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.. -_�-�,�. .— <br /> .. .•;r�i�:� a��r, � _ . :�•j :,�3�-,`„fx�;»�sy;,,,:.s .�.� _ <br /> ..�. �.fiLr�• . . . S!Al,�� , ,.. . ..�.:.i,;�:. . %v ° - . . .W :�'1.,.. <br /> _ �ujt �lti�..: <br /> . . . _ . . - . , � ; . °��`` . . '�".ir�.-` ._ <br /> °n?� <br /> : . _ <br /> . , <br /> . ,., �, . . . . , . _ <br /> _ . . . .__ ... ., . . .. . . .. . - <br /> , A <br /> . .� .� . �,�- . <br /> �� �� ,�, <br /> �, .. 1. dy�reln�or}r�r�,t.1�.�t+M+�Liia t'�r�w law�.�c e�A p.y Ma.i�.�I�t w��,wa i�M�w�c.: � :;. �::.- <br /> - ' . ���d��l�l�{i�Y����. �� a !� 'df :.. � ry,i� -.. <br /> � � ������� ,P����Iw����1.��,, �� il �?�'�ll:_%.. <br /> 10�1�N�f�1 1�0 �'�010��1�01�1��11�Q�Olb� �Ib E�IM�1��>���iA___�_�R�_+_� ... <br /> �OY�Of�D 60�011jf1d l�A�b10�FOpOA���1)��1��«�1�� � �7� <br /> �C��Op�M��01'�OOfOQM��y�jf�+' •_ :',� <br /> - �1 ap {q1l�l11lbl�0!�!!M �?�(�/)Illd(4)��QiMOd�YR�I 9����.MOIO�Mt�M /�I�O�b�Y �• , <br /> �—�.��--- ' ESi�iOiS�by �1 �1011M �R�11t la !l1�11M}111 � �dd�d01M� �M�M10! O�AOt A010 ill��� d l�IR <br /> - �d raaa���N11�ua�w1�aaur�t tor aid�ilem�bdl b�oannW�ed 6y IraMet wid�ip�patioa od�e � . . <br /> fi01Y1 bfJ�O!'O p�01'M00�60001110 d01�pQp0A1. ���AO�d ib0�OIr1U OO�IOCIOd�A Nlqt 1��►�0�(�� . <br /> (C)�0!!�1 b00qMe�O�U�11• <br /> . rr at m�►�me ab eoaa of the new by t�eeaer Lo�i�m.�.�.ro�•ud co���•�lm�e nMane�oatb�ly , <br /> p�ymarts far a�ck items p�y�bio a�priar a�he d�e`�dile.d�h itaru,exaaed�by miore�aaad�tb me <br /> at�nMed unowu M'p�ymenb required wp�y wch itad�wbea due.�nd if aa tbe Na10 no cmraM.ti�ea irender <br /> n <br /> �ei�er�fand Me euorsa ovar me�:izth of 1he�ed or t Iha axae�t ovu ano-si�qb af the�tod <br /> paY���Wl�U iry Boaow�a ou�he aptioa�8oeower. Ittbe wW o�We ptymeou m�de My Ba�rawa <br /> far ikw(�).NA a(c)is i�iatait w p�y tbe Ztaa wbeaduo.ti�ea Ba�rower�ull p�r w lra�der any�moant a�eoew�y to <br /> ta�o rp tha defiaie�aY oa a�befam tho due the itaq beooma due. <br /> ..�_—_ • AR rlbd�1���LAlldl�,�.�ECn.t�+"1110�t1{u10$OCICt�►Of��011i��Ulbr ��af� <br /> �I'1�yOK 10 ibC�AIM�GI'IIIUbIp�y i mOR�O�i1qYi110E�M IP�SOCIlf�►`M�1�y��� <br /> -- = . �ie�ci�de eid�er. (i)�n iaRaUa�a�t of tde �onwl mat�e inwr�ooe pte�i�m o0 6e paW b!►I�aWet�o tl�e <br /> - _ _ Seene�•ry,or(�i}a e�onddp clu�go in�le�d of a mo�tg�ye ia�un�a pemiaM If M�is Sec�nty I�mm�t it h�W ba►tLe <br /> ° - - - - - Secreu�y. Fxh om161y io�ulM�GOit af ihe�o�t�s�oe pmmium�bW be in�n aeom�t witicimt w rocurt�O tbo � <br /> _ _-----___-__�_- n � <br />:;; fnll�oawl matg�a bawraace pranium wttb L.a�da one manthp�a d�e d�o We.full aanudm�e i�o�araucoo <br /> .,r . � p�anivan ia due iiu t�e Saaes�uy,or if thla Socwity Instrumait i�dal�by tLe Sec�.e�ob nwnthly du�o t1u�U be io m <br /> -'•'� .�' �o�Jdt e9ual tP au�-twelflb d'ate-bdf penoem af the outetanding prbnc�pd balan�o due on the Nata. ,,� <br />_�N[.�:�., . It Bonoaeau���ets W Leoder Ihe fuU af all aans�curod by d�Sawily Gaurwnent,BamwerY�acoouat <br /> �'�, ,. .�s�11'6C aedlted wi�A tbe bwiwnoe trmeinina or dl.iaaalla�ts for i�ps(��.(p)wwd(c)and�u moAB�B'�� <br /> - u-}� <br /> �•n� �, Z4iUd11118U���111C111 ulit�I�r�iIS UO[bCC0111E O�I�fOd i0�11y f0 1�1C$067Elily.��.p1dC!WII p0111�y IC�{� <br /> � �c U <br /> - � �bx�ss fwds to Bonower. ImmnedliAtely prior to a fo�+eclos,�tie s�le uf the Ptaperty a iats ac icidau by Lr.r�det.Bo�x <br /> per <br /> �t�wD 6e crodited wid��b,imcx iemaining for�119n�allments for henu(i).(b) (a)• <br /> : � 3. A d'Paya�b. All p�ynua�ts wider Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be�pplial by I.aider s�folbwa: <br /> '-�..; • W the mortgage inruranoeprt��aam to be pdd by L.ea�der w the Secrdary o�to the monthly eharQe bY d�e <br />-- �,t, insoead of tde moMbly�ortga�e imaranoe promipm: <br />: ,.;� ��J�w any wces.special ass�tnautc.k�ehold payma�ta or�owid ronn.+wo►+�ne.flood aud otber lurard r <br /> ,,:. <br /> ij�f• �tl Yt�RK��11�C11�YI118.88roga 1fCd' , , , <br /> ___ m u�y�ese due undr.�11io Noto; �, <br />-.'��;. w of the prinoi�r+l af�he Note: . <br /> �"�•' i, �.w➢aaa c es due under the I�iaYe. �, <br /> _��-� 4. 2ve.FRoo�IJ aad Other Nazud la�aratx�e. Borrawex adaGi iaiseare-u.11 improvements on the Pmpe�ty.whcthp'iww <br />-�`; in exi�tence or subs�n dy ereeted,against any hezends,cnsua9��es,anfJ condngencies.including firc,for which I�ander <br />- .. , ,�,. �quires insurance. This inswanct shall 6e mainWnod in the amounts wM!or the periods ttwt Lender requires. Ba��wu _ <br /> shall�Iso inswe�Il impmvements on the Property.whether now in existemx or subsequeaUy enected.against loss b�v f�oads <br /> � ''����`'•�^�'� to the exta�t Rquired by the 6ecretary All insurance ahall be carried wit4+companiesappmved by I.t�der. 7Lo insorrance <br /> ' '��''�� �� policies �nd my�+anewaN� shap be held by I.onder and ahall include loss payabk clwses in favor of.wid (n a fotm <br /> ""��'�-''��'�� '� k to.Lender. - <br /> �-� s�t�'p:�i� . ' �bihe event of loss,Bar�ower shall give Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender may maice proof of loss if not <br /> ':'��"""�" '� ` ' 'f' made tl b Borrower. Each insu�unce cam concerned is hercb autlwrized und directed to make paymeat for - <br /> '�fi. .•',.�:�.t�. ,,�,�.fi p*�P Y Y P�� Y - <br /> ��,��.••� f� ,, such loss diretUy to Lender,instead of to Borrower un to Lendcr joindy. All or any patt of the insurence proc�eds may be <br /> ?.�;;.�,� , �pp lied 6y L.ender�at its optlon,either(u)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note artd this Secudry Instrument. _ <br /> ' .•'�v '�^�a; '�;;:� first w any delinqueni amoun�s applied in �Me order in Puragraph 3.and then ta prepayment of princiQal,or(b) to ihe <br />�„i.` ' ' �^!�.�� �� A reswration or ropoir of the damaged pmpetty. Any applicution of the proceals to the principal shall nd extend or postpone . . _ <br /> ;, .t�, the due dote af the manthly payments which are referred to in Pnmgn►ph 2,or change the sunount of such payments. Any <br /> �'� _� ����.•� exceas insurance roceeds over an amount uired to a s�10 autstandin mdebtedness under tha Note and t his S e c t u ity � <br /> , . : ;- ,�,:;�5 P re9 P Y B � - <br /> �y�'�' ' Insuument shall be aid to the entit le all entiQed thcreto, - <br /> `,'..,. ';�;i•.., P Y � Y - <br />- � �'�'' r�''�;�ti' In the event of foreclosure of this Security Instrumenl ar wher trnast'er of title to the Praperty thet extinguistu:� �he _ <br /> �';:, ��"�s�M1�) � indebtedness,aGG�ght,titl�and interew of Borrower in und to insur�nce policies in force shall puss to the purchaser. - <br /> '�-w�`'`",-.� }�.,,�,�� ,� .'., S. OccuqW+ncy, Preservation, Mainte�nnce and Protection of the Property; Horrower's Loan AppUeatloa; _ <br /> �� ��..y.14�,r i}�� •• n _ <br />- ^�� ��`r^' 1.eatiYhold�. Borrower shall occupy estnblish, and use the Pro�neny ua Borrower:s principal residance wilhin sixty days _ <br /> ,�'`-.�• �., <br /> '�'��.���J�. ` � after Ihe ex�cution of this Security Instrument und shall cominue to occupy the Propcny u.�Bornower�principal res�dence =- <br /> •`�f for ut leu9t onc year after the date af accupancy,unless the Secretary detertnines this reyuirement will cause undue hardship = <br /> ;�,i. ,�•.���:�:,.�' _ <br /> , for 8orrower,�or unless ex�enuuting circur�is�ances exi�t which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall notify <br />:` ,;•-',�� ",�, Lenders o�:u�}•ex�tenuating circumswnces. Borrower shall not commit waste or destroy,dwnage or substantially chonge -' <br /> �;,_ the Prapeny a allow�he Prope�ty to deterioratc,rcasonuble wear and teur excepted. Lendcr may mspect the Property if the =, <br /> _ `'.,��;J � Pirc�perty is vacant or abandoned or the lo�n is in defoult. Lender ma} take rea.onable action to protect nnd preserve such = <br /> pe <br /> � •,� . ,�;,:':,, vucant or nbandoned Propeny. Borrower shull also be io drfuuU if Boaower,durinr Ihe bun application proce�s,gave -. <br /> �. %1�S•);��y�;y;;i srt .�r� materiall� false or inaccuru�e informution or s�uteme�t• tn Lendcr �or f�iled to pm��ide Lender witti any matenul - <br /> � ;t•'�';.,r�"�t,,q;1,.; Informauon) in connectian with the loun evidenced by the���tr,ine�udinr;but not limited to,representalions car.�ccr�ning - <br /> ;., �_�•s'�,��,.,,,;f>,�., % Borrowers occupaney of the Ropeny u�a princip•rl retiidrnce. H'thi.Secuc�ty Instniment ix on a I�ra::�E�o1cl.BoROwrr shall _ <br /> • ��. .:�:: • ; .u�•.,�:� .. comply with U�e provisionx of the leuse. If Bc►rrow�r ucquire.fcc tide�o�he Pn,peny.Ihe Ic;�sehnl�and fee ti9f�t shall not _ <br /> � . , ,:..,,,.�s;°�,i;,".'%,'• be merged unless Lender agreea ro the merLee�in wrieing. - <br /> �•�'���''�"' 6. Clwrges to Borrower and Protectian of Lender's Rights in the PropeHy. Borrowe�sha0i puy ull Rovemmen�al - <br /> i ?;;:� ,� o = <br /> ���'.1 �.`.ti.:�>�':!� or munici al ch es,fine�and im sitions that are nw iacluded in Pura rr Borrower shall a �hese obli ations on - <br /> ,' �:'�' ,f��}iI"1��' •44,��, P � P� 8 Ph..• P Y g - <br /> r time directly Io the entity which i�owed the payme�it. It failure to p•ry would adversely affect Lender's inlere4t in the <br /> • �� !''�F`�t��•�4'����� n u I.ender's ues�Borrowersh�ll rom I furni,h�oLenderrecei �ti�videncin these ents. _ <br /> .. � � �,•yx�,,.u__:;_� . � Y• P°° n�l P P�Y P� ' F W}'m <br />_ �, ! ��.�.:,,•,f;:' . If Bomow-er 6aits to make these paymrnu or tlie p�yments reyuired by Nuagruph 2.or f�ils to perform uny other = <br /> _"�`• ����,a.'�t:.�• covenants end agreemems cauained in this Securiry In�rwnent,a therr is a legal proceeding�hat mH�s�gnificantly effect _ <br /> r. _�_ _�_ r....�...:,..... - <br /> �—�r�-�_- ,.. • ,.�.,- 1.t110Ef S I1gIHS 10 IIIC YfUpClt�r Islf�ll i15 Y�7fUCCCUn�g�o wiuuyi�j. �vP�vuucud�aiivu vP iu Cu�v:: '�M �,..�........,. _ <br /> tBen Lemier may do and p�y whutever is necescary tm p�rxcrt the ralue of the Propert�and Lende�'s�he Pr�npeny, _ <br /> ��. ,�� •:+'' :'�• ;,'� : iucluding payment of taxes,hazazd insurancc and ah�r iu:ms mentioned in Pnrugruph... <br /> • �`;��,.�.���� My nmounts disbursed by Lender under this P�ragraph shall becomr on adduwnal deM uf liarrower and be s�cured <br /> "•_ � , .. � by this Security Instrument. These umount��hnll bear intere�t from the dute of dixbunement.:u�hr Pk►ce r�te.and at th� _ <br /> - - ��,�'�f option of I.ender,shall be immediutcly due und p•ryuble. :. <br /> �A•''�F ''•�'�'�,'� 7. Coademnation. 'tl►e pruceeds of any uworcf ur rlwm fur dumagr.,direct or con`eyuentiul,in connectian with uny <br /> �"� ,.�;,, .,., ,. _ <br /> _ - �;�.�.•,; � ; eandemaotion or other wking oF any part of the i'roperty,or for conveyancr in pluce of crnxlemnation,are herehy us.iEned - <br /> ' � ' • and shall be paid to Lender to�he extent of the full urnoum of the indeMednr+s thut remainx unp•rid undcr the Note•rnd this <br /> � + • •'.�. �• Security Inswment. Lender shall apply such praeeds to the redurri►m��f the indebieJne.�under the Note und thi.Security - <br /> ' ' .., y- ,�;� lnswment. first to any delinquent ntnounts opplKd in the arder previded in Wmgraph �. und thcn lu pmpaymrnt nf <br /> , • principal. My epplicotion uf�he proreeds to U►e principal shalt nut extend or pe�,tpWU th�dur Ja�e ot the m�►nthly <br /> . ',�r <br /> r � . . .� .Yi:i..:� �r':, <br /> � i'...."�.�,5�.. <br /> •�;.. <br /> . IpuRt 2��I puRnl <br /> ±� �. _ . _ <br />