. , _�� �.tti.�).f. .tej�A •n�.r7 • . . J � ' 1 \ .R t '7A����: "
<br /> � r r' ' , .. � ` . . . _ �— —
<br /> .. I I , �� __�._.�_..-_�_. _ _ _ � -
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<br /> ..)r. .RF�vo ak�n�4M+`a�¢M`�.1���^;"'
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<br /> � trFfy(� i1..r.• ' "' _ __ _... .�.. .-.__ ...- --
<br /> -- �Y_.�'in�'S.t.�.a
<br /> , ; . 91,,.. 1025J� -__-__--
<br /> • , ��� � lan cr be ui�ed.at the optian of l.cixtcr. if mnrtgagc insuruncc cuvcrugc I�n thc wix�unt uncl fur the periud _v_
<br /> payments nu�y no B �1
<br /> ,A that Lender roquires)provided by an in�u►er uppm�od by txndcr again becanes avail�l+lc oc►ci ia ubtaincJ. �m��wc�shall paY
<br /> ` ` the p►emiuma roquired la maintein moqgage i�surancc in effxt,a�la provlde u losti reserve,until thc rcquiremenl fur mort�ye --
<br /> . *':,,ti::.'° inwtanca ends in acconl�x.�c with any w�itten agrecment between&�rmwer pnd Lender or upplicablc law.
<br /> Y. ,��«^��� q��nypection. Lender ur its ngent mwy mu{:c rcasonable entriew up�m and inspections af Ihc Propeny. l.ender chull Qive
<br /> ��� • Borrpwer notice at thc time af or priar to an inspection speciPying reusonuble cuuse for the inspation.
<br /> � _` .: .:. .. .,
<br /> - �- 10.CondemnaUon. The praceeds af nny award or clnim for damnRes, dirz<<or c�msequential, in eunnectiun with any �_� _ _
<br /> .�' �aq�,';,�;•' condemnation ar aher taicing of any pan of the Propeny.or far ccmveyunce in licu�f coademnmian, arc hcrcby assigneal�nJ _
<br /> � `� �� siwil be paid ta Lender. --
<br /> ' In the event of a totol taking of the Propeny. the pmceeds shull be uppliai ta the sums secured by�his Sexurity Instrument, r ._
<br /> - -� whethcr or not then due,with uny excesc paid to B�rmwer. In the event uf u partiul tuking af�hc Propeny i�whirh the fui� �;�___
<br /> �""~J� j,� market vulue of tne Property immediutely before tha�aking is equal ta or gmater than thc anx►unt of thc suma securcd hy this __YV--. _�-
<br /> , .�� ' ,��' -� . . Security Instrument immediately before the tuking. unless Rnrnnwer and L.endcr othervvise agrce in writin�,the tiunu�sccured by TS� �y _,
<br /> � ' this Secu�ity Insaument shall be reduced by the umount of the prcx�eeds multiptiod by the following traction: (ul �he tatal �;�_�.. r��
<br /> emount of tM sums securcd irtunedintely before the taking, divtd�by (b)the fair ma�ket value af the Pn�peny immediutely �.-.�,�_,,i9,_,��
<br /> � -• ,:� before ttie t�icing. Any balance shAl� be Paid to Bormwer. In�c event af u partial wking of�hc Propeny in which the fair „yk,=�_-�
<br /> �__,;�;���-="-
<br /> . . �,,.. . , m�uket value oi the Property immediatcly before the taking i,less th;ui the wnount oi'the sums a�cund imn�.�cliately before the , �`,t...•
<br />. . .� � . •. ' tekin ,unless Bomoaer and l.endc�uthenvisc agrce in writing or unless upplicablc luw Mhcrwisc provides,the praa.�ls shall �:.-M=."""':.: �
<br />;.;r� F. .. .. g
<br /> `,.. ; , ,��� ; be applicd to che sums secured b}'this Secu�ity Instnimeot whether or not the sums are then due. �.�_�
<br /> ` ��.',,, �Y ,. li the I'roperty +c ubu�ulon�J by Borrowcr. or if,afcer notice by L.endcr to Bormwer that thc condcmnor offen ta owlce pn �r--{ ..�
<br /> ;,..,1,s fj.+ 1`.;
<br /> •��t�•� f�,:.•. award or settle A claim for damagcs. Bonowcr fails to respond to Lendcr withonNion�v reAat�roi the Pra1h rt or t�the sums ��,t'C �-�tt. �
<br /> ''ti',!'t;L4�++'i'•�i L.encler is suthori�ed to mllect und apply the proceeds.ut itx aption.ei�her to�st p P� Y �u
<br /> ,{,, '�:Ur�}�?,�s!kt�i'� �u�by this Security Instrument, whether o�not then Jue. _
<br /> �.'i:°�';_
<br /> •. '�u �'" Unlers l.ende: and Borrower utherwise agrce in writ�ng, nny upplicn��ion �i prtxeedx tn principal shall not extcnd or __
<br />. : ' ''� � '"�. J postpone the due date oP the momhly payments referred to in purugraphs I und- ar chrnpc thc utnount of�uch payments. �,�y;,�„�,,
<br /> !'C'11T]E4:n;
<br /> • " 1�,Bortower Not Releaced;Forbearant�e By I.ender Not a Waiver.Exten�inn ni�he�ime for puyment ur malification ��,.,,_
<br /> •e �,,.,.:.t
<br /> � � " of amoniz;►tion af the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument grnnted by l.ender to uny�urcersor in intercst o1'&�rrower yfiall ,!` ,-
<br /> r�� ' :�, . ' � not operatc to releasc the liability uf the oriRinal Barrowcr or Barrowcr's tiuccessc�rs in iNCre,t. LAndcr shall not lx rcquired to _ ��:___
<br /> .,, .. �".'—
<br /> �•�. •,,;:�� • cammencc praceedings against any succcssor in iruerest or refuse to cxtend time for payment�tt athcrwise modify amorti�atiun �
<br /> �'+;�. ���"� of the sums secured by this Secur�ry Instrument by rcason �if uny dem•rnd mude by ihe ori�inal Burrower or B��rrower s ,�.�.z� __
<br /> -- � .;�,.,;� sucti��u�a in interest. Any fa:!xaxance by lendpr in exerci�ing smy ri�ht ur rcmedy ahall not be u waiver of or preclude the �f,�.r_--__
<br /> ,.'. .._.. ' •,/....:,�r,�:. -
<br /> .. . . +Y. '�1 ' exercise of uny right or remedy. 'i�:':::•+,:;:.:.,
<br />� ����� °i���.�' �`� � ' 12. Successsors And Avsi�;a+ 1lound; Joint and Several LiaWlity;Co-si�ne�. Thc cuvenunts und agrcemcnis of this t �,�'
<br /> ,...4�..,;; .`,k'�l.� . ".�``
<br /> .,,:::j �� Securiry Instmmer�� sfioll bind und henefit the sucresson :uid assipn� ���Lendcr unJ &�rmwcr, subject to the provisians nf q c�`�;�ri:r�.
<br /> A s,,,f� ^ �,�n.t�:,.
<br /> parngrnph 17. purrower'� covennnt� s�nd s+greernems shall bc .j��im anQ s�vcrul. Any Borrower whn co-,ign� this Securit} „��� __
<br /> ��'����� ,� Instrumenc but d�xs nat executc the Notc: (a1 i+«�•+igning this Securit}• In�trument only [o mortgugc. grant nnd convcy thu�
<br /> � � " Borrower's interest in thc Pro�+cn}•undcr thc termc nf tbi+Securit}� Instrumem:(b)is nut pc�u►nully obligutcd to pay tt�e sumS '` �
<br /> ��,.�,} � �. �- secured by this Securiry Instrumen[:und(cl vgrees thut l.ender und uny�nher&�rrower may ugrcr w�xtcnJ, modii��,fnrbear or •--=---
<br /> '•� �? . , muke uny uccommcxlatinns with rcguni to�hc�erms of this Securi[y Inscnimcnt or the Nntc wi�hout thut &irrowcr'x consent. ' �;;=-__
<br /> . ,;a.,-�
<br /> ��',�- . „ 13. Loan ChArges. If the loan secured by this Security Inatrunknt is subjcct to a law which setti maximum loan churges. : . ,_
<br /> � ' and that law is finnlly interpreteJ +o thut the ':ntcrcu��r�Khcr loan charg�y rollccted ur ta he c�illecteJ in cunnectian with the _��`f`
<br /> �.��;_,..._
<br /> � loan ezceed the permittcd limits,thcn: lu)uny such Inun rhurge�hlill hc rcducnl hy the amount nrrc»:►ry tu rcduce thc chargc ,.. ,.,.r�:r,,�-
<br /> ..-�--
<br /> � ' � to the permitteci limit:und(bl any ,ums ulrcady r��llect��l fr�im Burrowcr which cxceeJed �xrn�iurd limits will he refunded to _
<br /> . " Burrowcr. I.cndcr muy rhoosc to mukc thi� rcfunJ hy rcdurin� thc princ�pul ow�ti1 unJcr th� N�xc ur by making a direct ,;;,p,�,w
<br /> ., ��..•.._e_.�r _-'
<br /> � � ° " payment to B��n�;��er. If a niund recluces p�incipal. the r�uctinn will be trcatcd us •r paniul prepuyment without any ��.,�t., :.:.a_-
<br /> , ;'`��.::`, ° .:' prcpayment chargc undcr the Nou. �'. ..`�
<br /> ;. . ' 14. \WicCC. Any noticc to Hnrrowcr pn►vidcJ li►r in this Scrurity In3trumcnt�hall tx: givcn by dclivcring it or b�•mailing , ..�
<br />`''r, .'�',' ��s a
<br /> , � it b�first claas mail unless upplKUhle luw rcyuires u+c uf unuther nkthr►d.The naic� shull h�:dir��teJ to�hc Propen} Address , n��•a.
<br /> ��:f�.r,';a:.:�:``•�.
<br />'���i.',:���,; ° ar un�� othcr riddress Borrnwcr dc.ignutc. h}' noticc u� l.ctKlcr. Am• nrnic¢tu l.cndcr shall bc givcn by tirxt clu,s mail to t-��tirr �•; _-
<br /> ' �°'• �,�. %�;' . I.endcr's oJdrrss StAted hcrcin�ir uny i�thcr•rddrcs�l.cnJcr dcsign�lc�bc notkc to Borcua•cr. Any rnnicc pmvidcd for in this � �t�;;;i?�a�s_ -�
<br /> ''�r''� '' ' ' Security Instrumcna shall be dccmeJ to have Ixtin givrn to &►rrn�ver nr ]..endcr when �i�•cn u. ravideJ in this ara ru h. �` , ��
<br /> �, b P p L� P . ,ti,��,,�'" �� �.-=__
<br /> • ��,..� � V J .. . .�
<br /> • . 15. Governing law: SeverabilUy. Thix Security Instnuimnt +hull hc �:avcmcd hy 1'cJcrul luw Und thc law of the ,,.��c, ���, �__�
<br /> jurisdiction in which�he Property i, I�xat��l• M�h�cvent that un�� pr���isinn or rlausc ot' thix S�tiurity In,trumcnt or the Notc Ji;�,., 7,
<br /> ' � cnnflicts with applicublc law. .uch conllirt .hall not at'tut ulhrr procivi��n.uf thi,ticcurit� Intilrumrm ar thc Nu1c which cnn bc )-' '"'
<br /> . ;,�,:�,; �
<br /> ,. • � , given effect w�i�huut thr runtlicting pru�•i�iun. "1'�►thi. cnJ thr pru�•�,��ms.�f thi.kYUrii�• In�trumcnt;�nd the Noie are declared
<br /> �:�"��:.:',��,.;
<br /> to!+e Sevcrabla .
<br /> " • 16.Borrower's Cop�. Burro�vc�+hull lx��tivcn�.nc c�tnf��rnud�upy uf thc \atc anJ �,1 thi,S�wurity Imtrum•nt. ;�
<br /> r•o�3usY ��90 '� ' .
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