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__—� _�J�'(`'�� __ •--''" .- __ ... _ �–�, <br /> — •,� .. .a . , ..<. ' - , . - � -. <br /> -�+x,•_.tF:::� ...�,.:,-. , <br /> ' �c�owu�oo�wr oF o�o oF naur 93 <br /> , � ' ��n+��a�e�: � � �'�2 <br /> ttwiorunlfil�itMa�Meba�nt�weYh,MorM,l�wAa�aaa,Ma.w.daTru.t�na ert.inorq.p��ndaaeMNpawi+ <br /> .a.w�alof�n�t�..ed�uap�owa.�wn�ww.�a�.�rdoha.ndoaipauor�.bTruMOr�n�n�o��Ow�Mw•�nt <br /> a• a a w�a�ra,.o..aaTn�;�o,a�enaun�a.da,m.i.�na.r•NOhrb�,.w�n,� <br /> ������TruMor nPnMMM��nd wliltanh th�t IhM�ek�wwMdOM�M wM�x�qlMd 11�► <br /> . _-_ -�--�--� .� . �c��� .�.L. _ -- <br /> �y . , 7�.T_�1��_ ���i.e.�'� <br /> -- -a ��-�- <br /> . rwiMo. <br /> n- DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTtJiIE ADYANCF�B - - <br /> n�s aeEOOF�sr,r�n.e.a o�m. �b d.y a ��' .��`��r+��w <br /> - CINrl�a 6 I.�wh i Di�aaa J I.��oA . bwaad �ud �it� . . <br /> _==- Ih�Trwbr, � . <br />-•= wfw�a�tYnp�ddrN�4 • (h�rMn"TrwLOr."whMlwr on�o►mofy, - <br /> _ Fier Polnta B�k. � Nebrult� Corpor�tiar, � r= <br /> ,.,�.— --- -- - ---- tw� <br /> '�' � P.O. Box iSi7 Graad I�l�ad. 11B 68802 � _ <br /> whow mawnp addr�fs (h�rNn"T�'�,�r1d <br /> Fiv� Point� 6�ak =- <br /> ��� , ___- <br />. 'a,r• 2015 Y. 8ro�d��11 tiraad i�land, 1i6. 698Y2-13�7 �'"' <br /> � .,.� t « [tij,,:��;- <br /> '� ���i..`, M�10N IIMYIIIQ addfM��i (IN►Alff LMI��. ___- <br />,,�� '�?��... CtNrlt� E I.�ach _— <br /> _ -� �o-i; "., FOR VALUABLE CONSIDEMTION,i�ludlnp Lend�r's oxtai�Ion of eradit Idondflpd h�eln w <br /> i Diaans J l.��ob <br /> � '•;�, (he►etn"8onower", whether qn�or more)and the trust hereln arwtad, <br />-_� .;'��� • M�e rsaipt of wh�h I�hsr�by acknaw�sdped,T►ustor hereby IrrevocaWy�rants.traresaers,conveye and aulpns to Trustes.IN _ <br /> �•� TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,tor fho beneRt and aecurlty ot Lender,under anA au�blect ro th�tene�and condltlon�heranaitK sN -- <br />_��.—.-����-------��;-- lo���ror�rty��r �f gl11!!lS�A�IT30.1' .,t't,.' �''J'!£ �ITY tZF (i�Al3D ISl.l�!!D !!!� .. _ <br /> :� , ,ti:�.•._�i 'y� GOlIP E?IT LOT FOUR ��) IN BI.bCK SEV 171 �I1M 1W16ERTS ADDITIOiI 7'0 TN6 CIfY OF . - <br />'`�� '' ,r y,�t�y;' tiItAMD I�.AMD. 11A1.1. COUN7'Y, YBBWSK� . �° <br /> . .Er;; x .�. �� . �---- <br /> `�. �� ' ���;- <br /> - � �., .. ,.,.�,�- <br /> ""1 T er wlth all bulldin im rovements,Hxturea,atreets,alleys,passa�eways,eosements,rI hb, rlvN es end a urts• <br /> ".::�'�',^*'����. -:�'a �h W. P O P � PP ��- <br /> ,��'r"r��{T�!' ' f^._ � nanc�s IoCeted U�ereon or in anywlse perlelnfnp thereto,end the rent�,issuea and protlts,reveralons and remalnders thereof,flnd _ <br />• � �uch personal properly thet fe etteched to the Improvements so as to constltute a IlKture,includlnp,but not limlted to,heatlny and __.. <br /> coolinp eqWpmen�and toyether wlth Me homeetead or merital fntereata.It any,whtch inferests ere hereby released and waived;all <br /> ,2� '� _�`a `` oi whlch.Includlnp reptaCamenls end addltlone thereto,le hereby declered to be a part of tho r�l�tato waurM by the Ilm ot thls �;- <br />-- j�'�"''`;;`� . Dwd M Tnat�nd all of the forepolnp betnp relerred to herein oo the"Properiy". . <br /> �{ �, F.. ' <br />�17. �. ,t�,� �� <br />-__ � '. ��'^`r"�'" '.,<, Thls D�ed o1 TrpW aP�afl eecure(a)the payment ot the princlpal aum and Intarest wfdanced by a proml��ory noto or aredit � <br /> 5. <br />'�rY�� �� ��reomentdatad April 9th 1993 ,hovinp a metur�ty dato ot April lith 1998 � �, <br />-"';' ,�' ,!•.�:��":�� '��`•`' _. <br />�it;,_. ,j ,�V,,,,,., ,`• 26,488.71 ���: <br /> "!"�''�. In die oNpinql princlpal amount o1 S ,and any and a�l moditicatlona,extenslons a�d ren�wal� <br /> °;rr1�5.,,;r,,.l:,�. ,�,. � <br />•-:�:� ''�"�` +�'��' ' '` thereof cr thereto and any and all fulure edvancea and readvances to Borrowar(or any of them If more then one)herounder <br /> _:,'t, ^��;';'', . . , <br />.,�:;ry . purwant k oma or more promlesory notes o►credlt apreements(hereln called "Noto'7;1b)the payment of other sums advenced by Q--„�,, <br />;_:�;�; .. Lender tp pro�,�ect the securUy of the Note:(c)the pe►formence ol ell covenants and ayreements o17ru9tor set forth hereln;and(d�all <br /> :;;t ' ,;��,; presenl end future Indebtedneas and obliyatlons ot Borrower(or any of lhem il more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,indlrecl, �._� <br />.:.?`�t ,.'�f' _ abeolute or conUngent end whether arlsfnp by note,puaranty,overdraft or otherwlee.The Note,this Oeed of Truat and eny and aN n_.� <br /> �� othEr docuents that secure the Note a othervrfse executed�n connecdon therewith,Includlnp wlthout limitallon y�ea�anteee,securUy =;,,__ <br />',�j;•�_,�� ,, . , ' J epreem@nt9 and assi�nments of leases and rente,shall be relerred to hereln as the"Loon In4trument4". ;y:__ <br />-_-=- , v� Trugfor covenante end eyrees wllh Lender as lollows: �:�. <br /> � ._� -s.,,.,, <br /> �'r�. � ��• t. pa�mrrM W Ind�bt�dnNS.All Indebtedness secured hereby ehall be pa�d when due. <br /> , mr <br /> ,���,` Ai�.� ;�" -a� 2.TiiN.?ruetor Is the owner o1 the�roperly,has the rfpht and euthorfy to convey the Properly. and werrants that the Oiar+ <br /> ";`�jr,." � <br /> ,,�1�,;,; �,-,,, created her�by Is a Hret and prior Ilen on�he Property,except lor Ilens and encumbrancea aet lorth by Trustor In wrldng a�tl ��::� <br /> ��,,;.. - d�tiv6red to Lender belore executlon of thla Deed of Truat,and lhe executlon and dellvery ollhis Deed ol Truat does�ot vlolate any ,,;,,.. <br /> L.:�^._.M 4_]v', �N <br />_`•� � c�nkact or other oblipation to wh�ch Trustor is aub�ecl. <br />=.,� , ' 3. Tara.Au�s�m�nb.To pey be}ore delfnquency all taxea,apeC181 asseasrnents end all other chYrqea opamat thv Propa►ty �?`. <br /> rnn <br /> �,�. ,�:�,: ncw��,erea�ter Ievled. <br /> . � 4.(murone�.To keep the Properry Insured eyainst damage by Ure.�azards Included wllhln the term"exlended coverape".ac+d , <br /> '''' i�� aucfi other haaards as Lender mey requfre,In amounts and with compan�ea accepable to Lendar,naming Lender a�an attcEi4�o;2�1 <br /> `� ��v�=��_� � aamed inaured,wfth loss payable to the Lender.In case r'"oss under auCh poUcisl�,the lender le authorited to�ml�u9f,collect artd ty•'' <br />�' �� ;�4J(��;;� � � compro�+niae,allcleimsthereunderandahallhavethecrtunofapplyfngallorpertotlreinsuranceproceedsldt�aayaa�de0tedness ����,• <br /> •• F�t��j�'�;{;, .. ' ' se�u►ed Ikreby end In such order as Lender may determine,(fl)to the Trustor to ba used tor the repair or restonicpn o0 fAe Property ��•� <br />--";°r.�. 3 ``'�t•'�+.�•". or(Iliy tOr r�ny calher purpo8e orob�eCt eatisl8ctory to Lender wlthout aHecUnQ the lien of tlus Daed o1 T►ust br the lull amount secu+�d - <br />`;;;.�� hereby belor�such payment ever took place Any epptication o1 proceeds to Indebtedneas shaU not extend or poatponQ trw cf�a ;.�'� <br />:_Yi� ,�t1i1' dida ot any paymente under the Note,or cure eny default thereunder or hereunder. � <br /> 5.Eserow.Upon wrtften demond by Lender,Trustor ahell pay to Lender, fn such manner as Lender may desipnate.sulliusnt � <br /> � I��r�V������w�:�� <br />- � TNf-��,'::--+��.-�,tf=.�+`.t•��..1- iWlli W f��0 LOf1p0�lV�lir\O IIRtY YOt:Vllltl YIR aw/0 Vi�7tVlb V111�0IYi1V11Mllly.�1%ali 1oA0i�aOiOGwi�iwruv w.s.v+.y� �y.•.. - <br /> tl � `"�'� �"� ' �Pr II the remluml on tha ro Insuranca r uired hereunder,ond(Ili)the premlums on an inwranca ^ <br /> »,� . -- ,�". ~�:;,�� • �M„Y� ( J P P PertY e4 Y�e <br /> oM <br /> . , req�inm by Lender. <br /> 6.Wleyn�nc��R�patn�nd Canpll�ne�wNh Law�.Trusta ahau kewp rhe Property In good condluon and repa�r.anau <br /> ' , promp�y repair,or reptace any Improvement which may be damaQed or di�troyed:ehall not commlt ar permlt eny was�or ; <br /> _ • � deterloratlon of the Propeny;theB not remove,demdrsn or aubatentlaily alter�ny of the fmprovementa on the P.ope�ty;��not � <br /> _ , � �. .. commlt,wwll�er or permic arry acl to be done In or upon tt�e Property in vlolauon of any law,ordlnance,or repuladon;and ahall pay and � <br /> " '� ��� • p�ompdy dbcharpe at Tru�or's cost md axpen�e alt lians,encumbrancei anE clurpe�levled.Imposod or a�wtwd apamst th� <br /> . ' �' u, ,' P�op�rly a any ps�t theroof. <br />� �'' 3'"^� 7. En�nt DanaN.Lender I�her�by assipned all compensetlon.ewarda,damayea end other paymenW or rellel(here�nafUer � <br /> � � , ', �''+'�"�*:�: "Procesdi'�in con�ecdon wNh condemnadoo or omer taking ot the Property or pantheraof,or fa conveyance In I�eu of cond�mna- <br /> ,�"�+} ;�� ��•y" " �� tlon.l.ender shall be enNtled at it�o uon to cammence,a prosecute In ih own name any actlon or prxeedlnpa,and <br /> i�, ' � ',i.•'�'� P PPear In end <br />-- ,.,.� ahall alW ba entflled to mak��ny compromi�or�tllamant 1n connaction with auoh taklnp or damepe.In th�w�nt any portlon ot <br /> ,�t, '.s�.=�: , �e�itM.r►�a�wao..�e..a.M <br /> '.. . `,�'•`:. O��MMwwNr+�1c.�.wc�rww�Mtw.ry�b.�cw�.a►r�o.M Mw.w � •. . <br /> i�. � , � � . .. <br /> r <br />