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r,_'_..I"j+�• --_...i.iiGr`�r.a._-•--�. . LL= --_— <br /> _...� �1...�'M .y.� , � . ' . . , ,� - <br /> _._.__�._. r:'.-�,•. ...�.�M,.,,t�,.. . . .,....,. ..n,v�e,�ra.� .�.�.r•ar���� ' ��A •. ; <br /> � .,.,. . � _. _ , . �3• �" <br /> '�a rop�'a�o W Wn a d�d.l�ndes�M�Mw fh� �M IM saN�4 �oluM��1a�pp1y W wab Proa�d�, <br /> ,�.rr�Ndua�nptl�ron��nswlMwmabf► In.o�onwMh°.u�hProaMe..upon.�►1 �n�baal�:�une . <br /> M r a l q►a n d,l n�u o h o�d w M��n�►d M�i m i n��o r b a p p l y aN woh P ro o M d�,rw woh d�duoMon�.(01M�Mlon d IIN <br /> �a�4'a�a a.�n�,�",�i�ra.,�mr�a�rwaa waaP.r�`b •�nv w�+�na.�a a�ia b <br /> T��!Pwfot�Ma by L;MdK.Upo�Ih�oaaurr�na af��EwM o10�f�uit 1taMUidM�a M any�at A hk�n o►.1�{W P��O <br /> aornn�ad whkh mabrWll►alNob I.�nd�►"a IM�r�M In th�P�Opwyr.l.�ndK�y M l4 own dl�artlun�but wiMaut b do <br /> ,_ '"� '� w�uid wqhout t�ollc�Io a d�n�nd upoo Trwtor�n4 wllhout r�loulnp TYu�tor om any obll any aot which �tqr hb - <br /> fr p <br /> p�w0 but lalb eo do�nd rt�y�ho do amr otM►�at H dMm�h�iY b M�th�aouriq aM��ol.Tiw�or qwN,Im��lIMM�r <br /> — upao A�nd th�nfor by I.�r�.W�Y to I.�naNr dl oalr�nd ucp�n�a k�oum�d+md wmt�nd�d by I�ider In oonn�aUa►wW� <br /> 1h��o1Nb�►L��n�d�a�of ql�fon0a�dOhU.topWMr with Intwat tl��em at Ih�d�twlt r�M provid�d In th�Nob�whloh slqN a <br /> „ �Od�d to IM Itw�bt�tlMp M01u�d hM�b'y. LMIeNr dlNl IIOt i110uI M1y Il�bllly b�o�uN of MyNflllp it nwy do w omit b d0 <br /> M�I�N M�ANI�M.Truqo��h�ll kMp Ut�P�o�ty In complanc�wNh ap appllcabN I�wa.adin��oa ub rput�tlans <br /> _ n1aUn�b indutbW hyoMna ot�nvkonn�l ProMatlon(coll�oUvsiy af�rr�d to f�Nn u"Envkonm�nW lawa"L Tiwtw shall <br /> �uP�ous�raM'n�����w� �d np pr�nb��►1�u��n no H���►dow« �M�a <br /> wKMr tM Prop�y.Tiw1o►I�MW�0►MS to Ind�mnty u�d hcld h�r��t,�rw,M,iu dir�eton.aM�crrs.�npb��+�nd ap1nA�.�rid <br /> _ ,;� any wcoasWf 1D IrMldws kMMMR honl�nd�palllq an!►and�Y CI�tnM.dMe�pM.bstN�nd M�bYit1M arWrg in c�MCMon�MiM� <br /> tAs pr��w�ua.dhpwM a b�n�port of ru►y Hwrdous MaMrW�on.undK.from or aboiA�Prop«t�r.THE FORE�WN(d <br />-- �:i-- WAHRANTIES AND flEPRESENTAT10N8,AND TRU8TOR'B OBUOATION9 PUR9tJANT TO TFIE FOREf30Md(�i IitDFiM�TY.BHALL <br /> s,, <br /> � 8UFIVNE RECONVEYIINGE aF TH18 QEED dF TFiUST. <br /> _ - -- 10. A�iFi�it vi R��ta.Trur�tor t16raLy iusipna to i.8tfder tho rotsls.b.ittoo and p►a!i!�Mlhe P�o�1�C p�vldeA tlu�t Tnulor <br /> . �hall�umll th�occunencs o1 an Event of Oetault hsround�►.haw th�dpht to coll�ct and��Wn wch nm�,i=waaad pro�ls p thhr - <br /> •�,F: ',�,,.. b�com�du�and p�yabl�.Upon dt�asouaanc�of 1x�Evsnt of WiaulC I.�nd�r may.NthW in p�wn oe by��t,with or wiqwut <br /> brinpinp any act�on or procwdinp,ar by a rawiver appoinad by�coun and wlthout npud to tha r�d�qwcy of fte acurNy.� <br /> . " upon�nd t�ke poases�ion of the Property.o►any part thereof,in ib own name or in the n�ma of the Truatee,�nd d�a any ecb whlch ft <br />�;; - :�;� � dsena mc�ary or dpiabla ro prasrvs th�value.marlcot�bldty or rentabiWly o1 tho PropeAy.or�ny paA thareof ar intorMt tMnin, <br /> Inara�ss the Income lha�efrom or protact the eecurfty horeoi and,wilh or without takinp pa�lon ot fhe Prt�perty,w�fa a <br /> ;=i 1��r otherwia collsct 1hs ronb,lasues aed proflts thereof,includlo�those past due and unpaid,and appty the a�me�las�co�s and <br /> , ,� expsn�oi ope�tion and G�Ilectf�n inctuding attomeys'feea,upon any indebtednesa seaurad h�raby,all In such orderas LantNr <br /> m�y deqnnine.l'h�enterin�j upv�itad taki�p possealon of t�e Propert�+,the collectlon of�uch�ynb,issuesand prqlib and ths <br /> ,;.,, appllcadon therool as afore�aird.ahall not cure or walve Any delault or nodce of default hereunder or invaltdNe any ect done!n <br /> � '`•� �isppnae to euch dsfault ar p�rsua�ito such nodce of defa+altAnd,notwlthstandlnp the contlnuanca In possetslon p1 the?rop�A�r or <br /> the collecdon,recNpt a�d eppl:caUon of nnto,Issua or pTOlits,and Tru�tee ond Lander�haN be endtlod b�xerclea ewry�ipht <br /> _ ��,W� provlded for In pny of ths Lnan Inshumenb or by law upon occunence of any Evant ot Delault,Inaludlnq withoW Ilmitation Ih�rlpM <br /> °��� �--`?�+�y ,to exercus the pow�r of saie.Fu�iher.i.errciar'a d{�hW�►nd remedfaa uadar thls parapreph st�all ba cumss!a!!ve�Ittt.end tn no wey a <br /> ,1.; , ,,ij ' q roPMhalAnda, <br /> ?;�.•� Umifatlon on,Lender's rlphte and romedNs under a�y asslpnment of leaees and renq reoaded a einst ti�e f' Trustee - <br />'-;,;_:;�� � "t� ��`` and Ihe recehrer stiall bs Ilable to account only for thos9 reMs aclually recalved. __ <br /> °�` �_.. ��'� , � 11, Ey�b p�pdauR,T�e lollowlnp ehall conedtute an Event of Detault under thla Deed ol Truat <br />^n.x�u:•�.7iv,Sfr��,S:y,. � <br />�:_rr�° ,�;,,�,���� �"i, � (a) Fal�ure W pay any Inatellment oi prfncipal or i•r�;erest oi any other eum secured hereby when du� _ <br /> �;;;'s �, . (b) A•b�aach of or default under any provlslon confakwd In the Note,lhlo Oeed ot TrwR o�Y n�the 4oan Instcume�,aaoy _ <br />';8;.;;�� ,,,,gs;r. • i ,;.t: ofher Ilon,or encumbrance upon fhe Property: <br /> '���'s . (C) A writ o1 execudon or aftechmenf oreny elmflar procese ahall bF+ente�ed epalnst Tru4tor�which sNll becom6a 11en on <br /> s.:,;, ,` ths PropeAy or any poRian Mereof or Interest thereln; <br /> � �K�%,' ..� <br /> r?'�:; (d) Thers shaN be filed by or agalnat Trustor or Borrower an aallon under any present or future tedetal,s�t,ate or other <br /> ��� �tstuls,I�w a rspWetlon reletlnp to benkruptcy,Insolvency or other rellef for debtors;or there ahell be appointed any trustee, _ <br />= `�' rocelver or Ilquldetor ol Trustor or Borrower or ol all or any paA ot the Property,or the ronta,Issua�or proilq thereof,or Tro�Wr = <br />� ce -:- <br />``�� ` ''`'� r"`. or 8onower shell make eny qeneral aeBignment for the benellt ol creditore; - <br /> •' �". ""�'�• � ` �t (s) Tho wle,transler,laaee,aselgnment,conveyance or further encumbrance oi all ar any pen of or any Intsr�st In the � <br /> �.,,, , .,�_,,,, _ ^-:---�• °'•�-; v�ar�iarlly or Involuntaraiy,wllhout the expresa wrleen consent o1 Lender;prov(ded that Trustor shall be - <br />�' ,� . �....,,..�...., e- <br /> •� ;.�?L.:. . ;. �' permftted to�xacute a Iq�ae of the Property th�t does�ot contain on option to purchoco ond th�Wrm of whkh doos notoxceed <br />.� , ey��y i . �;,. OIIY yOiP <br /> d. �..iF��•`��' - .,•: •• �. <br /> •'''�,a,... '=.,;�gJ;: . (9 Abandonmento'diheProperty;or -'� <br />��=:__ ; ., - . �l. .,; (p) N Trustor lo not an IndNldual,the iseuance,sele,tranaler,asslgnment convoyance or encumbrqncoot more tlwn a toLal _ <br />-i�;i^;:,.� a 5�. - _.. <br />-•r: . — <br /> {t �..:r':� 01 percent 01(II�corporetlon)Its issued and outslending stock or pi a paAnerehip)a 1o1a101 parcent o9 __ <br /> -y l �� '.,`. , paAnershi,p Intere�ts during the period thla Deed of Trust remeine a Ilen on the Property. <br /> 1� .� K •'', �.,.'Y�,``�t,J 4 ��. RMt�dNt�AccN�albn Upon ON�ulf.ln theevent olany Evenlof Default Lender may,wlt'hout notice eKCeplas required by �, <br /> luw,Oealere all Indebtednes�seCUred he�eby to be due and payeble and the same shall thereupon become due and payabte ''`� <br /> ,;,,,.. .: Qd <br />�=; �'���;;�"���`�' wltliout eny preaenbnent,dem8nd,proteat or notfce ot any klnd.ThereaNer Lender may: _ <br /> :.: • . �. ;+� - <br /> :°r;; {,�,4����::.+.7,��� (a) Demand that Tru�tee exercise ine POWER OF SALE �ra�ted hereln,and Truatee ahall lhereaRer cause Truatov's <br /> y;:F„ ,.., ,,.. �, Interest In tlw Properly to be aold and the proc�ds to be diatrfbuted,all In the manner provlded m the Nebraska Trwt Deeda _ <br /> R=.;,.�� •���'. `T'�''"',�`1 ' Ack -: <br /> ._., ,. ...,�ti:.•,�, :.�c� ��+'� <br /> � ` � �" t' _ (b) Exercfse any and all rlphta provided for In any of the Loan Instrumenta or by law upon occurrence o+aay Everrt of �' <br /> :;; � �.�'''.s��... 4.. .t„o, l� <br /> {�`�'�]Eaf • Dofaul�end <br /> �I�hl�f� �:K y� —. <br /> ���e t�,;, t,..r�,.�� �etarocelver.orapecNiea entarcean ofthe <br />.s�:.,±��3 .,y�,�� n.,��fi l�� (c) C o m m e n c o a n o c d o n ro f o re c l o s e thl s Deed o9 7rust aa a moAyaye,appo � Y <br />;�:i;;=.` �;k��' �i' .,�,'. Covenenb hereof. - <br /> ���;:�:., -.���!;�J�>,,���;tJ�. No remedy h�rce�r conlerred upon or reaerved to Trustee or Lender la intended to be exclueive ot a�y ot►+er nmedy hereln,in U�e _ <br />��;4'S: ;.�,`����,�{},!�}�.°`1:s;�g�` Loan Inefrumearts or by lew provlded or permitted,but eaGh ahall be cumulative,oha l l ba i n a d d i t lo n t o e v ery o t h e r r e m e dy giv en _; <br /> ,. ;� � . I,fr•?•��"�;;,;';'�.i hereunder,in ihe Loan Inatrumenta or now or heroafter exiatlnp et lew or in Qqulry or by sututa,and may be exerclsed concurraMly, �` <br /> ��f;.�t��s�t , � . <br /> �.� j�� -�t�.ti1 ind�pBlldendy O►euCCeslivelp <br /> �' � ;��(j����yy�` ,�;��+t� • 13. TruqN.The Truatee may resiqn at any t�me w�th�ut ceuse,and Lender may at any time artd wit�ouL cavse eppoint a �_ <br /> .>��, �,o.. „.�"��:L•� �,��: _ <br /> . , ,�� :�.� euccesaor ot substltute T�ustie.Trustoe 9hatt ewt be liabte to any party.�ncludlnq wllhout limifatlon LendeR.8otrower,Tru�tor or any - <br /> ' ` ;;�i',�;���;.:4.� �„� puraheasr ol th�Properly for any loss or daa�nuye unlesa due to reckless or wlllful misconduct,and sha[I nol be requlred to take any (4= <br /> �'!�` "'`�`'' ' '"'� aetlon In connscUon wfth the enforcemeRt ai thia Deed ol Truat unkss Indemnllled,in wrltiny,ta all coab, compen�aUOn a -- <br /> _.. '•`;,'�:?':�s:x��";:- � °- <br /> - expenses wAicA may be associaeed ehaewith.ln add�tion.Trustea mey become a pu�cheser et any sale ot the Prop�rty Qudiefal a <br />___ —_ ��.uw�,w.r,nrr.r n�.�.a►nnne twra�m:coswone the sale ol all or any portlon of Ihe Property,as provldad by 1aw:or sdl tho � <br /> ':',;`—:•'r s.�� <br />:-;,'• ,,.•, ,.,,v- •, Proporty As a whole,or�ri spuaee pa+cMs or lots at Truatee'a dlscretlon. � <br /> c°'' � ., • � 1�, F�p�nd Exp�nas.ln tAe event t►wtee sella the Properry by exarcise ot power of eale.Trustee ehall be entltled to apply _ <br /> �!� � � -�•;.,:;;�,�,,�,� pny wts proceeda flnt to payment o1 all casts and expenaea of exercltlnp pow�r o}aele,Includtrq all T�uuee'e fee�,and Lendar's � <br /> ��� � r,;1,��:�,F:;::�+,:_ �nd Tru�tss'�ettomey's lees,aclually Incurred to axtent po►mltted by applicable law.ln the went 8orrower or Truator exe►cisee any <br /> ' ' rlpht provld�d by law to aure an Event of Defeult,Lender shall be enllUed to recover hom Trusio�a�i cosri and�xp�rtsa acAcally �, <br /> � � �� k� !�•� Incurrod�s�►esult of Trustor's delaulR Includlny wlthout Nmifatfon NI Trustw's vid�tso►nfl!'s Iws.ta Its�aco�nt I�amitOW bY <br /> �—�'7i�1+`ttiy/�•'� i.' . d -- <br /> ...•,� ;,,.•�+�:.,,� � , :. �PPAcabt�I�w. � <br /> .:,- ,,: :,,,;;,�..� �,�•'�`� 15. FuWn AdvanoM.Upon request of Borrower,Lender mey,at fb opUon,moke addiaonal ond lutun advanCa and re• _ <br /> `� � " � ' � �dv�nce�to Borrower.3uch advances end reodvaneaa,with Interest thereon,ehall be�ecur�d bp t�ls Deed of Truat At no tlme sY�ll <br /> � , 'f � � .�,����. fhe prtnelpal amount d ths indebtsdness eeaured by thla Deed ot'frutt nat fncludln aums advanced to protect tha wcurlty of this � <br /> . DMd ol Trutt,ntaNd th�orlpinal prinalpsl amounl�tated herWn,a S 27.088.�,whlahw�►Is praler. , . .- <br /> .- ,.. '��j��, � ,` J ,• ;- <br />.-- ���'J '.�...-��+� ' i <br /> ..� . o . .. ----- -- <br /> �f � �� <br />