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. .__ ----���.�J. __ . - .. <br /> � . .. �.�'�:�j. .. -----T--�..�. . A` -..----�.-.- -_':�--'n.'r,,,=. <br /> a,gO � � �-,. � ' " • � . .. , .. .,. . '9!o�i'• -. . ' ,y,•� . . . 11�R �-S�' . ��-°. - <br /> _',�. .fi�sn�r�l'1. �. . - ' - . , _ . .. - .. , � .!�-__- <br /> . . , n� ---- , ---.. . - , ' � ' ,. - <br /> __ ��� ,JO�Wl'['H�U d10 i�l�l�oD��!O['...�....!,llqt�lpd a111r0 pif�l�l0lty�` �11 ��, .' ., <br /> � , t'�1�3�E/�OM 1M'MO10�1141!!'�pr10�1�0 pM�ty: �AQ � �� . ���� ; ^, ._.�' <br /> � l��. Ail of da taeroi�i��ed a,r dri� ll�nn►aelt r the��'��Irap�.tY. . �� 4,� <br /> � B O R R O W B R O a V�1 1 1 M'9 d w i l B o n o�e r W M�w�ll y aehred d the�ale h a�b�r ao�vaYed�atl bMt tht d�ht io p�t ... <br /> - -_— e----- �AI d�fii p�e�liy q�titls�1'rop��t��isd�da�wdi.M�ot b aq�e�o�nbrrwa of nooiw�� ,., <br /> ,-,_._._.AV..__ 7HIS SF�CiJRIy'Y tNSTRTJMBN7'co�biaca u�aifa�oa covia�at�fat aWaaal tue nnd naaanttann aovaMne�wi�M , ,... - <br /> lidled v�ioa 6y jlai�dicNai m oorodwta a uqit�ann�aMity i�aanaM oa�ai�►�rod Pop�nq►• . . <br /> i1Mt+URM DOYBNAN'I'S. BatawMe+'wd Lemde�cc++an�nt and�es as tolksai: <br /> L ��wat d Percipd a�d 1M�w'�l+r�lAf��M L�� �ON'0�'�11 p�ompMly P�Y w►b�o dus Ha <br /> piacip�l af�ad i�a�t ou tde Qobt avitf�noed by We I�Tale�d r4y p�y�t and I�tc chu�e�due nnda d�e Nata ' <br /> 1 �!br 7M�es d Iwa�.Sublect wa� I�w a�to a wriurn w�iver by I.ender.Banawer�11 p�y to <br /> Iloder ao d�e d�y monthly p�yma�Mee due aa�tlre Tfooe�.,w�il dia Note i�p�id in(Ydl.a am l"l�wbs')tar:(s)yaify <br /> qu4a�ed�whicb a�y al�n arra W4�iecwitY la�nmaa at�lien aa tho Pru�a�:(r)�aa�1er�e#oW <br /> pYme�lte ar pow�d aa We P�ty��o�;(c)y�ae�Y �a' ProP�Y�oe pe�i� (dl fload <br /> tpu��oe p�u.if mjr, (e) Yariy� inoArroe pe�.if aay:�nd(fl�D►�p�!►+� 69�'�'1D � <br /> Ifiida.ia�000idnoe w+�h die�ovuiom of pn�nipb f�.i liau of�he papsat d m�ortjA�c fi�ooe pren�us�. 71rc�e <br /> itaas�callad"Fx�ow I1ant. Laidcr mnr.�apy t�io0.ooaor.t d boW�u�n�w�rnt nut q e�oa�od d�e aaaxl�s <br /> _=-. aaonat a{ar�ier far a[ede�ally alated mal�e lari�y rarui�e for Bamowat ewow a000�t�ut0der tbe ftrderal Rq�l <br /> Bctaoe Shcleaueat•Pruoeduc�es A�of 1q74 a ianao�dAd�om daao�01t�m.12 U.S.0;�601 et se�q.('RESPA'��unfa�a�oWer ,••= � _ <br /> _ _ = —`T' I�rvv t�nt a�a to tbe P�aea�ksser stuouo�. Y�Fso�[�la nraiy.�t�ny riwe,c�llact md i�oid�'iio�w�n�maarnt arx oa � <br /> '`:�. , eaoead i�c Se.s�a�mo�pl. I.eoder m�y adtn�oe �ho �ount af E�u�t�duc aat�b�is.oY cwwtie+�t dila aW reason�bb .:• � ' <br /> � __ ..,:�• . ,_ pdm�te�y�F�t(aes+blf fiwuis Fscmw[taas a�ad�wise in sccwd+ince w9d1�1ioa61e Ww. .: ., . <br />----° '�,F cha11 be i+eJd in m i,rctianlan whps�s dcpo�iq�re Msmed by�F�ede�l�Y. i�sunaa�u�lity�a'dt�tY , <br /> .}_- _ . (iactw6t�g tender.if f.�riaer 4 a�ch ao Imtiautan)ar in,ny Feaor�l Hoa�e Loan B�1�. Ladar�u syply tbe�ioaa w pay <br /> ' _ _==_ ' tbe E?acrow�tems. l.e�der m�y not cb�uge Bartower far hoWing�ad�pplyiag tbe Huids.woiw�lly�� die�'��,; , <br /> .. m <br /> _," j,�,u.A�. s000�up; .or vaffjring We F.scrow itaas. ualex+[.eoder pays �aaow�r inta+eat oa tbe�ua:� law <br /> "�.' �+���1 l�enda to m�lce wcb�darge. Howeva.l.aider may roqnine Baru�a►va w pay a ooatime chrrge far a iadcpaideat�t <br /> _�� . <br /> ������yy�,p�in�nn�oq w��fi d�is loam,unles�applic�b{e I�w pmvid�d6cawi�. Ualas�ii . <br /> :;��`: �neement ic m�de or appli�a6le IaM requiros intars�t�+be p�id.I�enda�dalt not be�equi�od Du pay Bo�t�bw�er�ny 6uaes�t or .��_- <br /> '-�},,����,� exaings on Ihe Ruids. Hamwu ud l.cnd�r ut�y ag�ree 1n wrilin�g,however.thot inieoest�tpol be pdd eo t�c�'urd1. L.ader ;i';. <br /> „' dull give w Bortower.wltbout chug�.au�nnwl �of tbe Iiinds.sNoiving c�dits aad�eblts 10 t1�e fi�ndt and tbo ��;,- <br /> -�' -- --•:y� pwpose far which ach debit w the P1u�ds was made.: 7'MO FWidc a�v pleq�ed as�d�tim�l securLty for dl.smw tecu�ed by„ _ ','•>? <br /> ��- .- — di�r Savriiy Ladwaa�i,, � � �� <br /> __� <br /> t�e � ff rhe Rm�held�y L�ender exoeed the�rnou��ts pertnitted w 6e held;by_appticaWe law.l,er�der shwU �000wt to :,� ,, _ <br /> '� Borrower for the ezcess 4�lmds in aocadana wlth the requiremeat�of yiplicabk 7uw. If We amornt atthe�held by - <br />��i ,s �� ' le,nder at�►ny time i�not cufticient to pay�he Fscrow liems when due,Lender may so not�fy Botrower in wrlting.aud.:in •. <br /> �3;'�. <br />_=`"�r� ��ti • . cuch c�s�s 8oenwer shall pay to L,ender the amount nocessary W maka up the ddicimcy. Borrowa chW nuka up tl+e �. <br />°�i;:. :�?sy;�r.,,� • � deficienc�r in aa nwne than twelvc monthlY P�Y�ts,at Lenderk sole dlscrctian. . <br /> -- .r�`=. . '�..:, � Upoppayment in full af all sums secu�d by tbis Securiry Instrumen�l.ender ahall promptlY r�fund to Botrower any, � <br /> . �.,i.'y�,�. ' I'wids held b y Lender. If.under pxragmph 21.Lender shall acqui�e or sell the Prnperty.I.ender.prior w the acq u is i d o o or <br />_- .�,'r:::��;s.;:':'?;;' ,�. s�le of the Pnoperty,sha9l apply any Nmdc held by L.ender at the dme of acquisition or sak ae a c�edit ag�inet tbe wms <br /> ��r� j t .. �. ': '.r.: �b t h is S e curi I n s w m e n t <br /> -.�_. ._Y��!:i.':��, �,�k� y � <br />__•.. .:_,.,.�;;,�:,y, ,-�,��1r; � 3. AppNcatiou of Payments. Unless applia►bk law provides dherwise. all paymaUe �+eccived by L,ender under <br />" ?"' ;.�lst i°,::�.':'� ',a���t�a"�', P�S�P�+s 1 and 2 shall be app li e anY PrePaY�nt c harges due u n d er t h e N ae:s�n d.t o a m o u n a p a y�b b u r�d� <br /> i'", r 'p�; .�."•' p u a g�p h 2:t h u d,t o i nt e rc u p r inci p�l due:and last,to an y Iate c h�r ges due under the Note. <br />__(i•�� . y�;�,;�;,�. 1. 4'�arges: I.iem. Borrower shall pay all t�es.assessments�charges. �.r.e- �»a:;:tpfls?�c:u atuibatablc ta the - <br /> �.:.�,�. �r� = ' • Property which may attain priority over lhis Securiry Insavment.and leasehold payments or ground renq,if ony. Bomower __ <br /> ��, .. •.'.,��:��. . ahatl pay these obligations in the manner provided in Paragr�Ph 2,or if not paid in lhat manner.Bamwa shdl pay them o n =_ <br /> .'�,��., .• .._�': , G m e d i r e c t l y t o t h e p e r s o n o w e d p a y m e n t. Bortower shnll prom p d y furnlsh to Lender all notices of unounts w be p�id under _ <br />�.-;:._y� `. �'�'�'� � - this parAgra�h. If Horrower makes these payments directly,Bormwbr alwll promptly fumish to I.endet raxipts evldencing - <br /> - 's '�" �:. . tite PaYmenta. <br /> „�•�,t " . Borrower shall promptly dischs�rge�ny lien which hos prioriry o��• •'•' •_u�ity Instrument unless Bormwer.(a)agrces =_ <br /> �;:�{�f:�s�' '�� in writing to the payment of the obliga�ion secured by the lien in u n,. sp�atole to Lender.(b)contests in good fai�h the . ° <br /> ' �'` �`.:•.,;��,, Ikn by,a defends egeinst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceed��• . ia che Lenderk opinion operate to prevent the -_ <br /> -'���� �`. �����.�"F •;�5� I enforeemen►of the lien;or(c1 secures from the holder of the lien a� m�,+¢smisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien = <br /> �i . �p� , , .`-+�,��;;Y to this Security Instrument. If L.ender determines tAat ony part of u t4ope�tiy is subject to a licn which may attain priority ° <br /> ;f � � i ,. over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying�he lien. Botrower stWl satlsfy the lien or talce __ <br /> P ` `�'``'`` ,� <br /> . ;,;;;::.�,. one or morc of the actions set forth above within 1 O days of�he giving of notice. <br /> � .t�.•�1.;° — <br /> � ,5 �, v' S. Hazard or P�operty Insuraoce. Borrowcr sholl keep the improvements now existing or herrafter erected on tl►e <br /> r ,�,�,���.., ,,,. -- <br /> �,nk�� Piupeny insured agains[Ioss by fire.huzards included within the tertn"extended covernge"and siny other haaards,including - <br /> -r. k�.� >,, <br /> r]. , - - _-- � floods or(iooding. fur wiNCh L.ruder �eyui�Ca inaurmKt. Thia i�isur:unx siwil i� uwiowineii in liie w�uunl► and fur dtir _ <br /> •J. . . r <br /> �� �j;'!;����)• . r'r I�r�17�i !1!O Ipugt2oj6yalteal = <br /> ,. �• 'y�;,.::•.?'� _... <br /> =a �,;df�r �r; � _. <br />-,r' i�S'c?r � ; � I -- <br /> - 1��.1� • � <br /> �;I.:�. � y� �t'' 1.. . ni�•, i • <br /> 41r. 1 l�r�,��. 1 _/�'! l�� . <br /> � -t .. �����' � (� OFIS'`.t4� . . .__ :SiL�iI`.4d�h' '� �1 <br />-i '. .J'��t:;�y'.'�T-.�. � - :.. ., l. w vti�i►�j}^ r r� N��.^.� �" . . . c_ i <br /> ' , ` },.,i`,' . c��,1,:y�� .. . . -.i 1 .�, ,45,:�,� ��(t�;;y;:r: r..M :f�. ' �1F1��.�.. , Jr` - <br /> . . <br /> �� i.�- •.'1`' ^ � l�l.! - ' . ,1 -�'ll"", V�Ij 1 <br /> �. <br /> ��. <br /> �.:� .:r...c}`�.Mw��v�. ,:ZL..� I�,LIr. � '.�..�_.•...__ .��' , ' _ . ' . .. �_1:��.aL � ri�"t�:�- � -- <br /> td• � �t. .� �. ;� ���"===t' � ��n�t � . .. . . . � . .- . . . _ . � '�cs1"^►'+S�"',-"�!°�T"_`zi7"""uv:i _�x, - . . <br /> �� 1 : � - ;: � , . ,� . .. , >ti�Y�• '�, jr fl°,.y.�.i+r.�flF�-. �- <br /> '�, t_ •� . ':4 ��' . . , t��i � . �...•i•i 1��-,.,,��e�����"r�+'-�e`A �Si �aST 7��,v.�'u��-�_ _�'�'_ <br /> , •t. .. ' °n� ��` ' ' . e . ,�. .i , . h.,.n �;ti"?y'�,•. <br /> _ . . ���i; .... � � ., . ., , � :j.n.;.. . .. . � ,:i', � ... � j�+�W»"�.I�_.:._ <br /> (! .. i/ :' . � . �� � . <br /> t� y' •. ; '. " ' . � ., . .,�,'', • , �;., . . . , , ": ` ' <br /> +���` '�: . '.Y . . . ' <br /> � , , , ' . ' . <br />� � .. j . . .t.4..��� A . '. . � ., `.' , , � . , <br /> ' �1 ' .. , �;a.... .,-. <br /> . <br /> .� •r 1 <br /> � , <br /> a ; � � k <br />