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�.�. �-y-�. .».y..` . . _ ' . -_ ' ,. -" : ` •.as:.-,,. <br /> J}�• .y.. <br /> �_.-_,.,r_�.�_.a � , , ' , �, �/AIiI�� <br /> ����Iw�PWM1�M�110W OP b010�Or df0��f101M p10�lyr������ <br /> �� fi�na� ad�� or hetailM' • prt d tM p�npetty. All ropl�oeaantt'ad �dtlltton� daN d�o A� aww�d fry IMs Mo�i�► ., .-� •_- <br /> 1�eAt.11!!M tbs tio��p�ie j L r�t�rd to ia thb 9e�1ry 1�M�11M'llMpwty." .� .. <br /> BOR�tOW�R OOV6NANI�C Ih�t 6aeaYe�i�I�MNIIy�eired 4dtlM aqle beroUy oouvayed eW lu�tM e�t 10{�I�id�: <br /> �� � oonvry dM Prnprrty md tIW tbe Propetty i�unenaunhe�ed,exoept fot a�m�n�naa ot�qooid. �arowlr rv�1�1 Mdll .�,,� . <br /> defeod�enpoly d�e dqe w the Pro�PatY+�aia�t dl d.ia►.oad 4a�.w�bJea a�tny anaimbrmoes of r000ed, <br /> � 7'1Q5 SBCURITY INSIRUMBNT oombina wiifam ooMa�ts for�atfonwl wo md aorwdfara auworM;wi1M Wlthd �' . <br /> _ . �..�__�.._..__-_-. .�-:,.: 'v�ttons by jurixiictlan to coratltute a nnift+rm�rity imtrumdN aovering red propwty. <br /> UMPORM 170VBNAN7'9.8arower and Lender ooven�nt ud�yroa u follow�: ' <br /> ---- � l. ih��ot Prtasip�l�1 IRhneiti � � ��• eornnwer siull promptl9 PpY wbea due Ib� _. <br /> prladpd oP aad i�ueoat on Ihc ddK evlda+ioed by tho Note and�nY Pnp�y'ment and I�ta duu�e�duo undp�Ihe Noto. <br /> 2.F4�d�for Tua aad I�e�.Subjoct ro appli�abb I�w or to a wrltten wdver by L.ntder. Boimarer�all pay to <br /> Irod�r oo Wc doy mon�hlY PvY��e dMe under�Ya No�e.uoW thc Notc ia p�id in fiUl.a sum('Fund�')for:(al Y�Y� <br /> aed a�dus�ents which m�y�n�4 prio�itlr av�r thia Seairity laanunatt u a Nen on Ihe Pra�erty:(b)Y�Y�d P�Y� <br /> - a�ramd rcnte on the Propetty.if ury:(c)Yar1Y lurard or p�openy inwrance premivair:ld1�arlY ffood i�awrpe ptanlwas. <br /> it�ay:(e)Ye�uly moRg�e iawrance p�aninmc. it iap:aad(� �nY�P�Y+�� Bomo+�ar W l.ender.ia�w000�d�ce witb <br /> fLE pliOYisj00s Of pi[i$(aph lieu of tUe pqn�at of moitg�ge insuranoa pre�Nums.71105e�1C af0 C�IId�'E647Dw I�AY." <br /> ==�=' l.e�c m�ay. at arry tUnc.oollact aad hold Fwds io aa a�r�ount not w enceed We mauciauum�mouail a le�der fat a fe&�Ily <br /> __ "?`�; related a�onp�e lown mpy roquirc for Batmwcr's acrav accouat uader t4o fode�al Re�l Fstarc Sqtlan�nt Pivoedura Ac!of <br /> ---— . 197�as ataeodad fmm tbpe to Ilt��12 U.S.C.Seqion Z601 e�st+y.('RFSPA').udas anotl�er law Ihat�pplies w t1e Flu�da <br /> :��,��_— bcis a lcssc�r�. It so. Lcndcs may.�t any timc. wltect�d!:Q!d�eas�s aQ an esr�aunt �o�t to exc+ec�l t� k��ar�_ � <br /> . �- l,qde�aer�y aNmrte the amowp of Fwide due on�be basis of cum�t dau md n�otwWe es�ioa�a of expmdjdues of tl�pu�e . <br />_,�� �t�`' &aow Iv�ems or othenvlse i�sxordmce wlth appliable law. . <br /> �'.%�,��� Tbe rlmds shall be held in an jnstitution ahosc its u+e insuraf b a federal u e <br />— d�p�s Y S�Y• ias�nmrntaliry. or entity <br /> �� (including[,cnder.if Lender is wch an inatitution)or in any Federal Homo l.oAn Bvdc.l.erider shall�pply the Ruad�w pay d�c <br />_ _ _-- Escrow Items. Leoder may not chuge Bar�we�for holding and applying the Funda.annually a�wlyzing the escrow aornurp,or " <br />- ve�iFying�he Escrow Itang,unlas Lender pays Borrower i�uerest on the Funds and applirable I�w permits l.ender to m�lca such <br /> �,� f�;i�,��`k,, a charge. However.I.cnder may requir+e Borrower to pay a one-tlme charge for an i�dependent real e.uata t� re�ottin�servicx <br /> � usad by Lender in conncction with this loan, u�less applic�ble law pmvides otherwisc. Unkss an �g►aemem ie mtde or <br />:;i� applicable law rcqui�s intenst to be paid.Lender sJul!not be required w pay Bortower any or earnings on the Fuads. ' <br /> -.�,�.,,_;��� Horrower wid Ixnder:«ay agroe in writing. how•ewa, tlmt interest slwll be p;�id nn�he Funds.Lender si�all give to Bortower. <br /> , <br /> `=— u�{ttsoai chatgc, an�r.r'.,:a:acrouatiag of the Fssr.�::. ::�.au;�rs�credit�assd dsblss so she Funds and t!x��ess for whicl� eacl� <br /> �---- �' debit to ti�Funds was inade.The Funds c�ne plodged xs+rWitiona!security for�II sums seturaA by this Secwity Instrurneuc. <br /> �, �'� ������� li th�Funds held by l.ender exceed the artiaunts permined to be held by applicable law, [.e�er sl�all account to 8orrower <br /> � � for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requure;menls of applicable law. If the umount of the Funds hetd by L.ender at any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items wheo clua,l.ender may so notify Bc�mawer in wr�ting, and,in such case Bomower <br />„ shall pay to I.eoder the wnaunt necessary to maC:�up the deficiency. Borrower shall meke up the deflci�ncy in no�mne than <br /> � ; twelve monlhly payments,at l.eixlcr's sale�iscretion. <br /> _,,y,��J;. , j Upon payment in full of oll +u��►� atwurod by this Security Instrument, Lendcr shalo �romptly refund to Boerower any <br /> . •.��"�'` �'�� ' Funds held by Lender.ii,under paragraph 2 I,l.etxkr shall acquire or sell the Property, L.enc�er,prior t�the Acquisition or sale = <br /> �,�:r.-,. <br /> .Y ��;,;y,�K of the Pr+operty,shall apply uny Funds held by L.rnder at the time uf acquisition ur sale ae e crodit ageit�st tfie w�ms seared by � <br />-_ {�. this Security Instrument. . ._ <br /> - � ` ':,�'� 3.Appllcatbn of Pnymeots. Unless upplicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under pa�taphs ' — <br /> — �JT �1. <br /> I and 2 sh�ll be applied: first, to uny prepayment charges due uncler the Natc; second,t�amounts payable under pu�s+gra�fi 2; <br /> '` ^�� interest due;founh,to principal Jue;und last, �o uny late churges due under the Note. <br /> � � • 4.Charges; Lieng. Bormwer shWl pay nli �ases, uc�ts�men�s, chrrges, fines unc! impositiuns auribuiahle to the Property — <br /> ,�, iM{:'`� ' i w•hich ma attain riorit over thix Securi� In.tit�:u+nc�t, und Irusehold r ments or mund rents, if aaa•, Qlorrower skull <br /> ±'` ` Y P Y Y p'Y � ) PaY <br /> �' �' .1l ���(J;.�(�{�"� ' thesc obligutions in�he manner pmvided in para�r:�ph 2,or if nat paiJ in that mnnner, Barruwer shall pa��them on time directly <br /> - ,�''�C,�'•'.��t1fl �'�` I _ <br /> -��,.-�� , , y�.tr . to the person�wed payment. Borrower�holl promptly furni�h�o LenJer all nutices of be puid under this purograph. <br /> �`:''� �����'��•�-�' ' If Borrowcr mhkes Ihe.+e paymenls direrUy.Bnrro.�er�hall promptly I'urni�h to L.eixler rcceipt�evide�uing the pay�ments. — <br />_ .ti...,�:.�.° �., � - <br /> Borrower shnll prompUy Jisrhurgr ony licn whi.i+has priority�wrr thi+S�:curity Imtrument unless Rr,ROwer.(a)agrees in <br /> Y ...��. <br /> R <br /> -� '�;%%;' `"' �� ° ', . writing to�he paymcnt ot Ihe ablig•rtion xtureJ h}Ihe lien in a nwnner arrcp�ahle tu l.�:ndcr; (bl contestti in�ood initl�ihe liea <br /> �,,. „Q.. <br /> ,�`�' ' � •�``• • by, ur drfendx a�aimt enfimement uf the licn in, legul prikr�ding+ which in �hr l.ender'� �►pinion operute to prevera the <br /> �:" � ' • `�� ,' enforccrceene oY�hc lien;or Icl+crunw from dx hold�r uf the lirn an agr��cment.uli+li�rtory k� lAnJcr�ulx►niin;itin�t0�c 1�en to <br /> �'� ,.;a�' : � this Secuvny� Inswmem. 11'Lcixlcr Jetennine��hut uny parl ol'�he Pr���:ny i+.uhjert tu a licn which muy uthrin prioriry ov�r -- <br /> •.' -��': � this Securily lnstrumem. (..ender muy Eive Born�µ�r a nutice iJcntifyin�thr 4rn. Hurruwrr�hull ,uti+l'}• the licn ur tuke one i�r - <br /> ••° �a.'� �. ,': — <br /> ' ._ . more of tt�e�ctions aet iunh aixwr wi�hin 10 Juy.uf ihe giving uf in►�i��. - <br /> ;�•r°� ':,�. Form 3028 lfo0 <br /> 'i�:;,: �� v.o.�ae <br />,r', �_. '��:�'�. ;y� -- <br />-=ti': ��!�r�`'' •:�,,'jnt• ' <br />�yY{ ;l ''�} �. .'r"� .� o.�. <br />�„ ` ,'lr�'j�h`J+�i��..l;r• ' ,� , , ,, .., .e. S}�j5� .{ _-� <br /> -� �¢tY1�t �l QS,��..r�tl.•�.'}t bi':• ��i• - � i r. +�• t '(� f' 1 ' v. . '�I•• . h �,` r F{ 1 �R��'.��'� . <br /> �r 5, ; .,..'`.�� f. � . � ��. ��lr�;d�. �2 ,.r .M• ''�/. 7p_e.. .l � rl��A��;:�• � �t`��. 5 '}'+I ���jr..i:�� <br /> 'ba.r`11���"�� n;•r~ • ,'�:'� �S� 1�.�/��t�t{' �a t• �t 't ..^�•i��:ty., r.'+• a <'I ll�� �S4i ..Y`.�5��..r�ti` ._. , . <br /> r3.`�Afi�1F.i�e�W,a.lLfz�::dl�• �es_.Y1 S� �4���1t�t(7ii � !✓':�...J�S."t/.Yl�i.:�r.:��::.a__ <br /> :�,c. . i_ _� - �p. :_`['i,x,,_:--- � • —_ -� -r;i � .iT� . . .. .. - .��..s- � f n - ^!J �1f�[i.w!....4�:a-., <br /> �'a ! ;`y+ �1 Ya ', �'° t . . . 1 �� �{ - , „ . .. 4l.t�d.r�''�Y�"K`{��1�!`�p ` `s`�17��..'"-�'"��� <br /> � . P �� U , ' ; . , i'�f���r� I .�f `�p�'`F3 ' <br /> f 41 n �/ ' v� -' - . �. . - 1 / � 1� ((S � 1 ' ��:r!M1�J . <br /> �� ' �'-�i:�5�iTjv � ti . -Y ,4-v� i�� �t -+ , .� , - . - • ' . • , r- �r\-`A1 �!�I�ti 1�t0.�1'1. , � .�.. ! -.. <br /> h i� �` tl a 3 yyf �ti ) l4'' n r. f r < < <br /> n� � ��'�' :at;: -aY?,�f�„ i � .�i <br />�,97 �za y.� dnf.a�Y�. .f�• � � � - � .. . - r.. '�'�"` • . � � � ' - . <br /> L,�+ , � � �S� . . . . .t`�. <br /> _�. . ° � ' . . , v a' ' �� ,. ' , . . • _. . . ,,1 y }1 , ; <br /> ,�, „ " .:. .. � . . � ��� , i. <br /> .�� ,.f.-�� L� ���..'�lUi1�` ��yl.Yii:'.�w}� �� A Gil,�•:.. .. ....�..:' • ' . f, �,� - h,� �;�.a. •t`�Titi'' 1 t'I ,� <br /> m,�..- . . • • -- - <br /> . . . . � <br /> - � ' �7f�� �wn La-r-a - �. r '- -•r.... l. ••� .� <br /> . <br />� - - �r.,-.� ,-� :-- _ . _� --�__- .� -_---- ^_-• . '-�• y'j--�-----•s^-T !��, --;---�--�-r- -- . --— <br /> �{��L�Ik�jl4all �L ��..r�Aa_�,«sx�t• _j3�d�t .0 •'•t`��� �M, ` � <br /> t' �'-1 ,ti� , � ;,� .''1 y . �,�c ' �"'�"} "}- " '�"yy. ,�.r;,'w��•`;'�1 • <br /> � .., . ,� '�:f�A� ,.,, , �� <br /> �.. . `t' . . � . � � ' . ' ,st•� .. � r,s,.� "'•n•.. . ^ <br /> -S'-' T+�j�,'; '��+� . , ti � , " y' .'y: °.�`� ; ,,,�:�..: ' �. . <br /> ,�... . , .� '� . c� "� "'•:� ,y <br />.. . . O . � . ' ' .. `4. . 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