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. � ;. � . ..• "�:F _ '�'Li+` r•p,f��fi��z:wro�� �- <br /> r.� <br /> , ' - <br /> -.. . .'M��....�_..�_�. .' <br /> �- � <br /> � � J+t+'- . .a . . .� ,�_, _ <br /> .' <br /> �- . •-s �.a±a�,:... ..._ —'- --`�-_ <br /> �i' ti.�".:.ti <br /> :� q " . . _ _ _ - _ ._ _ <br /> 91� 102569 �-- <br /> � - <br /> ,4 �1CfIlKIR IAA1�.rnckr�eyuire�. 1'hr In�ururku ruRicr pmviding Ihr inwunuxc+.hull in chu.en hy 0orrnwrr�ubjcct a�l.cndcrk �;. --- <br /> � u�+n+v�l whi�h��ull n�H ix�unnu���nahly w{�hlkld. If I���m�u•rr f'ai1.1u muintoin ruvcrugr dr.�riikd u�wwc.l.cialer o� <br /> :�;,��ler5�n{+tic►o,��win covcrugc�a pn►tcc�l.c�ukr�ri�tht�in�hc Pn►�x.ny in uccunlwx•�•with para�traph 7. �.- <br /> '�.•: :'� All imurwu�:��lirirv unJ rcixH•al�•twll i+e urccMaMlc in l.cndcru�xl.hall inclu�k u.�uMl�rd manEugr rluuxe. Lcnder -- <br /> : 'T".'� = '`�"' .'`:' xhall iwvc Ihe right 1��huld Ihe�xdicie�utxl n�nowuls. If l.endcr rcyuirc..sum►arr.hull prunipdy�ivr w l.endcr uU rcceiMx o„�,........_.. <br /> �t'�"'� of'�+aid pmmium�wN1 rcnrN•�1 natice�. In ihu evem uf lu��,s��rn►wcr�hull givr rrompt M�lice�o�hc in�utuixc carricr und <br /> �;: ,:.u'::.�. _. l.etxtcr. l.�:ixtcr muy makc pnx,t'ui I�►.,if n�►t niuJu pry�mptly hy Hnrrower. <br /> . .� � --_---:.,•_ <br /> . � '�"�"� ' Unlex.L.enikr urul BuRUwcr�►thenvl�e ug�ee in wri�in�.��+urume pnxecd�.hall tx�upplicd ta rc,luruuun or npair ul �-- <br /> 1ri:i�. �' <br /> t.:.. µ.. ihe ny dumuged, if�he rc����r.�tian or rcpuir i* ec�mumuully I'eu+ihle and l.endcr: xcuriry i. nrn Ie.+ene�. If � e <br /> fa''>ts• ;i��'•- • <br /> , n��orut un��r mpai�in n��t cconomicully feu�.ihlc or Lcndcr� �171'UfllY K'OIIIII (1C (l'��l'lil'�. thu in.uruncr pr�xecds �hull he <br /> � �'-'':���'•�•�A���'`�••�� � upplied io the �um�.ecured hy ihi�Security Imirument, whethcr or n��t thrn du�. wi�h uny excc+. paid to Bom►wcr. If �;��--==__ <br /> .-�. Oorr�wer ut►unJnnv Ihe Propeny, or d��es nm vmwer within 30 duy� u notice Gom 4endet thut thr imurunce rurrier hati ��,�,��,_ <br /> __;:��� %;tr offered to.ettle u cluim.then l.endcr muy c��llect Ihc insurance pnxceJti. Lendcr iiiuy uu thr pnxrrd+�o Rpair u�re+tom �:;�,�,. <br /> �� tl�e PiropeAy or ta pay .umy�ccured by this Seruri�y In.trumcnt.whether or nat thcn due. The;11-duy Fxria1 will hegin when ��'r,.�-- <br /> ._�-�..a.,..,._..�.c..'.r:. . �henaticeixgiven. —._�--------- <br /> ��-.�-.�» - <br /> '.�` . IJnless Lcnder und Borrower orl�crwi.c ;�cec i�wri¢ing. uny appliru�iun i�f pnKred:u�principal.hull not extend or --�y�=_,__ <br /> li� �.tpc�ne Ihe due datc uf thr mont[ily�r,�yrn��ts ref�m�i ta in p;aregr.rph� 1 +md 2 or rhun�:c ihc anu�unt M��he puynirnty. If ��= — <br />-;�� �`•,,,,�;�_`�?�.' under parogmph _1 the Pmperty is uryuice� by Leneler. B�xn�wer:right �o�my insunmce�xilieir.c�nJ pruerecis n�uicin� <br /> �i. <br /> �r���'' �'°'° fiam dumage ta the Pmpeny prior w ifk:a�u�.�u.n�.twtl Furs to Lcnd�r t.�tix c�.trni at thc�um�securrc!by th�.Sec��riw - -- <br /> '�.' . __ Inwrument immeJi;uely prior to the uryui,i�i��. 'm" - <br /> '" ,: '�.. b, Ocrnpypcy. preservAtfon. Maintenance and Pratecliun ot tl�' Property: Borroa•er'x I.os,�n Applkal➢vn: �i 1z,..__;•-- <br /> .,y; . ��qld,�, Nor�ower,hall occupy.e.�ubli.h.u�ri u.e the 1lvperty a.Bornn�erl pnn�ip��l m�idence Nithin siaty day,afte� _�^-- <br /> •.:,�: the eaecution uf this Securi�y In.trumem und .rhull run�ir,ue�u uccupy �hr Pm(►e�ty a+ B��m�wer: principal residr��e t:�r at � <br /> °� ' leu.� one ye�r a�ter �he dute of occupuncy. unlr.. Lender .►therni+e agr��x in wri�iog, which c�m+rnt �hall not tw ����. <br /> " , �, �;,, ...°' unrca-+onAbly wiehhelJ.or unlexs extenuatin�c�rcum,�ancr+exi+�which are tKyond Burmwer±conirol. B�xmNrr shall not �o_:�___ <br />- :•;� ;,,��. ........ � . destroy.damnge or impair the Property.ullow�he Pmpen�•�o deterioratr.or cummit wa��c on thc Pn�prny. Burmwcr,hull �'_'-=-�'� <br /> �a.,�•..,., <br /> ':x •• . ''>�^ be in defuull if uny i'orieilure ncliun nr prcxeeJing,whNther civil or criminul,i+hr�un thul in l.rnder:�a�d Fri�h judgment �L�—_ ; <br /> •�;, . �,•�• cauW rcsult in forfeiture ot' the Pn►perty ur whrnvi.c mat�rially impair thr lirn rrcatc�l by �hi+ Srrurity Ins�rument or """�.. <br /> ��_: <br /> • ' • � Lender.�ecurity inlerex�. Burruwe�may cure such u Jefuult and reintilutr,us provided in paragr+�ph I cau�ing the ac�ian � <br /> • � ^ or pn�ceedins to be dismissed wi�h a ruling�hut,in Lender+gooJ fuilh Jetennination,prccluJez forFei�urc of 1he Bormwer s ���_, <br /> ' ' intere��in the Prapeny i�r��ther muterinl imp;►innenl of thr lien crcuteJ hy Ihis Srcuri�y Instrument or Lender+ tiecurity ,t� �,.;,.: <br /> � • ' imere.l. Botmwcr �iwll a�so be i� dcfuult if Borrowrr. du�ing �he lonn iipplicuti�m prcKess, guve mnlerially fal�e or �s�,- <br /> � �� inaccurote infumna�ion or sta�ementx�o Lender lor f•riled�o proviJe Lender with uny muterial ini'ormation�in ronnection with �,.�„ <br /> the loan evideneed by the Notr. inrluding, hul not limi[ed ta, n:pmsentcuiom rimceming B�rrower: ncrup:+ney of the � - <br /> - • �;. . ,��;;��;'%.;`,' Pmp�ri}•t4�u prinripul rrxidencr. H'thi.Securit Insuumrm i�„n u ica.ehold.Bouowr� ,hall�omply uith a!:ah:pr^�:si^^s — •�;. <br /> y 1•;3: - <br /> ;;: : '�, �;Yi y�' of the Ir�.e�. If Borrc�wer nequires fze tiile to�hc Pm�xny.�hr 1<�ischold und Ihc fe��iUe tihall nrn mergr unlex.Lender aLree� .X._,�.•,_ <br /> .•i� ... <br /> .� .r •�;''``��' to the mergcr in writ4nc. �.•. ; ,�.,, <br /> .IG��.h � - <br /> , ��,-. ' � 7. ProtecNan ni' �.e�aler's Itf�hts in Ihe 1'rupertv U' BnROacr i:iil. �o �xrt'i�mi the co�•�nantx :►nd ugrcement, ��;}_�^�1 „ <br /> '•'' �• ' cantained in Ihix Seruri�}• lnstrument. or thcrc i+ u Icgul pr�ecding thai m:n �i�nrtirnndy al'fect l.rndcrt rights in Ihe r.,�w.�.�__,�„_- <br /> " � . ��'. ' � pm�ehy 1.uch us u pr�x:eeding in hankruptcy,prohutr.liir�tiun ur ii,rfein�rc i�r to enfnrcr luwti or rrguluiicm.►.then � ,,n° <br /> �� �� - Lender muy do unJ puy fiir whate�•er i.ncrr�.ury to pru�rct ihe�•:+lur ut'thc Pru�ny and LenJ�r'. riFh�, in �hc Proprrty. � �,,,, <br /> � ' � l.ender's urtiunti mu inrlude puyin�!nny�um�.crurrd hy ii lian��•hich ha•prinrit� avrr thi. Scrurity In+lrumem.ap�xurin� ��°-�.�-'- <br /> Y <br /> in ruun.puying reu.cmublc uaumcy,'frr,und cmrrin���n ihr 1'ru�xrty u►nu►kc r�pai�.. :Vthnugh Lcixlrr muy takc ac:tion _� <br /> �rT�: undcr Ihis parugraph 7.L�ndcr doc,not huve tu d��s�. �+�'---_ <br /> Any umnun�s dishuned h LenJer undrr thi+ ura�r.► 7�hall Ixcumr udJitfonal debl of B��no��er �erured hy Ihiti r--.- <br /> y P b F'h ��".�. <br /> � ; ��,.; � Security lnvtrumenl. Unlrs.Bom�wrr unJ Lcndtr u�rrr lo���hrr��rni�u1�paymrnt.lhr+r amount,�hal)he��r intcrest from 1he _ <br />• r •;��};';'�. dute c�f ditihunement ut the Notc ratc und.hall I+r puy:�hle,�.i�h intcrcsl.upon noticr Ir��m Lender m Barrowcr requc�iin,_ <br /> ' .��t�.:;�»> puymrnt. <br /> , t.�,� „., , 8. �turt�afie lnsurunce. li'Lendrr reyuireJ mohpa�� in,urmcc:+, :�cunditiun ol'm:J:ing Ihr I�xin+�currd h�• ihi. �'i:?�?r-�_ <br /> - ; ,n'' o ° Securily Inxtn�mrni, a�irmwrr.hull puy Ihc p�emium+ r�yu�rcd tn maintain ihc mongagr in+uruncc in cff'rcl. 11'. f��r •rny ''�,''•�;;;- . <br /> �!' <br /> thr mon�:nge in.urancr covrru�c rryuircd M• Lrn.lcr lap•c+ nr ra:i,r. u� bc in eticrt. Hrrr���rr >h,�n �:�y �n� ,�.�.v_- <br /> . „ premiums required i��uhtuin rovrruge .uB.1•rnti;►II� eyui�:drnt t„ ih� monLaiEc m.uranre previouslc in el'feri. a� +� ri►.t .�.•=;.� <br /> s - �Uhsl.mlially equiaolrnt Iu�he ro.1 1��Horco��•rr�,t'th�m�►n�u�r inwranrr previnu,l� in cII�r1. t'rum an:ihrmalc mongaEc .•;!:;.' <br /> .. ` Q imurer apprrned h�• Lend�c II',uh.�.mtisdly ryuivulen�mun�:a� rineragr i,nnl:�vailuhlr.B��rrawcr,hall ray tu G ,„._�,ay,�}::�:'' <br /> � . l.endNr each month:�.um ryuul 1��nne-Iwclt'th�,f�hc�•c+�rl� m��n�uge in,urancc��rcmium tx ing paid h� (3orrrn�cr a•hen�he M��-,_�� <br /> " .. imur:mce cnveraic lap+ed or cruuJ 1��t►�in rllr�t. l.endrr��ill urrrpt.u,r:uiJ rrt:iin�hr.r pu�mrnl,:i,a,cn��in licu �.-'---_,� <br /> a�Y�::' <br /> ut'morlgagr inYUrancc. l.o„rc.rn•r payntrnh ma) nu I„nprr Ix r.yuiird. ai�hr uptiun uf Lr�ukr. il'm��rtg+�gc in.urancc �F.-_ <br /> •. f•; :. �o�r r:�ec�i(1 lhe a�m�iunt+mJ ti�r Ih��xri�xl thal Lcn.t�•r rc��uirc.►pru��dcJ I,�•an in.urrr appn��•rd b�• Lrnd�r��pain Feromr. ��r�,... <br /> . "�;r''�,��u u�•+�il.ihle:md i.ahiaitkJ.Borniw•er.h�dl p:���Ihr rrrmium•m��uircd t��maintain mun►!:�Ee in.�u:�n�.in efl'ccl.ur u.prm�id�a �"�� <br /> „ °• t";°"' I��.�rr.erve,until�he rcyuir�mrnl iur mungacr in.urancr urrorJ:mcc ailh:im ��riucn aciremrnt lxtacen H�,rrrncer <br /> . ,�••� . �. . <br /> anJ Leixirr ur appliraMc la��•. <br /> . '. 9. InspecHoto. L�nd�r ur il+:�Ecn�in,�} mak�•r�.i.unahle entrir.iqx,�i nnd m.prrtian.��1 tlx Pn,�xn.. Lend:r xhall . <br /> ' , give Barmwrr nuticr:u th.timc uf ur prior lu:m in,prc�i�,n��ril�int ra�.on,ihlr rau.c hrr thc in.�x��iun. <br /> ' • , le. C'oademnuliun. 1'hr pnxceJ,of am .�.�ard rr!:•r�:r,.Jirrrt ur ran.e��urnual. in r�,nn�.u„n��ith a�e� .. <br /> � • � timFle 1•amd�-•M'unnir Nur MwalJir 1W�Q�INIR�I t\ti 1Rl\IM:�"1 -•t w..a�u�....•naut• q 9Y i�r+e�•?,,•',^«-�•�� � <br /> . �a+al l.rrw Nwmrw F��m�.Im � <br /> • L����xt�.�7 •..�.:�u.U•�� �f\\�,Ih-7��1-11'll <br /> 4 <br /> , , � <br /> � <br /> �1 ' <br /> . � <br /> Y ' <br />. �_- .___- . _ _ . ... _ _ <br />