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�✓��i�'.1 ,c �y.:` : .. 1LF_`.^Ai"•'.. ... . _. ._ _ _ _.- ••.� <br /> ' aA <br /> S •.�f�- ,��:v..wp . , . - �p �p'.��' �J • P:'1 �"°f�=;-a��� „1— ��r� . <br /> ��.� _�_ . . :5�yt•�t'`�:a�i�.i�t�t�.�(b���+fW-f�,.%�'�r�'". �.., .N"�?1•�:�Y.v�%. �v. r.� �� . -. . _�. _ <br /> � � . .. � . . . . 1 U . f. . . . . .. . . . � .. ' • . , . ' <br /> - , . �. , --- -�-� �M iw�r�e AMMI b d��ie�re�tw����p��i.iN�l� <br /> .71w <br /> .. .� .!���� ',obtdp��M�NiM�ia.��trih b ��hN�ooad�odw���w 4��r,MM04�t , __ <br /> , Ml�a�a�noe Pdid��� !6R�oo�bM b�i�nd�IaN b�dude�M�rd��ua l.wd�' :, .'•.. <br /> �11 bave d�ri�t a boW P���d�w�wk. tra�der rogaire�,Ba�n+nwer�11 P�spW' ve,en . �II�emeipa' .. :'� �;- <br /> of pd�i promiap�s�qdl'taiew�i aatio6t. �ri 8��at uf Ina,8�nowl�r�11�tYe p'�0��oti�a Id IIw iowrwnoe oiuties�ad � • „ ; .�.- <br /> Gada: l.emfer nuY emke poat d 1o�M Udot MwM piro�mpNy�y MnowK • ' • _:� <br /> ., -- Ur+l�I.endo+'wx!�wmwu otk�xwlta�ee ia wtltin��ua�ca sl�11 bc�ppiipd to natAnMian ar rrpaireR . ' <br /> tha it dre.�+aeeniion a�ep�ir L eoonoqHo�l�y t bk and L,aMMrk Mowity i�aoe Mawbd.,If die -��,=. <br /> R:s�o�i or�not eoanaaiatly te�ible ar I.�dert �eamtty wouW ba kaeaed�tha iawranoe paoeal��h�ll.Dd �: �'� <br /> ,�ppUod w d�e waa�eairod by d�ia Secxriey lomuma►t. whether at aot dbn due� with�ay oaoe�pdd a Ba�rower. It � <br /> Barawer�bauido�a the Prape�ty,or doid not�w1Wip 30 dqn� itadae!lrnm I.e�tder Uw ti►e inaa�aoe c�rrier 1� � <br /> ofl'ared to�eub a cl�im�tlkn Laiderm�y oolbct tbe iawr�noe prooeed�. Le�det truy we 1be pnoeed�to rop�ir ar»�or0 <br /> th�Prapeny ar a p��ocwoa iry ad�ser�rity rewurnau.wueti�or na a�en aua �tLe saa�y paioa wyu bc�+�en <br /> � u���+�ua saaowe�ane�ri�o.�ee i�wrlein�,�ny tic�io�ot p�uceea�w ooe ex�ena cr <br /> �u <br /> poapane the due dMO d the Q.oMhlr Wya�eaa neten+ed ta ia pua� 1 wd 2 or cb�a�e We rnount of the p►ya�s. If � <br /> md�r 21�he P►openty is�oq�+ed by Le,nder.�omnwerh ripht W�ny insunu�oe policie�aid proceeda tetultia� <br /> .__ �����Y P��o tbe�c�d�Mioa,�U p�to Le�er to tbe euwu d die a�aps xcuted by Ihb Soeadty . <br /> Ins�aneat inanediately prlor 10 IheaW uisitiae. <br /> i. Oocdp�� Pr+aa�r#tio�� MMate�aoe a�d ProteNbM at fbe Prope�l�i �o�awer'� L.o�n AppNcatia: <br /> -_ -- i.aa�uidw Earmwes sG�11 u�.�;uNy,esiablisit,aztd us;,thc Dta�rty�Su�►ruwnr i+MLwip�i�widaax:wiliduraide��oo far at <br /> y the exx�aion of ttu�Sex�r+t�c ln�tnrment nd�haU conWwo to occupy the Property�Borrowerl�priacipd <br /> _•-. r�.;' least o0o year�att�,�1l+e .daYm af ocrupmcy. unless l.eoder o�henvise �g�es in writing. whicb 000�sawt �11 not 6e <br />��lii, unrcaso�bly w4rt4Aekd,,br n►iless axta:uadug circumsa�noa oxist which a�o beyood Bomower'�cawd. Bonowet s6a�11 na <br /> .-•- destroy.dama8e or�imp�ir d�e Property,allow dte Prn to detedonte,or�onunit waate on the Prapaty. Baroower slWl <br />.,=":�:��:�'" be In defwle ii nn foA'dture action or <br />•�„-.�. Y P�'��8,w civU ur crlmi�ul.i�beQua tFu�t in I.eadub good fiuh,jadgtna►t <br />;::��+ could rcsult in forhitwa of�the Pt+nperty or otl�erv�►ise mAtaiaQy Impair the lien c�eated by this Secudty I�trumenc ar <br />--�.:. <br /> ' Lenderls aocwity 1nk�rsl.� Bumower may cune such a default and rcinstate.u provlded in p�ngr�ph aiusia�tt�e�ctian <br /> '�N or proceeding ro be dismissat wNh a mlLi� Ixnderl�gaod faith detenninatbn.Procludes forfeNuro of tha Batrower� <br />:;f<� inteRSt in the Property or other materlal(mpairn�ent of the tirn cneatod by this Security lasdw�nt or Lender'� aecuriry <br /> -�J interest. Borrower shall also 6e in def;�ulR if Borrower, during the lan applicatkn prooess. gave m�teridly fdsa or <br />-;i:r�; <br /> ..,,;.. inaccurate infamadon or staterm�mts to[.encJ�r(or f�iled ta provide Lender wlth any m�terfal inform�on)in conneeNaq wlth <br /> aa� the loan evidenced by the Nate, includjqg. but no1 Wnitod to. �epraent�tiona conxming Bortower�s axupaacy of�he <br /> �..:,� <br /> ��"` Prt�perty es n�xincipnl rea�ticncc. If this�ef�l��lty l�.atrument ic an a lea�ehold.Ho�rowu stWl canply with all thc�ovisions ' <br /> - --•.,. <br /> , ____. _ __ _ .• <br /> '_.j of thc Icase. If Bortqwer,acquirea fee dde to the Property.Ihe le�sehald•And Ihe fee tfUe�hall not mer�e unkw L�ender� . ,. � <br /> :"�ti, w the merger in writing. � � <br /> ��- 7. PrMectinn ot Leoder s WghRs in tl� P�oAerOy. If �onower fails to perForm the cacenants and agraments. , <br /> �s��;} contained in this Secu�iry Instrument. ar triere is a,Iegal praceeding that may sigmflcandy affect Lei►derk dghts in the � ''•'� <br />__= Property(such as a procadin�Z in bankruptcy,probete,for condemnation or fodeiture or to enforce laws or reguladons).then <br />- ',����• :f; y"" l.ender may do and pay for wh�iever is necessary to pmtect the valae of�he Pnoperty and Lender�s dghta in the Prope�ty. <br /> �` Lender's actions may include paying any sums secur�ed by a lien which has priority over this Security Insuument,appesving <br /> �;'�� in court,paying reasonnble attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to mal�e repai�s. Although I.ender may talce adion <br /> k?"�''�"r� under this paragrnph 7.Lender das not have to do so. <br />,��.h ti���.�, . <br /> "'• '+�'?'�.•j; Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragreph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> _ . ,�,� �,r <br /> 5 ^ ��;;��' � i Security Inswment. Unless�Borrower and Lender ugree to ather tem�s of payment,thcse amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> '� � '�" �`�'•`�'•" dute of dfFbursement at the�Iote rsse end shall be a nble,wlth interest.u n notice from L.ender to Borr�wer uestln <br />. y �.:�i.� , �., P Y Po �l 8 <br />'-°..�, , �" •�.r���<<�:�. payment. <br /> ���r�• ',""���`�, ����� . 8. Mortgnge Insurance. if I.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making ihe loan secured by thiti <br /> ,+-: . <br /> •:_,�, .. . .�:•;..�� .. <br />-;r,.;,> > �. , • �• �,,�! R Y;, Security Instrument,Bomower shall puy the premlums reyuired to maintain the mongnge insurunce in e�'ect. lf, for any <br /> •='�� r •�.'?'" `���`��'. `�• ' reasan, the morigage inaumnce coverAge required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, 8arrower shall pay the <br />,��..� :. >• ,; ��L,N.,. <br /> ��., �. _...�.,, premiums required to obtain coverage aubstantially equivolent to the mongage insurance previausly in effect, at e tost <br /> �••�„�., subs�antiully equivAlent to the cost to Borrow�r of the mongage insurance previously in effect,from en eltemate moRgage <br />�.'.�'�t� ��� ; " ., ,,;','.:••. insurer npproved by Lender. lf subsluntially equivalent mortgage insurance covernge is not avuilable,Borrower shal)pay to <br /> .�'•�'` r:�.; Lender euch month a sum equal�o one-tw�elfth of the yearly mortguge insurance premium being paid by Borcower when iht <br /> :�i;;, �`:,��;r��'`•.��. • � '�'� insurunce covemge lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use und retain these payments as a loss reaerve fn lleu <br /> °��� •••.��,�:^yt��`' '��'F"k� of mort n e insuruncc. Lass reserve u menix ma no lon er be uired,at the o non of L.ender,if mott a e insurance <br /> �ql" �R P Y Y 6 re9 P� � B <br /> .,,y:: ,1u�I'.. <br /> �, ,.. Y. ; Y covernge(in the amoum nnd for�he period thot Lender requires)pmvided by an inzurer approved by Lender Ag�in becomes <br /> n°�� ���;,'�, � � :� nvailable and is obtoined.Borrower shall a the remiums re uired to muintuin mort age msurunce in effect,or to rovide a <br /> ''�`,.� "� p Y P 9 �' P <br /> r»...^ r.,:.41r. , <br /> } � , ; � • loss reserve,until the requirement for mongage insurance ends in accordance with uny written agreement between Horrower <br /> and Lender or upplicable law. <br /> �:�_ ..r�_`_ _ ;� 9. Inspection. Lender or its ugent may make reasonable�ntries upon and inspections of Ihe Pro}�eAy. Lender s6o11 <br /> — give Burruwe�u��ticc ut�6c timC of or p�i�,r t�a�i ins��ti.�u+pe�ifyiu��-er.uitiablc.:ause for the inspeCtion. <br /> • ,. � � 10. Cnndemaatinn. 7'he proceedx af any nwnrd or rlaim for dumugcs,direct or consequemial,in connection whh any <br /> �'� '� � .r^. • Sin Ir F�mll Fwwiv Ms�NFYeddk\ioe l��tIPORN IN�TItUMENT••UniPorm Cuvenants 9l90 InaRr.;aJb pugerl <br />:.�,�; L , S Y" <br /> c�wti u►a�wrr.�'ar.ina■ <br />:;;,;;''• •, : . � r.a�as cau aaaoa9oti000 o►ex a�s��-na� <br /> � t�� '- ' . <br /> a� `�:. <br /> .: , <br /> � :•.,,�� , . <br /> , .i , <br />� ' � "�: � ' +m�r�r--srt.s��^-_,r+t _ . - __ . .- - - <br /> ' u . . • . �tt�i'.Fi�•�'^� 'suc_ ._ .-.,...._-, . . .— �,.��`�;,�����...v�.� _'.- <br /> � � ` . . ., <br /> . <br /> , , <br /> , � - „ . . �:.t�,:� M.'' y, �isa <br /> � .. ��. � . . s� :4 <br /> ,�;:` � ' �1: ��` ' ' t .. .. '.r�x �y(� 'i�:.?�� .�iii�'tl6ie�tn'w� <br /> ... 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