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<br /> � ' . 01.,_..,._. "_.U.�.
<br /> .r ' ;;o,p,,, � .�.'`e1ra�....-•-a,-.; ... ,.�--
<br /> M7,. +w. "- - ,_
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<br /> . _ . ,
<br /> � _�—
<br /> • c�---
<br /> _.. --.:
<br /> — --
<br /> _.uX- . � . .. . _ _-_
<br /> • µ.�' In! . -
<br /> l 4 �
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<br /> .. '{� ' - __ — ' ��'� --__ '_".
<br /> � � . • ��CiQaQ�� �"-
<br /> _ ��' �� • •�,c�..���.��.w....o�. g1...� 1025C � 91-� 10210J �� .
<br /> . �� , ' . ��►n.tw�.�mar.e�capl a IlmlNd bY njulutau I�rwd by tM S��IarY ia tht cw of p�ym�al�f�ulb.rpuu.
<br /> ij �,�ewaa�e v.m��m r�u or�u .��.�u�.ai br�ni. s����y��tinNn�u:
<br /> hl �►t ulred b �hu Srruri�y liutrunam prlor to or oa �.
<br /> . '�• ;� . r, ,., ,.� (i)BorroMer dehulta by tdlln�to p�y in tuU�ny monl Y p�Y� �1 !'
<br /> � � ••• �•�� • � the due date ot the next monthly paymenl,o�
<br /> ,� `'��� °1 :. (U)&�rtowe�c!efaula by i�liru,ior a period of�hl�iy d�y�,to pe►form�ny ahK oblipdon�connlmd In thii 9ecuri�y _ �„=;_''.--.--___.._
<br /> .-,,.��''~ • ltutrument. -�d
<br /> `
<br /> .. -, - � : : �--`'
<br /> _ _-. -._
<br /> ,, ,i=• . .., (b1 S�M WY►w�t Ce�edit App�or�l.l.ender�11�if pamiited bY�pplM�hie I�w�nd wqb the prar�pp�ov�al�he S�:nury� --
<br /> inm�rle pqrmert ia lWI of�II the am��ecurod by dits SxurilY I�wnunaM if: --
<br /> ��el,i:�%c:C;:�, ..
<br /> ,�i,�:;,. ', , . U)All or piut of 1he Pmpeny is alUerwl�e trnnatened laher tlun by devl�e er ����Bortower,wrd
<br /> , ; � . , ° (G)Tho P�open�r is not oocuplod by�he purchuar m�nnee iu hii ar her nxidenae,or ihe purchaKr ar �� _
<br /> ,�' �antoe doa so oocupy the Waperty but hb ar ha crodk fw nat been in�000�d��oe w�W�Iho toquiranaa+af the 3xmnry. ��_ ��. ,
<br /> :s;,� �t� .,.:. �:.Lx_:�-
<br /> t �_^
<br />�,_,;,, (e)No W�.If circumatanca occur thn would permh Lender to requfra immediate payment in full.but Lende�doe�not *�-°�+-- -
<br /> , S•, '� ; . y requiro auch paymenu. Lenda doa not waive ip ri4hu with rapecc to subsequent events. �`,,ti:..°� --
<br />�.,`..., � ��... _
<br /> (d)Rephtlor�ol HUD 8ecnurY.ln mwoy circwn�tances r�uladoas luued by the SecrcUuY will limit 4�nder's�iyhts,in
<br />�; .� `�� � � the aue of p�yment deiaults,to requf�e immediate p�yment in fuU and forecloae ii ao�paid.This SecudtY instrumeat doa
<br /> � �-�.--_ not wthoriu ualention o�foreclosure ii aot pe�mitted by n�uladoas oP the SecretuY. --
<br /> • .'•.y�- :.-- . . c::.-.:-- _-
<br /> , 1�'�`�.,',:'.., •.' 11. Reirla�� Borrowa ha w ri�ht to be reiastated lf Lender hu rcquired immediate payment in PuU because of �.�"�`:.° .--
<br /> � ,'��� ti' Borrowu's tailure to p�y+u�amouot duo uader the Note or this Sc+��udtY laswment•7'his�i4ht aPpiles even aite�foreclosurc ��`;,,���--�
<br /> tr�,,,,'- �urruwer shaU teakr in a lump sum a!!nmounu required to - --
<br /> �;,,,�'..,1f :. �,��.,-:� '. procadioas are iastiWted.To teiasu�te the Securl�y insuuarcat. �-_ - -
<br /> �;y�:_���� `f�� �_ . ' t" brla4 BoROwer'a account curant iaciudinR,to the exteat they are obli�adons of Bonower uader this Security Instrument, ,.�_
<br />. �)�s�;�`�t ,C4• • �`.� . , .� , fo�eclosu�e cosu �ad reuon�ble�nd customanr usiomeY�a fees and expenses PmPerly asaociated wlth ihe forcelosurc �.` .�Y:�.�:
<br /> � �r • �� ; �. �y� proceef��.U�tOQ rc111StAtG11lIIL by @�itOwli,this Security]natrument and the obUgations thu it secuca ahaD�emain in eifect as
<br /> '��« ` � if Lender bul aot reqaired lounedi�te PaYment in tull.Hawcver,Lender is aot required to permii rei�astatement if:Qi)Lender has ;,� ,r,.,�,,> -
<br /> �y'„° ,• �. ,.'�.-i�'., �t,
<br /> :�i"j s�;�; • •�.%,r4^i;c:.:° accepteu rtinsutemeat atte� the commencement of foreclosure proceedinas within two yeurs immediataly preceding t�he �„�.��,;.,, .:.,
<br /> ,��;;•. i r i�,.; �.tt.!s ,,..
<br /> � , ,�yj � '. . ,.j,;,,•;;.,,•,�, ¢ommemm�ent of a currmt ioralosure proeeeding, (ii)relnatatement will preclude foreclosure on diFferent Qrounds in ihe . � ��•'�.
<br /> •. � ' ;�r� � �,` t+ > futurc.ot(iii)reinst�tement wil!rdversely afiect the prioHty of the liea created by this Secu�ity lns�rument. ����.�=��
<br /> 1�! :�� ,��q�F��Y '� ��� ,� 1��•�,., ��:
<br /> i x,;:r�;,,t `
<br />`.�;;;i.` � ;�•' � .;•'h;�:,,.':` 11.Honower No�Reteaedi Fo�ie•n.ce By Lendu No�•wd�ea Extension of the time of payment or malification of .
<br /> �•�' �(�%••� •�°��::;�:��`� emortlzadon of the auma axured by this 3ecurity lnatrument granted by Lender to Any succesw�in interest of BortowGr shaU not ���'
<br /> ��,.:��. „`,•
<br /> , � �!�i`.•,�,•'� . �'.''��'�� aperate to releaso the liability of iha adginal Borcower or Borrower'a succasar fn intereat. Lender shall not be required to ,.--
<br /> •,: •:� '�"���.;
<br /> -�.r commence p�ocadin4s apain:t any successor in intereat or ntuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amoniz�tlon �>. ���''�.
<br /> ,. � oi the aums :ecured by thi�Secudty Imtrument by reason of any demand made by the oriQinal 8orrower or BonawePs �;'' ' '��j,'ti�r°:=```
<br /> � -- successors In intercst.�►ny Forbeu+nco by Lendet In exercisfna any rlYhi or remedY skal!aoc be e wei�ar�f or preclude ihe �:+.�..-_-,-..-;:!1.t��._
<br /> ' ' . ea�nciae of any dQht or rcmedy. y��� °-
<br /> , . .��.t� :
<br /> . . . ,. ,�..
<br /> ' �,.�••,�.,:•_-...:
<br /> ' � � 1t.8uccawn�ad A�a�Boa�di Jolat�od Seve�l W�6�Ity;Co•SiQaen.The covenunts aad agraments of this Security �� .s;; •
<br /> Inalrument ahall bind and benefit t4e successon and assigns of Lender and BoROwer,cubject to the provisiona of paragraph 9.b. �,��;�.''=
<br /> . � °� • Horcower'e covenRnt�iu►d aareementa shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co•signs this Security Instrument bw does -��:.`�,+,�"�:�'''
<br /> . r,� ;.�.,..::-�-
<br /> ' � . not eaecute the Note:(a)is co•sipninQ thi�Secu�ily lnstrornent only to mortauge,grant and con�ey thot Borrower s interest in �ti�,s,;____
<br /> , tha Property under the tertns of this Secudty Instrument;(b)Is not penonally obliBated ta pay the sums recured by thic Secu�ity , ,.:,,,,�.:, _,.
<br /> � ' Inttrument: and (c) aQrea that Lcnder and any othrr Borrower may agra to eatend, modify, forbear or make any �---'-__v_-.V,� '`'-
<br /> � ' Qaommodatioru with re�ard to�he term uf this Sccurity Instrument or the Note without that Ba�roK•er's consent. �.��.��_�.�--��•.•
<br /> . ��T'"-'-��-.;�
<br /> •� U.Not{ca.Any nwice to Bo�rower provided for in this Secu�ity Instrument shall bc Qiven by deliverina it or by maiUn it b � �,� � _
<br /> Q Y ^�'=;�.�
<br /> � Rnt cl�ss mdt unless�pplicable law requires use nf Another methad.The notice shall be direc�ed ro the Proper[y Address o�any .�f
<br /> • • other address Borcower�esiQnoces by notke to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to Lender's address .
<br /> ' a • , autod hercln or any odd�as 4e�de�dafgnata by nodce to Borrower.Any notice provided for in this Secudty Instrument ehaU =__^- ��
<br /> • • be damed to h�ve been�i�•en to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. L ;;:�;;"�
<br /> ' .:-.rr,,;�`r.�•:;;.'
<br /> ;,��! .. N.Gore�lo�I.�wt Sc�rw61N1�.T'his Security Insrromeat shall bc govemod by Federal law and the law of the judadiction in ���.,,.- �•-.--
<br /> ' whkh the Property is loc�ted.in�he evem that any provision or clause of this 5ecudly Inatrument or the Note wnflicts wfth ap- 'r`�'`^`xz-.P-
<br /> � �' plkable I�w, such conflict sh�ll not aftect other provisians of thfs Secu�i�y Instrument or the Note which cun be given effect
<br /> � � � without the conflictina provision.To this end the provislons ot this Security Imuumrnt and the Note are decUred to be ,.��.�
<br /> • , :a, . . sevaable. '' .��:�� --
<br /> '.. ,..:_,
<br /> 1S,Botrower'�Copy.Borrower shall be yi�•en one rnnformed ropy of this Security Instrument. �`w1r"���'J'"'•
<br /> , �r"`
<br /> . 'l. �/ . i �•�''C�A�:I ..
<br /> � '�,,�' � 16.A�u�e�t ot Reob.Borrower unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the tents and revenues of the Property. �:�
<br /> , u -h�,"''�'. _:� .-
<br /> ' � •• Borrower authodus Lender or Lender's agen�s to collect the rents and revenua and hereby direc�s each tena�t of the Property �• .�;;���,".•.;-
<br /> .�; ' " i, � to pay the renu to Lender or l.ender's agents.However.prior�o Lender's notice ta Borrower of Borrower's breach of any cuve- ° �:
<br /> ,.�� . mnt or agreement in the Security Instrumem,Horcower shall collect and receivt all rrn�s und revenucs of thc Propeny as trustee .�� :;�i;%;`:::
<br /> �� for the benetit oi Lend�r and Bortower.This assignmen�of rents constitutcs an obsolute axsf�{nment nnd not an assiQnment for � �':�`�• �.�
<br /> . ;`.��`�`� additiond aecudry only. � ',�:i,;,; •r';,
<br /> �:, : .:�:;j,;; • . . ;i�:
<br /> • •;,,,. ,� If I.ender giva notice of breach lo Borrower:(a)all rent s received by Bonower shall be held by Borrower as trustce for benefi� �';
<br /> ;•��: :�� of Lender onl�,to be applied�o the sums secured by the Security Instrument;(b)Lender shall be entitled to collect and reeefve all ;�
<br /> . "• ��;��:;'' oi the renla of the Aropetty:and Ic)each tenant of the Pr operty shall pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender or l.ender's agent ��
<br /> . ":�;,::..., ;� on Lender's written dem�nd to the tenont.
<br /> . '��'�' Botrawer has not executed any prior assignment oF Ihe rents and hns not and wlll not perform any uct that would prevent �
<br /> � Lender from eaercising fis rightc under�his paragreph 16.
<br /> • Lender shall not be required tu enter upon,take controt ot or malnto'.n the Propeny before or after gfving notice oi brcach to � .
<br /> . - • � Borcower.However,Lender or a ludicially appointed receiver may do so nt any tirne Ihere is e bteach.Any application of rents �
<br /> slull not cure or waise any defuuh or invalidate any otlier right or remed,v oi Lender,Thfc assignment oi rents of the Propeny
<br /> ; �� . shdl termfnnte when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is paid in full. ,
<br /> � .
<br /> �ii�.
<br />`•�:'. ' ;,1' .
<br /> _�. �1�'— '
<br /> , ,i�_ S��Y: .
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