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<br /> • . ' � If l,ender roquired mort�e iniuraaoe a a condition af makina the loan ucurad by thii Secu�ity In�in�ment. -- _ --
<br /> �. , ^ Borrower sh�ll p�y the premiunu rw�irad tha�imur�ncc in e�'ect until suah tirna a�the roquiremeat for the � " �, :•„�:�
<br /> - insurance terminates in�xotdsnee'�tA l�rtorv�I.eAder's wnitten�greement or Applicable law. �`r~A"��-.
<br /> 8. IwpecNoa, I.ender or ju a�eot.dssy m�ce i�on�ble a�tria upon aed in:pectiom af the Property.Lender �,.��:____
<br /> �• ' • • � .� �hall�ive Bomower natioe at tbe Wne of'or prior w an irupeolion:peciFyin�roasonable cswe far the inspection. ' •""�"�"'��T
<br /> . • 9. Coadaaa�doa. The proceeds of�ny�waM o�cldm for dam�ges.di�ect or con:equrntid,in connxtion with ;;��—,��
<br />' rny condemn�tion or other taking of sny put of the Properry,or Por convey�nce in lieu of condemn�tion,��hereby ",,;..«___�_ - -----
<br /> tssi4ned and slull be ptid to T,er►der. ,:..�"�""'���.'�"�
<br /> '�.�au:�^�r-.
<br /> In the event oP a total taking of the Propaty,the procood:shpll be applied to the sums socu�al by thic SecurilY u•�. _... . �
<br /> Initrumeat,wR�et6er or not then due,wlth any cxcess paid to Borrower.!n the cvent of a partial taking of the Property. .
<br /> unless Horr�orv and l.eoder otherwlse agrca in writing,tbe nums secured by tlus Security Instniment ahall ba roducoa by ;� � •• • .
<br /> � tfa�e awount of'the prooeeds multipliod by the followlag fr�ctioo:(a)Rhe total amount of the sums tecured imnnediateiy i
<br /> � bePore the taJcing.divided by(b)the f�ir muket vdue oP the Ptoperty immediately before the taltin�.Any bslance shall be � _..
<br /> -- �d to Borm�rer. � _ .
<br /> • If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or i�,aRer noti�Y by l.eader tm Bunower that the condemnor o�'ers to i
<br /> malce an saud or settk�claim for dunaga,Borrower fiils to rcspon�U to Lender wBAin 30 days after the dnte the notice is
<br /> �' ;, givrn,Lender is�uthorixod tc+collect and�pply the pracoods,at its optian.either tro�restor�tion or rop�ir of the Propetiy or y y�,�,'+�,;_�,
<br /> to the sums secured by tdis�cc�urity lnstrumenb whetber or not thrn due. ! :`���:
<br /> Unless I.ender a�1�ircROwer otherwise agree in rvriting,anY AppGcation oP�oceeds to principal shall not extend or -}.��--"
<br /> ` p�o�tpone the due date of rtfhe.�n onthly psymenta eePerred to in p�ragr�phs I and 2 or change thc amount of such payments. ��� � ?"`'"""'.
<br /> 10. 8orrower NaR R•rJeaiedi Forbearanoe By I.eader Not� Wd�er. Eatension of the time ior payment or ��! �� :'
<br /> madi�rauion of�uaorta�aiui�,n oi the suma secured by this Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in ::��• -�
<br /> interest oP Horrawer shalU a�ot operate to release the WibiGty of the origin�l Bortower or Borrower's successors in interest. '' ��'�
<br /> L.ender shell aot be r ui:r�ad to commence rocadin a nst an successor in interat or rcivae to extend time for �` � �>��=
<br /> al P 8s 6� Y ��-•; _
<br /> payment or otherwise modify amortia�don of the�ums secured by this Security Instrument by rtason of any demaad made ��``' ' ��-�
<br /> by the original Borroweror Borroaer's successon in interat.Any forbearince by Lender in exercisin�any right or remody
<br /> ° �hall aot be a waiver oPor preclude the exercise of�ny right or remedy. ' �'nc�'°�,
<br /> . 11, Succe�wrs wd Adips Bo�Joiat and Se�eral LiM6UIty;Co-�Ipen. The covrnan�s and agreemen�g of �=•�.�°��ii
<br /> this Socu�ity lnstrumrnt shall bind and beneflt the aucces�sora and assigna of Lender and Borrower,subject ta thc provisions . � s
<br /> of puagrnph 17.Borrower's covmanta and agroemrnt�shall be joint and sevenl.Aa�y Borrower who co-signa[his Sxuri�y ; — =�
<br /> Instrument but does not eaxute the Nate:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrurreem anly to mortgage,grsu�t and convey I�,.,. _
<br /> that Horrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security lnstrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay � _
<br /> ' the aums secur�A by thu Security lnatrument,and(c)agrees that l.eaxler an¢l a�av ather Borrower may agrce to extend. �" ��� •,�" . _
<br /> � • modify.forbenr�r malce any accommodations with rcgard to the ter�ms oi t6ois Security Instrument or the Note wi�hout � •��':;;�'.:;•
<br /> that Bonower's�consent. , �•;�;�' ��
<br /> 1Z. I.owu C6�rQes. !f the loen secured 6y this Se�:urity Inst�ment is sub,jecT to a Iaw which sets maaerraum loan �`
<br /> � ehacges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chnrges collected or to be collected in
<br /> connectioo wind: the loan eacad the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reducod by the amount �
<br /> necasary to redua the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any surres nlready collected from Borrower which exceeded •
<br /> permittal limits aill be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose ta make this refund by aducing the principal owod
<br /> under the Note or by ma�ing a direct payment to Borrower.lf a refund r4duces principal,the reduction will be trwted as A
<br /> partid prepayment without any prcpayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 13. I.eQl�ladon ABecdag Leuder's Right�. If enactment or expiretion of ap�licable laws has the eflect ot
<br /> � rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable accarding to its terms,Lender,at its option.
<br /> may requirc immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies
<br /> ' petmitted by paragreph 19.If Lender eaercises this option,Lendet sha 11 take the steps specified ia the second paragraph of .
<br /> p�6�Ph 17.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any noticc to Borrower provided�'or i�a tfiia Security Insuument shall be given by delivenng it or by
<br /> � mailing it by Brst class mail unless upplicable law require� use of anather methad, The notice shall be directed to the
<br />�, � ' ;, Propeny Ad�ress or any other address Borrower designates b}•n��tice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given bp
<br /> Rrst class ma61 to Lender's address stated herein or any other addvr�.s C.ender daignates by notice tu Borrower.Any notice
<br /> ;'', �..� ���,, providad fmr in this 5ecurity Instrument shall be deemed to have t+een given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> • �`t'. In this paragraph,
<br /> is. Go�ernipg Uw;Se�erabillty. This Security Instrument shall be guvemed by federml law und the luw of the
<br /> � � jurisdict8om i�which the Property is located.ln the event th3t any provision or clause of this Secunty Instrument or the
<br />� ` � Na+se eonflicas aith applicable luw,such conflict shall not affect other provisians of this Secur.oty�Instrument or the Note
<br /> wB�ich car��g�ven effect without the conflicting provision.To th�s end the provisions of this S�ecurity Instrument and the
<br /> . � � !��te are declared to be uverable.
<br /> . a 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be ei�.en nna conformed copy of tha Note nnd of this Secunty Ins�rument. ;
<br /> 17. Te�nsfar of the Property or� Heneflcial Ir�aerest In 8orrower. IF ali or any pnrt oP the Proprrty or any
<br /> �� interost in it is sold or tru�sferred(or�f x beneRcial intercst in Bonower is sold or t ransfened and Borrower is not a natural
<br /> I �� rson)witt���ot l.ender's riot wrinten�ti'nsent,Lender ma at its o tion, r ui�e immed�ate
<br /> p� p y, p rq �ayment in full of all sums
<br /> secured by th�s Security Ir�sr,rooment. F�owever, thi�option shall nut be eaerrised by Lendrr �t e�erri.e i+prohibrtrd by
<br /> federal law as of the duc e:�+:6�ss Secunty Instrumene.
<br /> It Lender exere�ses r.lkcs option,Lender sholl g�ve Borrower nonce of accelrRacn�n.The nouce shall prov�de a penad
<br /> crf not las than 30day�tram the date the notiee is del�vered or maikd v►�thin w hrch Borrower muct pay all sumc u�ured bp
<br /> �i,ia Gcunev Ina�rumrn� lf Rnrrnwer fwilc tn n�v thece wms nrenr�o the exairaUon of th�s nenc�d. Lender may invntce arep
<br /> � rentedies petmitted by this Secunty Instrument without further nonce e�r demand�n&�rroK er.
<br /> 18.Borrower'a Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certa�n cond�tinns.Borrower shall6ave the nghr to F�a�e
<br /> enforeement of this Security Instrument d�scuntmued al any time pnor to the earlier of:(n1 S days lur such oeher�ncxi as _
<br /> � applicable:aw may specify for reins�atemenq before sale of the Propeay pursuant M ony pow•er ul'cale cont��ned m this
<br /> Security Instrument or(b)entry of a�udgment enforcmg this Secuncy Enstrument.Th�xe ronditions are Ihvt Hurrower:
<br /> � (a)pays Lender all sums which then would bt due under this Securiry Cnstrument nnd the Note had nu arceleratum
<br /> occurred;(b)cures any defeult of any other covenents or agreements; (c) p�y's all etpen�cs mcurced �n enfiirrmg this
<br /> Securitv Instrument,including,but not limited�o, rwsonable attomeys'fees;and(dl tukc�cuch•rctwn a. I.rnJer may
<br /> reasonably requirc to assurc that the lien of this Se�:unty Instrument, Lender's nghts m the Property and &�rrower's
<br /> oblig�tion to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument sball continue unchanged. t►pun �emstatement by
<br /> Borrower,this Secunty Instrument and the obl�ga�ionssecurod hereby sh�ll rema�n fully eflertive as�f no accelerauon hu1
<br /> occurred.However,this nght to reinstate shall nw�pply in thecase of aoalerauon unde�pang�aphs I 3 or 17.
<br />