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? � .� , ' . '� �ti',`�'i,-..�:.u. +a..,; v.� <br /> — - "Si'1'�:� ,� `,,�- � � n �' n•:. .E -���Z' <br /> � �,t .� . . .. . ��}:r . --' <br /> . .�iL�`Vj�� ��;j=:.Lt'1,1�� :-i�i��i��^�";i:-rS.�•-!�}?�, ��`,S-'i .� i�.:'�-�_ n'+Y��re�Yr --- �.. <br /> . � . . .. , . '�J' <br /> � ' ... � i�� _ . . � ., ' . , ;''.�� -,� . .. . �� . . , n w , , ' /`� . . <br /> . � •' ' . . - .�- . .. ,. — -� , � � . - <br /> --- --'----� �_- -.�L:..�.�s-� --- �---._...'— _.. ��_ .. - - � - - - ' ' -. <br /> ------ - -- — - .'-• , .�. _.._...-- ,:: .. ._. , _ <br /> - ' � ��1��� .��A��� ._ _ �.. . , <br /> .. ' �j� bf�I�I�IO�Y� �i�t�'�f� " 1� "`a's ��� , i•_: <br /> . • i�1� i1'I�1� �1�Ir �oi�awlrlM�M i�� , ,.�R..' <br /> :. ��M��1M��F��I�w�rt,r�1 Ao�dn b�ic Ndr oMqi�,r�■�R b���� � , <br /> � �p�cielwe�rwM�IOVMA ar IoM.bvYd�in�YM IhnpNb.A���Nd��*/'�wNl�cioi�tlw�nq►��d , � � <br /> ' (o)'�tor�iiNnnoe�i+4��b!►�w�'� a�t!M Nw�l�to�,�r nroa�My � <br /> • .8ro�,�qoa�r NrqillMw ibt hiar ��lb)�d(c)tb�il pud <br /> —z_.z.�-��. � <br /> w�e�¢ by t.e�rd�r.piun�w r�otwt ia�ot l�iaasl d'qoS t6an aK-�xd1 At d10 ;., <br /> _ ,�Ii�i�d•liqoaats. 'ITie wwa�anouat tar ach iMa1 WuU IN�1�69 t�f� ��W�tb)�ad , _. <br /> 1ro�bel�aro al[1am�Aeoo�M�. !��MU boid dM�aMll�OdMCqd bl pWt b pq ' <br /> .�'(c)beta�e die�►tiroatne delin9We�t- <br /> ' U�t Nqr dms 1be�uut a�ihe p�y held by�der t�at Nam f��N)�ad(a)�1o�h�witM the�11��1!► . <br /> � io�,ac6 i�eau upiy�bk a l.aad�pior a Ha due daa d wcb ilaat,s�ROeedt bya�am d�n aa�ub tbe <br /> ' a�f a�unt d p�yaneats tequhnd t�op�y wd�imnu arhea due��nd it pay�p�oa Ihe Na�e i�e cunaN.tMn I.ader <br /> �til e�er n�d da e�s orer aws-:iath oi�he at�n�ted p�ynte�a a�dit Mee exow c�er meai�tb ot tbr aqlm�ted . <br /> p w.RUb�e9�P�bY Ronowor.�R 1b aplion of f�nwar. It die tanl attMe pqr�mtde by Boe�ower <br /> • iar M�pai(s�(b�a(a)i�iatuflkknl to p�y dia iAom rliea due.then Barro�wr�Wl p�y b lsder rq►a�ant.aeoewry b <br /> m�loe up die defic ow oir b�to�no dib d�Ae 1�a ilem beoodro;dua. � <br /> 11s mod i tld�. 1�mrwnaM.'Sec�ry"a�e�ns tbe Secretuy ot Hauin�aad U� or Mis ar hdr <br /> � � Is wqr yair ia wb�G Qie I.eeder aa�atp�r a a��e�noe prom�a»10 tl�e Secra�rYa.e��y P�Y� <br /> al�o iaclwde ephcr: (ii�u �alim�t,a�i6o.naud moA�e iacwanoe pnatai�►to ba pda b�r Le�er eo u�e <br /> Seael� Ca)�montNy clar�e inetesd oi'a mo�a�o iacunu�oe p�emniuim if tbii Secwity 1�woaau i�beld by the <br /> —. , - ,, Soc�i+��. 6aci►�ta�y iustaft�Cat af tha �ct pi+eaaEteue r.�6e�en�ae��w iwi�iciMt�o�o�cunwWe the ,._ _ <br /> .r;-- -� <br /> ------�__.��__.. ----� :; foll iuwual insur�t�ce ptamiam with ane manth �►iLo c�1a���� <br /> -- � . p�aoium i��5ec�uy;m if�Secarity lact�aaaa is�the Sarewy. <br /> :•'�i�•:• amount oqa�l to ane-twelRh of ine-Wf ot'the outsu�adiag 6da�ee due aa tbe Nae. <br /> '-' If Barower taders to l.eoiter the fuU paymeat of�Il wms secu�ed by rhb Secwity iostrwaaN.Bonower�acaount <br /> �WI be croditad wUb the b�lmoe ranaiaing far�11 instsllment�ior ituns(a�N)�d(a)md atort�age�oo <br /> � �wn�a��c���w���►u��ua w�y w�s�y.+�a��'�uy„�a.ay � <br /> ezass fuods w Borrower. Immodiwtcly prior ta w Y�1osw+e sate of the Property or ita�cquisitiaa by l.encler.BanowaTt <br />= , '. a000unt�lW16e ccedioed wlth�uy bdanco tem�inir�g'For A11 lostall�ts for ite�m(a).(b)�nd(a). , <br /> • 3, A d Pa'meat�. All p�ymenis�nacier�p�phs 1 and 2 ahaH be ippliod by I.ader�followe: <br /> _� :to the mortgage inw�aaee ptmitan t�be.�ld by�.enskr to the Seaetary or w tho monthlY c�ge bi'the . . <br /> ec instead of the mantbly oavet��ge insuMr.e p�m�uao; , � <br /> e <br /> — � � a Any taxa.specid iwa�essrn�us,i�aiehoW p.yments or�OUndrean,aad fi�o.flood aad ahar h.wd <br /> _ _ _ p�emiums.� uired; . _- <br /> ----- - <br /> ,So 7At�'L�Y dYC�!��5�: . . • � , -- <br /> '�, I ,to ainortiyaHon of the prdncipuE ot�tl�e Note; ,�, .��'�� . <br /> -•. � ,to IAte charges due wn�ier ihe Note. _ <br /> A, !f'�s.l�iood nnd Other 1�A¢�'d Iacura�ce.Borrower shaU insure all improvemcnu on the Property.whether now •:•�;i;' <br />-�' in oxistetue or sub�yuepUy erectod.�ainst any�+azards.cesuetties.end candagencies.including fire.for which Len�e� . ;':� �' <br /> _ � roquires insmance. This iasurencc sh�l be m�iatuined in the amounts and for Ihe periods that L.ender requires. Barrower . ` � <br /> �••;�,r,��` shWl also lasun all improvements on the Propany,whether now in caistence or subsequendy erected.Agaunst Ioss by floods - <br /> to the extait re�uiral by the Secretary. All insure�xe shell be cerrfed with companies npproved by Lender. 7Ue i�uw�ce • '�'.- <br /> po8cies and any renewals shdl be held by Let►der and chall [nclude losa poy�tble clauaes!n favor of,and in e form�, <br /> - ,��::, �,�.. acapublew.Lender. <br /> ''�`� ' In ti�e event of bss.Borrower ahall give L.ender immediate notice by meil. Lender may make proof of loss if no7' _ <br />����i: ��� ,' mado promptly by Bomower. Fxch insurance compu�y concemed is hereby nuihorized and direckd to make payment for - <br />_ ��,; s,A.�� sw�h loss dlnecQy to I.ender,instesd of to Bomower and to l.ender joindy. Ai9 ar nny part of the insurance procoed�mey be <br /> '� • �t� ` appUed by Lender,at its option,eit�er(a)to the reduction of the indebtednes.v under the Note and Ihis SeGariry Instrument. <br /> ��•• ,± �'�:-, .ua► w�ny deiinc�uent amowxs applied in the order in Paragraph 3.and �hen to prepayrnent of principaE.or(b) ta Ihe = <br /> ",., restoration or repa�r of the damaged pmpe�ty. My applica�ion of the procceds to ihe principal shall not extend or posf(io2+e - <br /> r � ' ' the due dWe of the monthly puyments which are refemed to in Paragrnph 2,or change the fm�ount of such pr+yments. Any � <br /> j;�.,y ,t._ �;.':� . eacess insurance proceeds over c►r�amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note ai+c�this Security _ <br /> .' . ;r:'�;,: .-. �.._ •,;?ti�;':. lnstrument ahall be paid to the rntity legally endtied thereto. - <br /> ••�:` ��'���'�"�`'�•��•t••,����� ' In the event of forecbsurc of this Securiry ln:trument ar other trnnsfer of ti�le to the Property�hat exunguishes the � <br /> �'" "":';`F.E;�',,�' indebtalness.�II right,title und incerest of Borrower in and to inqutince policies in force shall puss�o the purchaser. <br /> �� �` `�'°'�' �������'f'., � S. Occu c Preservation. Malntenonce and ProtecNon of the Pro n Borrower's Loan A IkAtion; =- <br />-. • �;s,,,,. Pan Y� Pe 8; PP _ <br />;.�a- �.:i:�Si,_T L.� - . <br /> ,, . l,easeholds. Borrower shell accupy.establish,and use the Propeny as Borrowert principul residence wi�hin sixty days <br /> �.�"�i'' ��' '� after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Pro�erty ati Borrower's principal residence <br />-�- ',� , �,'-':.��,� • , forat leastone year after the dete of occupancy,unless the Secretary determincs�his requirement will cuuse undue haidship �- <br /> •" 4f ,?:?�'':fi�+:�; � for Bomower.or unless extenuating circufistances exist which are beyond Borrower's rontrol. Bormwer slwll notify ,�: <br />"';!. ;�`�, "�'t��;;f�l- Lenders of any extenuuting circurnawnces. BoROwer shull not commft waste or dectmy,damuge or substantiolly char+ge '~ <br />° � .�,�,��: �� � - <br /> , . ,�4��j'�:'����' the Propeny or nllow Ihe Propeny to deteriorale,rcasonnble weur and teur excrpied. Lender may inspect the Prapeny if the � <br /> �",��iti'�jf�,f Property is vacAnt or abundoned or�he loan is in default. Lender may tuke reasonable �ction ta protect and preserve suzh � <br /> ,` �+<-.s <br /> ..,...-..-. vacsnt or abandoned Property. Hotrower shal! also be in default if Borrower.during the le�+n Npplicatien pmcec�.gave =_ <br /> ��'•�;':;`'`"'"''��/� materially false or inaccurnte iniarmation or statements to Lender (or faikd to provide l.ender with any muteriol <br /> t .'. Nt�..,'f (i•�•�f; <br /> ��•, �: �•�•;... �;.,�i������ information) in connection with ehe loan evidenced by the Note, including,bui not limited to,representaiions conceming � <br /> �, � �,� , ::.,•_. = <br /> �.,, � � �•... Horrowerk occupancy of the Pro�xny us uprincipul residence. If thi.Secunty Intitrument is on•r kasehold,Borrower shAll _ <br /> ,. r;.:;�rf�� <br />`', ��r-,,��,•�.�S.,�tw cqmply wNh the provisions of Ih�:►ease. )f Borrower ucyuire+ke tidc to thc Property.�hc leaxehnld ond fee title shaU not - <br />�' � '�''`� -:.;"t�` � bemer Edunless Lender reesto lhe mer er in writin - <br /> ,�, . ,,,.. <br /> t:.,;•_,. .. „�. � aB 8 8• _ <br />''�'•: �e-;>;:, � �.;�1.:.� 6. C6ergess to Borrowerpnd Protection td I.ender's Rights in the Properly. Borroµer�holl pay all govemmentnl �: <br />�t';d: �? y���.l�,� �';;��.,.,.,,: or m�u►icipal charges,finea and irnpositions thaa ape not included in Paragt:�ph 2. &�nnwer sha11 pay theae obligations on '? <br /> ;,;i �`: ,f!:��;.•.;';.�-;;;4;�r • lime direclly to the em�ry which is owed the.payment. If fnilure to pay would advec�ely atfect Lender's interest in the �' <br />.� :.;;`�,,::',_:�f/��; '�� � ,Propeny,upon Lender's reques�Bomower shali promptly fumish to 4en@er recPipts evidencing puyrntmts. ° <br /> ;•:;,. : �i� li Harower fails to make tfkse paymems or Ihe pnymems required by Pttragra�ph �, or fails to perfortn any ather <br /> � <br /> -- _ covenan4s and agreements cont�ined in this Securiry Instrument,or�here is n legal proceec9ing�at may significontly affec� _ <br /> - ��w.�.rL�1r pwr.rorfu Ic��r6 nc ��rr�riaAino in F,nntcmnt.�v. fnr rn+utemnntion or tn enforce law4 or reaulationsl. -- <br />- -- .....rv--=,�-s.'^-�--` e`..........r....r�"�.__'.. �..�.-"-.....o"' -----`�. •. - . �... <br /> �Y ;�,�-.;," ',•�, w:::',;, then Lender may do and pey whatever is necessary�o protect the value aF the Roperty und Lender's ri(tius in the Property. � <br /> �� � • including payment of taxes,haz�rd insurance und other items mentfnned irto is.rru�ruph 2 <br /> .5�� ',` �� `�� � �" An unounts disbursed b Lender under�his Pnro raph shall becoma�e on edditionul debt of Borrmwer and be securcd � <br /> �s:. .-,,.�-�,;�.�:•: .. _ <br /> „� <. ,�:•.?•::�... .:.__,,K;<�;t. . <br /> �,.:.�,,. by this 'ty In.wrument. sc amounls shull beur nrercst fram the da�e of disbursemenL at�he Note rate,and a�thc ` <br /> �;I�;;y�:',�,�', �;+,;��:`f�� opdon of Lender.sF�aU be immediately due and payable. �.` <br /> �. � �4��h':.: �-' 1.�„ = <br /> -� ,�. , � 7. Coudepuwtion. The p►oceedx of any aword or claim to�d�mages,dinct or conxequential,in connertion wi�h any _ <br /> c a r• ,.•.' . . <br /> . �.� ,..�-�'::,,;+•,;." condemnation or aher taking of c�ny part of the Property,or for convey�nce in place of condemnation,ure hereby nssigned 1 <br /> ,_.�•�. :l'r'�►'~����;��u,�,� a�1 shdl be paid to Lender to the extent of'tt�e full omount of the indetxedness�ha[remuins unpnid under the Nate und this <br /> l� � fi;'�� Y � <br /> � ' '� {�1��' Securiry lnstrument. Lender slull apply such proceeds ro the reduction of ctse inEebtedness under the lk�und this 5ecurity <br />• � ' `�`�r�� lnstrument, first to any delinquent amounts applied in the order provided in Pangraph 3,and then to prepaymen� of � <br /> ,;°';� ` ,,..., •' <br /> , �;.F;: �.;' principal. Any application oi�he prooeeds to the principal shLll not extend or po�srpone the due dute of the monthly � <br /> ,. , ,... �� -; } <br /> _ �"'.�`� r , �nnrn t oJ�Nom,i � <br /> � ;'' � N � <br /> . ,. <br /> . ., ,. . . <br /> ., <br /> 6r " <br /> •�: . <br /> A'..' .."1 _` ___ . .__ _. . _. .--.t <br />