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;�r., �,yw K:. .. . .,. ��,}�;. <br /> �' :,.;•; �.l._. . .�. <br /> _ , . .. ,_ a,�r:?.� <br /> � .�.M± - <br /> -".s�'�7�.�,�)� '° <br /> � , . _-__ - <br /> .,.�r�k�t:l i.., �:�-., <br /> . �_� <br /> +am rp�,;.. .. , �_ .� <br /> -- <br /> 91- 102590 <br /> I� _ <br /> . �11 17.Tr�arter ot the P�npaty or A Be�kflcW Interest In Borrower.iF all ur�ny part uf the Pmpeny ur uny intcrcw In it �v W,_9,-.� <br /> �� � ir sold or transPcrned(a�if n bcneiicial intcrest in Borrawer ir sold or�ran9fcrrcci atxi��m►wcr iK nad u n�turul pc�ml witlx�ut <br /> � LendcPa priur writtcn consent. l.ender may,ut i�x op�iun, rcq ufre imnr�ivtc puyment in fuU of ull humx �ucurat by Ihis — <br /> n'� �-�.�,,� Y;. ' . Socu�ity Ins2�ument.Howevor.thia optian sFwfl ncw hc ezercfuxl by l.cndcr iP cxerci�c iw pr��hiMltoci by t�rul luw u+�oithc dwc <br /> ' �;",.;.:.,:'..,�;•, of thia Security Instniment. — <br /> ,�b..,, •'���,,�;�� , If l.enderezercfr,es this apti��o.l.cnder�11 give Burruwcr noticcof occcl�rution. Thr noli��c.hrU pmvidc L peri�d ot'n�N ��__._ <br /> •�� :'�� � ��;, less than 3(1 cl�ya from the dote the notic�e is deliverod or muiled wilhio whfch&irmwer murt �wy �dl+�ums �+ecun�by �hi� — <br /> � Security lnsuument.If Bormwer fails tn pap thete xumv prior to�hc cxpirntiiin of thia pericxi,l.endcr ms►y invokc any rcmcdics _ <br /> :t :, •T"'��'��� " �n', _ permltte�by this Secudty Instrumcnl wilhwt funhcr notice nr demand cm Barrowc�. —' <br /> I8. Borrower's Rl�ht to Relnstale. If Bnrrowcr mcets renAfn conditions, Hurrowcr nhull huvc the right to heve <br /> � ' eofareement of this Secur�ty lnstrument discontioued at nny time priar to tfie wrlicr of: (al S days (i�r�uch other perlc�d as � <br /> �;:�.:�,:_, .�. ,,•�,�.:,�' appifcuble law may specify for roinatatemeoq before aale of the Properry pursuant ta uny �x�wcr ot sule rnntuin�l in thiR <br /> :.L: ' Socudty Insttument;or(b)entry of u judgment enfarcing this Security lnsln�mem.Those conditivc�s uc thet Bormwer.lul pays __ <br /> �.� � I.ender all sums which then would be due u�der Ihis Security instrurnent and the Note as if nu acc�eterotion tud accurced;(b) �_- <br /> ..R°"'. ... curea eny default of any otMr covcnant�or�grerments; (r)prys m11 cxpe� imurcecl in enfoning this Securiry Instrument, c __ <br />�"�;A"�T'•. � ' including,but not limited to.�nable attomeys' i'ees;and(d)�ai:��s such cwtiun uti L.;nttcr may re��.yonably rcquire to assu�+e ________ <br /> [`;++��i'� �` ` : that the lien of this Security(astn�ment.Lendc�s rights in tAc Prope�ty aml Barrower'.o!►liga�ion to puy thc wms secund bX ��i1��� <br />`�"�'''� thia Secudty I�ment shall continue unchan ed. U n n:instatemeat b R�orrower, this Sfx�unty Inucument and the _. <br /> .�s�:: �r __ = B Pu Y R s�i;:t�.•u,_,u.:��- <br /> ='.�:°�' .� `�,r; ,� obligWions secured hereby shall remain fully ei'fective t�s if no aarlervtion had accumed. H.iwever,�hiy ri ht to reinswte stwll <br /> 6' u�r,.-_•�:-�:,: .� <br />(l;��.�, t a,;i��=� • not apply in the cs�se af oaxlerntion under paragraph 17. a'•'""'`'''`�'''"`""' <br /> � 19. Sale o�Note;Change of L,oAn Servicer. The Note or a partiul intcrest in thc Ni�tc lagctM:r w�i1h Ihis S�xuriqr �,s.,:__ <br />,�;,�; a_•;,�. __�.. <br /> :,. r '° �nstrumem)mny be suld one or more times withaut prior noticc tu Borrawer. A sule may rcsult in a ��hunge in thr�mtity(know�n <br /> �._..... : • . <br /> "����•; �,,� - � �s the'Loan Servicer")thnt collects monthly payments due under the Nnte and this Sa:uriry Insuumem.Tikn ulu�nwy be one �';;•�,_ __ _ <br /> . t.�,� , + <br /> •; � ,.�: ,; or more chun�es aP the Loan Servicer unrelated ta u sale oi'the Note. If there is a chungc of the l.c�n Servicc�,Rormwer will be • , : <br /> �%�°�- given w�tten��tice of the chaage in ucc�rdance with purngroph 14 above and upplic�blc luw.The nani«:will stute�hc name and ,, °,:�__: <br />,;.{;.''_ . . ., <br /> -�,;�1. :� address of the nrw Loan Servicer and thc address to which paymenh.�hould be made. Thc noticr will vlui contuin �ny other i',�,�-� '` <br /> :�•�� A %� i�forn�adon mquired by upplicablc law. `�{� � ��_ <br /> .1•. , .. a,��.::�:���;.. <br /> . '•;�`��� 20. Hs�ardous Sub�s+t�ces. B�rrowcr shall nat cuusc or permi� thc prescmw, usc. or rcicasc of any `` ;'n.j. <br /> :� ��.•.�:�<. ' s:':":°°� <br /> ' ."'�'''' Huzurduus Substances on nr in the Property. Borcawe� shall not Jo, nor uUuw� anyonc clsc to Jo, anything affecting the �ti•�;%�h . <br /> •;; ,;.,.a-•. ., .. • <br /> �"�"� �'`�"` � Pra rt thut is in viol�tion of su�y Environmental The prttcding �wo�entenres �hall nat apply to the prcscncc, usc, or �.,,,�� .�- <br /> , �r;.:.• ::...,, P� Y -_-- <br /> ;a.. . �� storngc an the Pmperty of small quantitic���f Ha�rdous 5ubstance�that u�generally rcco8nixed to hc apPropriutc to nomwl <br /> "'•'� • residential uses and to maimcnancc of tht !'rnpeny. -"--__�__ <br /> � �� Borrawer shall prnmptly give Lender written notice of any investigatian,cluim, demand, luwsuit or iHher actian by uny� —"` <br /> � � ,. o. guvemmental or rcgulatory ugency or private party involving the Property und uny Hai.urdous Sub�tunce or Envimnmentul Luw �-=_�` <br /> "' ' 09 which Borrower has actual knowlodge. If Borrower karns, or is notified by any govcrnmenwl or regulutory authority. that �z��A;, <br /> :,i�•<; - any rern.�vai or athcr rcmallation oFas�y Haza:rlous Snbslsnce afftr!�^g tl�e�Pmperty k n��.�nry. Fic�rmwer ttwll promotly trlce ��=,a�.?�H.:r;� <br /> ,'•°'�'• all ncxessary rcmcdial actions in sucordnncc with Environmental Luw. '�Y� ���:�• <br /> �•1'�" � , As used in thig paragmph 20, "Hazurdous Substances" are thosc tiubstances defined a+tuxic ur huzurdoux substunr�M by `"'"L�;;��_••-'- <br /> � ° Environmental l.uw and thc Pollowing subsiances: gacoline, kcraxcac, other Il►tmmnble iir taxic pctndeum prcxluctx, toxic � � ��'; <br /> ,: • ���'�'�'"�;"�•};,,t'rM � pe.c�icides and herbicides.volAtile solvents, motcrials rontAining usbexto�or fiirnwldehy�le,und rudioactive mutcrials. A+;us��d in „ <br /> �S�r�it`;5;,;�;'t�%.�r;+'r;�� tfiis paragraph 20. "Environmcntul" mcans fcdcrul luws und laws of thc Jurisdictian whcrc thc Pmperty is Icicuted that _.w..—�°!-- <br /> �.�, .�`��.,� -- ___ . <br /> l' : . � � � �' � �clute to heahh, wfcty nr environmcntal pmtection. �-'= - <br /> ' �:, ��`dt�:;�, �'`r�`�`=- <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.endcr furthc:r a►vcnunt und agrec+�.�follows: <br />'r '�� � • 21.Accelerallon;Remedies. l.ender shull give notice to&�rrower prlor ta Acccleratinn Polbwfnq Bnrrower'�breacb • . <br /> ,:.: , <br /> of any covenant ar agreement in this Security Instn�ment Ibut not prlor to acccleralbn underpa ragrnph l7 un ess � __�_- <br /> ' � ` " appllcable law prnvidcc otherwlse). The�Mice shAll speclPy: la)lhe def�ull;(b1!he action requitrd to cure the defaulh :�1;;�:=.�:` <br /> . (c)a ds�te. not les.g than 30 days from Ihe date Ihe notice is�Iven lo BormWCr,by which the defr�ult ma4t be cured;r+nd ,a.n <br /> . � • (d)tlwt Fallure to cure the deFAUlt on�►r hefore the date specitied in the notice may �sult in acceleration of Ihe sums , ��';"*""' � <br /> ° secur+ed by thls Securlty I�trument and wle of the Property. The noticc slwll iurther inforrn Borrower of the�iRht to , • � -_ <br />'`"�� � . reinstate At�er s�ecelerntton and the �ht to brin�a court �ction to assert the non-existenee of a defpult or any uther = - <br /> , ' .;��� detense of Borrower to aa�eleretion �nd sale. If the defs�ult Is nnt cured on or before Ihe date speciiied M the notice. ���:��'«���:>�_ <br /> '; �%�-''•`i"' J Lender. At Ils optlon.may require immediote payment in fuU of all sums secured by this 5ecurity Inqtn�ment without � _- <br /> ;�°+t�;v� i'urt6er demond and may invoke the power nP salc pnd rny other rem e d les perm itt e d by app l ica b le I�w. Le n der s h a ll be '` ',, ..•.' �.;: <br /> , ,., �, entltled to collect�11 expenses Incurred in pursuinp�the remedles provlded in lhls paraRrwph 21.indudinR.but nM limited ��y�;.;.,;�:;;:. :� <br /> � .. o j '::, to.reasoits�ble attorneys' Pees aod costs of litle evidence. � , _„ <br /> ��'��;�f- It the power of sWe is invoked. Tn�stee shall record a notim oi'default in each counly in which �ny part of the <br /> Prope rty I s l o c a ted and shall mail cu pies of such notice in the m�nner prescril�ed by applicntile law to Borrower�nd to ... � <br />� the oiher person�prescribcd by s�pplicable I�w.AiYer the lime requlted by appl(cuble law.Tru.stee shall give public notice ° �•:� '' �'y <br /> ! � • of sAle to the persons and in the manncr prescribed bv appllcable I�w. Trustee.wilhaut dempnd on Borrower,shall sell .`� �`��� <br />'�; '' 1'�.'-s•f t h e P r o p e r t y at public auction to thr hi Rhest bidder at tUe time aad placc and under the termti desiRnated in the notice oi' • <br /> • � .. . ',(�''�.`. sale in one or more parcels and in any�►rder Trustee dMerminec.Trustec ma�•postpone wle of aU or any parcel ot the <br />���:•`'� . '�''��'�•�'� Property by puMic s�nnouncement �+t the tlme and place ui on�• previna+l}•Kheduled wle. I.ender or its decignee moy • <br /> �1:1; . .��� ; °9;��, purchase the Property et any sele. � <br /> , • ��:,..,.,;'/,, . . } <br /> •;:��,+ • %,�.4'�,• j <br /> :•�,• � . �s.< <br />� � .;i:�:.`•,•, Form 3029 9190 <br /> ,r,,, <br /> ,, '�'1r,. !. <br /> Ppu 5 M 0 � <br /> , � <br /> • .y r- <br /> " ' _ �'; , � i.i)�, !:h��iliF�4;'�� <br /> - �'' ' ' ' . • ' ' 'li��; <br /> . . � ,- _ ;�. .�,. <br /> . " . ' ' i: <br /> i .. � <br /> � <br /> � � <br />• ' . � _._ . . _ .__. . .. . <br />