial takln of du <br /> Prq�crty in which the fdr mulca vdue of Ihe Proparty i�htely be�rae �he W�ing Is leu th�u►�he�unt af�wnu ^ <br /> secuned immedi�tcly befa+e the tdcing. unkss Bonower uid Lende�'otiierwicc�g�ec in wrilln�or unks� appliable I�w <br /> otl�wise provldes.the pioceed4 alwll bo applied a tha wnu cecurcd by t�i4 Sxwity inctrument whethar or�ot the wew aro <br /> �hcn duc. <br /> If the PropcAy ls abnndaned by Bo�+uwer.a If.afler notice by Lender to Bmrower dmt tse condemna otfena to m�lce - <br /> m xward or r�nlo a cbwn fac cl�es,BamvreP fai�s to neapond to L�ender witl�in 3iP day��6er tEia d�d�e aoti�ce is�iveR, . <br /> __� --.._..�-.--- I.e.nder is aatborizod to colGect amd appiy�he its option.eithv tw rextaa¢Ron or iepair of tl�o Pt�ope�cy or o�d`� <br /> wmc aocueM by this Secutity InsUwnrnt.�r6iether or no�tOrca due. <br /> Unkss l.crder�nd Borrower aherwix q�ree in writing.any applic�tion of proa.Q�to principal slwEl no1�xoend ar <br /> ��°�— poaupone�he due da�e of the monthlY pxyments rcfemed ta in paagraphs 1 ud 2 or cAange 1he wn�w►t of such paymeo�s. <br /> - 11. Baro�er Na Rekased: Hbrbearaaa By l.ender Na • Wai�er: Eau�ioa af tAc timc far p�yment ar <br /> -- - modi�tion of Artwhi�of the sums socu�od by Wis Securky losdument gr�nted 6y I.eader to any successor in inte�est <br /> - - - af Barmw��r sF�ll not aperate w release the IiebilNy of the original Borrowa or B�xtowerh sucassors'�intercst.Lender _ <br /> - _ shall nd be�equired to cammence p�aceedings aganst any successor in inte�+est or refuse to extend tir,.e for payment or - <br /> v'i'n. otherwise r�endify amoniraHon af 1he w�s securcd by this Security Inslnrment by rceson of any demand made by thc ariginsd <br /> - Bonower vr liarrower�s succes.�ars ia�fnterest. My forbearance by 4e�der in e�erci�ing any rlgM or remody sh�ll not be a <br /> =�:;t waiver of or preclude tC�e exercise a8 amy ri$ht or remedy. <br /> , iZ. Sucessco�s�d���.4�twoa�l;loint:au�U SeverW L(abllity;Co-sig+aers. The covenonts and a��erement�of�his <br /> '�." Sec�ity Instrwnent shaN bind an�l bene�it the surce�sors and as�igna of Lend��r a�d 9omower.aubJect la¢he provisions of <br />:. � parageoph 17. Bornawer's covenams ua��d ngreements shall be Joint nnd severa0.. �r1y Bomower who caxigns this Secu�ity <br />����:' �nstrument but does not execute tha hdt�: (a)is co-signing this Security InstrnmeM only to mortgage,grant and convey that - <br />��?�:K• Bor�owerk inte�t in che Pnoperty u�ier the ternns of this Security Instrument; (b)(R nd personally obligated ro pay the sums <br />. . secw�ed by this Secudty Insuument;and(c)agrees thut l.ender and uny other Bdxr�Aver may u�e to extend,modify,farb�ear <br /> ` or make any acrnmmodotionc with regard to the lerms af thl� Security Inwraament or'tP�r Nate wfthout Ihat Bamwerl� , ' _- <br /> co�sent. ' ' :�_ <br />___ � 13. l.aan Chae�ta (f�he loan secured by this Security lnstrument ix tiuhjecl ta s►law which �etx maximum loan , <br /> '-�� - cha�es,esid Qtat!aw�s finally intc�teYl�n�ha�ihe interest or other losin charfies colleeted or to be collected in connectfon <br /> � with the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan chorge xhall be reduced by the amount necesxory to reduce <br /> • ,,. • Qie chwge to the pertniued limit;and(b)any sums,�9rrady collected from Bormwer which exceeded permitted limit�wfll be �,� <br /> ; . �.�;;•+, refunded to Borrawer. Lender muy choose lo make tt�is�fund by reduci�g the p�rincipal owed under the Note or by making a = <br />�;,,,; ��i. :. dir�ect payment to[iorrawer. If a reiund reduces principnl,�he reduc�ion will be created as A partial pr�epayment wi�hout any °' <br /> • ��'' ment ch e under the Note. <br /> . � �.. ,. .,� PrePaY � -- <br /> �� �����, 10. Noticcg. Any notire to BoROwe� provided ior in thix Security Ins�niment yhull be given by deliver�ng it or by - <br /> ' L...;r,:✓� c . <br /> f, mailin$it by tirct class mnil unlexs applicnble law reyuims use of another methai.The notice shAll be directed to the Property <br /> ,.,� �y, `4��. .. . Addrcss or any aher uddress Borrower detiignatrs by nMice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fi�st clacs ' - <br /> -� ^��=`" mail to l.ender's uddress stuted herein or uny other addresti Lender designntes b} natice to Bortawe�. Any notice provided for - <br /> �. � �.,, in this Security Inxtniment shull be deemed to hove becn given to Bnrrawer nr Lender when given as provided in this • _ <br /> _ ,�'t ,, ,,,,�'"�'; parograph. <br /> ' !��`'�"" ��' 1 5. C o v e r n i n g I.a w; S e v e r a b i l i t Thix Securii Ins�rument ,holl be ovemed b�� federal luw und the low of the <br />'��;r�� .-... . •��, _..� y Y � _ <br />_`_t?�;�r '•a�`�` . r���•• -- jurisdic�ion in which the P�+openy is Iceated. In the cvent thut any pmvision ar cluuxe of thi�Securiry lm�rumcnt or the Note __ <br /> - - �' � ;�;,.,;,; �'� conflic�s wi�h applicubl�luw,such conflict xhall na ufiert othcr pmvisions of ihes Secudry In�trument or the Note which can <br /> �•f�;;�.l.h � ; . , �be given efiect wi�haut the contlicting pmvision. 'f��ihis end�hc pmvixion+�+i�hi+ Secu�i�y Imtrument nnd the Nae ore <br /> �,+j:'i�'�'; � �;1• declored to be kverable. <br /> ���., � ,,. � . <br />- ��, •• �;•. ,ti!•tt',�:� 16. Barrower s Copy. Borrower.h•rll Mc given anr. ranformrJ ropy of�he Nate und a�f thi,Security Ing�mment. , <br /> , t'�- <br /> • Y. '��t��,•t 17. 'Pransfer of t6e Property or a Bene8cfal[nteresl in Borrower. If all or a�n}�ps�c�af the Propeny or any interest in _ <br /> , i�:��.,"s:;•t�,�r.ftit,,..' - <br /> ' ��.._;,• ��..s' it is sold or trunxferned lor if u bcne6cfal intcrc.l in Barrower i, ,oIJ or transfertcd and 8onower is not u naturol personl <br /> �•;�,� - t�"r''��„���,,;- wilhout Lender's prior written ron.enl.Lrnder may,ut it.option, rcyui�imneeaiiate puy�ment in full of nll sums secured by �.. <br /> ,: � ' this Security In��rument. Howevcr.�his option.hall not tx exerci�rd by Lenaler if cxc�ciie ii prohibi�ed by fcderal law os of _, <br /> � the date of�his Security Ins�n�ment. •- <br /> r�'- � , '}�`' �'}>"�;� If Lender exereixes this��ption.Lender.hall givr Born►wer nrnice o(accel�rradon. 'Q�e nn�ice shull pmvide n period of <br />-��,��,'�`����,�'r:, � not lesc than 30 duys from the dute the nntire i�J�livrn�l�x mail�d wilhin which Borrnwer mu�t pay by�his - <br /> _��':;;:••,' .. Security In.rtrument. If Sormwer failti �o puy the,r su�nti prinr to the expira:ion��f thiv prriod, l.cnder muy invoke any - <br />�; �'� �� :,• � I �emedies permitted by�hi+Sccurily Imtrument w i�hout funikr noticc�u dcmund��n Burtower. - <br />""~!� • °��� � !S. Sar�ou•rr'c Rig�! to Retnslate. !f Horrt��+er meri� rehein�i�nm. Rom�wer .hall huve the ri�tht to huve = <br />- - . 'r.•:1ia'�� .:�a�.f • --.. <br /> -:�� ,.I,f_ .a , enforcement of thi+Securi�y Inswment Ji,ruminue��ait uny time prior tu ih�rurlirr oi: lu►S dnyy lor wch other pericxl us _ <br /> .�: , `. 4; _ <br /> =:..i" >. ,s�'„�!4 5initk Frmity•-Faanie�tael�Yeddk M�e t'N!'1/8N 1!VSTNIMENT--Und�rmCovcnaMs 9f9P Ipug��uj6�wRe�1 — <br /> -°?tiik "s' ''�.y�•. - <br /> :�:�i�� �.1 r+Z. � ; •,,�a;� , � - <br /> . �4 •irx�;;�'�t. t _ <br />..ny , -. <br /> � , <br /> �. ��j�4 S.+ • .: - <br /> �' � .:o�n}.n. .� • ' � --,--^'�---�-�v...----.r.---...•----� le� �+-7--- �;r,-�.-.--�m+�c-- f_ra�crr-a-'.ir, -•,� -. <br /> ., it. • ,,�. .�P' � . 1AtM'+►'ri.�:.+,;*Sy�¢�j;piR c.-'+trtr.,�,:• .tw4�M'�'M• .�. _,�.- - .R �-r...�.r--r-s�.._ELZ�T.—aa�� <br /> ',S-� r.�. . , � � ;� .L• . , . �5�. �.,...,.E.i:yf,:! .•,. ,�..t 9�r1.. ; F. L <br /> �' •a� , . . . �� . . .. 1 . . , .. v '�w Ai�y ,� <br /> -.-} •`''� . �{. �,_ �• ... ' , . . 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