� - __IAf�IM+___—_ __-J...S�=�----_ _ -_ __ -- _ �. '�.-._- _-� .� _
<br /> " � ±�.�.r.e�:Y'�`�F' ' v.•wln+ Y�YF/K�a�.. a� .. . . _ _— ..
<br /> .. n1�i' Ytn ! �^,• ���'� _
<br /> � i_ ' �(... • .
<br /> . �!,
<br /> � . '• • • � _.. .. . ... . .. . . . _._.
<br /> . ,- �; 1
<br /> 1�4, _- —"_.-__ ..
<br /> : � 91-- 10256�
<br /> , ,;
<br /> �� 7`0067'HF.f!WITH aQ the improvetnentc naw ar herc�+Gc�cnxtcd�►n�hc�ny.;ux1,�U ruacmcmv. ePlwncnwn�ca, v._=--
<br /> + �nd flxwrer naw or hereAl'ter�p�ut��f ihe pmpeny. All rcpl�cemrn��uiui u�kii�i�►n��iwll ulw�t�r ememl by�hix Secu�i�y
<br /> '� Instrument. All uf ttk�Porrg�ing ix rcferred w io this Secudly Inr�rum�nl us�hc"R�►Ex;ny.,,
<br /> ` BQRROW�R ('AV�NAN'PS thal B��rmwcr iK luwfully ncf�cd i+f th.c�lulc herchy ct�nvcycd uml iwr Uic righl tu g��nt
<br /> • wKl ecMtvey Ihe Pmperty�nd�hat the Pmpeny i�unrncumbemd,recrpt fur enenmhrun�e�+uf record. Hormwer wurrwp�xtul �r_-=
<br /> will dcien�l Rcncraily ihe 1i11c In�he Pmpeny A�tainx�All rluhn+�and denwndy,xubj��.�to,+ny encumhranrc.r af i�a�.ni. �,Nx:..�
<br /> ;.. ��;,.,.��._�-
<br /> THIS SF.CURITY INSTItUMENT rumbinec unifcxm covcnun�x fin natiunwi u�c und nun-unil'unn covenw�l► wilh ��
<br /> . . limile�vuiolianr by judcdiction to can�ui�u�e a unitom��u�i�y ins�rumem cnvr�ing re+�l PropenY. i�=' ---
<br /> .��,���14�•� UNIFORM CC)VBNANTS. Bomciwer und Lender cmenwnt und ag►ee ax f�llaws: """°'-°"
<br /> - ----�-�."""� � 1. P�ymenl of Princlp�l And Interesti�ep�ymcot And LAte Chprgm. Normwer xhall pmmpdy pay whcn due the �''-=`.=�`-'=;-"-
<br /> ,,,? ��.��I` principal of and inlerest on the debt evldenced by Ihe Noie nnd any prepuym�nt und lutc chprges due under Ihe Note. ���---•m_-- ,
<br /> ��_��',-.� 2. �unds for'Ibxes aad IasurAnce. Subject la upplicuble law or tn u wrilten wuiver by l.ender,Bortawer shall pny�o
<br /> -_�m-=`-;,�--;�--r �.;--
<br /> __,,.,, ,� Lender on the doy monthly payments are due undcr�he Note,until the Nate is puid in full,u xum l"Fund.c"1 for.lu►y@urly .;.T,�.=:j,,; �
<br /> -�'-..��< <:r tauex nnd uesessments which may utt�in pdority�ver Ihig Security Inslnimem us o lirn nn Ihe Pmpeny;lb1 yearly Ieasehold --
<br />_ c:,a,��c:.r._ . p�y 8 P�Y• Y Y p Pe Y P y Y
<br /> �.•. menls or round rents oa the PrP if an : lcl yeurl hazard or ro n insurnnce remiumv: ldl earl ood �-�----�==
<br /> ---�'�-�'�?�±.- _. �nsurnncc premiums, if any;(e) yeariy mortgoge inaurance premiums, if any; und lfl uny suma puyable by Bartuwer�o __,�_—
<br /> - ,�,��-;,� _. Lender.in accord�ux�e with the pmvisiona of parugruph 8,in lieu af the puyment of mangage insumnce premiums. These ----
<br /> -- --`_ °.�`=��""--' items nre called"Escrox•licros" Le�d:r may,at any time,collec!atld hold Fundc in tu�Hmount nrn la�xcced Ihe maximum r�-°-
<br /> ....m._.e.�a��„----. .••-t�--..
<br /> - `��'�"'`� �'�'' amaunt a lender far a federally retated moRgpge loan may require for Borrower�escrow account under the federal Real �.-�".""`�`_��
<br /> � - _ EstWe SettlKmeH P�+o��edures Act of 1974 as umended from dme to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 er.rey.("RESP�►"),unless wiother �°```--�-
<br /> ._.���;,.:.c;�..;�.', �.,s';;_'';�.--
<br /> -- ;•,.. , -,`.`:::ta�-'..- law that rpplies w ti�r Fu�xls�t.u lesser umauni. If so.Lendc.�r may,at anp time.rollect anJ hold Fundc in an am�xint na to ��_;. .. : _
<br /> -�=���-.��;�„f.,..f��.,k„• excee�i the lesser amoum. i.eader may estimule the �unt of Fund� due on Ihe basi�of cur�ent data and reawna�ble `•' _
<br />_v�;:; ` L�.:�r�.... �_ es[imates of expenditures of futurc Escrow Items or aherwiu in atirordaoce with upplicable law. .��`,.
<br /> • • The Funds shall be held in un institution whosc deposo�: .u�e iasurcd by a federul ugency, instrumentality. or entiry .?��a ;: W
<br /> ���, 'w;�•.,' (includfig Lender,ii Lencier is such an instilutiun)or in any Fedeml Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply tix Funds lo puy fli.3eklL !'
<br /> - ". ��`'.` '".;'`=' 1he Escrow Items. I.ender mu not char e Borrower for holdin �nd u I in Ihe FLndc, s►nnuall unal zin the escrow �� '`",�„`�
<br /> .. .,� Y S 8 PP Y B Y Y � or�,,w,�=--.
<br /> �`'' "<<t� ''� �' account,or verifying the Escruw Items, unless l.ender puys Borcower interest on the Funds ;►nd upplicu6le luw permits $,�=-r°-•--�
<br /> _;;'. �•'ri};•,^•::�r�;:`'.i�,%`�! . �.:..�Y.-==�
<br />_ `;�,�1;3i:�if£,{ Lender to mulce such A ch�rge. Fkiwever, l.ender may requirc Bomower to pay u one-time charge for on independent renl [��-�
<br />:���y.� ti;,�,Ly�� � ��� .++-,j estate tsuc reporting tiervice used by l.ender in connection with�his loun,unless Applicuble law provides otherwise. Unless an ���,a�..-„_._.
<br /> :c
<br /> ��'-:s,� .;j� • agreement is madc or applicable law requires interest to be paid,l.endcr shall not be required to pay Bortawer nny interest or �+r-_��_
<br /> _ ;�� enrnings on lhe Funds. �orrower and Lender mwy Agree in writing,hawever,thAt interrst shall be paid on the Funds. Lender �� • _-
<br />--1�".` �,. ;: � , shall give to Borrower.withaut churge,un nnnual accounting of the Funds,xhowing cmdils and debits to Ihe Funds ond the �'"'s'''�^"_
<br /> - - r: •r�� purpose for which euch debit to ti�Funds was made. The FLnds ure pledged us additio�al.rzcurity for all Kums secured by :���`��'�
<br /> �':'�
<br /> , ' +�,�b . this Security Insdument. � �!`
<br /> f:•a • , • If the Funds held by Lencie� eaceed the amaunts permiucd to bc held by upplirable law, I.en�le� Shall uzia�unt lo ���r:�.f"--
<br /> , ..`1,r,•`•.,�..,:�°_
<br /> .`..,, ,- ,Q � �µ; : Borrower for the excess Funds in uecordance u�itfi the requ�rements of upplicablc law. If thr amaun�s�+f the f�nds held by '=��g n.•�-�
<br /> � . •R Lender at an time is nnt sufficient to n tQ�c£�eraw l�ems when due.Lender mny so noliiy Bortow�er in writing,und,in �����
<br /> .��'�
<br /> �ti ��� s u c h c a s e B o r r o w e r s h u l l p u y t u L e n d e r t h e �i r�u�u n t n e c e s w ry t o m a t c e u p the deficienc y. Bormwer shAll muke u p the ', '����,.�:'
<br />_ , deficiency in no more than twelve manthly payments,nt l.ender's wle dixcration. y�' �����'••-
<br /> . � •,; . .. . U n u ment in full of ull sums secured by this Securily Instrument,Lender sh��l prompUy refund to Borcawer any ��f r4`:,:;:��
<br /> ,��,:tissi:�. P� P Y �r.,�::
<br /> 1� Ml�nds held by I.ender. If,under paragmph 21.Lender shall ucyuire or xeU the Property.Lender,prior lo the ucquixition or � •�!•,•>��;•.;��.
<br />• , ..",�`Y'+'��.�f; .r.
<br /> �;;,. ..� <,�.. �,. � ' '• "•:.:::
<br /> , • s�,�r, . sale of�he Property,shall upply nny Funds held by Lender ut the�ime of acyuisition or x��le as a credit ugainst the e,ums '<l:.j,f��{k
<br /> ..�;,�,' ,;'��•ti;',y <�,�,, � secured b this Serurit Inswment. _, .
<br /> ��''� �•�:^�`',._• ,� � Y Y �•-�:- ::
<br /> �,rr:.�•,;;s.�,j,��,,. • 3. Applicallon oP Payments. Unlrss applicuble law providcs uthrrwixc, ull pAyments received by Lender under ,
<br /> 1.,,�, , ,` .
<br /> •„':,��;:�•.,;5,.� purog�uphs I und 2 shAll be npp9ied:first,tu any prcpayment charges due under the Not�:xecond,to amounts payable under +:•'%���=, °
<br /> u ,. �,,.yi�r:,.�:�.
<br /> , ": .��'•�'J�.��� '� p��s�aph 2;third,to inrere�st due;fourth,to principnl due;and 1aa.to nny lute charges due t�nder Ihe Note. �.•r;;1,.:�:..��.r:
<br /> �• `••� � ��"''` '' 8. Charges; I.iena Borrower shull pay ull mxes, nssewsmem�, char �s, fines tmd im gitions uttributab1e tc+ the
<br /> ' R, �, 'r�,r;;'��',:.;.;'`
<br /> :�" �� ���':-•� . Property which maz•nttAin priority over Ihi,Securi1y Instrument,and Icu,ehuld puyments or ground rentc,it any. Burr�wer ��'�� ►�^a�c4:+�..
<br /> .. �'� ' � ;�.�'1!t5 �
<br /> ;{��. „='�i;��i���i��,yw; , shall puy these ohfugutions in the manncr pro�•ided in puragruph 3,or if not paid in thut munner,BoR��w•cr shall pay them on • .,,.,- ..t��:,
<br /> ::, ,,•^,t���;,^:rt�,� ..,., time directly to�hc person ow•ed payment. Burrower shull promptly fumi�7�io Lender nll no�icc�of amoums to be puid under ,:�;�;,,;�r�'•�-dr
<br /> ! �f�f!1`:�,'�•�!"��*? this paragraph. If Borrower makes these pnyments direcUy.Borrower shull pmmptly fumi4h to Lender receipts evidencing
<br />� `�i)►� �'t�,`�" � S
<br /> . �.,•,.,�•}4 Ihe payments. ----,��-_...t.�:,�-_<<r.
<br /> {�;i�',i. ,. .. ..r--_--
<br /> �i��''t v�,;�'�.•' Borrowe�shu�1 �am q dischar e An lien which has riorit ovcr this Securiry In�trument unless Borrower:(ul ugrees ,�
<br /> .. fi,�1 h, P p Y B Y P Y
<br />- •%'�- ,•�'�' in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the licn in v munner ucceptable to 4.ender,(b)contests in gaod f�ilh the ';� •� ��'.'.
<br /> �.;,..�,r, ,.} �„, . �
<br /> �I;., . ���„ � lien by,or defends uguinst enforcement of the lien in.Iegul praccedings which in the Lender:s opinion operaee to prevent the • ^ � .„=_,
<br /> �; f '�; 41,,,�N•�' • enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of�he lien un ugreement sutisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien • ,� _--
<br /> �... to this Security Instrument. If I_ender determines that any part of�hc P�vpeny is subject tn a lien which may a[�ain priority •••.J
<br /> . ,' t,L.., �.•� •. y Y S �,,,,�� ._..
<br /> , �,,, " over this Securit Inswment.L.rnder mu ive Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bortower shall catisfy�he lien or take ;r' � + :.+r.,
<br />• � one or more of the actions set farih above within 10 days o4'the giving of notice. ;��,.���%::
<br /> �'•���' . „ 5. HYY�f'd OI'PfOpCHV If19U�OlY'. B�xrower shall keep the improvcments now eaisting or hrrzatier er�cted on Ihe ` � �
<br /> � i�+°:. ' • Property insured agains[loss hv fire,hazards in�luded within the tcrm"extended covera�ee"and an}c�th�r hazurds, ineluding ��.�
<br /> ��;�,\t.,`:.,�;:' tloods ar flooding. for which�Lender reyuires insurunce. This insumnce xhull be man�:?3r.:d in the amoums and for the :;,:�;-';.:
<br /> t� ,; . .
<br /> ,. . FurmJ�28 9/90 �puRr2a/nrwg�sl ����
<br /> � :�:',
<br /> . r�. . '
<br /> ' � , '- '—' . —�. . �� . � . . . . . . . . ��,'i}xR:ACt;�Irr•-4��:1�. �
<br /> t . .
<br /> . �... . > . ' '--.. •
<br /> . � ,
<br /> Y . - '•4.. � � . ' �
<br /> + � � � .. � , ' . . . , .
<br /> t . �
<br /> . + . `
<br />. � . . . --.-�—.- -.
<br />