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�- . � __ �__�.� u. .:� i -,.` <br /> =--- -- � - <br /> -- . _ . -- r}� v wrr�— <br /> . �-... �l� '.'!. r' _ . n -v�....� , ts1�' `l�– a 4� . i - f'�r� �i v;e- 1�a.�T ii.. -— <br /> �� 44 . +�ItY�tt, . ..�r�.i��:• .,�A+. 2'� � { <br /> '. . . ... y . . . '� ,�. ..:1�.1 ��rvl1l,_. <br /> � . ��.s .• L�M. . . _i. . . ..: . -'4', �f -�L.n'4. �� .... �` 1\' ��� "2,w".�.r. <br /> --- ' ,i � • . . -��I���R t� �.�.���y1. <br /> .� �I •` � nT :.���.�i. <br /> � <br /> -- -.��._.___----_� „ '���111011 MO fO�lOd W r �.of��ilsOYd��� AT�Y d1[S�i��7lif'71rt. • -. <br /> ' " . : . �t�ae����i" 'n0u'q�r tw x�.rd Otl.�eo�oiw�t fi�b.v;�,•M►+M wMMb► ?�".:. <br /> r.,.u� �d._,i�: <br /> � � ��r L�Of�OOIIOa��II Q�/01�01Ii/d���Y• %�_,`� _�,. <br /> • • ��'��k �fiinl�I�YN1A�oE11M1�110�OttM1f. � <br /> �.".5-•�=v... <br /> • (a)D�Mk. �.+OIIdR RWY.OR00�1 Y�G11�1Dd�► �MIO�6Y�10 �11 i110 qM 41��yf�lOM!�. ^ <br /> �_,� . .•-���n i�ne�df� la Nll��M�uqa bj►ttib Sro�i�Y� . <br /> p�y�ent M <br /> -, ���_�._._ ,(i)Bamwar dd�t by f�iliaR b p� in f�bl�iauu�i�PqY�e�al�oquirod by d�it Secwitf►�q�rou�1�ier . .�,�•', <br /> to ar oa the dna d�b of ti�o aeut���, w . � w a�her ooaaioed lo dd� .. <br /> (t�!�arorMx defwiu 6ry►tdNa� �Y�U'� . P� Y � . . . <br /> . (6)&�e WltMo�t Cniit Appno�v�l. I�tder cl�ll.if penaiped by�pplic�ble I�w md with d�e ptior q�{NO+►d d d�e • <br /> ry.��°WY�ia fWU of'vl tla wn��ectaed by ibis Seauriry Iaprwne��t if• • <br /> �(j AQ or p�rt of the PmpaAy�a a ba�eticid intete�t�tbe Bonr�.�al a p�u1 ot�he Pnoparty�it�oW ar <br /> wl�ervvl�e ua�ufe�ed(other th�o by deviso or da�eeM)b'!' at his ar I�a <br /> --- (ii)77�e PtapatY is nat ooc�ied hr t�°p°'chase�ar�a P�n�d�ar t4a pu� <br /> a �qtoe do� co cccu� t�e Plopaty 6at bi� a ber orodit liw �ot beea �aved in aoco�dmoe <br /> wit�d�e�o`d�a Sadoet�y: <br /> — (e)No Wi�a: tf cin.roo�aoes oocw 16�t w�wW parab L�a�dex w tequ�Ce imoaiodi�e pyru�aNt ie�hll�but Latdor <br /> does��wchp�yo�s.I.ender�s nat waivc itc right�with�ed b aubseqoeat ow�c+et�s. <br /> � (�) d HUD S�a�etuy. L►mm�cbawaQUUKx�rc�ul�ion�iuewod by�ho Soactuyr r�rW�iaait I�da� - <br /> — ri�Ys�,u� tAe case of pyment r�immedi�e pRY�t���nd�if aot�i1�t <br />-_ - - 5�nty in�uumem das oot w�nori�e+Kxzki ur fin�:Ws�ue if aai ef�t <br /> . � Qep',Ltatt��e Not lawr�ed. Bortovver agroes�Uu�t�ould tias Sec�Qit��+t ss�d dre no�e ucuted thereby ndi . . <br /> - � , �be eli�ibla fa inwr�nce uader �ha Nuian�l Housin�Act within �•Noriths �� . <br /> d�ta 1�aeof.Lemk� its option and notwftAstanding�nything in 1'crra�iaph 9.ro9uira immedWe p�yment in <br />'; ,� � ' fuU of aU:ums s�ecwed by�b�es Security Insq�m�aW. A wriva�:wtemer�t�ac►y.iwthorized a g e o t of t6e S e c ro t a ry <br />___:.- --n_..:.� • cWed subsequa�t to 8 �pr�lhs from the d�0e 4e+�idl.dadinin8 to inwue�bis Secu�i�Y , <br /> ,�:� - - -- Insdument t+nd the qote seoured�hereby.shall be deemed conclusive pnoo�'af.sWCh ia�x9igibility. NotwldWanding <br /> T ' . the fongoing,a6es qKton may not 6e excrcised by l.ender when the uai�v�biflty oY ins�u�noe b�okly Aue to _ <br />- t.enderh fiitw�e t p remit a mortg+ige insur�nae p�mium a the Secretary. - <br /> � 10. Rein�htemRaR. Barower has s right w be�einstated if Lender hns tea��ired immodiate payma�t�ia 1W16ecwao <br /> -=tiP of Bonower�s faihue to psry an amount due under the•Notc or this 3ecurity�Giraasaument. 71iis right appliea eva�af�er <br />_"; :,y foroclostae ptocbedings are instituted. 7b reins�ate the Security Insdumen�.A{arower s1aU tender in a Iwap sum All.. <br /> amounts�oqulrcd tv b�i�g pormweri�account cument including,to the extent�Y ane abligadonc of Borrower under this <br /> . -- Securiry Inauvment,faecbw�e costs and ne�sorwMc�u+�i customary attamey�'�s ass�cxperaes psogalY asroc�d�rlth <br /> . the foreclosure procaeilinS• Upon�instatement by Borrower.this Security Ic�ament wW tbe obligations that it socwes <br /> . shall rem�in in effect u.;:i�i,Lender had notrequired immedi�te pnyment in fulD. B-A�wever,I.ender is not roqui�ed top�i t <br /> �`°.� reinsWtement if: (i)i.e�c�er has accepted reinstatement aRer the commencemenu af Pa�ecla�ure p�+nc�eedinge withL�two <br /> ���;;�. ' ,>,y„ ��• years immafiately prsceding the commencement of a current forectosum proceeding, (i6D reinstaoement wfU prcslude <br /> _ _ .��� .��;:s� y foreclocure on different graunda in the future,or(iii)reinstatemeM will adversely etfect the prlority of 1he liea crcued by <br /> -_- 5,���;=.;':'' this Socuriry lnspvmens. � <br /> �j� '•� 1 1. &►r rowe� Not Rela�sed; Forbearana b l.ender Not a Waiyer. �xtension of the dme of paymrnt or <br />-- :a�f.,!::'r:.i�`� •T+ <br /> -_, _r�;,��,. .T� modlflcation of amo�ization of the sums secured by th�s Securit�r Instniment grnnted by Lender to any:uccea,so►in intenest <br /> __ ,,..: o af Botrower ahall not operate lo release the liability of the origmal Borrower ar BomnwerS�successor in interest. Lende� , <br /> _�. ��5�• ahall nat 6c requircd to commence procadings against any suceessar in interest or refuse to extend time for pa ent or , , <br />_1,.+� { °-; �;;;.,�;`�� otherwise morify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by rcason of any demw�d by the � . � <br /> ,�;, � ;`F 7��••,�„,., .;.; origfnal bomower or Borrnwer's successors in i�terest. My forbeurance by Lender in exercising any�ight or temedy shiill • � <br /> ' *��'=''•°'� not be a waivcr oi ur preciuuc uic exercise of any right or remedy. _ <br /> :� f;�'`:..��- - <br />-���~` `''�•=�''""''—'`�''� +` � 12. 5uccessors And Assigns Bound;Jofnt and Several l.labflitr;Cw-53gnera The covenents and Ageements of -- <br /> � �.. ._��,:.��__..• <br /> '�r ' '� �his Security Instrumem shall bind nnd benefit the successors ond assignx aP Lender und Borrower,subject to v�e provisions <br /> , -�;,,�,.;,.:�s,�,s <br />'� k :�,•'�;...... ; ,�,:�.+;..�'...,, of Paragruph 9.b. Borrower's covenanls and agrcemems shall be jaint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs ihis <br /> ,�''y�� Security Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (u)is co-aigaing�his 5erurity lnstrument anly to mor�guge,g[ant and <br /> --°u;°. }, ,::`.'. . <br /> � , r-r�-;�,...,• �r,� %~�' convey thnt Borrowers interest in the Propeny under the tertns of ihis Secudty Inattumeet;(bl is not perso�ally obligated w <br /> IM�'•Y.%''r i <br />_ �:°' � ,r.'�°•• .. �r�, pay the sums secured by Ihis Securiry In�trument;nnd(c)agrees th�t Lender.ind sm�ather Bortower tnny agtrs to extend, <br /> _ � �� r�'' . .;--:, madify,forbear or make uny accommodwionx with regurd to the terms af tM�Secunty Instrumem or the Not�without that _ <br /> •`•.x` � ��' ". -- <br /> w�ti�+� Bormwer�s conscnl. <br />'-�" ��'�� � �� � � -' 13. Notices. Any notice to Borrawer provided for in�hix Security In�:trument shull be given b delivering it or by _ <br />,.,�<ti•:�:•,. -• - <br /> -:;;:�;;:�. mailing it by first cla�s mail unle�s applicuble luw reyuire. u�c of unother methal. The notice sh I be directed to the <br /> � '�� n Addtess or un aher uddre�. Borrower de, notice Io Lender. Any notice lo Lender shall be given by <br />;';v,s;..-� a. � � .�.;;.,i-':r':'�;;� �pe Y Y <br /> ��f*. ;, , firs�clnss mnil to Lender's uddr�,+ ztu�ed hercin or any adJrex� LenJer de,ignu�es by notice to Bormwer. My notice ` <br /> '��� � `"' � � �� �• �•� rovided Por in this Security Instrument xhall lx dccmcJ to huve txen givrn to Borrower ar Lencler when given a.4 provided <br /> r. ��,.�¢.i1 �. �. p <br />=,�!�� � '' •' ' �� • in this uro ru - <br /> P S Ph• <br />°1�4���• "'�`SL�•_:-_ �r��'�'�• 14. Governing;Severahiiit�•. 'I'hi. Seruriry In.trum�m tihall bc ��wcmcJ b�� Fcderul luw nnd ihr law of 16+c <br /> ;�..-;: -. . ���.i..•_�.:.. <br /> w, . � � „ �,*ti;r.;:.,, urisdictlnn in which t'he Propeny i�lorated. In thc cvrnl that rny provi.iun or rluu��i►f thi. Security Instrument eW tQ�c <br />-�''•:;'" •' ,�� , , ,!`��;41� �ot�conflicts wilh upplicable law. zuch runtlici,h+dl not uffert other provi�ion.of thi�5ecurily Instrun�ent or the PYe�tr - <br />_��:��� '�4+:�`;;rr`,��_.�:: '''�`.����� which can be given effecl without the ccxiflicting pmvision. 7'i►thi.end�he provi.ionx of thix Securiry Imtrument and thr _ <br />'%�=Si+�V'� " •'.. •'., • � �: Note are declared to he,evcrablc. - <br /> ' ,•;...�.r��. . <br /> �_9 i;r,V� ;,',t�4��rtk'�,,. 15. Borrower's Copy. Borrawcr.hull Ix�givcn unc runtiimi�d rop�ai Ihi.5ccurity Intitrunxnt. <br /> :.:•;�:�i�. , ." . <br /> -,s�� ' � • . 7b. Asslgnment of Itents. Borrrn�er unc�mditi��nally ussigm und tramlcr+ta Lender all the rent.und re�•enues of the <br />�;';;�;,';'; �� �`��,�! �y;��;}f` Proper�y, Borrower aulhuriies Lcnder ur Lcndrr i ugent��o c��llcct ihe rent�unJ rrvenucs unJ hcr�by direcl+euch tenant ol <br /> _ �.. � �:•�' �� •,�•%r,i','r�f•;;.+`,. Ihe F'�a► ert to a Ihr rents to Lender or Lendcr+ uFrnl�. H��tr�rr,prio�ta Lrndcr:no�ice w Bormwer of Borruwer's <br /> :°;�",�. a �...d��'.1-(t :_.�,.�.,�o- �F Y P Y <br />�.�;. ,. .� ���i�,,k ;c�,���•�.t�;.,•t,;; breach of uny covenuM�r ngreement in�he Scru�i�y In�rument.8onower qha0l rolkrt and rereive nll rentx u�d revenuex of <br /> t, ; �,�:�,f�r�,�}e� ,�,;,�.u the I'ropcny a.r•Irustee f�r�he tx�nefit al'Lcnder aiw!Hoernw•cr. This u�sigo�ra�f rcnt,conuitutes an aMolute usxignment <br /> , �� : t�'�,�4��;,.(.,<i�,�:��;�,,';:�t,��. an d not an oxsi gnmen�f�:additionul.ccurit y onE±. <br /> _ _1,. 4i,1t�e,:'r'�,,r, :.�,�,c�f If Lender gives�nni�e ot'breach to Borr� �u►ull rent�c rrccived b��B�xr.,Ner�hall bc held by&xruwer ac tru�lee <br /> .a� .�. c_ �_ .�./�.l..�..L..11 1... •I...l�.. <br />-.-�F . . ....:,�„>- for benem of i.ender omey.10 OC i1�tICU ll�IIIC tYlll��c�uic7a m uR .nCui�ij w;u.i�.-..T�: ...r......... ........ °:::... ... <br /> t�����`��Fy collect nnd receive�II of�he renis of rhe Pru •n and Ic� tenant uf the R�, rt ,Full all rentx Jue und�un rid w <br /> � Iw Y� P� y _ t'`'} p' <br /> ' }:a•,.,.:�.,y. <br /> „ + . ,: Leixler or I.endrrs agem an Lcixier:written dem•rnd to�hc tenant. <br />:,� ,,^� '�'' •� Bomower has no�t executeJ uny prior •r+.i�nmrm oP thc rent�und hn. nut vnd wdl n�a pedurm anp uct �hu� would <br /> °'. . prevent Lender from exemi�ing its right�under t�ii.Paragraph I6. <br /> � • . .. , Lender shafl not be tryuired to enler upm,lawe ccx�tml of or mpintuin ihc Properly bef��rc��r:�fter givin�notice of <br /> • . � ' brench to Bnm►wer. However,Lender or •r judici�lt} a�nssced r�ticiv�r may du�n at•rny lime tfxr�i,a hres►ch. Any <br /> ,,� � �° `. .; �• applicatiun of rcnlx shull not cure or w•aive unv defauf►�x in�:ilidale any otlxr right ar n:meJ�•ot'Lenci�r. Thi��..icar�rot <br /> *. t of renls of the f'n►peny�huU tertninute when Ihc dcbc x�:ur��i by thc Sc�uri�y In.trunknt i.puiJ in full. <br /> �r�r=�. <br /> ,� f .�y . <br /> � � , ., �i� �lwXt!u/�puRnl , <br /> . �.�.�'; '�a r-' . <br /> ,e•.!r_,r <br />. .. i _ U . . . . . <br /> l'� <br /> . � - . '�. ._. . .. .. _ __—__ . . . . ._. .-. —.. ...... .. _... <br />