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� , , . <br /> -- n. ' � - r•�t�'�.' - . , . �T . ..}; . , .. _,_,-"�-4�k'.Yt ---- ... _ . ._ �. � t �' [_. _— <br /> ► ti1r T7 rM <br /> . � . __ <br /> .'____.._..._�.._. ' .. .. q _ � . ,, .. . .'�.:. '�_�•Fr . S. , .�� . ' . :'�� v :.'.'i. �� . '!C`�+t..�,� <br /> .. � ' ' . � � . . . � �l-- <br /> �t% „ . • . . ' � . � �� .� .•- <br /> , •Vtiiqirtin� �1��i '�Yl�i IWW a uww�K7�011 1�10��I����i�r ,. <br /> wd�twies�w+ar�a prt d tD�o p�opaty. All�wd addUim��11 dw bo coveed bY 3�w'14► _ <br /> . t�waea. iw aruwrar�o�a�a�erraa a w a�s.a�►t�m�«u�e-�opa+y.M ° � .. � .-t.: <br /> ea�eROweR caveN�rs uu�eoao�«��►n�py�.ea or we awe e�y�o�ea.00 w+���� <br /> . apd oonvey the pAro aty Mtd dwi ti�e PnoQmty b uaencumbarod�e�toapt fa ancmn6anoa of recad. �amwa w�n�a1!a�d <br /> wJU dd�ad,a�enJly aia dtb�o�he Pr�apaty�iaa.0 wim�.na awna�a�.sue,jea w.oy awaun6nnoa d�ecad. <br /> 7'HIS SFuCURI1'Y MS7R�1M8NT oombino� unitana cov�en�tNt for mntMn�l u�e �ud non-raifana oor�wMs�vU4 . <br /> ���°'°-..-.-�_°.-,°. limked v�r�tiono by juri�dict�an 10 conctiwte a w►ifom�securlty i�rwnent rnvainII n�al p�npeHy. <br /> UNq�ORM�pVENAN7'S, 8a�ownr aud I,ender oova�utt wd agroe+w foNowr: <br /> p�r�t dPri�dpd aNd IMer�tti+�Wloe�t and l.*te C'Iu�Ra. Bormwa�Il p�o�aptl!p�Y wha�due da <br /> ' 1� of md inte�est aa the debt cv{denced by the iVote�nd�Y P�P�f►n�t u�d IWe cha�a due unde�the Nwe. <br /> ��tor 71u�es aud Iawra�ca Sub�ect to+�ppUcabk I�w or a�writtcn waiva by L.ender.Batrwver�luill p�y a <br /> I.rnder ao t6e d�y�nootNy paymaus a�e duo wawix We No1e.aadl the Nao is paid in fuN.�sum l"F�udA")for.(�)Y�Y <br /> taxa tnd�ses�mcnu widd�ny�y atqan pia�i�y�'�is So�iq►Iaw�umet►t aa a Ibn on tho Ptoperty:(b1 YeaNY IcaKtwid <br /> � �� payma�ts a gro�ard rmts m�'1Pfcqpaty. if ony• (c)lre�xlY mzrd a prnpeny insur�nca p�emiuou: (d) yau1Y Qood <br /> ia.wranoe pemiums.�E �oy:(c1� y�aaT!�mo�p{ge inswaiaoe prem�ume.i�any; and (fl+m9 siatu P�9abk by 13arnwer to <br /> . �.CAdlT��Q iCCO1�1�C VYWI fI1C�T4�\JBI�Of�1'�8.�II��CII O�1�1C�llqRlil Of 111011��gC �IISUt�11C0 pfE111�YmS. 1�5E <br /> ��dlif�1E p��"�4Cf0�11t�IEy11$.~ l.C!/dtr lil�y�7R iD�{'I�IOC.C'O�IDCt#O��1D��B�II A11711qO111U IMt(O CX��OOd 1�I�Nj074� <br /> anwu�u a l�nder Pa�a fioder�lly nWed matg�� :.�a may�equite for Bonow�rk escrow acccwnt urdcr� fideial IGaI <br /> ' Fstate Settleatent Plr000�du�es Act of t974 as amere�ed fi�at�Wnc w time.l2 U.S.C.�26U1 tt se�q.("RESPA").unless aoodkr <br /> Iaw tAal�PP�to the f�wds sds a k�er�noup� If w.L.ender m�Y.u amr time.colloct and Add Funds in�ivaount na w <br /> ' excad!he lesscr�moum. I,ender maY�timue the anwuat uf Raids A�e m Ihe baris vf cunrnt d�ta�ad re�wmbte " <br /> ._���T«-_—..� <br /> eswa�tes of expendiamea of fwune�vcrpw Items or otUerwlse in acco�dance with apQlicable law. <br /> � 71�e FLnds sbaill be.heW in am institution �tiha�e depucits are insurcd by a foderal agcncy. instruma� entiry <br /> c ' (includjng L,tnder.if Ir�der is such an institution)or in any Federal Hane[.oan Bank. I.ender shall apply�he fiuds w P�Y <br /> ��; the Fsc�ow Items. l.eaeier mapr �at Charge Borrower for holding and applying the FuMs.annually analyaing the escrow <br /> °{ -- ,,, �ccoun�ar verifying Ux fsscrow I[eiq.s. unless I.ender paya Bortower inta�est on the Fi�nds and applicabk law pemiits <br /> i,ender to nwice such a chargo. kic�ever.Lender may reqw�Bomower to pay a one-tir�c�hargc for an indepa�dent rcal <br /> estau ta�c neporting sen►ia use.�by IGa•mder in co�nection with this loan.unless applicaWe IAw provides oti�erwlse. Unless An <br /> a�reement is made or opplicabie law roquires iat�rest w be paid.Lender shall not be required w pay Borrower any inte�st ar <br />.,,�. eamings on the Rawis. Aorrower and l.ender iqati agree in writing.however.that interest shall be paid an ti�r Funds. Lrnder _ <br /> -= shap give to Bortower. without►annun9��counting of the Pbnzis,showing crcdlts and debits to the Funds r�►d tlie -- <br /> __ pmpose for which each debit to the Wnds was mac�. 7be Fuads are pledged as addittonal r�ecurity for a10 sums�urod by �. - <br />-- • this Sccuriiy Insdurnent. � <br />_�; - ii�i��� ��i+tby Let�zr�rc�v3 tFR amaunts per:a9ttcd ia be htld by applica�!e lsw. s�A!! acsrunt to - <br /> kA <br /> Bomower for tl�c enceKS hLnds in accordance wiih�he requiremems of applicable law. U 1he anwunt af�R�e Fisnds laeld by ' <br /> ` �S': I.ender at any�ime es airn sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.l.ender moy so notify 8orrow�er in wridng.and.ln � •- <br /> �„ • <br /> �y� �:�;�:+, such case Dornowrt st��ll pay to Lender the amoont neccssary to make up the defkie�cy. Borrower sha41 make up the <br /> �'�� �:�''� s•;, deficiency in no more than twelve momhly I.ender�sole discretion. <br />�+���, ;� . t r^��F•; Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security Insaument, Lender shell prumptly refund a Borra+w�er su+y _. <br /> { , -�. '••.-•.r.�,;'. - <br />=- � �' Funds held by Lender. If,under puragraph 21,l.ender shAll acquire or sell the PropeAy.Lender,prior to the ac�uisltioa or _ <br />'.;:,;,�.,,•�n;�S �'�' '` sale of the Properi;,y,s�sall apply any Funds held by L.ender At the time of s►cquisition or sale as a credit against the sums �._ <br /> .;:'• '!��::{�' secured by this Security Inslrument. _ <br /> - '�'• 3. Application of P�ymepts. Unless upplicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by L.ender under � <br /> paragrsiphs I and 2 shall be appited:first,to nny prep�yment charges due under the Nae:second,to nmounts payable under _ <br />,u;, � •� ri <br /> � J�'��''"`��, '• paragruph 2;third,to interesl due; principal due;and laxt,ta any late chnrgeti due under the Note. <br />"'�' 4. Cbor�es; Lieas. Borrower shall pny all laxes, us.�essments. charges, fines and impositions atuibumble to thc <br /> ���'� '• Property which may attnin priority over this Securiry Instrument.and leasehold puyments or ground rents,if uny. Borrower d <br />:�<�;� �; ':, shall pay these obliga�ions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not{wid in thut munner,BoROwer shall pay them on � <br />,_.� d�;,.. ' time direcdy to 1he per�an owed payment. Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lendcr utl noticeti of amounts to be pAid under z <br /> _ ,�..,,•.'r#i,`'j,`• .;;. this�aragtaph. If Bmrower muhes ihese payments directly.&�rtower shall prompdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing 6 <br />..., �R�;�` '_.F•`•.°. thepagm.�nts. <br />�:`'�i �R» �....; �•• $ormwer sha'�1 promptly dixchaKge nny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unkss Bomower.lA)agmes = <br /> `',�S'r 3 h ' ` in writing to tl�e p�ayme rn af the obfigalion secured hy the lien in A manner acceptable to Lender.(h)contests in gaod faith the _ <br /> �...T.;� ,. <br />,;�,¢ �s ~•"="' �'- � lien by,or defend� against enforcement of the lien in.leg�l praceedings which in the Lenderk opinion operule to prevent 1he = <br /> , ,..... <br />`,'f l' �''�.::.��!` ,#,3'.::::" -- <br /> �,, �,•�' enforcement of Ihe lien;or(c)secures from Ihe holder of the lien un agreement satisfactory to Lender�ubordinating the lien - <br /> .,,._,»���: •. , to this 8ecudty Instrumcnt. If l.endcr determines that uny pun of the Prapeny is subjecl to•r licn which may utmin priority __ <br />- u;�,` over this Seeurtty Instrument,Lemcler may give Borrower u�otice identifying thc licn. BoRawer shall sutisfy 1he lien or take _ <br /> `,�;�_ i • one or more of the actio�set fon�:above within 10 duys of the giving of natice. - <br /> p �`- "�.Y::.' . <br /> �'•• �, , �:.�'p�► : 5. Haz��d crr Ptoperty InsurAnce. Borrower shall kc�p the impm��cments now existing or hereafter erected on the �,,. <br /> ;:f, �;, �, • ., . ..•�;r_„� Property insured ugainst loss by�re,huznrds includeJ within the term"exacr.:Eed covcr�ge"unci uny other hazard�,including 'E <br />,_;' ,;;;h;;�;,�. tloods or flooding. for which Lender requires insurence. Thix insurnnce sball be maimained in ihe aunoun�s und for the __ <br /> '"�';',;i°yr lT'�;+'r: ` <br /> � a � � �:.. <br />' �'�, f 1 `ii'�E�`,iiIt�o:1•1'� ' Forw JDtr 9l9Y f paRe 2 oJ A pugetl <br /> 'S �. 't�.f�. . :- <br /> �� ,_ . "�' `_, <br /> !'� <br />. l� - <br /> I — <br />, q•.. ' - <br /> ti � � �4�, . � ' . .. , . . . 4' 91J��..�ln'::'{; j(f}�hl�d� I�' _ <br /> '� . �J.. , X� : 4 �`� ��. <br /> t;? ;�:;,: :'�.,` �• . .. y` = f `�,',;.,•. ��•, � . <br /> „ •,�,��, 1 ,,.. <br /> -.-�i�i '.2 ��. �.... �. �;,.F�L � .�; ,r. �..v._���4�dc�4��i��\@��"rf��,.`t,..•S.*e���txtl�'^:t�. _ih7[_'ih'�,:1.'1�.4f.�`_"��_, <br /> .;��` , .�; � _f R� ��'•; ' , _ , - ' � -- , .—: •------ -�-1 —-. - - , --_. • `-_ <br /> "� ;�' .oL'�y � . •; . . _ . , <br /> � ,� a .,�.��a.5r{..� , a}l4FM�°"'"- - . ' . . . <br /> i 1,.. . .dN� ,. •.� . ' . -. ' <br /> `.(" t.. ''l: . .. . !1 � . . . <br /> .. \' 'V.•. ,: t1/�b -.h�. ��, . - . . . . <br /> � _—'��'j :.� � ,� ur••. , �. .. ,•". .•�i���' .� •� .. u ' • � . �� ' . ,. ` ` V � .� . � . <br /> � .1►)r21�S V'� _ .�,t:�• ,1'... 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