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�,��"'.r." 1 g:.:,.; v�a.Mt�,•,. :---�-.— , , . ;F r , - ��' ��_, - <br /> .. �°.:.�..5x.4..` . . _ •�. ,_ .. . �J:j�:�r.y2�y._'!'Nkb•t-t..v:�ra•�1.j1`�%' . _ �. .- ..aar•s' - <br /> .. .". ,1 , �' . ' . �'r11.j. �P • . . ':K . � ...,. +.. , . ����. 1 <br /> .. . , . .. � � . . .� 1� . <br /> _.__ �����.���eaae�.���to�e� s'�.o�tq�'�r�+�'+w�bs�a�i�t►. :;_. <br /> �y 'r� '��;- <br /> ' ' i � 1b�det�qr t+a rnd d�r�e��b�►tb S�Y• ' . <br /> n <br /> . , !�, qn�Y�11� dD�M. ��� ia dre aar ot pymait de�ah�. <br /> � (�)DdliidR• . .mq�.exoept n WN�ed bY r�Waians <br /> nqidre idsediMe in Aill of all amn�ecurod by tht�Sea�riry Im�et� s �a la�anr�at p�ior . -� <br />_ tiI Hor�o�wet �a h7►fdl[n�to p�y fa!hU aeY e�oathlY P�Y�ne°1 raNind by 9�cu�itY - <br />_ �"��`°".,,_" `� to or�oa�be dwe te of tiro neat montdlY t�Y�°t _ <br /> (ii)Barower Ae1NuW by failiq�.tar�period'd d�futY ds�,w f�erfaa�my aN�a o6M�tlans ooa�ed ia dda <br /> (b)B�l�apt�t Appnoval. t,eoder�I►dl�if�airoed by yiplkabb I�w�nd arith tho priar yipnoval of da <br /> g�q�p�y��qulne immedl�tc piympit in fWp of dl tbe wAn aecu�ed bY�pi�Secudty InstnnnaM if: <br /> (i)JUI or pat of iho�ba�eficW iato�t fn�tn�u ownin��II ar put at tho Prape�ty.4 wld ar <br /> ' odimwl�e tra�ufemed(odKr ttua by devi�n or descent)bY tbe Barower.uid <br /> : (iil 71►c Pncpaty 4 aot occupied by dia purr.h�s�'or�ntee�hi�or ha princip�i ralckoAO,ar the pn�l�er <br /> � a gnuttoe dxs :o oc�cu�py tha Atopaty bnt hi� ar I�er aedk bss uoi beea �ppo�red 'w wooN�ace <br /> with ihc tr.qui�eme�of 1he Sea�etuy. - <br /> (c)No Wilver. U�oa:w d�at would permit L�der wo roquim iaunodi�e pyr�iw f�li.but l.ender <br /> daa aW rc9uire suc1� .A.ender does not waixe its r�hts witL�ect q subeequed cveats. , <br /> - (dl d H� In many ci�umsunas neBulatio�s icwed by tbe Seaet�u�►wW limit l.enderl� <br /> ri�hta,hta, the case of puymart��uwOls. to rer�uire imrt�edlate Wyment u�full and faeclose ii notp�d. 71�is <br /> - - Ce�uri�y Inamunet doea oot wd�oiiu�celaat`a�or fot�ecloswe if aot Mamitnd!►Y re�ulrtioac oithe�eCreqry. <br /> � `�„�� (e)Mo�ip�Nd�rrru�. Bonnwer agreea thae sQwuld tbia Secwity In�lnanau md tM nae secuied 1t�eby not <br /> — be eligibb fat inwranoe w�der 1he N�uiawl Housing Mt witbin fiom d�e <br /> dau heroof.l.ender may.u its optioa nnd notwithstandin8 amyt6uiog ia Nuagraph 9.requ6e immedfato WY�� <br />_ full of aU sums securod by this Secur+ty In�nu�u. A wriuen sQatcment of�ny authoriud agent of t6c Satieury <br /> dated aubsaquant a fram the date hneof.doclinfng w inourc this Security , . <br />- �nstnunent and the aoee securcd�116e deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibilNy. Natwitkst�ndiag <br /> � the faegoing,this option may not be oxercisc�l by Lender when the un�vailability of inso�nca is wlely duo to , <br /> I.ender�s failure w i+emit a maatgs�e i�surwnce premium to the Secoetary. <br />- 10. RelasUtemeat Hortnwer has a ri�t to be reinstated if l.ender hAS reyuired lmmedisNa payment in tLll because <br /> �,i, i of Barower�failure to pc+y an amount due under tho�Note or this Secutity inst�urt�cn� 'I7ih nght applies even afkr <br /> '��` ' fo�clowre ptocadings a� rce�ti�utod. 7b �instate the Security Insuument. Bor�ovrer slwll under in a lump sum all <br />... <br /> �;:r::�.� emounts requiied to:brin�&lorrnwtr�aceouqt curnnt the extent they wl: obliguianr af Borrower under d�s <br /> ----=- <br /> - _ Soauri[y�ama��:ia,�u�c�t�eis r�r�zasonabie aad cnstomary attartxys'fees ar.d ezpassn ly es�!+c�ted with <br /> :��� Ihe farcclosure pnoaediag. Upon reinawace�nent by Borrower.this Setar+ty InsWment and the Rigatians that it secwes � '•�' <br />-_':�, ahsll�emain in eP{�c�as ii Lender had notreq uired immediate payment i�iulL However,Lender is ndt required tope�mit <br />- -- reinstatement if: (i) Lender has wccepted reinstatement after the commencement of forealosure�roccedings w�U�fn two - <br /> yea�s immediate!y preceding the commencement of a cuRent forecbsuro proceeding, (iil reiilvu�tement will proclude , � <br /> ' ,:.;.' ,, forocbsurc on different groundr in the futw�e.or(iiU rainstutemetn will advercely sUec�tht prionty oi the lien c�rated by _ <br /> thls Secu�ity instnunen� <br /> 11. Borrnwer Not Relear,ed; Forbearance b� l.ender Not a Waiver. Extensian oi�tec dme of payment or <br /> modification of amortization of the suma secured by th�s Securit�Inswment grnnted by Lende�to t�y auccessor in inteiesst <br /> , r,, . of Borrower shall not opera�e to release the liability of the origmel Borrower or Bonower's succetisa in interest. Lender <br /> _ � shNl not be roquirtd ta commenee praceeJings aguinst anY successor in Interest or retuse tn e�tend time for pnyment or <br /> :;��� , otherwlse modlfy amortization of the sums secured by th�s Security Instrument by reason of any demond made by the <br />�_� � x. .;4�' �", • • o�iginal Bomower or Bomower�successor�in interest. Any forbeuance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall <br /> ..�;� <br /> _ .,,:,. not be a waiver of or precludc the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> - ��; 1Z. Successors and Assigns Bound;Jolnt and Several Liabillty;CaSigners. The covrnants and agrocments af <br /> '' '+1�"�_., � '��* Ihis Security Inspument shall bind and benefit�he successors und ussigns of Lender and Borrower,subJect to the pmvisions <br /> ,��4. �� of Paagraph 9.b. Bornower`s cavenants nnd agreemen4g �:hall bc joint and severol. Any Barower who casigns lhis <br /> .. ,ra�t t. .� <br /> �t,�.�,l��tr; Security Inswment but does nw execute U�e Note: (a) is casigning this Security Instrument only to mortgage.fitant and <br /> ''�+� � :', convey that Borrower:s interest in the Propeny under the terms of this Security Ins�rument:(b1 is not personally obf�gated to <br /> ;�'� ni�� ,r . <br /> �, �,. � •�`►� �• '� 'pay IhB sums secured by this Security Inswment:and tc)agrees that Lender nnd any Mher Borrower may agree to extend. _ <br /> '� • '�°-•�' modify.forbenr ur make any accommodativns with regard to the terms of thia Sewrity•lnswment or the Note without�hnt = <br /> ��'` _i�...-;: � _. <br />_'��:. . r�. •„r,,,r,.�' Borrowerls consent. <br /> ''iy.i1�,Y 4 r�,j�', 13. Notices. Any notice ro Borrower provided for in this Security Instrumen�.shal) be givet�by delivering it ar by <br /> -� +:r�t �� mailing it by first cless mail unless applicuble luw requiren usc of unother methal. 'I'he notice shall be directed to Ihe <br />•'., ,,;. � i�ya�:1''t . 8 Y _ <br /> : , . �,�., „1�� Propeny Address or eny other address Borrawer designates by ndice�o Lender. alny notice to l.ender 4hall be rven b <br />;rh�= .%• ' ;��� •:�_'{� . . • flrst class mail to Lenders sddress stated herein c►r any addretis Lender designates by nwice(0 8orcower. Any notice <br /> - ��,., : ;;';;�;;;•`�`R� provided for in this Securiry Instrument sha19 be deemed to huvc been�iven to BoROwer or l.cnder when given as provided <br /> ;�� 'K;,s�>, 'a i1£.,, ' in this para�raph. - <br />` ��,���,��-• 14. Governing Law:Severs�bility. 'This Security Instrument rAall bc governcd by Fedeml law ond the law of the <br /> ; ,rr•;�� - - urisdiction in which�he Fruperty is lu�u�rd. lu tin rvent that:►ny pravision or clau::c ai this Sccurity Instrumcni or thc <br /> r.,,,tk?�';�,.�;�,.,.;• <br /> •j,p�;, . •. � �ote conflicls with appliruble luw, such canflict shu91 not affeci othcr provixionz af this Securi�y Instrument or the Note <br /> '•;r6d!!'J....,,- . .,, . . <br /> ' .,,.,,,,�_.„ . 4 � which can be given effer.l without the eonflicting prnvixion. 'fi��hi�end the provitiion+of thin Securily Inswment und the <br /> �� • ''�� Note are dednred to be severable. <br /> �� �`"��l�i;'' .'a "��+;y` 1S. Norrawer's C y. Borrower shall tk given onc conformeJ ropy of this Securiry Inst�nt. _ <br /> , ,� , :•.,�.�,,,,•..: ;.,�., - <br /> :__y� , ��..� ;,,,. .� 16. Asnignment of enta Borrawer unconditianally uxsigns und trsmsfcn to Lender ull the rems und revenucs of Ihe <br />-::.-.;�, �"`''���k �,;�#;��. Property. Borrower authorixes Lender or Lender i:agrnts to collec�the rcnts nnd revenueq und hereby directs euch tenunt of <br /> ;,. +3�,`�•s, . , . .., <br /> nhe Propeny to pay the rent�ta Lender or Lender+ag�ats. However,prior ta Lender's ndice to Borrower of Borrower's- <br />��,,__� ', �. ����� �:�;;`;. , ' bresxh of eny covenant or s�greement in the Security Instrument,Borrower xhal I col0ect und receive�II rents und rrvenues of <br />�•�°.��; .'�-�.;� ' � Ihe Propeny aa uustee for[he benet"at ai l.ender pnd Bormwer. 7'his assi�ntnent af rentt conh�itules an ubsolwe ussignment <br />;;_�;:�. - and aot�n uysignntmt fort�ddiUonnl securiry only. <br /> -� If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower: (u)all rcnts reccived b} Borrower xhull be held by Borrower uc trustee <br /> 'o� --�'---t" - �_ -__�:_.i. .�� .. ....�M..�M.. C......,:�.,Ine�nu�,un�• l61 landnr ch�ll M rntitlyd tn <br />_'-� ., IVf UCIIGi11 ul a.c�nac� anuy.iu u..ot,t..wu.0 u�r .�::::�:::�......� ...� ..��....y ............""• ._, �"'_" "--' _. <br /> ;�`l ''�•_:- collect end receive all of�he rent�of tik Property;unJ(c1 euch tenunt of the Propeny sholl pay all rents due and unpaid to <br /> 't� ` ��;;��. Lender or L.ender's agent on Lender's written demund to the tennnt. <br /> '� '""����^ Borrower has not exewtc,l w� iur us.rignment of thc reiw:and h•r.�no: arad u•ill nat perform :uiy •rct that woutd <br /> = ��,���� prevent l.ender from exer�isin$its riyp.hls undcr thi�Pumgrnph 16. <br /> - �s...,, . .. ,; <br /> _��:�'.�.�.:;::. a�- L.ender shall not be reqmred tn enter upon,take contml of or maintnin thr Propeny bet�x�e or after giving nutice oti <br /> ` �~�� breach to Borrower. However,Lender or u�udiciully ap int�d recciver muy do so nt uny cime there i�u breuch. Any <br /> :�; � � •�c,:.�:r�:' I�' � <br /> _ �„�, application of rents sh�ll ac�t curc or waive nny default or mvulidutc t+ny other nght ur remed�of Lrndee '1'his n�siFnment , <br /> of rents of the Pmperty slwi4 t�erminate wben die de6t secure.d by the Security Inxtrument is p;u d in fu l l. <br /> :y �ir <br /> �� :..,ti � <br /> e°. <br /> I pnRt J af I pagn'J � � <br />-;�', w.��r,.:} <br /> .. . <br /> � i.: <br /> -. <br /> , _ <br /> � ` d . _ . .. _ _ . _ . _.... . . _ . ._. <br /> . ,Y. <br /> �_' . .V _ <br />