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y :�.W�W <br /> - Y ;a'r� -�>• •r. ' -_-_ - _--�-�-^ .�.. <br /> . � � 1 �1 �� ',_��.� �.a..p..,�,�Y . k� . .. �.i „ � . _ �, •.;i <br /> _,..y.- ��:, ; , . � .. : ' ���.. � , n., . <br /> ' ' � �lslle�i�e h+�e1f I�In�. Aoe�w�r�II b�p d�i imp�avemea�ta aa�r a�il�hene�l11r �»o1Ad aa tY ' ' <br /> �Nq�Ay i■�rd p�i�iit lor by�in. bwNd�fo�4dd.�r1W�1i�Mnt'+eata�d�d cove��"�ud a�y adws Ymid�.isddi�• y ; <br /> � Aooi�ar lloali���or�ibiah[ren�br nqiainM i�w�a.Y'Wr�oij�h�p be m�inWaed la tha�anouats�d for�p�iod� � , <br /> � I A�t d.e d r r�q■i w.'RUe i�o�nie��I 1 a�►i d i�11M iiwaad�e i�bdl be diaen b y Bonewu wb J e c!w�.ax0�r'��p p ro�v�1; �. � <br /> wW�J��il�o�t 6e�aro�enon�biy widd�eld. Jt�aw�w�,'�b,�iquin oova�o do�crlbed�lav0. Irender mq�. �t,1.��4;!�" , ,.� . <br /> • aptk►a obt11��+�Yp 10 ptotoe i�mdx'r ri�hts Na�yih�000td�noe with p�rytMph 7. . •,. . <br /> Aq hwua�ioe pollde��aid ronNwab aMp b' b I.t�der a►d vWl ladudt� Mand�ud mort�e diww. i�ond�r „ . <br /> . . �._._....�_m.� .h.��Mw��4e ei�la to nda ub palide..ea r�n.�r�..�P L�a�r�equiro�.earower�IuQ promply gi�ro�o r.eoaer.0 reoa�w or <br /> pdd pamivaN aad�d ualiaa.Ia t4e aMent a11ow.�oero�er�1wII��+1ve prrMapt notioe to tbe itiur�ape atriar+aid t�whr. <br /> --- — l+�tcr croad►n�ake ptaof d less it nct e�de pnoatpdy by�etrowet. <br /> - Uale�s La�der and Ho�t�awer atbenvl�e qoa ia�.itwr�aoe prpocedt�IWI be q►plied to re�tonMbn ar tepdr ot tbe ` <br /> , Pmpatf'd�ayQed.lf the na�to�Mion or rop�i�b aoa�oi+si�Ally fa�ible md�`t�aauipr b not le�ened.JP tho reaor�loa or , <br /> . �ir b not aoonomially liauible ar Ironder'��eairity w�ould be let�eried.tbe imur�aoe proaoed4 WWI ba�pplled to�be wmr <br /> �ecaied by tbia Secu�ity Inawment,whotl�or not ti�a►due� wltb�ay exoeW p�id to Honower. U Bono�wa ab�nlo� We <br /> Pmperiy�.or daim na ancv�ner within 30 d�ys a iwNoo fYnap L�nder tlu�t d�o i�cunr�o eanier b�e o8'ered w sdtle a cl�im,tt�ea <br />. La�der+n�aollax the iow�noe pr�ooeed�. Irender mq� u�o the pt0000d��o n�air or roctoro �ha Pnopetty ot to p�y wpr � <br /> �ear�by tbic Secudry G�qmmeat.wholt�er ar r�a tfiai duo.The 30d�y p�uiod w111 begin wha��he notlas b giv�en. <br /> Ualea Lendcr aad Bomnwa atlx�vl�e�tee in writln8.+�nY N�Plic�d�n of pmoeodr w priadprl dull oa extend ar <br /> po�tpaae ihe due d�te of the rtan141y pymmts ref'e�rod 10 in p�hs 1 wid 2 or du�n�e the amaunt of tbe pryaiars. 1P <br /> under p�r�griph 21•tUe Property i�aogui�ed by l.eader. Bonow�er's ri�ht to my inauranos palide�md pwoeed�n�ultin�finaaA <br />_._.= dem�ge to the Pr�ty p�}or to the aeqelsition eMll p�!�s b t,�nder a�tt�w�awe af thn wma rewarl by this Seaueity Ia�eat <br /> " i��edWelY P�ior w Ihe aoqui�ttbn. � <br /> `:'S 6.Oo�acy.P�+e�a�vdbn.11Wdawoe�d Pe+otecttoa of tie Piopn�i Bo�nwer'�Lam Appiiativa;I.e�eioldr. <br /> — ""+ Borrower sh�ll oocupy.establish.ud use tbe Pmpaty sc Hornnwu•s principd raidenoe within siaty dey�aRer the eaecutlon ot <br /> " t�ie Saudty U�sttum�nu�nd slwll cont�aue to oocupy tho Propetiy aa Borrower'�princ�pd midak:o for at leut aue yeu aRu <br /> ��i 16e dale of aoa�par�cy.unksa Laider oUrcrwise aQiaes in w�iting. w6ich oonsem sl�ll not bo un�easombly v►dthheld.or uNac <br /> aete�wwiqg cinaunstanoes exict whkh �rc beyond Borrower's oontrol. Bomnwer sball not destroy. danq�a or imp�ir the <br /> = propeny. �Ilotiw�be Property to detdionte.or canmit waste on tho Property. Borrower slwll be ln default if ady forfeitura <br /> -�� �nion or pmoeading.whetber civil or crimin�l. is begun th�t in I.�ler's gaod f�ith judgment oould awlt in fodeituro of the ; <br /> -- �� P�'oPenf'or dherwise mweaially imp�ir the lien croated by U�is Security I�stramcnt or L.cnder's socudty Interest_Bonnwa m�y '� <br /> __ . •�,r: , cute such a default�nd provided in p�ragaph causing the acNon or pn0000diqg to bo dismi�sod with�mlio� . <br /> ----- _ _ '' _ lMs. ia i.e�er's gcsa�,fsith sl�ttnnisssi4na. Prrcl�es f�fdtstt+e of!!se SQtro�ra's ec�t se slss Plupesiy���teria! <br /> ;�`'�' �• i rment of the lien'cieated b this Secu� Instrument or Lender's securi intercst. Roaawar sMall sdso be in deftwlt iF <br /> :r,�•)��_�Yr`�:�}:r. � Y �Y �Y � <br /> '�;'_�.�.., Borrower.du�ing the loan applicAtion p�oa..�s.Bave mate�ially false ar ir�te infornmlMn ot wrw�ra�nents to[�der(or failed . <br /> . ':'�i�� to provide lander wilh any rcrate�ial Infomwtion)in connection with Ihe los+n evidencad by the Note. including,but not limited <br /> i y„�. <br /> — . � ���+�#{;;,,;r�, to,representations concemir�Horrower's occupanc,y of the Property as a prinoipal a:.;+�ence. If tbis Secu�ity Instrument Is on a <br /> ����. �:., �.' <br /> '=�=�: •�`"� t}�i leasehold. Barawer sh�ll cvwa�ply with all the p�ovisions of the lease. If Bomawrz aoquires foe tiUe w the Property. the <br /> '"`s�''^` leasehold and 1Ece f�Iitle shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> � s, ,y' 7.Protect8mu af I.eader's Rlghts in the Property.If Bormwer feils to perform the covenants and agramonts contained in <br />- ���'.' this 5ecuri Inst�urnznt.or there is a le al n�ceodin thut ma si nificnnq afYect l.ender's�i hts in the <br /> •.��� i.�:; �Y B p 8 Y 8 Y B �P��Y(such as x <br /> `� •,�a ��"�u proceeding in bankruptcy, prc�t+ate, for condemnation or forfeiture ur to enforre laws c,r regulatlons),tMo Lender may do and <br /> •,� <br />—��a�. � i�` ,.'..:,:� ;` � pay for whatever is necessary to protoct the vulue of the Propeny und I.ender's rights In the Property. L.ender's actions may <br /> r.'.. <br /> f�%•. } include In on sums secured b a lien which hes norit over this Securit Instrumean, n in court. In <br />-¢':�.... � <,�F PaY 6 Y Y P� Y Y �PI►� 8 P�Y 8 <br /> "`.:�;�� reasonoble nt�orneys'fees und enterin��m[he Praperry to nwlce repairs.Although Lender may tc�lce aetion unler this paragrnph <br /> �f ��� ;;'�,'� "'W�` 7,Lender dces not have to do so. - <br /> <'' '1�c'-��` '�t An amourNs disbursed b l.ender under this ta re 7 shall Ix��me addi�ional debt of Borrowcr secured b this <br />:�'.•„� ; r•t�;,'•'s. Y Y Pa B Ph Y <br />=-�.;�':.;, •• ,f�,�}":`;���_ � Security Instrument. Unlex�Eiorrower and L.ender agrce to olher terms of pnyment, �hesc amoumr shall bear inlerest from the <br /> •'+^r 'ti'�`�'' ~`'•• T•• dsxe of disbursement at �hc Note rate and whall 6e nvubie, wi�h iruerest, u n notire ftom lxnder to Hornawer uesti ' <br /> �';,.• � ,;��. P . Pn �9 nF <br />'•;'r:.,;'� , ... :.. p�ymetN. , <br />_ '�� '�J� • 8.Mort a�e l.ender re�.�ired moh a e inyurance a.a candition of mukin �he laan secured b this Securi <br />_`'��:. fi+. .�.�.s � �. ]` 8 g 8 Y �Y <br /> -� -�• „�`'•:..';' � lnstrument. &�nower sha1J pay the premium, require<3 to maintuin �he mortgagr in�urunce M efTect. If, for any reuson, the - <br />_= "� �.. 4,�;?=;` <br /> .,;Y�{ �: ,r � mort_age insurance rovemge required by Lender lapx+ur ceaccw to lk In effccl.Barrowcr shpll pay the premium.s required to <br /> .�.,'� �� 7 .j','�`.,,.'��'�„ ubtain mverrge sub�t�ntial�}•equivulcrn in �he mortgagc inxuruncc previausly in effec�, ut n ros� substun�iully equivalent to the <br /> , 1 <br /> '- �+�`� ,���,�•�• i ',;?`';•�,:, <br /> 4�:>; ;-Y����,�� � fj�;e rnst to Bormwrr of the mongAge previousiy in cff'�-�t, t'mm un a4enwte mongugr intiurer upproved by Lender. If <br /> '2`�j''; ? : (':"�''�.��,7,�,� Y e9 F �' 6' - P'Y �1 <br /> .�r subste�xiall uivulen� ►m�rt a �insurnnce covcra�� i, nut nvuilahle.&►rc�iwer shall a �o l.ender wch manth a sum ual to <br />�_��?;•?!� 4;. '��;��:;�.;,�'-!'y^�°;�*- �me-twclfih of�hc yearly m.�n�age in.urunrr prcmium bcing p�iJ by &�rrower µhen Ihe inxurvnre roveruge lupsed or ceased to _ <br />',`.." '��:.:,:"^�^'�•`• •"�"" be in etfect,l.ender�vi!!a:ccpt. usc and ret•rfn thcx pay nu�ur as a los� rc::cn•c ia tieu c►f moKg�gc insucancc. Loss rescn•c <br /> ..�f�;�,, :y�.;.fi„��:•,.- <br /> r.�:�r:;r: Y'� �.�� ., ...f' I Fwm3028 9/�0 <br /> r. <br />..� .�' �' i . PegQ 3 0�8 <br />_�.F'!S�'(��'i�{ �� �. ' . � i <br />.-_`�,',' ',��rl�',A',' • I <br /> � ���1'f�;�7�', 1. ! <br /> -"l �\�{.+lll�c ll� . � , i - <br /> lr�1��� b.}�'c, �''. 'i;�"\5�, `5�':Y�;I".4 rt',,,.�;..;�•:'�t'Lt%�4i �sCri�RylAR . t�{- -��,��_'_`_ � rr .. <br /> �� , ?. , , F`�P�'�pj�� �► } <br /> � ,� .,,, ( , � � �ki� <br /> �t;,/i, !� �1 ' _' 4�K�4�zYt „ � „'.�,t'i%'' y+� r�"i.j?��� � , ., _.�;t� � j;}� ��i�'�r l� , '• '�� ���y'i�n N� <br /> 7 � � .1`•� r rfI ' - � ti F •;1�4�r,:. �' i.�r��� ��� f T _ � t- <br /> ,, � , <br /> . <br /> .� <br /> ' � <br /> �1..t�__ :��iil�rl�.k Y._i_. --= —�-- - �;.,:J_�r:� � „r� - -- _ .�,_�,.:� e•;r:t •t�'aM.`at���.�elf�`r��`i i_ti�L�'t�r,cr <br /> _— - —,.� -� -- - _ , ._ . . . . , , .u.II.. <br /> r � r , .. ,. — , ��f��� i ti • T;�ti�`/.�9l�yj� . a'' ^�'�'�,,,�.`'�i'.'fi`�:`�r�Y,�i�`{ � <br /> - r �t.�i' ,i, . . ,i � ��.�..,.f'�i"�'T�j,.:.::..i, - w � K rr <br /> f ;.'� 1t �'r� ���' .. . _ . T�li''.�.it'1�h.. .c.+n�r.�o.q•.iY. " .1, .. � �(l(�� ` ;Tn <br /> � �� ... l� � ff•�A J . - , .'y:,�`��. i 7� <br /> , ,a, - �.- � .. .. . .. .N„„ �' - <br /> , , <br />- � i � •.�; .. '. • �i, � ;-C � . ��.7�^E. '�i._ <br /> �' <br /> -�' • ' , ,- ._. -•"- -'— .., ' . _ <br /> -� �1 ([^ . . . � ..���- •!) ' . • . . . "�y'' a '_•� <br />_ .1'..w.1 �i' � . - ' � �I�•j11 -��; ' . � ' -, , ��. ' <br /> � •t �► • �t . �1 � .� -) - . . - ' . <br /> `�` i :, ' 11 ��1� �';.f��� 1�'� � • � �.- . 1� . .. . . <br /> �, ' �`. ._w. .a .`' ,� 1 i'� , - . . , <br /> � .;s' 't�:'f�`Tl�ilSi .� r ' ' . .. ' <br /> � �•�� .11'. 1 �. , . <br /> �` <br /> .d1. J- <br /> i.. � -�-�-�_"�__""." _ _ . . . . . . _ ' . <br />. ��I V M��� . . �, . , , � • � , , <br />. �� •r '� . . . !t+�^' �. .. <br /> r� . . <br /> .� , . ` ' . <br /> t 1 <br /> [ �� � <br /> � ' <br /> . " ; <br />