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<br /> � � � ; 91--y 102489
<br /> ' Nwa-UNtt�o�tw QovBN�Nra Bonow�tand La�der A►rther ooMm�wt�nd yroe N Pollorws
<br /> 1!.Mai�eWo�i a��a.I,wi�r iW dN �otia eo 8ona�pk�'to �oo�Mrstlo� toUowly Boerow� -M.,...r.==
<br /> � 13pd17 �,::�:;t�:;.._�:._
<br /> , , "� F � '. � ie�ot�q co��t ar�t IM tYM B�r(h►1M1*ar�t Qwt sot Klor ta aaai�ntla��'M�P�cw tM
<br /> �.E-�. .a�
<br /> •,�, �,^h r�;s,.'��;,��:i.�'�. od�y�liealle I�w proN�011��1.'11t �otka ill�clht t�)fYe d�fi�iti N1��cllo�r�Ir�1 -
<br /> ,j„';�.� _ ididq(c)��f4�ot leM ti�a 30 dqs firo�tM dat�tM�oNoe V�i�M HoRO�.br wWcM tY�ididt wwt M ar�ii
<br /> " ri(U t�t[�n to ati tiN defiWt or or bdon tM�fe�e�1�tM�otWt�!nalt i��oaMntb�ot tM�a�s --
<br /> . � �.,.:.�,.
<br /> •� •��`... . .• �eiwed b�tl�Sea�rtt�I�ewt�d ai1�ot IM fMape�tY•11e�otia�all hrtwr INfaes HorrowK d tM�to
<br /> � . , - - . ��late dDer�oa�eeatio�a+�8 tYe�t w i�i�a wurt acdon to wert the noe-e�ta�ee ot�dddt or uy otYer c- - _ . .,__ ,_
<br /> I�,F � , irte�otBwtow�r to�oalaratlos ud ai{�.If R�e detult u�ot cved o�or bdore the d�h q�cffled i�tYs�otie�.La�itr
<br /> ' � at ib o'tfa ay ra4riro t�dl�te Py'�t t�hU ot dl a�a seeur�bY t!b Secartty l�a�t wtt�t hMYer
<br /> �,,,. �'� ° „• ° . d�ud a�d�Y Irtoia tM power ot ak ud a�y Mree nMedia perdtted by�PP��e bw.l.ender�hdi b�eatitled to �,�•-_-=-��..
<br /> ",..- ��' tie re�dlM Pro�id�d tr thk� P��P6 19, i�clndia�,but aot Ilanibd w.
<br />�'• � odlect dl es/ee�e�i�wrrod ta pNrad�Y
<br /> ■� �_� W_,^-�:�:��,.�
<br /> • .;''�� , e�a�o�abk�tton�ey�'tees ud ooas of dNe e�ilence. -- -
<br /> . . . . ,
<br /> -�...` , � ' If eYa power ot ale V uwl�ea.Tras�e�11 record�nodce ot dehdt W eaer cw�►ty i�wrid�ny p.rt ot the
<br /> , ,; ; •,. . . Propaty i�loatd sa��lull sail copta ot weh�otice in tl�e e�a�er P�'emii6e�1!��i�w ta Borroner u�b tYe �;:�-r,-�:_-.._--=4=
<br /> �,r. . .,�..� Itw.TrriWc�shll�i'i.e Prbtk�ot
<br /> ,�„' , � WYer�rw�P�'��bY�lW��A I�w. A(ter t6e tiae re9�iced 4�r�1�1i��
<br /> �• ala to tLe�W ia tM�re�pracribed bY�PP��i�w.Traq�e,witb�t de�d o�Bonowar,iMq sdl tYe
<br /> ......_ �;�; •: :•, p�y tl�rNic wctio�to f�e M�Mat Wdda�t tLe ti�e aii M�ce aad oader the terry daS�ted ta the�d�� > ,� i_,. I��.
<br /> - ::;:��.-� wc or�ore pweel�wl i�n�y arier'[�ter+Aet�rr�ir�.�Y�a�►Y P�DBnc falc ot aU or�sr P�rcel ar tie Pra�tr►3' �'...~'"�°:_.'.'''-_�T--
<br /> n t � � _ .._�..
<br /> . r►Ik aw�o�0e�at�t tYt Wie srd ol�ee�ay'Me�o�ly���d q1e.Leadee or tb de�ipee rU'Pp�� --
<br /> . ; P��'a W'�. Tru�tee•�deea cw.eyi�the —"....._.�_
<br /> ; • � Upo�reoeipt ot pay�t ot tbe pract Ib6�.71t�sta��aU deli�er to the pw'chaer
<br /> . t ., ' '� ,�3,�?�-., Pro�erty.Tbe r�cltal�la the Truttee'�deed�M�II�e pri�w hcie eddmce of t6e troW ot the�tate�ats w�de ttia�eia. ' ��t��,�--:�`, �.� -
<br /> . � ^ 'I'rWCt�a�MI!�pll the Prooeed�ot the ale iN tYe fallawiag aden(sl to dl eYpeaKS ottl�ale,i�cludi�+bNt wt li�tted �—_=-_
<br /> ,.�..,, :�����
<br /> ` • tu►11n�4a's kes a permitted by sppltdible 4w�wd re�a�able attarneys'ia�(b)to all a�w seeur�d by tW SecaueaRy �,,_'�,�r•:an:
<br /> �, . : ; � �.";:" I�a�w(c)awy e:aer to He penop or persvMa lepUY eatlded to it. _ --
<br /> ��jx��.�: �
<br /> ",,�,,;�� , �0�,i,aM➢er iA Pw�atoN. Upon accelerstion under paragrAph 19�aT abandonment of the Property. Lender(io _ -__
<br /> ' �' �, t;.,� t or`b udiciaU a inted rcceiver)sh�U be entitled to an t�er upon,take possession of a�d maaage the �
<br /> . �.� . , P�rsan.bY� Y J Y PP� ..�e----
<br /> " •`•'�'�'�;�t,t'�� Prt�erty wd ta coUect the rents of the Propaty including tho�e past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the recriver
<br /> `=�-=_
<br /> %;;�•��� •_--r-==--
<br /> ,;,y.;:;S;� shal!b��pplied flrat to ps�ymrnt of the costeof manegement of the Property and coUecnion of rents,including,bat not f ,-;_„:.
<br /> " :;��� limltad to,reaiver's fcw,premiumt on rxaiver'�bonds and rwwnable tttorneys'fea,and then to the swns secural by `.--�----• '
<br /> . tbi�Sacurity insuument. ���,�
<br /> �� 21.R�coa�eyana.Upon payment of all sums�ecurcd by this Security Instrument.Lender shall request Trusta to _ _�__
<br /> _ � ';;,., -
<br /> �9.. reconve:y tde Proporty�nd shaU surcender this Sxurity li�isumeni usd�!!nates evi�tncing deb!se�ured by this Securi3� ��;_-------_ �
<br /> ,"'����=w-. Inetrument to'Trustae.Truata shall raconvey the Property without wamnty and without chAr�e to the person or persans �
<br /> � ,..t• �� -��
<br /> ` .:�'!�r" le�ally mNtlad to it.Such person or pe�sons ahall pay�ny recordation costs.
<br /> ,.:�•tc''' �i.�.. �,;�;.;; « ' �2,Snbsdtnte Tnutee.L�ender,at its option.may from time ta time rcmove Trustee and appofnt a successor trustee , • � :�
<br /> ?�''� ��'`"'''�`���� '�• to utiy Trustee appoinud hereundcr by an inetrument recorded in the county in whioh this Sacurity Inatrument is recorded. �`
<br /> ,� �,..r�.•.,;�.,,,�.�,�I;�,,� : , ;_
<br /> ' �'� W it hout comey�ncx o f t he Prope rty�t he a u e c e s s o r t r u s t a a h a l l s u c c e e d t o a l l t h e t i t l e,p o a e r�n d duda wnferrad u p on ..�,.�.,,,
<br /> , ; ,�:�., �:�„ _,: :
<br /> ,� '� :•.,;�� �. Trustee he�+ein and bY aPplicable law. �
<br /> . ,j:.. : . ,. :.. , �`��;���"f:�'Mi;;..
<br /> �'.t�:�;•_:�. „ �t
<br /> �. �;` „�r;).;;:,`.;':.:';.' ?3.Rtqnat for Notices.Harower requesls U►at copies of the notices of default ond sale b e sent to Bomowu's addte9e ','•.'�;;;`��", '�-�
<br /> ,,.�•:f�.�f.
<br /> i ,;,;�±' . ' ,,';:.. '•, which is the Property Add�ess.Borrower furthe�requests that cupics of�he notice of default and nodce of sale be sent to each ;1t�'f;;��`:`�_,.30
<br /> � puson who is a puty hereto at the addrcss of such person set forth herein. : . '�-��•��t=
<br /> l4L
<br /> i 24.RWen to thts SecnritY ia�rumenG If one or more nder�are eaecuted by Borrower and rxorded together with <i tY+��
<br /> ` �•,.. �M1'.���.
<br /> '' this Security Inatrument,the wvenents and�gramrnts of each such rider shall be incorporated into and ahall amend and � __-
<br /> � eupplernu�t the cove.nants and agrcements of�his Security Inatrument As iP the rider(a) werc A part of this Security �
<br /> Instruma�t.[C6eck applia�ble box(a)] ! `
<br /> ,,� ' .
<br /> " (] Condominium Rider ❑ Z'� Fam�ly Ride� � �� ' '-
<br /> � u ❑ Adjwtable Rate Rider • � "�_'°'°-.
<br /> �:���^'� Graduated Payment �ltidu ❑ Planned Unit Devebpment Rider , ��'�� '%'. �T
<br /> �,,- ❑ .t
<br /> . 'tFi,�ti t' _ �OthC►�s) ���� ; . . ���
<br /> �� e �
<br /> ,:, . ':{•,, ,� ` ��__
<br /> �• �� � ' Bv SIONINC3 BELOW, Honower acce�ts and agras to the terms and covenanta contaiaed in this Security � ., _�_�-,,
<br /> "� ;T;��,,!: ; , � lastrnment and in iwy rider(s)e:cxcalsd by�orrower and recorded aith i , � -
<br /> �. ' '1�',� , W ' .�....�Lr..:: ..'•.r.1.?��.................... ..�Seaq
<br /> ..... .,d.irMf�.:.. �Y -�onoww
<br /> � . . . ; . � . J
<br /> ''�;�;R; �, .....�a:�•..�:..�...`f.._.,..�ci.d.�.................. ..�(sa�d)
<br /> .:.:
<br /> ;�;;; S''ll'AA'fJ OF N�BQASILA...........................Hai i............................... ........._C,�unty se: � �,' -
<br /> " On tbio ........23rd...........day oH ......�ril.---....... 18 91..�before me,the undereiptet],a Not�ry mrlia . .
<br /> dnly commiseioaed and 9na�ified far sau�l rnuntY�P���Y �e .Frank,E:...Vo,pat ahd„Rg�se{►e..�.._....
<br /> _.......e.
<br /> Vopat, husi:and and v fe ................................................�to m i�aaa
<br /> to be the
<br /> _.................................._.................... ................__..................
<br /> , identical perwa(s) whoae name(a) aie eubacribed to the foregoing inatrumetat utad aeYmowledged e ezecu-
<br /> , . • v ct�td deed.
<br /> . tion thereof to be........................the ir......................................................... �ustgry a
<br /> 0
<br /> '----.. -_ ; witnrse my iuind �oerii ...flranri..T.t anc3:..t��braska.-•---...--.-- in esid c�oumts�.�6e .
<br /> - --. . . .
<br /> ia1��O1�M�l�. �ita IluwrW no ---.: . ......... .
<br /> Mq CommG�aion e:p' . . � .
<br /> �i�i�AMi1Mt d M�d�
<br /> w�wo��s.. .............. :����:4�t���._ '�:-���L:.2?;�......._.....
<br /> M�mt,�,�ba►uN /
<br /> We u�e aa Ecl�el Employment Opporhu�ity/A�rmative Actioa Empioyer M/P.
<br /> � _ � (tpsa sdew rns un� fa Acxne.rdpnNhl —
<br /> i
<br />