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<br /> orsok,a.a ub wk,(ocluau�tMe p.yment o��Ue'11rw1ee'e reea nctud�y u�curred,na tu ex«ea `��
<br /> ��� tIN princlpsl amount at Ihe note at tde tirao d'the dcclwnlbn oi default,And reason�bk attorneye'�ces aa permllted
<br /> � by law=(6110 all eunn srcurdd by Ihis Security Initrumenit�uud Irl nny exces�to the person or perwar Ie�l�y entilkd
<br /> " toi�
<br /> - 22. Recooveyana. Upan payment af ull sums secured by this Secu�ity Inxin�ment,I..ender�hall requebt 'itu�tce to
<br /> - reconvey�he P�opeAy ar►d sh�ll sumrnder�his Seeuriry Inxuument and ull nae.c�idencing deM +ecured by ihix Secu�ity
<br /> Ioatrutncnt W 7Fubtee. 7tustee shnll rcconvcy the F'ropeAy wilhout wuRnnty nnd wi�hout rharge tn ti�e per�c►n or persnns ,
<br /> , le�ully�eolilled to it. Such per�on or persons shnll pay uoy recordution co4tx.
<br /> . `�- 1,;. Subslitute 7lrustee. Lender.at its optian.muy from lime to time removc 7tuxlce nnd uppoint a xuccessa�tn�Rtec to
<br />:.� ,,,.,�� '°•: un '(tustee uppainted hereunder by an in�trument ►ecorcicd M �he coumy in which ihis Securily bs�rument iK recorded.
<br /> - K;
<br /> W thout canveyance of the Propeny. �be successor truslee shall succeed to ull the tiUe, power and dWies copfemed upon
<br /> — '-`"` �T� 'llu�tee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> �l�' 24. Request to�Nollaa Barrower rryuests thut copies ot Ihe noticrs oi'd�fuult Aod wle be sent to Borcowe�k address
<br /> -.�-���,•,
<br /> - -�;��w �;� whicU ib U�e Propeny Addrcss.
<br /> --- -=°-�- ?S. Ridere to Ihis Seeurity Inetrumen� I[one or more ride[�tue eaeruted by Borrower atd reamkd together wi�h -
<br /> ---=-_ - _ -- this Security Instrument.the covenantR uad ugreement�of exh such ride�shall be incorpurrted ioto and shatl:unend w�d
<br /> a-.:�:_r•�,r�;.��_�_� supplement Ihe cavenants ond ogreemenla af lhis Security Inswment ux it ihe riderisl were a part of�his Security Ir�strument. -
<br /> ____-;�:;;';�� (Check�pplicwble boxles)1
<br /> ----�:��; �Adjustable Rate Rider �Caidominium Rider �I-4 Family Ridcr
<br /> _ :�a�-
<br /> T= =--�.,� � �Graduated Puyment Rider �Planned Unit Ue�elopment Rider �Blweekly Paymenr�tiw��r -
<br /> .�� --=---:��,,,
<br /> ��«:��••.?�•�ys-,�- �Balioon Rider �Ftate Improvement Rider ' �Second Home Rider
<br /> -_--=�e_� .,.
<br /> _."�_�";,;.-�r.�-�;
<br /> _--_�:�::..,�.� ��'t��� aOtherlsll��`Yl Acicn�ledgment =
<br />..:'n,.:�� '`X���*�� i �
<br /> ..�.•n.ru� � J �
<br /> -•°-��a,�•�,'.:.._;,�_:,,��`�� BY SIUNIN(Z BELOW,Barrower uccep[s anc]agrees ta the terms�nd cavenants contained in�his Securiry Insuument �
<br />._S:�'`v�l�t
<br /> .y::.� M 4 '' � wid in any riderls)eaecuted by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br />..µ1��',��'���1.
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<br /> rt � -- �� � (SCNI) ,•
<br /> �
<br /> 9.711'.�� e_
<br /> ��^"�?� :j� ° George morr S -Bwrowcr
<br />--��.�°,. ��.;;.,.,�, . . 505-50-9281 -
<br />_- - < <ti r � Sociul Securlry Number
<br /> `,��:; ,�'� �, •,;;�;��'�.,,; _.
<br /> `�',-rJ. ,•�:;', �112 17i9f?b�. (Seal)
<br />-?�' t ti�G-,.�;ti:..;x;';�r;; rg et E morris -aortowe.
<br />'_1J'.�.� L �hl . ., � .�i••
<br /> ;�`:'�{1z,_ "'".•_.,.Y.e+:;,'�;�:' Sociul Security Number 508-50-8268
<br /> .:,,�.i'� -
<br /> .:�,'�:Y� `' . STATE OF N68RASKA. Hall Counry ss: _
<br /> ;;. . '?q"•,�• '
<br /> , 11 .
<br /> � ?���r �'�' � On this da af ,bel'ore me,the undcrsigned,u Nntary Public °
<br />-�;,�':,,s; �.�.� , 24th Y April
<br /> -; .��`,.: •��� �.��. -��,��• duly wmmiesioned and qualificd for snid coun�y,personally ramc George m morris and Plarga�et E
<br /> �'"''}�'� "�r�'�� ;''��`'� `• . �lorris. husband and wife .�a mc known to be the
<br /> ,�•""`` .�"�� 'ti;• ���:;�-��,, identical per�ans(s)whose name(s)ure suburibed to the fomgoinR ins�rumeM s�nd�cknowledgcd�he execution thereof to
<br /> � ,,..: y,,._
<br /> ..: � �,+'+i.�i,�:���.i:' be theiT voluntAry uct and deed. -
<br /> _ . . .,,��•...;.'' in said count ,the _
<br /> _•�•W. , , . Wimess my hund nnd noturial scal ut .Gr�and Island, Nebr a Y
<br /> 'i�'` '�.,��.�.�..:..:, dute aforesaid. �,�TA�,SftM d A�r� ���� � �`'u
<br /> T'A'���[�'•��'""���. My Commission zpi�s. p r�pp�l L KIM81,E ��'� -
<br /> '''"�'?�;�'s�•t,.•': :.. �i�1i�p�,ERn.Nev.2�,t991 Nauy Public -
<br /> ' `�".`;� EST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> .=:.t�� ��� . 7'O TRUSTEE:
<br /> �:,;�;-r;'s' � The undersigned is thc holder of the note or noles sewred by this Deed ot'7tutit. Said note or notes,�ogether with ull -
<br />='':``s', ' �-e ;��, other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7}ust,hnve been pnid in full. You arr herc:by dimcted to cAncel said note or notes =
<br /> ' y °° ° and this Deed of Trust,which are deliven:d hereby,and to rcconvey,withuut wurrunty,all the c,tate now held hy you under
<br /> ^. �
<br /> n.y. � � � this Deed ot 7tusc to the person or persons legnlly entiUcd the�eto. _
<br /> - . . ,n:. . Dat�:
<br /> Funa J�28 ��u �nuvr o uj o�w¢es► -
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