;� »;` ; ' W:.1 1 �; M1 � �.. �;f �:. Lrj .� '.�,'�S�a�r�r+���t�,rr_vaa�i�J:..
<br /> ''t■ � , w..�.:. •i.� �- .. _— �_ .. ���
<br /> �9 MAR•'t . 1 :11t1%r�V�1.'�aY.4>H��ar�i�lt�trrc7 . ': �yy�. •d.r. .��.`} }irp�� r7 ``.�- .�_.,_� - __ _=
<br /> �• �' �,:��✓� -
<br /> - - i�:.' ..nu-�.1r- .�.�._.�a,..cv� . � . .,W,�, ' -- -- .. -_ -� ---
<br /> .. '�..����. ' _ � ' . . „��i:_-_
<br /> � _ _....
<br /> . ,x...3c' .. . . _ _
<br /> ,. � - - �.� --- —_- - � :___.
<br /> ' RE-RECORpEO �
<br /> .. �, 91-- 10256? 91-�tQ21Q5
<br /> I � 1.My�1 of r�1�eIM1�bt�nw�I�t�Clam.8°n°'��11 WY when dw tM principal oP,u�d Inure�l on.the d�b�
<br /> ,- ,: �v�dmGd by�h�Na��ad lu�chvia dw undsr�be Na•.
<br /> ``:.�:.x•:::.�� to{dher w{th
<br /> °, , , ? 3.MaNY1�P� N W TuM,la�rara��aM�C�iw'B�rawer�h�ll includa In erch monthly p�ymen�.
<br /> a
<br /> •�� 1M�ptl�clpd Interest u�et tonh In the Note Rr+d�nY u�e ch�r�s�,�n innatlment of any(a)taah and cpeciol u�amem�
<br /> ,�` � ���� �ovMd or to b�kvbd�pin�t�he Propeny. (b)kauhold p�yments or�round rmu oe the Propany, rnd (c) premiums for -
<br /> ' __- - fmurann requind hy Para�nph�1. _
<br /> `�,� �� Gch monthly ItuWlmait for item�(�h Ib)�nd Ic)�hdl equd one-twelfth o(the mnuat amaunu.w reuonpbly estlm�ted by �����;
<br /> L,ender,plu��n unount�ufficient ta m�IntNn an uldltion�l bd�nce af not more th�n one•�i�th of tbe eitlm�ted amounis.7he ,
<br /> f full uuiwl�mount for e�ch item�h�ll be�ccumuuted by I.ender within �period endi�g one month befo�e�n item would
<br /> F; beooma delioqumt.Lender�all hold tho unounu eollxted In truat to p�y item�(�),(b)and(c)bafore thay become delfnquml. ___-_�-- ---
<br />�' � �' • It at any time the total of the p�ymena heid by Lcnder Por ltems(a),(b).and(c),to�ether wlth the future monthly paymenla -
<br /> y, for euch items ptyable to Leader p�ior to the due dates of such item�,excad�by moro than one•sfxth the eatimated amoum of �L. _u____
<br /> paycaeau required to p�y such i�ems when dua.and if ppymena on the Note a�e cuRent,then Lender shall dtber refund the ��:��:���z
<br /> excas ovtr one•sixYh ot the estimaced poYments or credit the exces�over one•sixth of the atimated paymenl�to:ubsequent � �� ����.•-_ .::.s*.;.,�..,.
<br /> � ` p�ymnents by Bortawer,�t the option of Borrower.ii'the toul oi the poyments made by Horcower for item(A),(b),or(c)is +,
<br /> insuffldmt to p�y tAe it�nn whea due,�ea Borrower s1u�U p�Y to Leader�ny amount neces�ary to m�ke up che defickncy op ar ---- -
<br /> ';.� � ',;,4, • __ beforc tAe dRte the item becoma due. � _,.`��,,,��-
<br /> . ` �'�°-. As usu! In this Sacsssity lnstrument, "5ccrctary" meana the Secretary of Housina And U�b�n Development o�his or he� '°"` _
<br /> � �� :i;'..�."';>°. `:���'{',; dealanee.Moat Securlty Insuumenu insured by the Secretary sue insured under prog�ams wh�ch rcquue Advana payment oi 1hr ,� --..
<br /> endre mort�e inaurAna premium.!P this Secudty Instrument is or was insured under a proQram which did�ot�equlre advance �`rx�q�_���
<br /> • • -'� '�5�;it;_-'!;�a;�"r3L�,��i. payment of the entire monga�e inaurance premium,then each monthly p�ymont shall also artecludeeither:N1 an instalUneM of the �=-----
<br /> �:��T�.`s s,,,.,
<br /> ." , " ;,i;:`;:,�r' annual monQage in�ur�nce premium to be pid by Lender ro the Secretary,or(ii)a momhiy charge instead of a mortgaae •,,t.x��,,,
<br /> •''""� ''•'' ', infurance premlum it this Secudty Instrument ia held by the Secrctuy.Bach monthly instaUment ot"c�►e mortgaBe insurance • ;Y
<br /> _�;;;s����.`'.';"t..;r�� �
<br /> .���..•• • p�emium shaU be in an amou�t sufficient to accumulate the iuU an.mal mort4a�e insurance premium with Lender one momh �,,,,,.. _
<br /> '��,,�.:����..... � ..,._ lS:.._
<br /> �'•;�•^•F;. :` ,�rior to the date the full anr+ual moRBaYe insurnnce premium is due to the Secretery,or i f t�is Sceurity Instrument is held by the •....
<br /> ,,,,;.'�(��1;:•�::�;•:oy:.;�, Secrctwy, eACh mopthly ciwr�e�hrll be in An amount equal to one•twelfth of one-haf P percent ai the ou[standin�prnncipal '.� :,,':';;�,i�.r�_-
<br /> ` '.`,.;."�.;fi:r'�•�� bafance due on the Note. ';�' •:;.�� _
<br /> ��,,�•��.i..:, , ,�?y;,...':. ";�"��;.=-:
<br /> r " �.`s'�� r " ent of aU sums aecured by this Secudty lnatrument, Borrower s account shstll be
<br /> � '� -:�i�•: , if Borrawer tendera to Lender the full paym
<br /> r..� � 'c•"• , credited wlth the bplance remainin4 for all insta0ments Por itema(a), (b)and(c) and any mongage inaurance premium ;,.��';
<br /> �.• ".;t•�,,:.:-. �•t .. ,,4,,•.-�;
<br /> , ,,,;,;,:,f instaUment that Lender has not become obliQated to pay to the Secretarp,and Lender shell promptly refund any excess funds to , ,tt��::=M
<br /> • '� �,��`::��:>„ �&orrawer• lmmedlately prior to a forecbsure sale of the Property or 1ts acquisitbo by Lenda, Bonower':account studl be �,+�.}�i�:�-:
<br /> 'r:�::••. ''�1` b �u►d c :�`�� '
<br /> fi';,r;
<br /> � � �"y� credlted with anY balunca remuinln�ior dl i�ut�llmenu for items(x),O O• �r;:'.;;....;;=.
<br /> �.;��Ci•:�_;�fL . ��S`;•.:"__r'.:-:T�.
<br /> '�`' `t ;`�,v��,� . 3.AppfienUop at P��menv. All payments under paraQrnphs 1 and 2�4�aDl be applkd by 4endcr as follows: •�;r.�;;�{.,: �
<br /> 1 �,.�, •, f � '' . t�'•'.:�..� �.:
<br /> ��:n,�_.=_ id hy Lender to ihe Secrstary or to the monthly charge by the Secretary • ,;;
<br /> ,,.�n.�,{;i�,— -... : Fj$$j, to ihe martg�gt insuranc=prtmium tr be� ��:s--.-,�•-:��;;•.-
<br /> ' :��'r'�':'j�'.�l�, • instead o�the monthly mongage inaurance prcmium,unks�Borrower paid Ihe entire mortQaBe insurance premium when this f--�-�.-�jy,'--�-ln�;_,s. e
<br /> •,''''' � :���;;• , Sscurity In�trument waa aigned: '�` -
<br /> ' ,1•�.. , +`>.:
<br /> � �,:, • �;CON�,to any tsuia,special asus:ment:.leaaehold paymmu or�round renta,and firc,flood and other htuard iasurance y,,;..: �_��.,;�-�
<br /> ,. . premfums,as required: '��'�.�. �; �.
<br /> • r - . .. m ±e' r��' r�-;;�.
<br /> .y�3'�••:*.�.
<br /> i; , . . �g�,to interat due under the Note: . �-.�ti-��,�:�'�`
<br /> . • OURT ,to amortizntion of the principal of the Note; �; ��'.r �+�
<br /> �.to late charQa due under the Note. ,t•y�,;�;r;'_�:�'s►�
<br /> '•�... :�n��-
<br /> ' �,Fire.Flood wd OUier H�sud I�wn�ce.Borrewer:hall insure aU improvements on the Propeny,whethe�now in existence „� . .. . . � -
<br /> or subsequently erected,a�inst any hazarda,casualtia,and contingencfa,includfng fire.fot which Lender requira insurona. ��
<br /> � This insurance shall be maintalned in the amounta and for the period� that Lender requires. Borrower sh�ll also insurc all � . . ;�.
<br /> '� improvements on the Propeny.whether now in exiatence or subsequently erceted,aea►eac loss by flood�to the eztent required by
<br /> < ' the Secretary.A!1 insurance shall be carried with companfes appcoved by Lender.The inaurance pollcies and any renewals shall 'y.�r�
<br /> be held by Lender and:hall include bss paYable clau:es fn favor af,and in a form occeptable to,Lende�. � � � �T�� -_
<br /> - 6 . . '' . , ', ...
<br /> S. � � � In the event of loss.Borrower shall give Lender immediate notice by mafl.Lender may make proof of loss if not msde prompt- 1 w , �
<br /> ' iy by Borrower.Each in:urance company concerned is hereby authodzed and dirated to make payment for such lots directly to • `�.�_
<br /> ,� Lender,instead of to Borrower and to Lender joinUy.All or eny pan oi the incurance p�oe e e ds may b e a p plied b y Lender,at ita ` ;,.�:,...,=
<br /> � option,either(a)to the�eductfon of the indebtedness under the Note end thia Security Instroment, 8rst to eny ddinquant 1 't,�...•'
<br /> ; ., . ' amouata app8ed in the arder in Par�graph 3, and then to prepayment of principal,or(b)to the restoration or repalr of the I
<br /> � ' daina�ed property.Any application oF the proceeds to ihe principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly
<br /> ' ��� �� payments which are referred t�In Paragraph 2.or change the amount of such payments.Any excess insurance p�oceeds over an i
<br /> amoent ttquired to pay ail outaiandlnQ indeb�edness undeT the Note and thia Secudty lnstrument shall be psid to tha entity le�el•
<br /> ' ,'.?,i,��: . ly rndtkd ihereto. � " �
<br /> � ,���t;::, i, ,.,....:,�.�...�:.
<br /> ' ,',��•' � ,�.tiit,�r?'�, „. • In the ev�nt oi foreclosure of this Security Instrumene or other transfer ot dtle to the Property that extinguishes che fm I ,'�%•�•�+���
<br /> ' �'�°, �'' , i•• ' �,�,; • � 1 debtedness,all riyht, title and imeaest of Bonower in and to insurance policies in force shall pass to the purchaser. I ' , , ��
<br /> '3�.. ,.'.
<br /> ` . ;;:�`���.r
<br /> , �,t. ;": • •�S�7�; t i . i.,'..
<br /> � �'t�,�4t,r•�• S. Praer��doo�ad M�iatee�uce of the Property. 4easeAolds.Borrower �h�ll not commit waste or datroy,damage or
<br /> .;r•c,;�,a,�
<br /> , �;:;, , �_, �, substot►tiaUy chnnge the Propeny or allow the Propeny to deteriorate,reaaonable wear nnd tear excepted. Lender may inspect � �r� •
<br /> '';�`t;;:,,�•� the property ft the property i;vacant or abandoned or the loan is in default.Lender may take reasonable nction to pro•cect and .
<br />� •��� . preserve such vacant or abanJoned propety.lf this 5ecurity lnstrument is on a leasehol�l.Borrower shall comply with�the provi-
<br /> ,,�� . . , �,
<br /> eions oi the Aease.If BorroweT acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehold and ke title shall not be metged uaiess ➢.ender
<br /> : �� ' aQrees to the merser in writinp. � ,
<br /> y _ .
<br /> 6,CY�r�a lo Borrowtt�a�ProtecUos of LeadePe Rl��b le 16e Properry.Bonowe�shall pay all governmenaa�or mnnicipal
<br /> char4a.8nes and impoeia�oms ihat are not included in Paragraph 2.Bonower shotl pAy thae obligations on time c�irec8y to the �
<br /> eatity whkh is owed tho pavment. if failure to pay wou+�adversely affect Lender's interest in the Property,upon Leneter's re- I,.• �
<br /> quest Bortower shall promptly furnish to l.ender receipte evidencing thae payments. � ;.
<br /> � It Botrower fails to make these payments or the pnymen�s requirtd by Paragraph 2,or fails to perfotm any other covenants and .
<br /> � egreemems contained in thfs Security Instrument,or there is a(egal proceeding that rnay signiGcanNy affect Lender's rights in •
<br /> the Property(such as a Droceeding in bankruptcy,for condemnation or to enforce luws or regulationsl,then Lender may do and
<br /> � � � pay whatever is naessuy co protect the vulue of the Propeny and Lender's right:in the Propeny,including payment of�axes, :
<br /> �"_�i__..�....��...�..�1..� :��mc m�nlinned itt P�f�1aJaOh Z. .
<br /> _'. _�_".... . �I�f.r�Y���a��M���«.�..�..�. ..�... •
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by lender under�his Puagraph shall become an additfonal dcbt ot Borrower�nd be secured by this ' •
<br /> Sec�nty �nswment, These amounts shal!6ear incerese from tAe dace ot disbursement.at the i`ote raee,and at the op�ion of •. � •:
<br /> Lender. sRall be immediately due and paY+tr{e. •
<br /> �,ro�e�pti�.The peoceeQs of any award or ctaim Yor dnmages.direct ar conseqv,ential,in connecunn wirh;uiv candem-
<br /> nation ot other tal�irtg oP:u�y part o[tha Propeny.or for convoy�nu in plate otcaRdemnuion.zre hereby ace�gned and�hal{be ,
<br /> paid to Lender to the excent oC cht full amouet of�he:ndebtedness rhac remues unpa�unda'rhe Ivcxe and this Secuticy lns�ru-
<br /> men�.Lender shall apply wch pr�x:eedv�o the reduction oi the�nGebtc+daass under the Note�nd chn 5ecurity Instrument.Cirsc�o
<br /> any deGnquent amounes appiied in che urder provfded in Puagr�ph 1,and then ro prepayment ol'rrincipal.Any nppGcation ol'
<br /> the pro¢eeds to the pnncirial shall no�extend or postpone the due date oi the monthly paymencs, uhi�h are re(erred to in
<br /> para�raph 2,or chanpe rha arnount uf such paymmts.Any excess procecds over an amount required to pay all owetanding in-
<br /> ' debtctlntu undcr the Note and this Security Instrumer+r tihall be paid tn the enti�y IeQally entitled thereto.
<br /> ' • i.fees.Lmder msy cdle�t fce�nnd rharga auihoriied by the SectetarY.
<br /> . Po�tt 2 ul�
<br />