<br /> � ��-� � . �• �1-- . -'zli� T,' � i �iIM�IF•- '•d'� �'t . r� ' ---- ....� .
<br /> �y,r 7�"..1.,, �����`�'..�yy,�;'i;�r��C�,st$Ibi��`-T�,.,,--�::.._.. ..-- .....
<br /> ' � . . • - _
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<br /> ' 91-- so2�87 --- -
<br /> �� j, _� __-
<br /> - I`� . applicAble IAw may�peclfy for reinBlatement)befae sale of the Property R�r�uasri to uny power c►f yulo�ont�ined in�hi� -�-.�..� --
<br /> Se�urity{nsttument;or(b)cntry oP a judgmenl enforcing this Security Insuumcn�. 'I'hosc condiliona urc�hat Borrawer: ta)
<br /> !'�•., �� p�ys L.er�der WI suma whfch then wauld be due undcv Ihie Security Ins�rument and Ihc Note us if no accelention had
<br /> ,,. �� accumed;(b)curcs any defaull of any othe�covenunts or agreements;(c)pnys a�ll expenses incumed in enfarciog thic Security
<br /> Inswment. including. bul not limited to,rwsonable unameys'feea�; and Id) takes xuch action aK l.ender may reasonobly _
<br /> require to assure thet tho lien of this Secu�ity Insuument,Lcnderk rights in Ihe Propcny and Burcowerk obligutian lo pny�he �_.
<br /> _ ; ��. � sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument shnll continue unehenged. Upon reinR�utemeot by Borrawer, �his Secu�iry ��d.:-.e_. _
<br /> ' �nauument And the obligations securcd hercby ahall rcmain fully effective as if no uccelemtion hw!cecurred. However,thix _
<br /> '.r;•;�4,,. ,., d�h�to�einstate shull not upply in�he cASe of acceleration under pamgmph 17. _v
<br /> �t �� 19, SWe oi Note{Change of LoAn Servicer. The Nae ar a putfal intcrest in the Nole Ilogether with lhis Security e
<br /> ._ •Nj:+ca;t.:+.r•:,-�:
<br /> -_ --:,:,�'.;,'.:;._ ° � Msuument)muy bc so�d one or mnre tfines without prior notice tu Borrower. A sele may resuU in u chungc in Ihc cnlity ��=---
<br /> �-- ' (known as the"Laan Servicer")that collecis monthly payments due under�he Note And tBis Security Inxtrumenl. There uls� _ _
<br /> �:'�',��. ��,�, .., may be one or more chsnges of tho Loan Serviccr unrelnted to u sale of the Note. If there is u change of the Lonn Scrvicer.
<br /> ����. • ,r� • Barower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with parn�rnph 14 above und upplicuble law. The notice �'-� __
<br /> � ��•,ti�t,�r•;, : W����t�ti�name and�ddmsa of the new Loat►Servicer and the addre�s to which puyments should be made. The rrotice will �_
<br /> . ' �,�r•i��;i,ryr�f��, -----
<br /> •���i.; .y�;,�� " also contai�any other informetion requiued bp npplic�ble luw.
<br /> -:°�,:,, ;fM1ti,�,�2;,{ Z q i, �*�u g�b s t�p c e s, B a m a w e r.h�l l n o t c a u s e o r p e r r n i t�h e p r e s e nce,uxe,dis p osul,stora ge,or releuse of uny -��Y---_-
<br />_-,.:►:.,x,. .�,..w•.�.:�
<br /> -��;;,�.;�. •:� � �, r: � He�ardous Subst.�nces on or in the Pt�openv. Bortower shall not do,nar ullow anyone eise to do,anything uffecting the � �
<br /> - -:���:�',��. property ihal is in vevlation oi�ny Envi�omiental Luw. The preceding two senteoces stull na apply tU the pre�rnce,use.or �-
<br /> —�t•��a� �' ot small uantiries of Hazurdous Subs�ences that urc generally reco8nized�o be approprlat��o�ormul
<br /> "���L'�ty�: slorage on thc Property Q
<br />- ����- residcnael uses and to maintenanse of the FtoPenY•
<br /> = •�'��"rrj��"°`.'� .:. Borrower shall p�omptly give Lender written notice of any imes�igation.ciaim,rkmand,taw�suit or other action by any �,;,.�.__-•
<br /> - ; v"'•-:' { govemmental or regulatory agency or privar=p�'tY involving the Propeny and any Hazardaus Substa�ce or Environmentai _ -
<br /> •°• ����, � � � Lnw of which Borrower hu uctual knrn�•I�dge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govrmmental or mgulatory
<br /> - M `� ' � .,.�•� authority,that unY nemoval or pzher remediation of any Ha•r.ardaus SubsWnce affetting the Property��necessyry,Bor�ower �,_,.....,�'.�: `
<br /> �`� 6�:: ,�� ;'"� ahall prompUy take all necessArv Qemedial actions in accordurice with Environmental LAw.
<br /> ��at�i,•} As used in this�t+ph 30,"Huuudous Subswnces"tue ihose subslances define�3 as toxic or huzArdous su�bstances by
<br /> •�,{l�:f, 4��;,i(l�t�'..+,�`•.
<br /> � + , { � EnvironmentalE I.aw and the faUowing substances: gasaline,kerosene, other Ilammnble or toxic peuolewn produci:,�oxic ��Y -
<br /> ..�-A:�,.;°. ��
<br /> �- ' �*�; ;,;,�...,.,:.;., . pesticides su►d�t+i:ides, volAtile solvents, materinls containing nsbestos c�+r formaldehyde,nnd radioactive muterials. As `•. , .�.
<br /> , �T: �� used tn this pn���uph 20,"�nvironmental Law"meuns federal Iawti und laxs uf the jurisdiction where�he Propeny is located �,;;�,.,,,,�,.,s.:
<br /> ��' �'t�i� • ':. ,•`��' ':`�' that�elate to heallh,safery or envitonmemal protection. `
<br /> ' ` ;� , b �'��`' �� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower a►d L.ender fuqher covennnt and u�e�as fallows: �;��`�"'r'
<br /> _.;07ht � a c`1_.-
<br /> .��,4� � "'�t .,J Zl. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender shall gfve notke lo Borrower prlor ta Ac�elerption Pollowing Borrower's �s,T.��j ---
<br /> , , �; _{, ,,. bscaclt nf sny coYenant or ng���nt ia this Securitv Instrument Ibut not prlor Qa acceleration under para=raph 17 �:- -_
<br /> , �1� unless ApplicAble law provides otherwisel. The notice shall specify: lal the deiault;�le�the ac¢ion requirea iu curn iiic �iTC T�
<br /> ` �`�� ��. ^- •���''' defqult;lc)a date.not less ths�n 30 daya Prom the date the natice Is given to Barrower,b� w�hicb lhe default must 6e �.M�,.=._._
<br /> ,' ';r . `;i� ° ', 1 cured=and(d)thnt failure to cure tMe defuull on or before the date specified in the noUce rrwy result in acceleratiaa d' ��.
<br /> � ;I�Y� ' ,;,,,�„���'},,: •.,�„.. the suma secured by this Securily Instrument nnd sale af the Praperly. The notice shall further inForm Barrawer of �'��i:�'`
<br /> , ;.,, t:l't,>A��� '� ..�': `' the right to reinslwte after wccekration and the right to bring�court action to asce�i the non-existence d'a dePault vr J 4�,��_,
<br /> , �. • :, � � ��L .. •t,�.�' eny other defense of Borrower lo�cceleration and sale. IP the default is not eure�i on or bePore the date specilied in �.s�� �-_:-
<br /> ..:,�..�
<br /> the notice.I.ender wt its opllon m�y require immedfate payment in Pull oi all sua�s secured by thia Security Ipstrument �.¢,�.�„«__
<br /> ��:.t. , `` •� wilhout further demand And mwy invoke the power oP sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law �S�
<br /> ' '� Lender shall be entiqed to cullect all expenses incurred in pu�:suing ihe remedies provided in this peragraph 21. ��'..°��.•'
<br /> '' ' including.but not limited to�reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of tiqe evidence. M���"€c"
<br /> . � � U the puwer of sale is iovoked.7Yustee shall reCOrd a notice of defAUlt in euch couoty in which any part of the ;�� •���;"-"_
<br />; � . � � � ' Properly is tocated And shall mail copi�w af'such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower nnd to ��U�:���;"��•_
<br /> i " '' .'' the other persons prescribed by applicAble law Aiter the time required by applicable law,7lrustee ahall give public f �a��.:'
<br /> ;,; ' , notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed bp applicuble law 7lrustee.without dem�nd on Borrower,
<br /> �-:
<br /> sholl sell the Property nt public auction to the biRhest bidder at the Nme and place and under Ihe term.c desisneted in � �:;';. ,;..__;
<br /> � the notke ot sule in one o�more parcels�+nd in any orde�7lrustee determines. �Iy'U31CN Iili�y p09�pOLi'SA�e Ot 8II OI'Ally ,,.��?�3:� . ;.
<br />„ • � parcel of the Propeny by public announrement�t tNe time und place of any�►reviausly scheduled sale. Len�kr or its ��:ti..;,;!�i':•�_
<br /> ° designee may purchase Ihe Property at any wle. '"'� '���
<br /> . • . s.1c:;.�.:
<br />_ �,. •: ' � � Upan receipt oP pAyment uf the price bid,'I�uxtee shull deliver to Ihe purchoser 7Yustee s deed conveying the . ,
<br /> '{ property. The recitals fn Ihe 7Yustee's deed shall be primu fucie evidence uf Ihe trulh oP the sls�tements m�de therein.
<br /> �1 4. . ,,, 'Iruetee sh�ll apply the proceeds uf the snle in the folluwing order: 1s�110 all custs and expenccw oP exercising the power f�w s�_
<br /> -.� . ' `� � . .., `- �-------
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