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.� . ., "8 `.o� - �.:c�----- , •--" ..' ..�,,,:-!� ' .. . ' �,r2,�1,.�,ft`,7" .lT., .'Ei'; ..�'f4;,�.'v,--' �r --- _�. <br /> .._ ..a. �.�r.: �� .n.. �V • •f � . - <br /> - -- _ .. . __ —. —_ �' . . _ .. . ,_ - , j: _ ._ .srt .. � ` .°, ' . �_'_— __ .'_.' ' �, ' : .i-, � _ <br /> . ��IM�,�y,r�4 (�ao� pa�rl�b��t�Y M, �� .�;° <br /> ��rMidi�11�ot 1w tM�byr�����1[t�arrow�hiM 1a�r�i�aw�i�v d�d�is�.�MAqr�• - <br /> . . ., l�ir +eN3o�;���61�co��p qMKMe�I �Wi�lf� M�oo�1 pM�np�7. . ' ' �- <br /> - , �i�wt�l'policies Md 1wwd��11 ba b I��afe�1 rirq i�IMdd N�1a� e1w�R. �.�M�r �"�;- <br /> � <br /> � ,. �)�Il1h(Mf' l!I�MI{��0��C�O/�Ia1f0VV�1��/�tqR.�1►MIR.l���f�M1l�l���V010 � r��iMO��b �` <br /> . , piw�iw�i��l��1 aedoe.. rtp�aw�db...Baea�wr�a6i�ire pq�.a�c aadoe aN»iwt�nrb�nMn ww <br /> , • <br /> - --� � . Y��iorr�� +�iospoufdioMi��otw�N�w�iy Aa�rN: : , : ' � <br /> .. <br /> -_��'.��T . .tfi�1��L�de�i�nd 9arora�r�i�r1n�ee�b wrkinj.� po �1 b�ippiled lo rwlo�oim ar wp�a� _ <br /> ���ry d�od,N rNe�ar�ontinn� r�p ia aoo�wa►k+�Uj►,tewabie�l.epderk soaaity i�nat IeMa�aA. ft IMa <br /> ar b oot 000noqaic�Uy fe�la a Y,�nderi��earity w�odld be I�ar�oa�he hwanoe pooad��b�U be <br /> �ppiiel�o d�s�u aecarod by d�is l�ecadty InwaanwM. w�hal�er ar�wt�d�e.wilb�ay esa��p�id b 8a�. It <br /> BanaYer�brndonr the doe�aa�raw�wbhin 30.d�y��mdoe f��awlar th�t�he inaa�ooe c�nMr Y� <br /> of�'erad eo�e�fia a cWm�d�en Ireixlcr nwy ao8ect dre fiwranoe pwooeeds. l.�der msy u�e p�ooeeM�to r�e�ir�� ' <br /> dis oa�e i��ar�w�ans a�d by tbi�6eakity(n�aumatt,wNWwr arnot thea dna, The wiii <br /> . Unhu�a�dor�ad Baaower alba�vi�o�pve in pritb�.aay Ic�Naa af pnocaeik to pti�cipd�YY�ot eauie�id ar <br /> ik <br /> � po�one da due d�te oP tbe�wah1Y P�Y�tefa�d,la in 1 ia�d 2 or c6wp�a�o�t d Qra K <br /> h�om b t11e Phape�tY�p o�r���iuio��i��ll�l�be�r ��soa�od�.Sac�ieiq . <br /> , <br /> -= - <br /> O�'�'�"'� __�tM��� d �4�!ss�ma�,i l�ra l�A� �er� !.� � - _: .. .•.. <br /> - tMe e�e�tiaa��5aa�riry��rbal!aoatimo�y��p�p��py��W raoidear,+e�w�ihia�i �a�ier ` , <br /> le�t ara year afpx tbe dMe of ooap�a�cy. uqle�c I�dec c�diawise �s 8aro+�a�p�iaClp�l t+�oe far M <br /> �roat in •rwiAii�, N�fi caeseat �all poi be <br /> _= ua�onsbly wld�eld,or ualas ex�auatL�circua�sta�ocs eklst vvQ�ich are beyond 8ano�reil�caotnol. Ba�w�er�6tU uot <br /> ' oouW <br /> ra�ult in farfeipue of tbe P�opaty ar aU�awisa mate�ially Imparr tbe bea c�aoed by thh Seairity Irotruntait a <br /> _ ��- �. <br /> I.ea�dah securiry inoaest. Bamwm�may cune such�dehwlt md rei�ua� povlded�pvag�Qb IQ bY�drc+�c�im <br /> =��:�;,9,��;t�,xr�:�,� ur prooeeNng to bc dismisied with a adia�1lal.i�Lender��ood fauh de�ermiaatioo.pecluda farfeilnns d diie Baa�aw�alt <br /> _— �_�;��fi•�P, ia��p ia the Ptopaty or ad�er material imp�inomt ot tite lia�G+e�ted by this Sec�uity Yastnataeat a� l.endah ractteity <br /> --=-`_-- intc-�t. Bo�mwcr �6aU also be in defwlR if Bonowa, dwing the lom �ppl�ation Pboas. pve a�oeri�NY fati�e or <br /> .�'s. � ' inwcan�te iafamu�an or�tm�e�w l.cnder lor fiiled to provide I.enda wiW any m�uerial iaf'omnt�vn)in oanuectian+ait6 <br /> . �: . tho lan evldarccd the Nate. includin . <br /> --:�;= � by � hut na limited w. �paaw[jonc ea�odnia� Bon'uw'er�i 4ocuqpcY af tbo <br /> --.- _ <br /> .�. � � as a pru�clpql�esi4eace. If this Serudry lnsaumenr la on a le�set�old.BaROwer slup oompiy wilh�Il d�o ix!qviiian <br /> ���r�, ' �the m�e.�g r n�g�ires fee titk ro dte Nrope�ty.�tre leasdioW and the fee dde:hall�oc wa�e uNas l.ead�r�p�eea <br /> ='�.� Z P�rotectiod o�l.ender's Rigbts lA tbe Property. If Bormwer fails to pe�farta 1be oovawas wd�noanaws <br /> .f;;'� aonaiped in this Security Insuumcnt, or U� is a leg�l proceeding�hat m�Y sigaifica�uly affact r.eader�s rights iu d�e • <br /> m <br /> °�ir � Propeny Csuch as a proceeding in bankruptcy,pmQ�ane. far condemnsuio�v�fc�l'eiturc or to enforoe laan or�egul�tioos).tha� <br /> .,='" Lendn�rwy do and pay for whatever is necessury to ptotect the value of dk;Prnpnty w�d L,en�ler� rights in tbe PtopMy. �� ,•�. <br /> : �. � Lerwkr'c s�ctions may include paying ony awns secwed by a lieo which hu.9 ptiaity over this Security I�trw�N,appea�ing <br /> : in cau�t,paying m.asonable anorneys'feev and entering an �h�r Property to mWce mp�irs.Althou�d Laider may ulce aaiou <br /> ` ;F:• under ibis pa�aF�aph 7.Lender daes not huve ta do so. <br /> ' My amountc disbursed by Lender under nhis puragruph 7 slu+ll become additianal debt of Bormwer securod by this <br /> �+' Securiry Instrument. Unlesc Borrower and Lender agree to other temis of payment,these nmounts shall bear interost from the <br /> r '� date uf disbursement at Ihe Note rsNC and shnll be payable. with inte�t.upon notice fmm t.en�kr w Bor�ower neqpettin� <br />:-�' �. ,� �� ;'; p�ymrnt, <br />,.���z . � " ,'��,�ti,t 8. Mortgage Insu�nce. If Lender required mortgage i��urunce as n condidon of making the losn securcd by this <br /> � ,� _ Securiq Insuument.Bortower sha11 pay thr piemiums required [o maintaln the mortgage insumnce in effoc� !f. for any <br /> :;;'.1.� . � reasan,the matgttge insurance coverage reyuioed by I.ender lapses or cc:�ser a be in affect. Banower shalt pay the <br /> ?�' • �'y. '" premiums required to oMain rovernge sulxtantiaily equivalent to the mort�age insursuke previousOi in ePfect, at a cost <br />''�'� ' .."`iJ�'y� .,� ;x , substantially equivulent ta the cost to Burrower uf Ihe murtgage insurunce pmviously in effect,from un olternate tapRgage <br />, ,;; v� �.. •��.:�r,. PP�'� Y Y e4 S € � �aY to <br /> ;.•,�+•�.=;f.�:,,t,,t. . , insu�era ved b Lender. 10'eubstuntiall wvuknt mort u e insumnce covern e is nat availeble. Bomower shall <br /> _ : �„-v�".�s��" �4�"�' •Lender each month n sum eyua9 au one-twelph of the yeurly mongage insurance pt+emi�am t+eing puid by Bo�ower W�htn the <br /> •�'� ,,;, ' °'.jJ" • �instarance coverage Isp.sed or ceased to bc in effect. LenJer will accept,use and re�uin these payments sis a loss reserve in lieu <br />�.`•.��,�,:' ` -,•�Rti.i �. L7,.. <br /> , , ,•,' � r "�,• ..:_� of�rnlgage io�ut�ce. Loss reserve paymen4�ms�y no longer be reyuired, at�he option of L.ender, if mongage insurance <br /> � ,;;� �i ..,.. r�-.,.. 1,,. <br />, �;, ' { �',�:ly;?����;, , cavernge (in th�am�u�et and for the perial�hai Lendcr rcyuircsl provideai by an insurer opproved by Lcnder again becomes <br /> ,, ,�,,;, J{t� avad➢a61e and is obtuieed.Borr��wer shull pay the pnemiumc nquired to m�lntain mortguge insurunce in effect,or to provide a <br /> ��~ �.� ^' f��;���al•s„.':•' loss reserve.until Ihe myuirrment for mortgage imurance nccordunce with nny written ugreement between�rower <br />!- t . • .tti ;�;+i, !°�!,�:;�� � ••. �rui fl.enderorupplicvble lau. _ <br />"fL� `�3�'��:+�s�:i:; 9. Inspectton. Lendar or in u@ent muy mnk��n•:�.nnohle rnlrie+u�on ;md in�pcctions ot thc�'roperty. Lctulcr sha!! <br />_ ' ;.,;:a�;,��,��,:`"-_, pive Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an in.pection�perifying mu�onuble c:�u,e tor th�in.r�rctnrt►n. -- <br /> !►F�-'�- 11. Condemrwtbn. The proceed,uf any awunl ur rlaim fi>r Jums�gr+,dircct or c�nsequenUal,iq�connection•wilh any <br /> ti.� � �.�';,"%A�,1}JVr <br />_ .'`. ,ti,�';7"4�:�C.�''� 5inek F�a�ily..Fonnk A1aeiPYeddIQ�1rc 1'�lIF1llt�t l�iy1'ItUbf�1T••l fovenanh 9/90 IpuYr?nt'n�agrsi — <br /> ., ,��s:,;;:h�{!`r, — <br /> - J. <br /> ,�' '•t•tfr�.;i�;•�����', Girw Wee�►�a hc.■ <br />�: '.c�,`��. ro aar c�u !�ooa'w�o�'iyt ew�e�•��ai <br />�-Fl�rl�,'v?1 �', . `j.'F .• ,�` � —�. <br /> �.l'. � .`.t , <br /> -T. ti.' ,��. , , _'. �.-���y� ..t.F �� A �-. <br /> • � � � ,1'�f�W�}.��,�lp`�^" (` ' .�RwF'"n5','�y, �(e y' Ji. — <br /> �' �l � ' . _ " �1 / • . �• ;� 1•1 t - f�}},�tY`,�a'i`•71A�73�io-�,t��-�.��...-....-_,. <br /> �-� �-+�,' l{ E <br /> MS�_' � ti� 1 .i '�y'�fiS_':.�;.�i�_.W:=•r! __ _ _ .�i�,•, .,1. �4�a:.:i.f1'.�1.�!i,!_.Y.a��.i^.:�.•il' �,• •:{JS �.4.i 3..�_tLh'` M�'#. � A�..�-, _ <br /> ,�,� _,� . , . _ . __ _". .:_ . Ir ! _ '_ ' .i F-y "';�r�,'�.•.r•. .�Tf �t`Ta--"` .,p: . _ . <br /> ,F ��—i�— • , , , ��', � _ �r.. 2 3.. r..l �ro , � , S t,�� �;� �,�,x,a�� -- <br /> '� , i+. .. ti� ���t't'�,FI?�i � i��/� )+{};,��k,'�, . - <br /> 1 I'.1• . . 1jf. ..X"�t ,���{•(�fW�i!:rei•.�.��YJi3��}_ �.r <br /> _ _ �+� �S-. '1. ' • ._ �.. . . .� .. . .; . . _ . .., . ^'�I.LTiu:���!..r.�y.t.., .\it�' `- <br /> ' ; . . . . • . , -[' <br /> �t.� � � 1•�� . :La' y L��- r.`� `5- �;:1..��. <br /> ���` ���,�'`,�.�.��*`jr, . , . . , . . � ' ' ' , t��,,. <br /> M, ��ti;�.:i .�.F. � �„ .. � �'t� � . . , � . -. .t . ..) ,`7• ' . . <br /> _.i:� ' . Yr . , � � .. . , , .. . � ' .. ' . <br /> • � '\�� ., . , . . . . ?:. ,.r• . . � . <br /> 1 ' �. � " •�i. ' . � ' „ ,� + i;4 ' ' ' '��i . ;.." ' ' � , <br />� . :�,�± �' • , � . . . . • • - =1�. ''��r/"�-�R �`�' , • - , <br /> i . ,n� - � �:� .. � , . . �" �� . <br /> � vr� . � . �. ` i . t , . <br /> �` .. .^. --' . 1� : . ' �' , • . . . . .�.y . . <br /> ,, �. . � <br />