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...:.r��" S r!t • .'�Il��"-''�!i:.•ly` . .. •�'�Mle�%c�..rX`•.�#�'... .i;,_. -..L::"�7`-a.:-.-� <br /> � �� 1� .tl � .n. _ ���-e . ��� - - _. _. ----- .,1 . ., .�. - . � ' � _ ��' <br /> . ' � ' ' • .. •� :� r J ,Y �k;�- <br /> � a�d�or a�yadyrr�q�.d rg!P!rt of ti�Piq�n9+a fi�aaewr�a�i�,Hi d'.bwiw���t�►�� .� __ <br /> �,j' ��'.•,. <br /> .. .1���p�A�ww�. � . ., .... , . • r " t' ,I��s� '�� 'r.A�IF'� �� rA��' . <br /> ' ., i�P��rW a��lolfi�.�ltil�{�r�IM Mipllty.d�e iiM1��+4��. �'i►� �r �': . <br /> M�IrMMe�.af:����aith iiq exaesa��ti�o Ba��now�eir. ereat at�prtW 1d�Y�af dl�t . 1., '�•.'n•`=4._ <br /> �a�wl�4tM���u a o f�h e �n w n e u l�tey►betore�be uki�qt oq�l i i l�"t i n d r.�r M a r d i l w t M a�a i M'd i6e p�e r . � <br /> �.�. .,, <br /> �a��wd lyr t6i��ity Iwpament i�n u n e d U N e!y r c R a ro t b e t�k i�y.u i�w�o i s a a e r�a d I.a w k�r a d i w r r b e�e e i a,.K n i�r�, .,; •'� <br /> � �b wroM�eNnd bq ihi�S�aaity�npNmeat du�ll be�edoo�ed by dia�mouat d d�ep��m�pNed�py tl�,.A�{Lt+vi�M. . <br /> T_ —_�____ ., kiciioW: <w)the i�i�1 anK►w�t of Wa w�aur�wnad inunedlat4�y bdon t�te taWnQ,divld�ed by,(b)dtc Poit ma�et�Ni1toQ ffie ', '�„ <br /> �Aopwty i�ediM�ely 6e18ro dla t�ldn�. Aay b�lt�too�II be paid ro Bqnowar. u�a�e s,►�ra o�.��t,d�n�o��e . .. ;� <br /> . �,�;; <br /> Rnpo r ia whkh tb�tdr miricet vdue oi da Peapaty tannedi�taly betoro the t�kin�is laa�n�Ue�unount aP�a wa� 'r <br /> baawdiMdy bdant Ihe�ki�,w11oa Bomower�ad l.etidor atl�wise agroo in wiiti,y ar unla�applicable t�v <br /> � olberwLe p�rw+ides�Ila proceedt daip be applbd p►the sum��ecu�d by dds 9ecurity Int�ume�t�rYMkr ar aot dia waw�re <br /> � If the Pt�ty i��bned by Bomnwer.or iE.�Rer notioe by L�eader w 8orrower�t d�e oon�de�anor oifa�w ayko <br /> �n�ward ar r�ide a aWm for dun��.8anowar f�it�to nec�ond w t.a�der withln 3U day�ailler a6o d�oa tlho notloa is�+�n. <br /> I.ader u�u1lKxlned ro oolloct and�pp{y tbo p� its optiaa.eitkr to re�ar�ias or�d ra Nopaty ar q t6a <br /> wna�eaiod by thi�Sxutity Mwmmen�.wbether or nal tlKO due. <br /> Unka Lmider md Bo�mwer wf�wwi�e�eo in w�iting.any NaiUon d�a�oed�w p�iocipl sl�lt nat exwd a . <br /> �po�tpone da due d�to of tbe monthly p�yments rofemed a i��I ud Z a clw�e dre�ooa�t d cudi�+�5. <br /> -- 11, BorroNer Na Relea�edc 1�bair��oe By l�eader Nat r Witver. Eic�sian of iho maq,.fi������� p�t w <br /> — --------- _ <br /> modiwpition of�mo�tindan of the swm securod by this Se�uity Inwwaa�t g�nted by I.ader 1a�aysvooe�ssar ip'rM�ed'�' <br /> o�barower s,iuli not eperato to rcieaio the ib�bitiiy�f tiw aigi�f Castax�x ar Bascrler�sm.ti�rron s�i�ftrir_•�s,Ls�t�- -- �. <br /> �11 nd 6c ui�ed to oom�nen�e proceedings againat any succ�acor in lnterat or�efu�e w ex�eM time�for paymau ar <br /> ahe�wlse aw��i anio�t�tlon ot the sume socw�ea by this security tnananau by neason�.�r aen�na a�de e�v rhe«igia�l <br /> ,� Horrowa a Baiower'x wcces�oe�in imere�t. Any iorik,Anurce by I.rnder in oxercidn�ay riQbt or RrnedF��II arot be a <br /> - wn�iver of ar pa:clude the exercise of any right w�nedy. <br /> 12� su��d A�d�Bau�di Jotnt and Several I.i�WUty;Co�aen. The oovcaaats�d,�eanent�of tWc . <br /> - -- Securiry Insqument sha116ind and beneFit d�e successors axl assigns of Lender and Harow�er.subject to the povlsiais of• <br /> p 17. Bormwer�oovenants and agnxments shall bo Joint and several.Aoy Banuwer�ho oo-s3,g�w d�is Seavrlty <br /> 6�t but doex not execute the Note: (g)is co-signing this Security Insdument aaly a mori��ge.grant and caweY that = <br /> :"—""n;�;; — Bon+nwerl�inteRSt in the Property undcr the terms of�pis Secudry Inswmenti (b)is not peisan�ly a�li��iu�ay the cu�u = <br /> -- ---- secursd by ihlc Securlty lnsuumca�and(c)agroes thm L.ender and any otber Banower may�:to.exki�d.r.i�Aify.fabeu <br /> _- _ - or nwlce any aocommodationc w1W �e�ard w�he tem�s of tius Security Iawanent or ti��'wltlw�ut�Ihat !]anow�rl� <br />;ruT OOIaCM, , . <br /> �_ .. <br /> ..,-1 --_ _ _ _ !3. La�C6er�. !€slrr !n�s�r�.m�s!!�r sl�s Secerity Inun�me�t ic �ul.�u�a�O�w wle�ch sets�mum loan <br /> ., charges.and 1h�t law is Puially inte�ted so that 1hP intercst or other loan chArges calkctW ar•ta�6e a�00ce�act in eoiu�octian <br /> . ,,,, a� wi�h the lopn exa�od ihe pE.�mitted limits,then: 1a1:�e+y,uch lo�n chuge shall lx�duCed by the.amuunt r�eces�ry w reducx <br /> .,r��• the churge to the pertnined limit:and tb)ony sums silready collected fi�om Borrower which exeex0etl�iterl dmits wUl be _ <br /> �"°° rcfunded to Bomnwer. L.ender may cho�ose to mnke this refund hy�fucing the principal owed anAer Note or���g a,., <br />��;"`.: �'� �:. diroct payment to Borrower. If u�ei'irn�!aduces princfpal.thc rcd�7aan will be Ireated as a pt�rtia)p�epay� Y . <br /> '�'.``+.• 7�:N , .. prepaymentchargeunderthcNote. <br /> " ���� i�; 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrawer provided fcx in this Security Inswment shall be given by daUti•cring it or by <br /> _, y'��� � _ <br /> .��.a, mailing it by first class mail unless upplicable law�quires use of another method.The notke sha116e diroctod to the Pmperty <br /> � • Addttsa or any othcr address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. My notice to L.ender shpl! 6e given by first class <br /> � '� � t��, mnil to Lender a address sroted herein or any other nddress Lender desi6nates by notice�o Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> � � � h`''� � ' in this Securit Instrument shull be deemed to have been iven 10 Bomower or Lender when iven sis vided in thi� <br />��:�'' '� . '•�,pv.�T Y 8 B P�'o <br />�:1 ..�° �� ' , �lt �1. <br /> t4: <br /> -� � 1S. Coveroing Law; SeserabiBty. This Security Instrument shull be govemed by federal law and the law of the <br /> ��:'• �`� ' "�'�'�;' urisdiaiun in which the Pro n ix locu�ed. In�he event thut un rovision ar clnuse of t6is Securi Instrument or�he Note <br /> ;��,jf <br />,:Y�` xit ����• �,:;';f., ;�y;;� � Pe Y� Y P �Y <br />:.. r, a,��s ! conflicts witb upplicuble luw,such conflic�r�hall not uffect other provisions of this Securiry Inshument or the Note which can <br /> � . .a.. ?4'`�+`;�''"<. •�r�• be given effect without thc conflicdng provi�ion. Tb thir end the�xovi�ion. of this Securitp answment and the Note a�e <br /> ��', xr a _S ; <br /> . `.�i � ,S,%rr`'��:'.;, declaredtobescverablc. <br /> . '"'� �;�i� ••tt� 16. Ikw�ower's Copy. Borrower xhull bc�given une conformed copy oP�he Note ArMC{at this Securiry Instrument. <br /> ,:��t'� "'�"'�'� 17. 71rs�nsfer oi the P�operty or a Beneftcial laterest in Borrower. 11'u71 az any pnrt af the Property or any interest in - <br /> s�s;r•��' ,,':rrf; � • -�- <br /> _ � �''�y,Y�'� rr •c� it is �old ot'erredl i�nr ii'u heneficial intere.t ir�Borrower is,old ar trun�lttrrJ uncJ Boaower ix not u nuwml person) <br /> '"" � "' �f wi�hau�l.endrr4 prior wrilten comeM.Lendcr muy, •r�it�option,rcyuire immt�diate paymerat�n full of all sums secured by <br />::ii:C tr"w;;,. •,:r� :,..� <br />;.;.is�—"�:,;�,..-°;;,P.•:'�;����;t:!!:'��;; � �his SrruQirv lnurument. Howevcr,th�,optbn shull not be�xcrcisrd by Lender if exercise ix pmhlbited by federal Inw ns of <br /> _, ...:,.r;.,.,wt.. <br /> . •ti �., .� . . . �.c_,;.{},,, ihe date ut'ihix Securiry Instrument. <br /> �F,_ . �` ,:',�, �j};.:,:: <br />_ h,..., ,,�.,,,ti.�,S�� If Lender exereisex this optian.Lender xhull give Borrower notire nf urcrleru[ion. The no�ice sholl provide u period oi _ <br /> � • �;��'� nw lexs�hon 3Q duys from�hr dute the no�ice i�clelivered i�r muiled wi�hin which BoRO�ver mu+t pay all sums secured by this <br /> � •;" ��'ti'• " �''`• Securit Inxlrumcnl. If Borrower 1'ailti to a Ihe.e xums riur tu thr ex ira�inn nt'thi, riud.Lender mA invoke sm <br /> -�... . �;:.R^•; �.. ��i� . ' Y p'Y P p F� Y Y <br /> _ }�`._.:. ',�' remedies perrr�illed by thix Securily In�trunxnt without f'urlhrr notice or demund on Born�wer. <br /> ' "-��'��"•�^� 18. Burruwer's Ri ht lu Rri��.�+1�(r. il' Borruwcr mrri. ccnai��cunJiii�ni,. Bun�owe+ :hatl hati•c the ri ht to hsve <br /> a,.;.t R & <br /> y_ � ` y��� enforrement ut'Ihis 5ecu�fly Imtrumem di�cuntinurd at any time prior to Ihe c•rdier ot': (a►g ciays(ar such Wher period us = <br />' �•'�,�.;�'" '1'`'�+'� s; tiin k Familv--Fannk Mre/FYad01e�1rr t'YIFURN ItiSTRI'\fE11�T••A'nd'orm Covrnanu 9/90 I g��J�/d .�esi = <br /> , hi.ia,::.`�;i �� �1� B . Jw+ p+ ., <br /> ���+'.;i,;:.�Js', ; ',,1�ti,�t•:�' <br /> � Ii�Y fl.tQ,.��1�.i�. I,�1�f/•�� + <br /> .�,y1; ;;�t`}1!����.�` ';. ��rl�t��s;�;�f • � _ <br /> . �i.� <br /> ..,`� ,� � n.�= ..�..'.; <br /> , � �r s '��" i:>2,;`t, <br />_ ':��„ j �a�l;���.?���'l`�:j:<:�};.;t')� . <br /> ..y _ !.��Af�+ } k�ll� �4 L:j�k, MRS T,_ �.,�^i'ti��a.•;��.�ye.r'. ., - . �.�,. `{�.la ^�v.-. <br /> S',•.j�A ti �'. 4��� � '9r1 �a3�'F� i r ��67r ..i.c:.t.�_...s� .. <br /> (' v. � .,.� .:.:,.:::�.�,tl�►:� <br /> : i. 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