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<br /> � � �I � 1�Ni+i��_' +r+.�. �+����r�,.r�enr�►sr�ll�+�r� ',: .
<br /> , .�y•T �� r— --_... _ ... ._
<br /> 1
<br /> ..,� �a,,, --t.-
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<br /> � ....MYI�Y� �_�._. «„� -_-__..__.__, ,_..r...v... ..
<br /> -•.drrr.�- _.. - --- - _-.
<br /> . , 91- 102395 -
<br /> .. . �
<br /> . f.G,,o....tae AoaiMl�lo.of Der,.
<br /> ,:. � � (�)p��11.[.cnder uu�y.eacept a Umlted bY rei�lo�u��by the Seaetay ia the ca�e of paymeat defwl�,rcqulra
<br /> �?.��.,__�.
<br /> upmedWe paymeat ia fu0 of�Il�uma iecwod b7 ihir Sxvdty laqrument if: -
<br /> - ,; ;� . ,',.. (�Borrower det�ulta by hilin�to p�y in tull�ay moathlY P�Y��ro9uired by Ihi�Secudty In�trument prior to or on �°�
<br /> ;�';;;i:'�-f�� ; � - the due date ot the next moathlY p�yment. or
<br /> . .�'�'•` ' " `� (ih BorroMer datRUlts by Uflia4,Por�perlod of thirty daY�,to perform aeY otha obll�tion�comdned in thi�Secudty _�-_-
<br /> . '� .:,,:,i:y;.��� lortrumant. oftheSecreury,roquire =- —
<br /> ' • �------�,.� l�)s.�ww�u�ac,+eaa�•�snan,ir�a�aby.�p��wa�awa�d�p�.�o.�,�
<br /> •:? � ia�medifte pymeot in IWl or�ll We am�:ecuied y 1fd� SecurbY Inmumut if: �_ - -�-_- -
<br /> h l.: --
<br /> }.i�...• � i�'.:-�,
<br /> �,,• (i)All or put of the Pro�eaty i�ahenviae aansfared(ahu tF�a bY davl�e or desant)bY Bo�°wer � . �-
<br /> �`l ' nnpo�'re,yide� purrJ�e� --
<br /> .i �•��� r : M•I1�e prap�Ky i�not ocxuplea uy the purc�s«or Qraatee a hii ar ner{►dmrtr a °t��e secreurrr �5=� --_.�_._—._
<br /> -- -�.,r°.��:.._i._ �����,�p�y but bit a her cradit ha�nat bew�p�ovod in a000�droe wi�A�+e re�i�noMa �.=":_,.,_-,-
<br /> ---- . � �
<br /> �e.�
<br /> t ia tull.bue Lender aot ,'�':�
<br /> ,. ... � .
<br /> (c1 Ne WY�.1Pcircumstanas occur Uut would permit Lender to requin iarmediAte paf�o �:�•�.�._
<br /> _�:.��: . . .'' '. � ._ - -,_ -----
<br /> =_=_- ';:::,;.��t;�.:,':::•,:�? teQwre auch psytaeats.Lender doa not waive its riRhts witb raDa'���b�4�e�veata. �,__--
<br />_�".°°` . 1��R�e�d M i�t�t f111D Secrel�R•[n mu►y clrcumsttarces re�ulwtiow issued by the Secret�7r wiG limit Len.ier'a mgMs,in _
<br /> '`�'"� ' , Ihe c�se of p��medt de6au14�.tiv m-'Quire immediate ps�ae�iN iuU aad foroclose if not pxid.7'his Security In:trument do�s N
<br /> ;,�, nnt�nWorite�ooekr�ti�a.w fa:�eclosurc if aot yamitted by rrsuWions of the 3aretary. -'j�� L���;�
<br /> /l��� __1�1r�L'}i�1� (, _ '_
<br /> - :`�O' 1t'fillll.'r�T, � Y ,'�5..
<br /> ,�,�,,r p.��+t. �1atr4„�hu A daht to ee �einstated if Lender hw required immedia[e payment Ia full becuuse aY
<br /> ..x�:��� • ' ��h�'r �orrawa's f+Wwte ir pAy+►n amauat due under t6e Nae or this Secudty Insuument.This dght appUa even after tomlosure _':��,,,-,�- —
<br />�"'='• - �� ' � ' ue inmhtuted.To rrinatate th�Securhy Irotrument,Borrower:haU tender In�lump sum all amounts required to -"""°`"
<br />`�"� ^ ��,s`..��'��� er�I�g�wu•s account cunrnt includin�,to�ha extent they arc obUaaUont af Bortower uoder this Security Insuumcnt, _=—=- --�
<br /> 'i�;•t;a �'`��,�li� -:�r r rl assoclated with the torcclosure T.° �
<br /> � � foreclo9ure co�b aad raaonnble aad customary attorneyr'i fea and expeaces p ope Y L�►;_�:.-
<br /> `: � '• d''%���Hr�''�n proceedina,Upen rclnetatemeat by earrower,thisSecu�ity Instrument and tha obligxdons that it secura sholl remain in effect as ,,5�_-___
<br /> '� �`'�',`��: �.`' `� �� , it l.enda had aot rcquiral imme�la�e payrt►ent i�tuil.However.I.ender is not teyuired to permit reinstmtcment iC:(i)4endcr hsu a`���,
<br /> .r!�,�1Li� �;{r -.....«......-
<br /> ����... �,.+, aocepeed rcinsWtement after the commepcement ot toreclosura ptoceedlnps withia two yeara immediately praedin4 the " +�� s---•
<br /> � ° commencement of a curreat forecbsure proceeding� M reinstatement wIU proclude toreclosure on diiferent Qrounds in the =--- -
<br /> =':`,,;; : y:;.`aS'�:•:•��. Puturo. or(iU)reinttalement will advusely aifect Ihe pdodty of the Ilen crwted by thi�3ecurity Instrument.
<br /> _ "1� •����+��?ayi��a• „ �1,Borrower Not Reks�edi Per6eu�a Bs 1R�da Not�R'dver.Exten�ion of the tfine of payment or modific�tion of ���;_��—
<br /> ' �^r� • unoniz�Uan of tha sumt aecu�ed by thls Sccudty Instrument granted by Lcnder to Any succauor in intercst of Borrower�h�ll not --�,. ..�u:�_,-:_
<br /> � oper�te to relase the II�biUty of the odgi�ul Borrower or Bonower's succeisor in intercat. Lender ahell not be rcquired to • • �-�
<br /> � � � commenx prooeedinpa aQain�t any succe�sor in(nterest or roiuse to eutend tima for payment or otherwice madify amonintion , `�,,:, �-;,
<br /> '���� at the su� sceured by t1�s Socudty InsuumeN by rwson of�u►y demnnd made by the original BoROwer or Borrower's � ':``,;.,4 --
<br /> _ - ��-•�—•'���'=�}��-_� suc�su�r*in interat. Any forbearance by l,eoda in acerci�ing aay�I�ht or ramody ahall nol be a waiver of or preclude the �,.. .,,
<br />_ .� -. �;. .�.;...,,.
<br /> �s•:-.'�, . eaerciee of any rf4ht o�remedy. ,�;�..-.�
<br /> •,.,,:�,�''i�:;�. . ���y�:
<br /> ,, ,,,,.
<br /> , � ., , . . �2.grocmors pnd A�djos Bop�di Jolot wd Sevenl I1a6Wty�Co•SlQaen.The covenan!s and agteemenls of this Security "�},�•'��•.:itf��,-
<br /> ' Inarumrnt�hall bind and benefft the suoces:ors and aaslg�u of Lender and Bonower,subJect to the provlslons of paragraph 9.b.
<br /> ' Borrower's covenants aad agreemeuts shell be jdnt and severel.Any BoROwer who co•sign�this Socurity Ins�rument but does '`+,�:;,.,,�..��.7•` �
<br /> not executc the Note:(A)(c co-signing lhia Securlty Inslrument only to mongaBe,grant and canvey tha�Borrower's interat in _
<br /> y, . the Property under the terms of thie 5ecu�ity Instn►ment:(b)Ic not penon�lly obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security �{;�_��..
<br /> Inttrumrnt; and (c) agrces that Lender and any aher Borrower may agree to e�tend, modify, forbear or rtuke any � ,�
<br /> � aocommadation�with reQard to the tetm of this Security Inittument or the Note without thet Borrower's consent. • �r ,-,-s..
<br /> - � 13.Nodca.Any notice to Borrower provlded for in�hi�Saurity Instrument shall be�iven by delivering it or by msiUng it by , � _ �:
<br /> , . first cl�ss mrU unless applicable law requires use af anatha method.The notice shaU be directed to the Properry Address or any �
<br /> other address Borrower des ignuta by no t ice t o L rn d e r.A n y n o t i c e t o I.e n d e r s h a l l b e g l v e a b y t i r s t cl a ss ma�l to Lender•s addras I
<br /> •.�, Y suted he[eln or aay addras Lendn designa�es by notice to Borrawer.Any noNce provlded for in this Secu�ity 1n:trumrnt ahaU -..xe_.'
<br /> � � � be doemed to hn�a been�iven to Borrower or lmder when�iven a:provlded in Ihis parag�apfi. .. �'
<br /> �. ,,:..
<br /> , _ r� ,�.;.:t_
<br /> ,.�..t f.1._
<br /> „ -; ,fr j;;,� � , 11.Co�ing Law;Se►enbillly.This Security Instrument shall be governed by Federal law aad the law of'thc judsdicNoa in �.•••• �•�,rt- _
<br /> ��,',� wNch Ihe Properiy is located.ln the event that any provis(on or clsuse of this Secunty Instrument or the Note conflkts wi�b a� �,��.��
<br /> �: ' ` C � cabte law,such confllct shall not affect other provlsions of thls Security Instrument or the Note which can be vea eBUeci ,%;
<br /> '.i,, •
<br /> ,5,..,.;,:f' Pd
<br /> ..3�•;r� ;.. rrlthout the conNctinQ provlsion. To this end�hc provicions of thi�Secudty Inatnunent and the Note ore d to be ��,;.••,•. •
<br /> :`,ij��,:;�'�.. ��,���Y:.^�;�._
<br /> ,.�.��
<br /> severabte. ,,r,.,
<br /> sI.Jti,.���;��-
<br /> y , ' 1S, gun�ow�a`s Copf.Borrower sh�ll be glven one mnformed copy of this Security Instrument. �.• •'� •-�
<br /> ��','.� . .. � •� t����-;;,:..
<br /> ,. v �' , l6.Aalpmnt ot Ite�ts.8onower unconditiopolly usigns end transk�s to Lendcr all tAe renu aad tevenun oi the Property. ,�r�;��'.`ti;�+,�__.
<br /> • ,;�;..,i t. �.,-,
<br /> � 8onvwer authorius Lender or Lender's agents to collect the renu and revenua and haeb�cl�rens each tenant of the Property 1,,•.:,,,�;;,,;,� , .-
<br /> '"��s;�"��}; to pay the rents to Lender or Lender•s agents.However,pric►r to Lender's notice to BorroMal�!Borrower's breach of any cova ,�• •.����.�����..��s--
<br /> .!'• ,'<,;'�'; t•�1' '. � .
<br /> }k,�;.;�� non t or a g r e e m e n t i n t h e S e c u r i t y In strument,Borcowe�shall collect end rcceive all rcnu aat3 r:��enues of the Propeny as trusta �,±'i,,�r;,,.��:��,r'.T
<br /> � �:�•4:: � ',y��j''; � for the beneSt oi Lender pnd 8orrower.This assignmcnt of rcnts constitutes an absolute ax+ignment and not an assi�nment for ,, ..
<br /> �:�;r. ' i`•�•� n oddltionel aecurity only.
<br /> •••�C�';'�t•":- It l.ender Qiva aotice of breach to Borrower.(a)all rcnts received by Borcower shall be heid by Horrower as tntstee for benefit �
<br /> .''t'.. , :`u>:,�..
<br /> . ,�•;;�,1::.;,�•,„�� ot L:nder only,to be appi�ecl tc+c1x sums secured by the Securit�lnstniment•(b)Lender shail be smitled to colleci and receive all
<br /> :{'•>,!j,'";�'!;!' of�:Me rents ot the Propmy;ACd'w[:1 each trnant of the Propert�shall paY all rcnts due�nd uepaid to Lender or Lender's a�ent ;
<br />��. , • +. �', .•. . on�be�der's written dema��t rtv r.'rr�eenant.
<br />� . �• , .�;ti�„ti:{�:
<br /> i.:,: • . y%;l�r....r ,• .
<br /> �• �q, 0o�rower has aa eaautai arty�+rior ass�gn.rrea,t ot the unts and has nos u�d will not perform ony aet that wou prevent
<br /> • ' ��°� r;;'�S'�,.� , . Leqder from exer.zsieg i�s nghcs under th����r�caph t6. •
<br /> ,:�., ,
<br /> � ' ���`� �'��'r�i� " 4 ender shafl not be requ�red�o enter upon.�a�e control ot or maintain�he Propetty befax�-atter g��ing notice of breach to
<br /> "' • ���}���� '�,`� B�,�xawer.However,Lender or�1�dKia11Y apDam�ed receiver may do w at any eime thcre:�.r Traach.Any applicadan ot rents
<br /> .;1•,•',
<br /> ',,. �,hatl not cure or waive any dctau[t or mvwdate�ny otha nyht or remedy at Lender_ihi�a.,.c�nmmt of rents of the Property
<br /> y,
<br /> � � ehaU tetminate ahen the debt secured by the Savrity InMn�m¢nt is paid in futl.
<br /> i
<br /> ,;,•==:;;� ,
<br /> ,:.ti,. ,
<br /> . ,... ..
<br /> � ,
<br /> I'ore�nl� �
<br /> i . �
<br />