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, at {Si(►� - . .� t . . ,y •-�y '.'„ .�. .' �.l � 7T�ft~. 9F .Pk�/f. �r _ - ,.- <br /> L •.) <br /> �..!':''� -���;�+`r __ ,—_, — ' _'—_ ' _ ' , .Y –. O _ �'�,� ni� " <br /> � • .6 • . 'T`",�.'-� n���j5( � -°- <br /> - • „����t_''� �����.�� � �!� 'f�f' v <br /> ° l � ������ � ���-�M �p������ •�f��{„ � .._ <br /> .�i •a-�: .�,.....� .q.�■ 1��M!` j�l �, �,����: <br /> ��I�OIr100�� ��IS. ���r�f(d�dw� L�Id�f��.�: � �,,�:.; <br /> ' I+�MII k�vi0 MM 1�M b �Ot�M�lMM1Yd� �1�IIIId01'I�q{�IN„�IpfJpMilf IWI p�0111p1�►�iYO b IrpMNr ap Io01�h,. ;��� i`�:s, <br /> d prid pY�n�na�d�+ai��,�, '61'ibe eva�M d lo�„Oar�w�r�Wi�pa,�N aadoe w qN iaiw�no�a�nir MM • -=� <br /> 1�. lw�d�wwpr�loM�e�of i�I las if ia�m�e�p�o�pely by 8airouM�: ., ',. <br /> ..,.. <br /> -- -— -- — - <br /> UNNa L�dr Md No�eow�r�tlrn�s�s i�wrNia�,�rr�os iYl bs appli�d b ie�lor�t{o�ar r�i�d • . . <br /> ibe lt 1(is nMwMlou ot rop�t��ooaomb�lly �wd,1.atde�ti � �r!t aot lawred. $tlie � � <br /> �ea��ar" is na aonoaaieall�r Aer�ibib�Leud�ri�Marily wq�fel be ieraw�d��l�p�ao�po�aod��b�ll bs � .� <br /> . �pplkd w t�e w�aeaued 6y Wi�Soaaity ta�bwnenw whetNer a na tbea due,arbb�ny exoea pW�o Hatm�►er. U <br /> Banowr�r�I�wlo�ebo Propary.a doa not�nsw�er wi�in 30 d�y�a aotia�6om l�ende�I�iM�iw�r�ooe ar�iar I�r <br /> o�abd b iflMb a dii�l.d10n I.00dIrmry ofl�bOf ibe�IfM10ie pinoeed�. LOQdiET iq�y q10 dle prOCi�ID IO�t or 10M01a <br /> ��or w p�y wmt secrrod by tid�Securily Imwnent.�6o1Uer a nw Ihea d�ae. 7Ue 30�yy pe�od w�D b�Go,wbaa <br /> U�t�as�der aod BomorYer othetrri�o yroe in writUa�.�tyr �of pooeedt to p�dpal�il not ozla�d or . <br /> Ua� <br /> �p�niph 21 dk�P��pM��s ap ui�e�i.aider.�BomovNal�d��ary�pdicia tnd pr�nce�d��raWt� <br /> fi+am d�e b lAe P�rap�ty pHar W die�oqul�itioa�pna to I.ender to d1e e:lmt d da amu aeaumd by 16i�Saarity . <br /> �y��8°a' <br /> -- - �� Bana�wer�!!�agy.�s.mea�Rtige�y ae Passnr�a+s �sa r�e A�i <br />_ _��._._�— me aaiocwia�a ot u�ia secwity m�t Ana ctwu ao�nunue w oxu�►y die r�c�;n�e�9 piincipd�r�__. __. .� <br /> l e u t me yar a ft a r t 6 e d�o e o f oocupacy. w l e s s lraider a�henviso s�ncs in w t l t i n��which ooaw�t �I) not be <br /> y u�cuawbiY�mkn exteawring Nrcumsuu�oes esist whicb me beyad Bamwerb oahnrol. H�xrower�11 not <br /> destroy.dun�e ar irnp�ir We Anpaty.�Ilow tha Piroperty to caaunit waste oa the l�ncpaty. Ba�now�er�all <br /> be ia def�alt if any fafeidae aclioa ar pro�eading.whelher civil a criani�l. i�6e�un Ib�t in l�andert��ood t�itb�t <br /> oould trsult in farfeitune of the Plropaty a otlienaite �entall� ImpMir tbe lien cneated by tlds Se�auity Im�urnpa or <br /> Laider�seawiry int�pt. Bamwer cure auch s default�ud rislnsu� povWed ia Pan�h 18�bY c�tLe�iop <br /> a P�pB ou be dismi�sod with a�tlw,ln I.erider�i gaad tdth deum�ian.Prccindes fat'dtuta uf d�o Hort�wsr7s <br /> inte�at in the Pt�npaty or dha nWaial�Impairtnent ot tho lia�c�eatod by tdis Security Irotrwneat ar L.enderT�eeatrity <br /> intaest. 8orrower slWl �Iw be in defiult if Barow�er. duriag tbe loan appl3c�tian process. pve m�teri�py falto ot <br /> ��ate�nform�don or sute�aans to I.ender(ar failed W provido i.aida witfi nty aiatai�l hifam�tion)in co�mecx�n wlth. <br /> _ die law� evidra�ced by the Nate, including. 6ut not limited to,�presentuioaa ooaxming Bonower�oocu o�'t1�e` <br /> ,.� <br /> -- - <br /> ""`-'i° Proppty as p p�l raidence. If Wls Sxurlry lnstrument ia on a k.�cehold.Borrowa rluU canply wlth all wwldious <br /> _,.,._ <br /> -- .--.._ _ ___ ___ of tbe lea�e. if Bamwer acquins fee dUe to tbe Propetty�the Ieamellald aad:the fea H11e�haN not merge unlaw•l.ender�s . .. <br />�=''� to the�p�ger in wrilitlg.• � <br /> : 7: Pntacfloa of L�e�der'r R1�6h W t6e Property. If�Bortower fails to ptrfam the cova�tts•and ta • , <br /> ccntaincd in this Socu�ty Insuunnent. or therc is a legal pmceeding that may aigniflcandy atYxt l,mderk ri ta iq the <br /> - �ty tsuch as a prooeeding ia bnnkruptcy.Probate,for caalemnation or forfeitun or to enfarx 4w�or negWUiaae)�then <br /> -- - . r may do and pay far wh�t�vu is necessary to pmtect the value of the Property+uid L.ender�s rights in the�tty. <br /> _ Lender's actians may include paying Any sums securcd by a lirn which has priarity over this Seeurity Incqument�np�paqing <br /> in cowt�PxylnB nawruible attomeys'fea and eatedng on the Prnpeny w make ropairr.Although Lendermay take actian <br />: � • � under.this paragruph 7.Lender does tat twve to do so. <br /> My amounta disMusod by L.ender wdo�this parag�aph 7 ahall become addidonal debt af Bornawer secured by tbio <br /> :� Security Inat�umen� Unitss Bomower i+nd Londer agmc to other terms of payment,cNeso amounte ahall bear intcrest from tho � <br />_ Ss, due of dlsbu�sement su�ho Nate rate smd shall be payable.with interest,upon notica from l.ender to�orrower�+equeeHag• <br /> :; PaYment. <br /> _ �. MortgAge Iaeunnce. If Lender requi�ed matgage insurance av a condiUon of makL�g the loan securcd by thia <br /> Sesudiy ]rtxuument. Bomower ahall pay the prcmlums requircd ta maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any <br /> _ reason, the martgage insuronce coverage �equired by Lender lopses or cesues to be in effect, Bormwer shall pay the <br /> _. •., premiums reyuired to obtaln cmerage substantially eyuivalent lo the mongnge insurance prcviously in effect. at a cost <br /> ''- = substantiully equivak�t to 1he cost to Borrower of the mongage iasurance previously in effect,from an altem�te mdrtgage <br /> ' ��E:;;'�w:"�Y` insut+er approved by Lender. If substuntially equivalent mortgagc Insunmca coverage is not uvailable.Borrower shnll pay to <br /> _ ,.r :,._� ' Lender ench month a sum eyual to one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br />__ � �,��'�� insurance coverage lapsed or cectsed to be in effect. l.ender will accept,use and retafn these payments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> ==1�=• �� o f m o d e i n s u r a n c e. L o s s r e s e r v e m e m s m a n o l o n a r be r e u�re d a t�he o �on of Lender.if mort e insuraace <br />_ — �p�`�S4;.i�i B� PaY Y B q � . <br /> � ��}s � coveragc(in Ihe omoum und for the period that Lender requires)provlded by�n insurer upproved by I.ender ugain becaa� <br />',�! '��'�,;c avuilable und is abtained.Bomower shall pay the premiums reyuired to maintnin mongnge insurance in effect.or to provide a <br /> pt,��!�i t;�. . <br /> ,- �-•w;�,,.��,�.,,: loss n�serve.until the nequiremeM for mortguge insu�unce end�in accordanre with uny wriuen agreen�ent betwcen Borrower � � <br /> - �'°�" ,�,,, ,. and l.ender or applicnble Inw. _ <br /> �,�,:' P� 6 Y po pec�ions of thr Pro rt Lender sAaL'8 <br /> � ;r,•:::- •. ' 9. Ins tlon. Lender or its u en�mu mnke rrusonable entries u n sand ins <br /> ��".� `.� „�..:=''„ `� ive Borrowernotice nt the timeof or rinrt�i�n ins �ti�n� � y� <br /> g p �+r recifying re�,onsble cause For the inspertion. � <br /> ;�-:4,;��,,�,;,!' 10. Coodemnptlaq. The prnceedr;of uny nwund or cloim for dumuges,dircc�or conseyuential,in com�ection with any = <br /> y.�1,';,.tx��•:-;t'�, SlnQle Family--ItYOnfe MYNFtadOk Mae UNIFURM INS'1'RUM6NT-UniYorm Cavenanls 9l90 IpuRt 3 ojd page.rJ - <br /> tiri"�, . . _ <br /> `,�ir�#�'. ' ,: �e�{ _ <br /> s�t�+"r 5;! u��...�K• <br /> Tr O�der C�ti0iilii019'Q PA1l Y1i7�1•Tt31 <br /> ",�!'+'�j.n.C4. — <br /> ,t��'�}'t`•.�'f'��j'���'�'t� - <br /> ; ,rf.,f�,�:� °.�pFX <br /> ,� .�y�� e'`�• -'�"t � <br /> �� t �i•< < � � � h i• � . . � .J l/h��i1 a �{I ! � A - �� <br /> �c�S�.�j: ME�` � >���,�'.5•4'` . .. . - . ir.' , '���� �i- n��� � � l:J.C�E�k��� .f � . .` •tl4l <br /> ��i < � ' , �� 1''t?"j• `y.;` � u ��. �"i'., -- � i�' :.^ 'Cr,'. r�• . _1,.t_�. ,y,��„?�' <br /> -a S —.:t��:i•'.yLWn .�.i._, ' � (�p� ,��f :.;j.`t'i�,,. �i �" ilfdi±�3 `''' _ <br /> _•..�-.�r'_.�- r�±�.!�i.. `��I�niL����i�{�4!�SIY �l�?. -- <br />._'� . �<�j �•' / 1 �._--- .-a — " _. 'R�``..–r . fii-- . _.. .-� _ 1_ __.._. . —_ <br /> ^�t�i��� -� �1 i�1� � �_ ��1����t�t:��'�'��r��i1`;S_. Ch:.r,.24�: g;'� ,�;� � '"^#' � �..�_ <br /> .� °3ti'�`qif.iY�i . ' r �� 1 _ . . .r. . .� W ' ���: " �llil�re�tir}� , -i' +�.��'• 1tl �.������i�+�')y�..��1�es�av — <br />.-.� '��,a�J. Z. t: � � ti�i1n^.4� cb_ �� i�- , 1 a � t�. �y..e •n, ..:N.�..vcli .r..:.s�. _.. '` , t a..�..�� �'-'- <br /> y'�iy�'.�..- <br /> e .'� : �, �. � � � �.1 . ' . _ _'�" -�� A��� <br /> .�.e�'�l..r.�.t%y., .YJ-.�..: � �&�t' ..� - �-'1� s�}�.�•��, µ.. � 4t - .[ "} �._ 1,[� [ y' �,`-� .li.!_�..t�tdY.l� <br /> __� �.��.P ilr�I�Gn��ki'��.��:K� 't`+�tLlie�vfbi.s.:il�� -.4_�. ���. ..:i� riri3�.. y�r �•X�t���'�:•�y^�,�r��rJ .i•�yyi�� Y.,,y 4 wl•;.:��?r :�_ <br /> -c•{� .J��, ��.+ .d. f:;k�!' .. 'y�,±i.� �h � . ..�..Q��'-�pK]Qa . ' ._"yi�l'{A.�TS•'^�^kL ' . • A. . •. �1� ��'4ry.a. <br /> �'�Ire. ����) � �tl .R�:1ri.' � _� . I � �Y;�• �es�. <br /> �v y t R • ,����a� Mµ ::1 v+ [ 0"'`�1.'At- �R t s 1 <br /> . .�'$`.Yi.A'V � .31M _ ' i {` . . . , �o , �5\�:���- ��1�'h 1��: �..,�� � '� ',. � ' \ +q'"�-�- <br /> =��± � :��`S��1v�..�K• � �,°.`.t�>'..'�f,:"t, •l ,� �,, , �i�r :•� i !�� � ��• ,-.:�'u� � ..c � f ' <br /> — a <b� dy ,� .1,.: :�' . ' � .. '.�� . ,. '��\1 ��• ,J{�`r�.• 'r .A �� . .'1 't� 11'.1.� . <br /> ' ' �i d�., ;,`a.. . . , . . + 'r�'�itlY`e:i, � t��%i I�nCY' s. �.41:- r i �.�� . <br /> '+:i`fi�o. � ' : t - • . . ;d . ' � " (T��' � ��i4N���$t '� , �- ,r ;i`i, ' <br /> r .-,i�f .. . > ' ,�•./i �' .. . t.l..v 4,.� ''•�:!L,(�:i",�'s, ... ' <br /> �IJ�-f�.+� ` a .7. •�.. • - a. •a . . p�...-! �}!�.' �.Mr R��. , . <br /> , i � � �T:,.�, � � � � , 3" - -. . '� 1•� . . - . .,. . ,�H" �. .. '�,�k}YA��� . <br /> _ �' A� . .. .. , ��!a i.w!"r• '� <br /> ''. K.f' a , ' . • �.. " �.. ��� � ,� • � . ��' . �. � . � ' . <br /> , . . • <br /> ,i <br /> . <br /> .'; <br /> , . <br /> � r+ <br /> � , <br /> ��!{ • • _ �u iJ � J 3 . . , . <br /> . . . <br /> R". . _ � _ _._' '_ _''___- .__'_.___. _ _'_ _.LL� ..__�__ .__'_ <br /> . ., o � . <br /> . , . . . <br /> . . _� .srr.. :...i_�. .. _ . . _ ._. _.__ ______..'_"___'.___ __._ ___v- � <br />