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. 'M :... ir.A°� �• � -./ ,..� . .- \ -�. _ .ti,l.i . ° ° �e'� <br /> , � %a+^ T .u'k-•':"R�" �^�Fr°'�i`-�,5'.Rr!�^'_�^.°•7�f' ,�,r - <br /> -""�- _, y;�;�.±�Yv �a'.i•":'Ptil''iyYit!t', •.�: r ,�-��IA.:�i.�tL�(iN;Jy.`::a;(;�. ' r1'i��D,}T,R . ' �.. ' _ "' ' ''' <br /> - ,, ,�-�.�` , � - � . . '.-l.i . _ . '' ,� "U_ _' ^�-. <br /> � . _. " <br /> 77�M_ <br /> ' • "''•tw11�111i�(�i�tP�1�iir`�i�f�itl�ti�i�1�M�IL�►+Q�'i�17�JfMqt�1$011 L�OOIIIf��Yr �.�:`. ' .. <br /> , .��P��,��'< � , ,>. ... , , ; ;�, <br /> i dN w�aii�����oq1 b�Cit�.of�be ixqpqny.q�q." � rail�'be qlplbd ta Hie� �eourod by tbl� � `;'',.�:��+:- <br /> �tiwln�+ws.wMia�t��bt dN4 tlw.wyh M�►�t -��amoi�r Iq the ave�t o�a piutld WJn�of tbe Ptq�mty in • ^,;•' <br /> • wDir,6 tre t�r adwloet vdue ot d�e Pro�aty�i�bly bitaro tho qkiiy ut equ�l to ar�ne�oer tb�ip ole arnr,q�nt at Ihe aunu : ; i <br /> �ecvrpd by.lbi�t Securi�ry�. ybe�fote d�a dada�.,unles4,8anowor�nd L�and�ar otbhew,�e 1���tniNd�, , <br /> . d�o aaN.Mt,w�ad by tbb �eauity T M��ll be,retluoed by da�uqaunt ot�he. �dulttplle�by tbe ialMwln� . _ <br /> � ffractioa; (a)t�e toW�qmooat of tbo wmt�equrod ia�raedl�tely bal�om tho takln�{,dfvl�(b)the fair twric�t v�tae d tho , <br /> - - - -- ' . i'roppty imn�Me�y�ix8ote dio p�rp, Any b�iwnoe�haU bo pJd to A�nuwae. ln ihe eva�t of o p�ti��d� . <br /> ' � Ih�ap ►in wBich the fiir m�rket vdue ot da Pioperty immeeliyely betae�he ukiaQ b le�s than tha�oF t�e u►mt <br /> immedl�tely b�ef'aro the Wclng,�udau�Ho�mwar�1�a�t�erwl�+�ee in writ[n4 or wdpra applioabld IaM <br /> oWawiio povldea.�e►pr�eed�s4d16e y�plkd w da aoa� by thi�Secutlty lnsawnent whalhar ar�wt the aan�am <br /> — tlr�dao. <br /> If'd�e Propaty is�bmdaned EY 9art�o�e*.or�er notice by L.ender ta Aomnwor tlut the condea�or ofl'et�w m�lca <br /> N�w�fl�d of�Otlb�CWm�If dM1Al�OS.80M1o1M��+�ils b IOtpond W Loode�wit�1130 dty��1Ci th0 d�1e dle t1ofIC0�t�iVC11� <br /> Laider Is awlwM�ed to odbct st�d I�pply tho p�aoeed�.at ia op�k�a,ei�r a�a rop�it oi tho Propart,�ar w the <br /> wau cacured by d�Sectuity�In�ut#wa�wN.wi�ett�er ar eat ther►due., <br /> Unkss I.ender ad Bamp�x,aq�awi:e�greo in wriw�g;:iu►y Iicatlan af pa�eeds ta pdacipAl th�U not o?il�aA�ar <br /> po�tpor�a the due d+it�.p�.tha qtailiY�y paymartr oekrted w in r�� t�Q�d 2 a�atuiage the aroamt bf wich pryme�4la;'•' <br /> � i!. Borra�w�tr'l�ivt�'Rekaedi Plorbaw�aoe Bq i.epd�r�� 'l�i�a!�ire�: Exteeelat of the tlma far p�yment a <br /> � moalf�ton of��aol�n�f d�e w�m secw�oa by dus Luondjt�n�:�a�roed by l.ender to my cuc�xs:or in i��et�qst <br /> - ''' of eamwor�daU•1ic+� apefue ta nle�ta the IiAbillty of�i�d.��Bondwr,�nr Barowerti wcoeuo�ln intmecf.,�:tnda <br /> _ __��F�� �?ull not be uiroA�Xt►�rtMoncc p�'oeaedinBe Againu.+adlY g+tcCCSSOr in'bi�eiat or tefu�o to ca�tend tmto!or p�yuueu�.cr - <br /> ---�-.Y�?h�q otherwi�e mo��ity anuA�lizt�an of��'h�suma secured by t1Us S' i�dryy:trutnent by roasa�of u�y danand mode by the a�r�i�l <br /> -.,�� Bomnwa or Borrov�+er's succeaao•rs ip inrot�eu. . fo b L.ender�n e�cerei�in��ay d�tu or t+o�qedy rh�iR.�R�he a <br />_ 5 w�iver of or prCClude�the cxer�cise of�any right or�neem�dy. •,� .�` <br />,_�.. IZ. Succeasosc aad As�aa 8oun�;JNiw�t a�d Several LlabWtyi G►•�IRaers. Tho covenwtts aad igneenieMs af.t�ls ,. ' <br /> - - Security G�stnuneqt,�aa�l�.6�ad anaJ benefit tha�unxswrs and a�igns of T.ender nnd Bortower.wbject���tt�'provisioiu of � , , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> - n.�� p�r�g� 17. Burtowerr� G�+venamts end agieementa ahall be Joint and several. A11y BaYowe�who�-�Ig11a thi�$eC�ity <br /> K�-i���, Lutruma t but doe�not eXycuce the Note: (�)is co-aigniog this 9ecuriry lnsnument only to martgage,�rnnt and convey tlut <br /> �-�. Barowerl�interest in the A�upettY pndertho terms of thia Seciulty Inalrumen� (b)ie not peraonally obliguted to psty the sums <br />`-;., sawed by dds Security�lnsaumen�wnd(c)agtees that L,ender and any othar bosower rrury agree ta ol�send.madiFY.forbear <br /> "`� or make Any accomm�ons wi�h regwd tt���e,tenns of this Security Insuument ar Iho Note w[thout that Barower� <br /> �� cantent. <br /> �.:• ,�t 13. I.oan Ch�r�ea If,the loan secured by this Security Insuument Ic subject tq u law which seta meximum loan <br /> -- -_ -�,.�� cls�rgcs.usd that!aw js flnalSy Ir�i�r�rtit�so ihat tt�,e i�-t�s or otlser!a�cl�sges co!!eclr�!ar!o be co!lected ia ccrosxcsi�s <br /> v '� with the loan exceed 1he permlited lunite,then: (u)�r►y suCh I.oan chuge ahall be�educed by the omaunt nxessary to reduce <br /> �� the charge to the perinitted limit;and(b)any sums alrcady collected from Barower which ezceeded permitted limita wlll be <br /> ,�. :� � ' �funded w Barmwer. I.endor may choose to meke this refund by reducing the principd owed under the Note or by makLig a • <br /> �.^ ,� :^�: 1 direot payment to Borrower. 1f n refund�duces pr�ncipal,the reduction wfll be treatal as a pertial poepayment without ony <br /> '.�,,, ..-,,,�;�, p�payme�t charge under che Note. <br /> 14. Notices. .Any notice to Borrower provided for in�his Securiry Instrument ehall be given by delivering it or by <br /> - malling it by t��st class mafl unless applicuble law requires u�se of another method.71�e notice shell be dinected to the PmpeRy <br /> " Address or eny other address Borrower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice w l.ender shall be given by tirst class <br /> � mail to Lenderk address stated herein or any other address Lender designutes by notice lo Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> -' ��� in this Security Instrument ahail be deemed Io have been given to Borrower or L.ender when given es provided in thic <br />•:�t .• ��� p��Ph• <br /> ' ""'tY' � ��< 1S. Governt Lpwi SeveruWlit This Securi� Insuument shall be ovemed b federel law wid the law of the <br /> :f • �g�� n8 1• Y B Y <br /> `'�� ,, � jurisdietion in which the Property is located. In the evenl that ony provision or cluuse of this Secu�ity Inatrument ar the Nou <br /> ''`� t`�" �''�`r'F Cont]icts wflh applicable luw,such contlict shnll not affect other provisions of�his Security lnstrument or the Note which caa <br /> :-: � .N� ,....,. <br /> �F'��`'� �}� be rven efFect without the conflictin rovi�:ion. 'Ib�his end the visions of this 5ecudt lnatrutrrent and tite Noce are <br />-..:� •r� Nt�,n(t..,�' � S p pro Y• <br />, t' �r,�;��v" �� �'� declared to be severable. . - <br /> , Y ��i.�})(:�;; .• <br /> � �, j��,;.Y i�'_� � ➢6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shnll be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Secu�ity Instrument. <br /> � � »u��� �, � 17. 7�ansPer af t6e Property or a Beneflclal lnterest In Borrower. If all ur uny purt of�he Propeny or nny interest in <br /> � �"`�-•' � it is soW or trs�nsfcrred(ar if a bencfirial inleretit in Borrawer is snld or Iransferted and 8orrower is not a natuml person) <br /> _��� :�'„}'�'`; .?'�,.. •" � without Lender's prior writ�en consent,Lender muy,ut ih option,reyuirc immediAte payment in full of all sums secured by = <br />-.��`�• � , �� r this Security Inslnimenl. However,thix option shull not Me ezercixd by LenJer if exercisc is prohibiled by federal luw a.e of = <br /> •� . t'•�•"`��'���=r;i� thedate of this Securlty Instrument, - <br /> �;; i�.��;.;,_, .,� If Lender exercises this option,LenJer xhall give Borrower notice of urccleru�ian. The notice ahall provide a period of _ <br /> ��, `ji��';e,.. not less than 3Q dnys from the dute thc nwice is dclivered or muiled within which&,rrow Kr must pny all�ums xecured by Ihis <br /> . :�. ...,r�r� Security Instrument. If Barn�wer fails to pa} these �um. prior ta the expirution of Ihis{K�od, l..end�er may invake any = <br /> . �'���+f.�'.• ,r � remedies rtnitted b this Securit Instrumrnt without funher nu�ice or demand�m Borcuwer. - <br /> .i,:; ,,-'::�^:•.;: pe Y 3' � <br />".i�:," ,:�.�',G�;��va}csind: �� • 1$. Rarrnwpr's Right to Reinctute. lf Borrower meets certuin r�mJitions, B�wer �hull hAVe Ihe right lo have - <br /> j�� ;�i,s,���;�a�.st enforeemen�ot'�his Security Inatrument Ji,c�mtinueJ u�uny timc prior�o thr earlier of: �:n 5 day,(or such other period ns _ <br /> ,'` � �tiq�+2�y�,E�•��'.;.� SinplcFumil}--FtinakMadFltiddie111qcUN1Y(1RMINti'1'R4'MkNT••UnifurmCovrn�nu 9f9� 1/wgt4nJ'h/rogtsl ' � <br /> SI,�' ,,, h�i�..,, , . � } i,_ <br /> ;��•�3�i!���'.��, • - <br />._ ,�i;,��'r{�i/'(5`t?ylf - ' ' _' _ — ' "W <br /> r� .�(.i,i; <br /> ��� ..1�flf �•. � _. .� 1L:i..:...�._. _�:�-I!'.r.�cs...�.-��7iMG�'y^- <br /> '� �j i` �;.;�li�.acrtf��y�� .�c.trir�. '�]F_�ai�. t..� <br /> _' � 1�;,ti•. , ; •• - . , t{ I 1�.��•v�iMV�M•��,W�+�l•.. . .�o��.. —. <br /> "�.l j��''�tA, 7� i i:,•. . . , . �;'!�f�;l. 1f��"""-°T. , .- ,.,. - .�„�...�m,--- <br /> (' ��1 t 1�� �-�.. ` � � .� . .��� , 4� - . ���r y -- _--- — <br /> 4, ht, � �i�t.� ':•. - . . �. - . • . �.,� -:�•!i�'Y+i�d' - �v�—_— <br /> U� �.�. � ]�� • •wi-1+ifJrTfT�Ft -- - <br /> , . <br /> . . , <br /> ._ . ' �!lS�1}MG.'C. .4.� _N'. .''. •_._ "_ '_.._. ._.�' _'"" ...�.`�. _ <br /> � <br /> .. _ _ �t..! '_ '�" � <br /> --. w- . , .._ .,.. .. _ ___.-__ - __- - -- -_- . . ._' ' : ' r ' ' - _ ._ <br /> . _-- __' '- _ ' --��. <br /> .'' �N <br /> .,�� �+`'V`6 I� , ' ; . .. . ._. .-- - - - "-�'F.�. w9r�. 7Y,. �.___ - <br /> __._ ..,. - . __ <br /> __ .__. <br /> _- � � .. . i.r4�� <br /> � .. ����X .. <br /> y. y .+ ��'�-" 1 . � . ��,�," �.l�•.f ��-Ywsw rta <br /> ._� � ' _ , : _"�� . . . . . • _ ... . . � l�rFa'0.1�:�'.t•'",�Y. .:IC�'41�rofu� - <br /> V` r > .. � 1` _ . �,.i'7�..,.` y •t +„', 1.�.��t_..i;wlr�y{�,ra?� <br /> ��, ,r' � , 7 �T <br /> ,?S � ;�t'�. . . � ` �ti �; � ,,�.� .' . � . . .��h.',C'� - <br /> . .:' ► .� _ � .. ' . . ' •�, . -- �.t , ''!',' .1 `� .'1. _.. . . ' i, ' �'' . ' sC. r;.. _ <br /> . . - ' . . � - , , �•� � - . .? . �•���' <br />- f �, , . . •�� ,- ' •. • '1�' , '. �, . ' . ' ..i. . �.:�!:-. <br />_ � , . . . . . \ • .. ' - ._ ' , - <br /> .�0�5� . . _ ,� . � , .. i ��.�'�.-," .;. .. , _.V. ,a - �• . �} ��. <br /> t`', i ' . '.�. . ' . , ' . 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