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,�- j ,. <br /> � � �J� '� _ . �__ _.. .�-,��.-•��.--r. ..-n-. ;S`� <br /> -u.i ,,.t.. }rY f. .l. i� . , r . r .,�C .. . . .... . .. . '�_ . ?t' � . �1. . : ,..-�. <br /> •1 . � - , . <br /> ' . �� . � � .. ��3-it��x . <br /> p�o�uar t..�aa�,e� �n.�aat.r��.�u�o..�a�e��y� a t�e�r� . � <br /> .. �pp�onal�i�tl�ot b aaw wMWild.It annarrar ii�Y a ori�Mdn dacrib�d�1jo+�,�M4q.�r' ' y; <br /> Lwderti op01o�abvia /o p�oMCt Undu1 ti�htt bt dle�ro p w t q 1��qoa�d���p��1ip�M 7. ,. . <br /> a►n+�w r.�p o�a e.�'ro a e w,�.�a�to L r a�e r�a d a i�1 6�o l u d e�i p m d�r�d m a t p�a d�. � - <br /> �nll h�ve d�e t�ht oo►bald d�e polkiw��f teaervaL, t.ender�aquiia.BoROwe��Il p�naiptlY�ivs to L�ander�Il teodpb� ,. � <br /> d p�W proati�i�md ta�ewd aotioer. Ia da evmt d loa�B a t t o�w e r v a U Siv+s pmipt ootsoe w t M i�w c+e�o a m i e r a d <br /> i.wrder. l.aabr nwy mtlta p�oof at loa if ea!t�de P'�P��Y�'!►Ban'o+�c'r � � <br /> ��".� . Unka I�+md Barower ahawi�e yroe in v�b�runu�apooeod�dadl be�ppliai a ro�tarntioa or�eppir of <br /> the d�d.if 1be raroa�ion a�a4 is e000mtio�Hy teuuible �nd l.cnderb�enrity b oa la�ened. Tt d�e <br /> aaq�on ur rop�lr i�nat 000aoimiaally fas�ibla ar L�awktf s�eca�ry vMOUId be leaaied�the hwrNaae pvoeed+rinU be <br /> appliod lo the wm��eaued by thi�Sa�iity�v�rhetl�er a no1 dlai due.witb�ny exoe�p�id W Bomow�er If <br /> ' 8anower�b�ndam the daes aot ata�we�r wlQ�ia 30 d�y�a aatice fYom l.ender tb�t tbe iawt�noe cmic�r Iw <br /> offe�ed w�e1tk a cl�n�tben I.enderary oolleet die inwranoe prooeeds. L.tnder m�y nco the p�voeeds 10 or�tore <br /> u�e rroperty or w py.wn.�a ey`tbis secwity raqnat�nt.wbd�ar noe dkn aue. 7be 30�d�y peeioa �6e�m wben , <br /> die notioe�S g{vaA. <br /> U�las�.ender aad�wer otberad�e�gree in wridn�, any on of pmoeeda w p�irrcipd chaU not exteM or <br /> poupane the due d�to of the moatbly WYraaas�temed w ia p�un�pn�i�pd 2 or ch�n�e tbe anouat of the payn�ena. If <br /> d�m�tho P�iopwty�w t�be+�iogu�oa���w�w the exta��a�ms ra�aued��� <br /> In�t�ument immodi�tely to tho�q�s ition. __ <br /> �'`''� 6. Ooonp�iaay` MiitMais�x aad Protecllw d tie Pk�o�ert�t�Ban+o�wK9 Lo� =° <br /> ;,. <br />- - - _ -- - I.e+�+oidc. Buyiuwer�sli�.estahlWt,snd ace dw Pr�ty+u tfortower'S p:Jac r�s{de.�i,a wiihSn cixtyA tia� � '� '' - <br /> — �he exa�ution of thi�Sa.�urity Iaia�u�eM m�d ch�ll ooetlnae w occul,ry the Pro�paty as Bamwerh principal residence fa�t �� • <br /> least ar�a yeu aRa the d�te of oocupancy. unless I.ender atberwise tgtas ia writing. whkh cooasent sb�ll aat be � . '.����.: � <br /> _ �pmrawnably wld�he�d,oc unles�estenwuing cireum�noa exist which arc beyaid Ba�wa1�oonnol. 8arower shall oot � • _ <br /> — destroy.demage ar impair the Phnperty�Wlow tde Propaty to deterionite.or commit wavte an tha Property Borrower siwU -- <br /> ,.��,r�• 6e in defwlt if any fort'eiwre su�ian or procaeding,w1�U�er clvil ar criminai.i�begun tUat ia L.endal�good faith judg�oaM <br /> ,�,�� couW�ewlt in forfeiture of tho PiopeAy or atherwlse materially impair the lien crwed by �his Security Inswmenl aa <br /> --= l.ader�security interes� Borrnwer mAy cute such a default�nd providod in patagraph causia�tbe actiaa , <br /> � " =-= a procaeding w bo dismissed with a ndin�that,in Lenderk�ood faith determination.P�ecl�des fafeitu�c of tbe Banowet�s � �'_ <br />'� � interrst in the Pmperty or other m�terial impaimYnt of the lieo craated by this Socurity InsWment or Lsnder�s security - <br /> , ------- interest. Botmwer shall �Iw 6e ia defiwlt if Ba�ower. duriag tha lo�n applicatian process. $ave materially false or., � =_ <br /> ��._ _ • <br /> _�.�«:r;���,�, �� inaccurate informadon or st�terr�ts w Lender(ar failed to provide t:ender wlth any material Infomwtlon)ln connectian with <br /> ��fr:�y„'+7��`���i t6e loan evideoced by the Note. including. but not limited to.�p�esenteda►s ca�ceming Bormwer'b axupsurcy of�t�e <br /> -- �^ ' �sct. df stcr:S�cssri Irut�smtssi is azs a}:aselald.Sorsawa sl:s!!ram ! �.isls s!!she I' � �. <br /> __ _ -,— _ -.i -�� =Y P Y " Fsavis3�� -_ <br /> `,.��,� . ' e;,� ., ogf t�e If Bomowe�acquires fee dqe w the P�operiy.the leaselwld and the fee titk shall not mer�e unkss[.erder a�es • -_ <br /> '.+},•,• wthe merger in wridng. <br /> .�,,k��c_e�.., � ,.,.f:'�� J , 7. Protectbu of l.eader's IliQ61s ia the Prope�ty. If Borrower fafls to perform the cavenants w�dl agraments <br /> �• �• contuined in thls Security laswment, or there is a legal ptoceeding that may significantly affect l.ender�s rights in the _ <br />..� �i.��y Property(such as a procealing in bankruptcy,�e.for condemaation or forfeitwe or to enforce lows or regulatfons).then _ <br /> Y`�'l!� Lmder may do and pay for whatever is neccssary to protoct the v;�9ue of the Property and Lender�s rights in the f'roperty. -- <br /> Lender`s acdons may include paying eny aums securcd by n lien which has priority over this Security Insuumen�appesuing <br /> ,Y, in coun,paying reasonable attomeys'fces end entering on 1he�nperty to make rcpairs.ANhaugh Lender mny wke action <br /> wider this parngraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. _ <br /> �'� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shull become additional debt of Borrower secured by this - <br /> Security Insttument. Unless Borrower tuid Lender agree to other terte�.of payment,thesc amounts shall bear intercst from the �� <br /> y ! date of disbutacment et thc Note rate and shall be payabk.with in�t�ercst.upon notice from Lender to Borrower renuesting <br /> 'r.,.: . PeYmenl. ��- <br /> �, .. ,�;�_, , 8. Mortgage[nsu�nce. U Lender rcquired mortgagc insurance as u condition uf making the lonn secured by this =- <br />_ � � � •� , Security Instniment, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to,maintain the mortguge insumnce in effect. If, for any � <br />'`��� r, reason, the mortgage insutance coverage ►�equired by Lender lapses or ceuses to be in effect. Borrower shull pay the �, <br /> --�'�.��::;,t. premiute+s aequired to obwin wvera�e substandally equivalent w the mongage insurance previously in a cost — <br /> `� �1 8 8 P Y � 8 8 .,,.. <br /> .akvy�;t.�►'..., .-•?'.•. substantiA0ly uivaleni to the cost to�nrrower of the mort a a iosurance reviousl �n effect,fz•om on altemate mort a e <br /> � � � '� • inFUrer approved by Lender. If substantially equiv�lent mortgage insurancc coverage is not avAiluble,Bomowcr shnll pay to -° <br /> ',;;i�,��;;;,::��...:��.t ' , --�: <br /> ��,�;:,: ., , Lender each month a suaa equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insurance premium heing paid by Borrower when�he <br /> . �.?, <br />��._••' - •• i inaurance coverage lapsec!or cea�ed to be in effect. Lender will uccept,use und retain these payments as A loss reserve in Iku �;� <br /> - ' � ^�:, of mort a e insurance. l.os�reserve ments ma no lon er be re u�red,at the o uon uf Lender,ff mort e e insurance <br /> ��'�-'; ;. R � PaY Y � Q � P� B 8 ` <br />=� -- �..�,t; covernge(in the amaunt and for the period thut Lender requires)pravided by un insurer opproved by Lender again becomes =°= <br /> �'.;� Y ��z available nnd is obtained.Borrower shnfl pay the premiums required to maintain mangage m.urun:e in effect,or to pruvide a v�=` <br /> �' • • ���t�,+;� ' loss reserve,until the requiremem for morlgage in�unnce ends in accordunce with�ny written agreement beta�een Borrower �`�� <br /> �{�r# . <br /> ��'-'��t�,+''�t` �`' ;�.,'�s, and Lender or applicable l�w. G� <br /> ����l,�<' ���� �•.�::=. "' 'r � 9. Ins lion. Lender or its u ent mu make reusonuble rMries u �``= <br /> J,�� pec g y pon und inspections of Ihe Proptrty, Lender shall <br /> cj�; ., -- -;*� givr Bunuwer nulice ul Ihc Iiwe uf u�priu� tu un iva�ecliun��;ifyiiaz�easu�taLle�du�r fo� tl�e iu+peclim�. �: <br /> ': �:;'ry=.. _ '• „:; 10. Coademaotfop. The proceeds of any awnrd or claim for c�amages,direct or conmeyuential,in connection with any p��� <br /> ;' tt 1 �t', <br /> �,'; � Sia�le Famfly--Flwak ModFYtddk Mac UNIFpItM INIZTRUMF:NT••Uniform Covenan�a 9/9Y �puKe.i aJA puRts� <br /> ts �,�. Graic Wei 8omuax Fater.lx.■ ��•: <br /> R+: � � , 1b 0eM CW�tiiP63PY0i7 0 PAX{IifYl•1131 i�,-.. <br /> Y��• �����'.•�+�4; , , �i•�- <br /> ��J..,;}- • ,jt�, ���=- <br /> _ 'v: S'Y,,{ • <br />_�' �n :�'-i ,t�i ,,;. � �` <br />�� �' 4� .Irj� �c• °. - . � • 1 . .. �•�.h �� .� - . ._. . � -. � :'[. �� � <br /> .�� �ti��I,� '�.��, . . ..i 1i -, •' :'..(t�. ,I, V: � � .. . . .,•... .�.:.. , �CCI ... " . .::� °.. 1 .i ?.s�;, � . <br /> .�� . . ,If,, ��1 • <br /> ;y�l; .� � . <br /> . 1Ftit. �"•i L�Il'1Sr����v. 8 _ t 1 -- ,}. {' b.lG.,..��,.e_y!;_ <br /> _�n,:, ,ii�atl�n,. ��.r ti�it�n1,,L_31 L��.�tn'� .,�r�i��.�1h�i►ulff.�'� �,er��r��f.�,r3E,t_���- <br /> ,1 .=t,,... .--- •v w -�-�si -- -�; ��lY ` , . -- -'�•-., . `� - -- TT-T- �e•-�•,-�,-ri_-, .--•,.�•jr` .�r _ . .lr ��_. <br /> 4 :;:, > � � r;k � , • . �� ` '� <br /> i ?�,^.� � �� ;i i 4 l �'li1,l��r� ' i ,. , • . . 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